Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 558:  The night of death

This is a good opportunity for you Demon Crow Feather.

Help me get rid of this person, and this territory can accept your presence in the future. Your job opportunities will greatly increase, how about it, think about it?

It's just an eighteenth-level jazz, can't it be won by the strength of your demon crow?

Those words flowed in George's heart. They are like silky streams, eventually converging into a pool of water that made him sink. He didn't think this task was too troublesome until the moment before the action started. Just like that person said, with the strength of the devil crow, eating an eighteenth-level jazz is not a small dish, but it is not difficult to swallow.

And now he knew that it was simply a flame that couldn't be eaten. Because you barely eat it, it will only blow it up.

There are two more misty crows, but they are smaller. The purpose is not to kill, but to simply detonate those shadows formed by flames. The last Hokage was left, and was exploded by the mist feathers that George shot wildly. The fog swept away in the streets after the explosion. The air here is hot and dry, like a desert under the scorching sun. Georgie felt his face twitching, and the muscles on his face were a little uncontrollable, so they formed a hysterical smile.

The smoke of the explosion was blown away, and George saw two scorched bodies, which belonged to the brothers Cade and Keg. Then he saw Alan, who had two more knives in his hand. One long and one short, the long blade is as black as ink, and the ink is as strong as dripping from the blade, but the position of the handle is wrapped with white cloth, which contrasts strongly with the blade; the short one is dazzling. Held in the palm by Allen's backhand, the knife extending from the palm is short and long, with a thin and pointed tip, like a bayonet. The body of the knife was blood red, as if it had just been drawn from the human body, and the body of the knife was still stuck with blood with body temperature.

Black and red, long and short. Concise and deep, it brings the breath of death on the face.

The black blade is nailing Elaine Fli's chest, and the explosive woman who is usually full of power is now like a cat curled up lazily in a winter day. One of her smooth arms still caught Alan's trousers, but she was sitting on the ground with her body curled up. A black knife pierced her chest, holding one end in Ellen's hand, and dripping red blood on the other end.

That is the blood of a woman.

She approached Ellen silently, but the heat generated by the Naruto explosion broke the ability to sneak. When she saw Ellen's eyes cast with a smile like flames, all Elaine could do is to do all she could to get the poisoned dagger as fast as possible. Stabbed in Alan's heart.

But the black knife penetrated her body faster than her, like a poisonous snake, and it was all over. She didn't even know when Alan was obviously using a dagger in his hand and when it became two knives of different lengths and colors.

Of course she would not know that it was the death hymn, the posture of the third-order awakening of the demon praise. The black knife is long and thin, and the red knife is short and sharp. There is almost no extra decoration on them, simple style, strong color, pure to the extreme, it is another kind of beauty.

Allen took the black knife out of Elaine Fuli's chest. It was light and airy, and it passed through the woman's muscles, bones and nerves without any hindrance in the whole process. Lost the support of the blade, the dead body fell softly to the ground. In the residual flames of the surrounding ground, Elaine Fuli's skin became dry and loose, as if she was tens of years old in a blink of an eye.

And her vitality, her blood essence, poured into the black blade like a tide at the moment of death, and the devil praised her for a full meal.

Allen looked at George, this was the last killer. Twenty level, pretty good skill, but that's it. George, at level twentieth, is not even a threat to Allen now.

Although he is only nineteenth level.

"Kill him...Kill him!" George shouted, his pupils dilated with fear. He stretched his hand to Alan, but he quickly backed away. In the backward sight, the buildings on the left and right sides continuously jumped down the silhouettes, and the twenty killers arranged in the street surged towards Allen like a tide. Their dazzling figures soon concealed Allen.

But it was soon covered by a mist.

In the black, deep fog, wisps of red light flashed from time to time. The mist spread and spread, drowning and swallowing the killers of the Devil's Feather. The mist was tumbling, and the assassins screamed continuously from inside. These well-trained killers, George didn't know what they encountered or saw, that would make these horrified shouts.

The world is still going backwards.

The surging fog chased up like a nightmare, and a killer suddenly rushed out from the spreading thick fog. He reached out to George, thinking it was a drowning man trying to catch a life-saving log. The eyes were filled with eager anticipation, and the mist was chasing him behind. Soon, a black mist gleaming with red light haunted him again. Those rolling air currents held the killer like a devil's hand.

George clearly saw that the skin on the killer's face quickly lost its luster, they became loose, withered, and dark spots floated up. Just as the years were stolen in an instant, the killer suddenly grew older. The thick hair quickly withered and fell, like an old tree with its leaves lost in the late autumn, with an aura of old age.

He was eventually dragged into the fog.

The mist spread, occupying every corner of George's vision. When he reacted, he was already enveloped in mist. Those ubiquitous breaths crawled all over his body like thousands of insects and ants, and worked hard to penetrate into his body. George yelled, and the mist feathers kept popping up. They tried to blow up the fog that called death, but all their efforts were in vain.

George cried hysterically, "What the **** are these!"

"Rotten fog..." Allen's voice came from the depths of the fog.

George followed the voice and saw a faint blush in the deep fog, followed by the figure of Allen. Allen walked through the fog, his figure looming in the fog. The black long knife in his hand is gone, and the remaining red short knife has a blood-like sheen from time to time. Allen walked to George's side, squatted down, and looked at the man who had completely lost his sense of measure: "They decayed everything and condensed the long time of death in the moment of a finger. This is the realm of death."

"Reaper's realm?" George raised his hand and instinctively pushed Alan away. Suddenly I saw the back of his own hand, and at some point, his skin was covered with wrinkles. The blood vessels floated up like cyan earthworms, and there were yellow turbid patches on them: "No, no! Oh, no. It shouldn’t be like this, it shouldn’t be like this..."

The battle on the street finally attracted the attention of the city defense team. When a group of soldiers arrived, the mist that made everything decay was shrinking. They rolled violently, gathered together, and finally gathered in Allen's palm, rebuilding the long, thin black knife. Allen was holding a pair of black and red knives like this, and there were corpses lying under his feet and behind him.

Without exception, these corpses were all 70 or 80 years old.

George is not dead, but his face is as wrinkled as a bark. He sat on the ground blankly, seemingly somehow Alan let him go. Allen bent down and said in his ear: "Go tell Reckold, if he continues to provoke me. Then you are a portrayal of his future."

After speaking, straightening up, Allen passed by his side. George heard the soldiers asking: "Sir Alan, are you okay?"

"It's nothing, just took care of a few annoying bugs." Alan's voice didn't sound a bit angry.

That kind of indifference made George Han feel heartbroken.

The next day, the sharp whistle can be heard from time to time throughout the Ark Harbor. Lucy lay down at the window, and Allen, who was sitting on the sofa and reading a thick book, complained: "It's so noisy, when will they stop."

"I didn't know that Earl Giles' reaction would be so intense." Allen stretched his hands and looked innocent.

This morning, I learned that Alan was attacked last night. Count Giles' reaction can be described as anger. First of all, the guards, captain and their superiors on duty last night were all removed. Several officers were thrown into prison on the grounds that because of their dereliction of duty, the closest ally of Earl Giles was attacked, and it happened under their noses.

Following Giles' request for a thorough investigation, the blood pupil mercenary group responsible for the safety of Ark Harbor received the highest level of execution. So a team of guards rushed into several piers, hotels and bars. Anyone who had some questions was taken back for interrogation. Since the morning, the whistle has not stopped.

This uproar lasted for three days.

On the morning of the fourth day, Allen boarded the Sea Dragon, a merchant ship bound for Violet Harbor. Only a few people returned to Storm City with him this time, except for Lucy and Adele, only Regis and Belmode. Others, such as Roy and Broy, have their responsibilities and stayed in the Dawn Castle and Bauhinia Collar in several important cities.

At nine o'clock ~www.readwn.com~, the merchant ship pulled up its anchor and departed from the dock in the mountain. Alan held on to the guardrail of the ship's side and stood on the deck looking at the Ark Harbor.

"Not willing to leave?" Lucy, who was beside her, pulled her hair scattered by the sea breeze, and looked at Allen.

"How come." Allen laughed: "We will come back, but when we come back, everything will be different."

At this moment, a sudden bell sounded in the direction of Ark Harbor. The low, long bells reverberated in the city and floated to the sea. Hearing the bell, the people on the boat stopped no matter what they were doing. People paid attention to the frequency of the bell, and finally turned into a silent sigh.

Allen sighed softly, and bowed deeply in the direction of the city.

It was the death knell, and since such a bell is sounded, it can only explain one thing.

Count Aubin has passed away!

The story will continue, but there is no man who wants to revitalize the family.


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