Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 526:  Blood Hidden Murder

Standing in front of the main tent, Haigs silently paid attention to those areas where fighting took place. Although the location of Deep Sea Linji's attack is different each time, from the distribution of the war, the enemy mainly concentrated their forces on the southeast of the camp. That direction is the stocking point of war materials, obviously the other party is here to burn the materials. Haigs has already ordered the people to start the transfer of supplies, and increased the defensive strength, and transferred some troops to the other unaffected areas to resist the deep sea Linji's offensive like the surging undercurrent.

At this moment, two auras suddenly rushed outside the camp. With a strong sense of water, like a tide of blue sea, Higgs felt it for a moment and knew that it belonged to Ruola. Another aura was full of ethereal and illusory feelings. Upon touching it, Higgs seemed to rush into the void and stars. The feeling of emptiness and nowhere to stay made him withdraw his perception in amazement.

In terms of the strength of the source force, the second aura was a few levels lower than Ruola. However, the opponent's realm level was still above Ruola. Once such a person grows up, the future will be limitless. Higgs was shocked and didn't want to be in the camp of Deep Sea Lin Ji, besides Alan, there are people of such a high level.

At this moment, those two auras had already rushed into the camp. Immediately there were two battlefields showing a different aura, Higgs locked on Ruola, carrying the huge sword, and greeted him with the mighty power. As for the other strong man, he threw it to nine dark thunder knights. They have a low level of source power, but a large number of them, and have their own set of joint tactics. As long as the opponent's source power level does not exceed twentieth level, the nine dark thunder knights can still fight.

Finally, the battle came to the stage of confrontation between the strong. From the direction of the southeast of the barracks, the invisible impact of the source of force collision was frequently transmitted, and every impact was beaten in everyone's heart like a battle drum. Even on the artillery position far away from the camp, the soldiers responsible for protecting the position can also feel the power of the strong.

"It's terrible, are the guys on the opposite side planning to launch a general attack tonight?"

A musketeer whispered, and the two infantrymen next to him who were in charge of protecting him shook their heads. One person said: "Don't bother about the barracks. Our task is to protect it. As long as the war does not affect us, we will take care of him."

The musketeer shrugged, and suddenly hey.

"what happened?"

He shook his head: "It's nothing, I read it wrong."

The musketeer saw that the grass suddenly swayed a hundred meters away from them. He thought it was an enemy, but by the light of the surrounding fire. He saw a rabbit jumping out of the grass, seeming to be eating grass, and then relaxed. When his gaze shifted to other places, the grass that had jumped out of the rabbit moved again. Alan carefully raised his head and saw the opposite shelling position through the grass, protected by a team.

The soldiers in that team had a queen, a gunman, and ten cavalry. Behind them, there was someone walking around from time to time. The source of light on that person's body was brighter, and he seemed to have a level of twelve or third level, and he should be the captain of this team. Now Deep Sea Lin Ji and his soldiers are rushing to the southeast of the Unicorn Barracks, creating the illusion that they are attacking each other's stock of supplies.

Allen took the opportunity to dive around the shelling position with a team of mountain kings and inch fire fighters. After contemplating the layout of the defense line of the position, he quietly took out a rifle from his waist, which was a borrowed rifle. As the designer of the rifle, Allen was familiar with its use. After locking his target, he suddenly bounced out of the bushes, and fired his raging rifle in three directions at an extremely fast speed.

In the rough sound of gunfire, three erect torches exploded into sparks. As the fire flickered, the line of sight of the defenders was disturbed, and Cunhuo and Shan Wang immediately jumped out. The inch fire fighters carried out long-distance fire suppression, while the mountain king's soldiers rushed up with their shields and hammers. Under the suppression and cover of the inch of fire, the mountain king has already rushed to the edge of the defense. All the tall mountain king soldiers roared wildly, raised their shields and slammed into them. This savage impact immediately overwhelmed the infantry in the first row of the defense line and placed the unicorns in this area before the bombardment position. There was a lot of confusion in the line of defense.

Later, Allen took the opportunity to rush into the gap opened by the mountain king with the rest of the soldiers. Tonight Alan is not carrying the heavy sword Qianjun, but the **** sword brought from Daniel's secret vault. Xueyin is the best at killing on the battlefield, and Allen brought it out tonight to practice his hand. I'm not polite at the moment. I swept around with the raging fire rifle in my left hand, swept the unicorn soldier who was rushing, and threw it to the soldiers next to him. He held Xueyin with both hands, and the source force surged into the knife. This strange knife immediately gushes out wisps of crimson blood, and after a while, it is intertwined with a cloud of blood, which is wrapped around the blade and the wind can't blow away.

The **** murderous aura soared to the sky, and even Alan felt the murderous aura, as if a fire was burning in his chest. He couldn't help shouting, leaning forward, and swept across the infantry who rushed towards him. Where the blood is hidden, the light of blood in the air rises one after another, and where the blade passes, there is a faint **** ripple.

The ripple rippled away like a water wave, gently passing over the bodies of several infantrymen in front of them, and then crossing a gunman behind them. The soldiers passing by the ripples all stiffened and their movements were still. Then everyone's armor split, and his body slipped off in a dislocation, but he was cut apart by **** ripples! After the **** waves drifted more than ten meters away, they twisted sharply, and then exploded. I saw a cloud of blood mist exploding in the enemy's army, and those who were touched by the blood mist were as if they were exposed to strong acid. Everyone's armor was scorched and cracked, the skin and flesh melted, and smoke was emitted.

The person in the heart of the blood mist turned directly into a piece of coke, as if burned by a high temperature flame. It just shortened the whole process to an instant, so after a blood burst, in addition to the first few people killed by the **** ripples, there were more than three to five corpses, and there were as many as a dozen people who were slightly injured.

When Alan's eyes fell back to Xueyin, the expression in his eyes became a little strange. He just released a flash of flames, but when the flash of flames released, he naturally caused several blood qi to be injected into the knife, thus forming the **** ripples before. Combining the flash of flames after the blood gas, the result of beheading the previous few people fell to Allen's expectation, but after the blood wave exploded, forming a second attack of blood gas explosion, Alan was quite surprised.

The flash of flames caused by the **** concealment has obviously changed, and its power has been improved. In particular, the blood burst attack in the second stage fits the need to kill the enemy on a large scale on the battlefield.

Xueyin was so powerful, Allen was overjoyed, and felt that the Unicorn Castle group was really worthwhile. Energetic at the moment, carrying this **** heavy sword into the enemy soldier. The **** sword is decisive, and those who block it are invincible. And the more blood is used, the more intense the blood on this heavy knife, gradually revealing fierce murderous intent. Later, Alan will occasionally feel trance.

Whenever he was in a trance, he seemed to see a man holding a knife in front of him, facing thousands of troops alone, but he laughed. The sword dances wildly in his hand, every move is unmatched. Where the blade is facing, whether it is armor or human body, or even the source of body protection, it is like the snow in the early spring and winter, and it will naturally resolve in the sun. For a while, the blood rushed to the sky, and the murderous intent on Allen's body became more and more vigorous, and he could almost smell the **** gas in substance.

At this moment, Allen seemed to receive a strong shock in a trance. When a sound, such as the twilight morning bell, hit his heart, his eyes regained the focus, so he saw a man with the appearance of an officer showing a look of horror on his face, pulling away and sliding back. He held a long sword in his hand, but the front half of the sword was already missing. Allen was stunned, knowing that he had inadvertently cut it off with blood.

At this moment, Allen remembered the scene just now, and a cold sweat broke out behind his back. Just now, he was sensed by the murderous intent of Xueyin, and his mind was seized by the murderous intent of Xueyin's body. It was a bit like Windsor Bello once said before that the objects were the masters, and people became puppets of weapons. Fortunately, the enemy captain attacked him, and through the collision and shock of the source force, his mind was awakened instead.

So it can be seen how murderous the knife itself is. As for the figure Allen saw, if nothing unexpected happened, it should be General Blood Lion, the former owner of Bloody Hideout, Ostan. That Ostan must also be a slaughter madman, if there is no such a shocking opportunity, how can he embed his spiritual will in the **** hide. Until this moment, it was naturally released by Allen's source force.

On the other side, the enemy captain changed a long sword from the corpse next to him, and rushed over with a big drink. Allen held the knife in both hands, this time focused, not feeling the **** murderous intent. When the next knife came out naturally, there was a picture of General Blood Lion facing Qianjun alone in his mind, and there was a sense of bravery in his chest. There was a clear whistle, and he kept attacking the opponent one by one ~www.readwn.com~ After the captain blocked a few knives, his heart trembled. I just feel that Allen's offensive is continuous, and every attack will give rise to an aura like a thousand horses. The feeling that the same person is facing a thousand army, the less courageous is already unable to hold the sword. Alan didn’t know much, he only knew how to cut it out, and he naturally flashed Ostein’s figure in his mind. Then, after the long river of time had passed between Austein and him, he was teaching his life’s triumphant sword technique through the blood. Allen is average.

Allen only felt that the use of Xueyin became more and more smooth, and did not deliberately reject the murderous intent of the heavy knife itself, but naturally guided the murderous intent on the knife into his own offensive, thus forming this round like the Yangtze River. Continuous offensive.

The captain blocked a few more knives, and the long sword broke again. So Allen's offensive was like a flood that broke through the gate, and there was nothing to stop. The captain's eyes were full of **** swords, he screamed, and desperately backed away. It's a pity that it was a bit late and a cold chest. Allen's sword qi carried blood and hidden killers into his body, the captain's whole body was like a fallen ice cellar, his whole body was shaken, the chest armor was silently cracked, and the left and right fell, the cut surface was smooth as a mirror. A blood-red color was gradually stained on his chest, and people still stood on the spot, but they were already full of vitality! r1058

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