Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 57:   family   on

On the fourth floor of the main building, there is a banquet hall, which is used for family gatherings or important banquets. On the south side of the hall, there is a side hall that can be used for various purposes, which is connected to a terrace facing the town of Levin. Occasionally, small family gatherings are held here. At night dawn, on the terrace, you can enjoy the charming scenery of the valley town at night.

As for the north side, there are some lounges, among which there are many hidden and private spaces that can meet the different needs of guests. Cheating is definitely only one of them, and more, they are used for secret meetings.

Although today's party invited some direct blood relatives in the family, as well as some important friends of Beskod, the banquet was not held in the hall, but in the partial hall on the south side. Alan followed Horn, led by Heising through the long corridor, and came to the side hall. When the door opened, whispers and laughter got into the ears.

But after a few of them entered the hall, all the sounds seemed to be cut off by invisible scissors, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Alan looked behind Huo Si, there were not many people in the hall, there were always only a dozen or twenty people. Most of them are males, followed by females. Most of them are adults, but there are also three or four teenage girls who are about the same age as Allen. These people had different expressions when they saw Alan. There is indifference, surprise, indifferent, and undetectable resentment.

One of the big boys had the most obvious expression. When he saw Alan, his eyes were red like a bull going mad.

Looking at the reactions of these people, Alan didn't have a trace of expression on his face, and he was indifferent. However, his eyes would always fall on a few middle-aged men inadvertently. The facial contours of these four men were very similar to those of his mother, Lenny, and they should be Horn's son.

"Old friend, it's been a long time." An old man in the same sixtieth year came forward first. He was well dressed and sharp-eyed, and hugged Horn affectionately.

Horn patted him on the back, and then led Alan forward and said, "I'll introduce, this is Mr. Kate. The patriarch of the Mosen family, the Mosen family is our important friend, and Kate and I have had dozens of friendships. Years. The Morsen family is well-known for business, Allen, you should ask Mr. Kate more about things you don’t understand in business in the future."

"Where and where, our Mosen family's trade volume is less than half of yours. How dare to call it famous for business." Old Kate said modestly.

"Grandpa Horn, you won't introduce me to who this beautiful boy is." A brilliant voice intervened.

Horn laughed and Kate had a headache. Alan's eyes lit up, and a beautiful girl squeezed in between them. The girl's beige hair was **** high, revealing a smooth and full forehead. A pair of dark eyes are like fine gems, reflecting everything in this world. Her features are delicate, her lips are full and red, and she is not too old, but she can already be seen as a beauty.

The most special thing is that she is obviously a girl, but she is wearing a hunting suit. The brown leather is short, the white shirt with lace collar is turned up, the black trousers emphasizes her slender legs, and the last pair of long hunting boots makes her wild.

Her eyebrows are slightly thicker than ordinary girls, so when they are raised together, they will always give the girl a little bit of arrogance.

"This is Adele, Kate's granddaughter, the jewel of the Mosen family. If Allen has the opportunity in the future, he can get closer to Adele." Horn said lightly.

Adele looked Alan up and down seriously, stretched her small tongue across her lips, and said meaningfully, "There will be a chance."

Alanton felt uncomfortable for a while. The special girl looked at him as if looking at a fresh and delicious cake.

God knows why he feels this way.

Horn then continued to introduce Alan to some friends with Beskard, who are not from celebrities, but they are considered to be worthy people when they are thrown on Babylon. Just when introducing them, Horn didn't have the same enthusiasm that he had when talking with Kate before, and often just a sentence.

Finally, Horn's four sons.

The eldest son Roddy is already forty and two. With a height of more than two meters and a sturdy body, even if he is put in an exquisite dress, it is as ridiculous as a raging bear wearing clothes. But the strong aura in him, such as the scorching sun in the desert, made people unable to laugh. With a beard like a steel pin, the man looked at Alan with sharp eyes, as if to pierce him through with his eyes.

Allen stared directly into his eyes, even if Roddy stared for a long time, his face turned pale, but he didn't avoid it at all.

After a while, the man's face gradually showed a hearty smile: "Very well, it has been a long time since the little guy dared to look directly at me like this. Lanni's son, welcome you back."

He slapped Alan with a slap, and almost didn't slap little Allen. Allen was also surprised. Horn hadn't made it public yet, but they seemed to know their identity.

It wasn't long before Allen knew that Roddy had been in Outland for many years and was a strongman of Bethkod. His hands were stained with blood, and the murderous look in his eyes was not something people waiting for leisure could afford.

Next is the second child Huck, he and his eldest brother Roddy are simply two ends of the balance. Roddy is tall and mighty, Huck is thin and weak. His face was pale and sickly, and in fact he coughed a few times when he was talking. Huck is sickly young and has congenital defects, which prevents him from fighting outland like Roddy, and can only be responsible for some clerical and government affairs.

He speaks elegantly and decently, but his eyes are always indifferent. In his eyes, Alan could not see himself, even... could not see anything.

The youngest Bell is a tall, handsome man. But if he and Huck are classified as weak writers because of this, then it would be a big mistake. He also had a special aura. Standing next to him, Allen seemed to be standing on the peak of a snowy mountain, and even the air passing by him was full of chills. Bell has a pair of charming blue eyes, but the blue is not the blue of the sea or the sky, but the ice blue that makes the soul freeze!

His guest had a polite conversation with Allen, and expressed regret when talking about Lanny. But in his eyes, Alan couldn't see a trace of regret. This was a man whose heart was as cold as ice, leaving Alan with a ruthless impression.

Horn’s last son, Hedrick, is a very handsome man. Among the four sons, the profile is the most similar to Horn. Hedrick, who was just in his early thirties, was only two years older than Allen's mother. His handsome face always had a touch of melancholy, with a poetic temperament. It seems that because he is best with Lanni, his attitude towards Allen is far more cordial than the other brothers.

This man, among Horn’s four sons, was the only one who made Alan see deep sadness in his eyes when talking about Lanni. But he didn't turn that sadness into words, only hid it deeply in his eyes, but it was even more impressive.

Finally, there are several brothers and sisters of Allen. As for those wives and family members, Horn said at the end of the word, this is the typical patriarchal trouble among the nobles.

This introduction alone took an hour. And these are just some of the core members of Beskode, except for them. Horn's own brothers, the elders of those families, and perhaps even Horn himself did not know how many collateral relatives were still in the list. Allen faintly felt that proficiency in genealogy was probably the next required course.

This is really a headache!

After the introduction, Horn looked at the people and said, "Well everybody, my friends and sons. I have summoned you here today to tell you. Lanni’s son, Alan, will be renewed today. Return to our Beskod. But as the patriarch of Besskod, I cannot violate the rules I set. Ten years ago, I personally expelled Lanny from the family. Now Alan is back, of course not just because of him The blood relationship with us is given special care."

"So today, I will only announce his identity to those present here who are closest to me~www.readwn.com~ As for the outside world, I don’t want anyone to know this news for the time being. For them, Alan will only be one A foreign child who has just joined the family. In the end, whether Allen can officially return to his immediate blood relatives, and he will be included in the heir sequence depends on the evaluation of him by the elders." Horth paused before saying, "Then, for me, everyone. Any comments on this decision?"

Horn said the same thing in the family, and the so-called inquiry at this time was just a cutscene. People who know him don't know this, regardless of whether they want it or not, at the moment Horn personally led Alan into the hall, this old but tough patriarch has already made a stand with his actions. Now, the so-called announcement and Allen's assessment are just a procedural process.

Ten years ago, Horne could kick his favorite daughter out of the family. Ten years later, he can also bring his daughter's child back to the family.

Everything, but it takes a while.

In this case, even those who disagree in their hearts can only follow the flow and agree with Horn's decision. But at this moment, there was an angry voice shouting: "I object!"

Horn's face immediately sank, Roddy patted his forehead with one hand, and Bell and the others had a faint smile. Allen looked curiously in the direction of the voice. The opponent was the big boy who showed obvious hostility to him when he entered the hall before.

Among Allen's brothers, he is the strongest. He is almost 1.8 meters tall and is no different from an adult. The big boy exhaled two blasts of air from his nostrils, and his hair stood up. Ignoring the pull of a tall and thin boy next to him, he went straight forward: "Grandpa, this kid comes from the surface. Even if you have Aunt Lanny's blood, God knows who his father is? Do you want our Bethkode blood? Inside, mixed with the blood of some kind of groundless species?"

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