Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 579:  Brother (2)

"My method has always been simple." Reina shook his fist.

Horn's face next to him fell completely gloomy, and he shook his head and said, "Making a fool, Rainer, go back to me now. Don't embarrass me again!"

Renner's face flushed. He just wanted to argue, Allen stood up and said, "No, grandpa. I also want to compete with Renner. There is a saying that the fastest way for men to increase friendship is to fight. ?"

Horn looked at Ellen weirdly, who nodded at him. Horn shook his head and smiled: "It's up to you, but you can't fight here."

"Of course, let's go to the fighting arena." Reina was eager to try.

Allen made a "please" gesture, and his eldest brother should leave first. Alan walked behind, and Adele trot up to catch him and said: "Reina is crazy, and you go crazy with him. If there are only people from your own family today, it will be fine, but there are so many outsiders today. You are like this. Doing it will lower your evaluation in their minds!"

"It doesn't matter what outsiders think about that is their business. I know what I'm doing, and I don't need them to evaluate. Moreover, no matter how high their status is, they are always outsiders, and Rainer is my brother. Just like Regis same."

Adele sneered: "You used to have a brother named Kodoff."

"But Renner is not Kodoff. Do you think that with his character, his stomach will be full of bad water like Kodoff?" Allen shrugged and said: "He just saw me not pleasing to my eyes, then I beat him to admit me Okay. These things must be resolved, and it is better to resolve them earlier than to have a headache later."

Adele stopped, shook her head and sighed, "You man..."

At least a half of the guests left with Rainer and Allen. Most of them are young people, and Roddy is among them. He grinned, and since Horn didn't stop him, he had nothing to worry about.

When the crowd left the hall, Heydrick followed. But instead of heading to the fighting arena with others, he turned to another remote corridor. After getting away from the noise in the banquet hall, Heydrick suddenly stopped and said to the air: "Okay, it's all right here, come out."

The shadow on the wall behind him twisted, and then a thin man walked out of the shadow. He was very cautious, his eyes rolling. The strange thing is that the pupils on his left and right sides are like their own organs, turning to different directions. In this way, his perspective is much broader than ordinary people.

Heydrick smiled and said, "Chameleon, why don't you stay with Old Baker and come to the castle to do?"

The man nicknamed Chameleon closed his eyes and focused on Hedrick. He smiled dryly: "Four young masters, Master Baker knows that you are not having a good time now, and wants to invite you to the surface to relax."

"Oh, but how did I hear that Old Baker did something that shouldn't be done not long ago. Now he should be more worried about himself, and he has time to care about me?" Heydrick leaned against the corridor, the moonlight falling down. , There is an indescribable elegance.

The chameleon said, "Master, those of us who are subordinates don't know or dare to ask. I am just a message on behalf of the master. As for how to do it, it's up to you, Master Hedrick."

"Well, I know what Old Baker's thoughts are. You go quickly, let alone I didn't remind you, the Spearman and the Blood Scorpion are in the castle. You chameleon, don't let anyone catch it. Otherwise, , Don’t even think about going back, just be a specimen of others."

A drop of sweat rolled on the man's forehead, and he bowed, "Thank you for the reminder, then take care, master."

He stepped back into the shadow of the corridor, and the outline of his body was blurred little by little, and when he finally disappeared, the whole person was in perfect harmony with the environment. The shadow twisted slightly, like a wave of water, and the man had already left quickly.

Heydrick looked at the vast night outside the castle: "Old Baker, it seems you can't help it. Okay, this is an opportunity."

His gaze drifted down, and a light came from the direction of the fighting arena. Heydrick frowned: "That kid went crazy with Reina. It seems I overestimated you before. The kid is kid."

He smiled and turned to leave.

All the lights in the fighting arena were turned on, and a round ring was cleared out as a place for the Allen brothers to compete. Reina had already taken off his dress, shirtless and wearing only a pair of shorts. Expose his dark, sturdy body full of muscle lines to the light. He is full of masculine taste, like a lion. When he appeared under the lights of the ring, many women exclaimed and snickered at him.

Allen also took off his shirt, but kept the lining and trousers. Relatively speaking, he seems to be more reserved. Standing on the ring, Allen stood with Reina. The silver hair shed a little brilliance under the light, and the ruby-like eyes on the handsome face were impressive. He is a head shorter than Reina, and his body is more slender than Reina.

If you look at it from the outside, the two are not of the same magnitude.

"Are you ready?" Rainer was already breathing heavily, and the air from his nostrils was like hot smoke.

Allen smiled lightly: "Anytime."

"You know? The most uncomfortable thing is your girly face!" Rainer suddenly yelled, and there was no other movement, and a fierce head hammer hit Allen's forehead.

Allen was so smashed that he backed away. In the audience's exclamation, he just pulled out half a step and suddenly supported his feet. Shengsheng stopped the retreat and flung his head back. The silver hair was like a whistling flame under the light, and before Rainer had recovered his senses, Allen also slammed his head on the bridge of his nose. Renner immediately got hot eyes, and moved back, holding his nose.

"But I never asked you to like me. Whether you like it or hate me. I'm here!" Allen made a "come again" gesture, his forehead was already bruised and oozing. There was **** water, and it was obvious that Reina didn't release any water in the collision just now.

Reina let go of the hand covering his nose, leaving two blood lines under his nostrils. Renner wiped it casually, roared, and rushed towards Allen. Allen lowered his weight, took a deep breath, and rushed forward as well. The two smashed into each other in the middle position. The muffled sound of the collision made people's hearts beat wildly, and the entire fighting field shook.

From a distance, Roddy opened his mouth into an o-shape, and it took a long time to touch his head and said: "Lani, this kid is pretty good. You have to fight like this to be like a man!"

Around the ring, the audience frequently exclaimed. There was no way for the two people to fight on the stage. It was you punching and me kicking, like a gang fight. It just pours the source force with every punch and kick, and punches to the flesh. As a result, the muffled noises continue to stimulate the viewers. In the ring, Renner bent his arm and slammed an elbow against Allen's face, causing him to slam his head. He took a breath and cursed: "But the wild boy who jumped out halfway, why does Grandpa like you so much!"

"If you want to know, just ask Grandpa directly!" Allen suddenly threw back and smashed Renner's belly with a punch. He bends into a prawn shape and is half speechless. Allen took the opportunity to swept his legs on the floor and put Renner down. Then he turned over and sat on him with his fists like rain: "I just don't understand why you look at me unpleasant. How can a young master like you who grew up on Babylon understand the difficulties of life on the surface. You will know that after I am five years old, I have to work hard for food every day. And you can eat without doing anything. Do you know how lucky you are, but even so, you still have trouble with me. Why! "

Reina flexed his hands to cover his head and face, struggling against Allen's machine gun-like rain of fists. He gritted his teeth, violently ignored Alan's fist that fell on him, and stretched out his hands to pinch Alan's neck. Allen was breathing quickly and couldn't throw his fists out again. Reina stood up holding Ellen in this way, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Because of your face! If it weren't for this face like Aunt Gulani, would Grandpa look at you more? You just rely on one The beautiful face is just likable, this is what I hate you most!"

Allen clenched Renner's wrists with both hands, shrank his waist fiercely, and stepped on his chest to support him. Suddenly he kicked Renner back and couldn't catch him again. Allen fell to the ground and threw back. Reiner caught his coming and drew out a punch, Allen tilted his head, letting his fist fall~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, he fished out with both hands and circled Reiner's arm. The man swayed upwards, twisting his legs around Renner's neck and waist, immediately knocking Renner to the ground. He put the weight of his whole person on Renner's arm, so that the tall and majestic young man could not get up for a while.

"All the achievements I have achieved are those of my own blood and fate! I don't need you to admit it, Rainer, or even grandpa. I just need to know that this is my hard work is enough! And you Well, you are still as naive as a child. You hate me so much, isn't it just because I have won more attention from grandpa than you? I went to fight in Outland for my own and family. What about you? You just miss grandpa Praise you!" Allen cried, "Be mature, Reina. We are not children anymore, and even if you don't want to admit it, you can't erase the fact that I have Bethkode's blood!"

Reina roared like a lion and turned around on the spot, smashing Allen to the ground and bounced him away. Reina got up, his eyes flushed, and he shouted, "Then I will evaporate all your blood!"

Pieces of dark red aura rose up, the source force in Renner's body rushed and roared, and the volcanic aura suddenly became extremely rich. Even Reina's skin gradually dyed a dark red color, and his whole person was like a volcano about to erupt! r1058


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