Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 569:  Fighting

The sky quietly became gloomy.

Large patches of gray clouds gradually covered the sky, blocking the noon sun, making the sky light falling in the black iron fort very depressing and heavy. This black city was breathing heavily like an overwhelmed old man. The pressure came from the fight between Sir Sharon and Higgs, and the two went from a secret fight to an open fight, which is no different for the people living in this city.

Because their son, husband or father is in Sharon's army, or the Black Cloud Knights. Regardless of who is the victor in the end, it is conceivable that it will only be them who shed blood and pain.

Running horses across the city's avenues, the men and women who came out of the dark houses from time to time had expressions of shock + pig + pig + island + novel ww.zhom on their faces. Allen had a full view of this face, and read from their faces the desire to end the fight as soon as possible.

Black Iron Fort is a rough city, and its urban layout is also simple and intuitive. The Heiyun Avenue connecting the city gate is the central axis of the entire city, and all the buildings in the city are distributed on both sides along this central axis. It is also a city with distinct classes. The closer it is to the outskirts of the city, the more low-rise houses will be built. They are connected by complex and narrow alleys, forming a dense slum area. And the closer you are to the city center, the more spacious the streets radiating from Heiyun Avenue, the larger the houses and the wider the spacing. The most obvious is greening. The vegetation planted on both sides of the road is obviously invisible when you first enter the city.

Housing determines identity and status, and the class nature of the poor and the nobility can be clearly distinguished in this city.

Tieshi Avenue is undoubtedly the most noble place in the city. This spacious street turned in from Heiyun Avenue leads directly to the palace-like palace. On both sides of Tieshi Avenue, there are large houses and Chinese courtyards, with a quiet and elegant environment. And Mansion No. 1 is undoubtedly the largest and most luxurious house in it. The courtyard is deep and contains many flowers and plants. The layout of the house composed of the main building, the auxiliary courtyard, the lawn, the garden, the garage, etc. is a rare complex layout even on Tieshi Avenue.

To be able to live in such a big house, the identity of the house owner is naturally not simple. In fact, this house is actually Sharon’s private house, which he used to house his wife and several children. However, there seemed to be some exceptions today. When the cavalry of Higgs came to Mansion One, it was stopped by soldiers stationed in front of the mansion. These soldiers wore dark brown armor with a wolf head logo on their chests.

This means that they are the identity of the guard of Sir Sharon, a military system completely independent of the army and not under the command of Higgs. The number of guards is less than a hundred, but they are all carefully trained soldiers. Their commander is naturally Tucker who claims to be able to challenge Higgs. Of course, the young man had just been defeated by Higgs not long ago, and his reputation plummeted, but he still had the strength to be insulted.

Tucker is on duty in the city lord’s mansion, so the soldiers stationed in the mansion are assigned to his adjutant Peson. Pieson is a middle-aged man, almost a little serious. The strength of the thirteenth level is worthy of the dark thunder knight under Higgs, and it is enough to serve as Tucker's adjutant. The style of his armor is very ordinary, and there are even a few inconspicuous cracks on it. If it weren't for the wolf head with the guard logo, one eye would be painted scarlet to serve as the mark of the guard adjutant. Otherwise, Pixen will be thrown into the crowd, I am afraid that people will not be able to recognize him.

After all, he is too ordinary and ordinary.

Seeing the cavalry of Higgs drifting like a black cloud, Pearson's heart beat hard. Then people opened the iron door of the mansion, and he walked forward with a group of soldiers. He waved his hand to make the guard who had stopped Higgs back, and then stood at attention to Higgs who was riding on the tall horse, clenched his hands into a fist and hammered his chest and said: "Master Higgs."

"Adjutant Pison, what's going on. I want to see Melinda." Higgs' voice came from behind the iron face of the war, looking cold, without any emotional ups and downs.

Pearson's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "I'm sorry, Master Haggs. Sir Sharon has an order. No one can see his wife unless he agrees."

"Including me?"

"Including you!"

"That's my sister!" Higgs's tone was three-pointed again.

Pison looked at Higgs dumbly and said, "I'm sorry, please, my lord, don't make us embarrassed."

Higgs's hand has been on his dark giant sword, and the dark thunder knight's hand is also placed on the folding crossbow and bow on the side of the horse. All the cavalry except Alan have entered the battle state. The brutal murderous aura that rushed forward made Pison and all the guards pale. Even the adjutant thought that when a battle was inevitable, Higgs' hand suddenly left the giant sword and shook the reins again: "Well, since it was the order of the jazz."

He turned his horse's head, waved his hand, and left with the cavalry.

Pison breathed a sigh of relief. He found that his back was wet with cold sweat.

When he came, he was aggressive, but when he went, he let his horse go slowly. Higgs didn’t know whether to tell Alan or to understand the doubts of these people underneath. He rode on the horse and said indifferently, “That’s a set that Sharon gave me. He wanted to anger me and make me make some mistakes. Just like just now, if we rush into the house in a spirited way, Sharon can hold this handle and directly use the army to deal with us. And this time, people will not be on our side."

"But my lord, shall we leave the wife and the young master?" a knight said.

Higgs has taken off the cold metal mask: "Everything will be resolved tonight, just let the jazz be proud of it for a while. I think Melinda and the others can also tolerate tomorrow."

Hearing his words, the knights all geared up. Allen was thoughtful, now Sharon and Higgs both want to solve their opponents as soon as possible. So Sharon borrowed troops from other big figures, and Higgs went to him directly. Now that he has come, Sharon has obviously not borrowed any reinforcements yet, so the outcome is almost predictable.

Everything is only for tonight.

In the evening, it rained. At first it was just a gust of wind and rain, and when the lights were turned on in every house, the Black Iron Fort was raining heavily. From time to time, thunder and thunder sounded in the sky, and large strips of lightning seemed to divide the world, causing the city underneath to continuously cycle between light and darkness.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, Sharon's face also appeared in the alternating light. After the strong flash of light between the sky and the earth passed, he pulled the screen to completely cover the wind and rain outside the window, so a face full of vicissitudes, returned to the warm light of the study. Sharon said solemnly with his hands in his hands, "You said, Haggs went to Iron Stone One in the morning, but after only a few words, he clapped his hands and left?"

Tucker, the young guard leader, said gratifyingly: "That's it, Sir. I thought that Higgs would not be able to help, so I would have the opportunity to ask the knight commander for more advice."

Obviously, he was upset about losing to Higgs last time.

Sharon shook his head and said: "Higgs has always been very deep in the city, and he is calm. I think how many opponents were dragged by his deep scheming back then. But now I am his opponent. That's all, he will never do anything meaningless. Since there has been no conflict with Tieshi No. 1, it can only show that he has other plans. And the ones who plan are not trivial."

"Do you know where he went some time ago?"

"This..." Tucker lowered his head and said, "The subordinates should indeed strengthen the training of special personnel in intelligence."

"That's no wonder you." Sharon waved his hand: "After he came back last time, he took the city defense heavily on his upper body. That has always been the work of the Black Cloud Knights, and I can't stop it. Higgs took the opportunity to block us. It’s not surprising that he’s sighted. But it’s not hard to guess where he is going.

"Rescue soldiers?" Tucker sneered: "Earl Laked has promised that we will send troops to help. Now the army is on the road. Once the earl's army arrives, I see what rescuers can save Higgs. Commander."

"That's right, so during this time, you let the people below try to restrain yourself. Just let Higgs stay a little more prestigious." Sharon's eyes showed a trace of fatigue: "I'm tired, you can go down first. "

"Please rest assured, my lord."

Sharon did not leave after Tucker left. He suddenly remembered many things, especially when he was young. At that time, he and Higgs were not enemies yet. Sharon suddenly sighed, "How did we get to this point?"

This sigh ~www.readwn.com~ with a bit of helplessness.

The torrential rain continued, and the rain line shattered the world. In such an environment, the line of sight was severely disturbed, which made the two guards squatting in the rain at a secret post in the city lord's mansion very distressed. They were wearing raincoats made of animal leather, but they still couldn't stop the rain from digging into the armor and close-fitting clothing. The damp feeling was really terrible.

One of them cursed: "Why does this **** rain keep going!"

The companion next to him smiled bitterly and looked at him as if to say something. But his eyes suddenly changed, as if seeing something terrible. The guard opened his mouth wide, but before he had time to spit out what he wanted to say, a steel arrow burst through the rain curtain and nailed it into the guard's neck with rain. The strong impact even made him step back a few steps, and then fell directly from the rooftop of the City Lord's Mansion.

The rest of the guards hadn't reacted yet, and there was a continuous feeling of pain behind them, and then the sound of rain in their ears gradually disappeared, and the world in their eyes also turned around. He fell to the ground on the rooftop, but there were two more steel arrows on his back that were almost submerged in his body.

Soon, a layer of blood floated on the ground of the rooftop, and it rushed to the distance for the rain.

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