Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 521:  Secret Library

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In the morning light, there were flames and wolf smoke almost everywhere in the Unicorn Castle. However, as the battle progressed towards the interior of the castle, and the strength of resistance became weaker and weaker, the sound of the battle in the fort gradually became smaller. It's just that this castle no longer has the classic elegance of the past, like a beautiful woman with her clothes torn, embarrassed in every way. Suddenly, waves of fire blasted from a room in the castle!

The waves of fire are like pillars, and this sky fire rushes up continuously, and after a while, it gradually disappears.

The ceiling of Daniel's study was almost lifted by the flames, and the room was filled with hot and thick smoke, and the smoke was billowing and spreading towards the surroundings. In the dust and smoke, a figure retreated awkwardly. When the thin body guard was on the ground fire, he flew back with all his strength, finally avoiding the frontal impact of the ground fire. He was still in shock, when a person suddenly appeared in the thick smoke ahead, it was Alan.

Allen dragged a few white heat waves, his eyes with bright red pupils were calm-excellent-excellent-small-said-updated-new-most-fast-waveless, clearly reflecting the thin figure.

Qian Junshang didn't know when it was dyed with a blackish yellow light, and the black knife was like a charred carbon stick and smoked. Allen swiped his knife and swept away with an ordinary sweep. Qianjun pulled out a yellow halo and spread it gently in the air. The thin man bounced with two knives in his hands, staggered towards Qianjun, trying to suppress Allen's offensive. Behind him, the fat guard had already rushed. As long as he stopped Alan for a while, he could join forces with his companions to fend off the enemy.

But when Qian Jun swept the double knives in his hand, the thin man suddenly felt wrong. The hair on his head stands upright and all the cells in the body are screaming, which is a sign of extreme danger. So in his sight, he first saw his two knives burst together. The opponent's sword was obviously rough, but his double sword seemed to have been slashed by the sharpest blade, and the fracture was extremely smooth, with a piece of metal that was instantly heated with red light.

Following a rush of heat across the body, the pupils of the eyes behind the skinny mask widened. Holding a short knife in his hand, he walked back repeatedly, and walked straight back for a few steps, before suddenly a wave of fire spurted from his chest, and the man fell to his knees. There was blue smoke all over, and he was dead.

Upon seeing this, the fat guard screamed and wanted to escape.

Allen fell heavily and threw it at the guard like a javelin. Qianjun traversed a dark and full-bodied track in the air, and the guard screamed, summoning his energy to raise the big shield. But Qian Jun, like piercing a piece of paper, passed through the large shield under the protection of his source force with great ease, and plunged half of the blade into his chest. The thick plate armor on the chest also did not play a half-protective role.

There was a strange noise in the fat guard's throat, and a flame suddenly exploded from behind the mask. Fly the metal mask and burn the face of the guard beyond recognition.

Although these two are the elite trained by Daniel, how can they be better than Allen's inch of fire. That overbearing killer move that kills the Demon Insect Queen in one hit, even if it is an incomplete version, is not something that two guards can afford.

Allen walked to the fat guard's body, pulled Qian Jun, and looked at Daniel's son. Angte's hands and feet tremble, sweat is raining. Touched by Allen's gaze, he subconsciously yelled and slashed with his sword. Allen straddled and made Unter cut a gap. He waved his hand on the back of the young master's neck, knocking him out.

At this time, a mountain king soldier rushed in. Allen threw Unter to one of them and said: "Watch him, don't let him run."

Then he looked at the other person in the study.

Walls sat down, staring at the two dead bodies on the ground dumbfounded. He also knows the two guards. The strength of the two is still higher than that of the captain of the guard that protects the castle, and they work together to add more power. But just like this, he died in Allen's hands, and Walls would never believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Suddenly it went dark, and he raised his head, and Allen with his back facing the sun was left with only a black outline. In particular, the heavy knife, which was still emitting smoke and heat after using an inch of fire, made Walls feel terrified. Walls screamed like a girl, using his hands and feet together, he stepped back and shouted: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"You can't kill you, but how can Mr. Walls repay me, a filthy, **** intruder?" Allen squatted down so that Walls could see the bright smile on his face.

But the brighter Alan's smile, the more frightened Walls looked. But he heard that things were still turning around, and immediately jumped up and hugged Alan’s legs and said: "My lord, please forgive my ignorance. You are so strong and brave. Don't say these two stupid guards, neither is my brother Daniel. Your opponent. Yes, you are the master of this castle. Everything in this castle is yours, including all the wealth in the secret vault!"

"Including the secret library?"

"Including the secret library!"

Allen nodded and said, "Then what are you waiting for, lead the way."

Walls immediately jumped up, adjusted his clothes and bowed: "Please follow me, Master."

For such a brazen fellow, Allen could only shook his head. It is really surprising to think that Daniel can be considered a character, but his brother is so unbearable. Walls knelt and walked out of the study, Allen raised his knife to keep up, and the two went deep into the castle. Under the leadership of the guide Walls, Allen finally appeared at the entrance of a secret passage.

This passage extends downward, and the bottom is pitch black, as if it leads directly into an abyss.

Walls took a torch from the wall and walked on first. Alan walked behind and entered the secret path. Although it led to the underground, the air didn't feel dull at all unexpectedly. There must be a good ventilation system below this to ensure that the air inside can always circulate. The secret road is not long, so it's obvious. However, in the end, a person suddenly emerged from the darkness.

Under the fire, it was an elderly man. He screamed with a rifle in his hand: "This is not where you came from, this is the secret storeroom of Lord Daniel. Mr. Walls, how can you lead the intruder here!"

"You...you are going to betray your lord!"

Walls first said to Alan: "This old guy is my cousin's butler. I thought he was an eyesore a long time ago!"

Suddenly, a leg flew underneath, kicked the old housekeeper's chest, and kicked him to the ground. Walls rushed up again and snatched the gun from the butler. He turned his gun, grinned and said, "Go to hell, old stuff."

He had to press down the trigger, and suddenly the gun body was heavy. Pointing at the muzzle, the gun fired on the ground, exploding a fire. Walls was shocked, only to realize that there was a dark blade on the gun. He looked at Allen beside him with a puzzled expression.

"At least he is a loyal person." Allen slid away with a heavy knife, patted the old butler lightly, slapped him and said, "Go, don't waste time."

"If you don't kill him, he will go to inform you!" Walls smiled bitterly.

"I have my own measures." Allen said coldly: "Now, Mr. Walls, don't waste my time!"

Walls had no choice but to leave, knowing that if he escaped his life this time, he would have to leave here too. Once the old butler went to report to Daniel, even if Daniel was his cousin, he would definitely kill him. He couldn't figure out why Allen wanted to keep the old butler, is it because of his loyalty? Ha, this is not funny at all.

Of course he didn't know that Allen wanted the old butler to inform Daniel, otherwise how to bring back the unicorn army on the bauhinia?

Finally came to the entrance of the secret library. At the entrance was a wheel with a metal pointer underneath, surrounded by a dense circle of scales. Looking at a safe that has been magnified countless times, Walls triumphantly stepped forward and said: "Apart from my brother, this secret lock is only known to me. If you can't adjust the pointer to the correct scale, it is hidden in this copper The inside of the door will detonate, killing the secret library and the intruder."

He started to move the pointer, and Allen looked at him and said, "Daniel trusts you quite a bit."

"Trust?" Walls turned around and said, "No, no, sir. My brother doesn't treat me as a relative at all. He treats me as just a dog. The password to open this secret library is a good one. I got it with a lot of effort. Hey, that's all right."

He didn't say how to get the password, but from what Walls said, this guy did not intend to betray Daniel today. He secretly obtained the password, so that he would open the secret vault and flee privately with Bao Bao as soon as he had the opportunity. It's just that today's luck is not good for him, so he has to bring himself to open the secret vault.

After a sound of gears running in the bronze door, there was a crack in the bronze door. Walls slid the door hard, even with the help of pulleys underneath, the heavy copper door still opened very hard, making a string of unpleasant sounds of metal rubbing against the ground. Walls lifted the torch up, and by the light of the fire, Allen saw a warehouse with a lot of space.

A faint light came from above the warehouse~www.readwn.com~ and he looked up. The ceiling above is not airtight, but has multiple air filters. It is through these filter holes that light enters, leaving a dim beam of light in the warehouse. After Walls lit up some of the surrounding wall lamps, Daniel's secret warehouse was exposed to the eyes of an outsider, Allen.

With a move of Alan's ears, he glanced out the aisle. The old butler was gone, and he was anxious to inform Daniel when he wanted to wake up. At this time, Walls said: "Look, there is so much gold in it. It's all yellow gold, **** Daniel, I know you have money, but you only give your brother me a hundred gold coins every year. You stingy bastard!"

Looking back, Walls was already on the edge of a shelf. On that metal frame, every square was filled with square gold bars. Under the firelight, these gold bars exude a seductive light.

(Last month I finally completed my three chapters of the promise of daily updates, which is also a new record. Although it is late every night, it is still full of sense of accomplishment. This month I will return to normal two changes. In the first chapter of the month, I’m here to ask all my brothers and sisters for a ticket. Red ticket! Monthly ticket! Reward! Anything will do, hurry up and drop me~~) r1058

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