Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 60:   Yuanli Xinghai

It was late at night, but Alan was not sleepy. Perhaps what you see and hear today excites the senses so much that they are still in a state of excitement. He walked back to the bedroom, the bedroom was a 30 square meter space, very spacious. Enter a large bed three meters wide by the wall by the window, and a vertical crystal lamp beside the bed is emitting a misty light.

There is a glass curtain wall on the dome, which can be expanded and contracted freely. When the weather is clear, open the curtain wall. People lying on the bed can see the bright galaxy above their heads.

In addition, small bookshelves, cloakrooms, TV walls, bonsai, etc. are all available. At the entrance, there is a floor-to-ceiling window, open the window screen, you can see the scenery outside the castle.

Allen sat on the floor in front of the French window, and had no sleep tonight. How could he miss time? He just used it for power training.

Like physical stamina, it needs continuous training to enhance it. Although during this training process, occasionally lucky will allow the will to settle down to the depths of genes, such as when a fire is ignited, the source power is usually obtained directly from the source of genes, but there are not many opportunities for that. Therefore, it is the most orthodox way to consciously drive the source force, make it continue to operate, improve, and generate new source force.

Use repetitive and regular breathing movements to calm yourself down. When everything outside is thrown out of his mind, Allen's perception becomes sharper. So he soon felt the existence of the source force in his body. Since the engraving was constructed, the source force no longer moved in a vortex manner. They are like a trickle, flowing with the blood in the blood vessels in the body.

In the absence of will-driven circumstance, the source power belongs to a dispersed state. They are scattered in various blood vessels in the body, as tiny as a small red snake. If it weren't for holistic induction, it would be difficult to detect their existence. Allen began to drive them consciously, allowing them to follow the blood vessels and converge into the heart according to the pattern of human blood circulation. When many small red light snakes penetrated into the heart, a loop-like light pattern appeared in Allen's world of void consciousness. These light patterns are separated again and quickly combined into the pattern of the blade of a prairie fire.

This engraving floats in the void, slowly rotating. When Allen observed carefully, he found that every detail and every turn contained an unimaginable amount of information!

Allen faintly felt that behind this massive amount of information, it represented more and more advanced abilities. The genetic circuit is to integrate this information to realize the ability.

The world of will quickly disappeared like dust in the wind. With Alan's current strength, he could not stay in that world for too long, let alone a glimpse of the engraved mystery. The mind is still concentrated in the heart, at this time, all the source of energy in the body has been concentrated in the most important organ of the human body. The many red snakes before, now fused together, forming a source of light emitting a hazy vermilion flame.

Allen began to drive this group of source power to gush out of the heart, and rushed regularly in the blood vessels, suddenly a faint swelling feeling came from his whole body. That is the feeling that the blood vessels expand for the passage of a large amount of force. In this process, a very small amount of source force will break away from the light cluster and merge into the blood vessels, strengthening the strength of the pipeline. At the same time, every time you circulate in the body, the total amount of source power will increase a little. In offsetting the energy consumption used to strengthen the body, in fact, the benefits of each cycle are minimal.

But Allen did not stop there, he understood the truth of gathering sand into a tower. Nothing can be obtained out of thin air. If you want to climb to the peak of power, you must first climb it step by step.

After consciously driving the power cycle five times, Allen no longer needs to pay attention to it. The Yuanli light group formed a kind of inertia, roaring and rushing in the blood vessels by itself. Under the regular movement of Yuanli, Allen entered a state of being asleep but not asleep, and his will was between vague and awake. But from time to time there was a burst of coolness like autumn water in his chest, all of which made his mind continue to sink into the depths.

At this moment, Ellen didn't know that on the tears of Alisa on his chest, the moonstone was emitting blue light like a curtain of water. It resonated with the source force of the surrounding space, and from time to time a cosmic source force with the same attributes as the moon stone penetrated into the moon stone, and then entered Allen's body through the moon stone.

Under the dual effects of the regular operation of the source force and the moonstone, Alan's will is like sinking continuously in the water. The world in the water is dark, but there is a gleam at the bottom, so the will instinctively selects to the light. After a while as if passing through a water curtain, Allen "sees" the sky full of stars!

After igniting the fire, this is the second time he has entered the Yuanli Star Sea deep in the genes. This time, he did not rush to obtain the source of life that was almost everywhere as before, but carefully observed the star sea. He saw that the source force in the star sea also has its own rules. Those source force glows that emit fluorescence and are like star dust will surround a huge, star-like source force light cluster to form a ring like a satellite belt. Matter. All Yuanli Yinghui are rotating in the same direction, and they form an independent motion system with Yuanli star.

And all the stars of Yuanli seem to be frozen in this starry sky, but in fact, they are also moving slowly. It was just the extent of the movement that Alan had to concentrate all his will to be able to feel a little. Yinghui surrounds the stars, the stars form nebulae, and the nebulae form this sea of ​​stars! The vastness of this universe is enough to shock people.

Allen's will sticks out its tentacles, and rolls toward the point of Genesis Firefly closest to the will. Suddenly, there was a movement in Allen's heart, and the tentacles changed their directions, crossing the Yinghui to the higher-level source force star. But as soon as the tentacles crossed the glowing ring of light, Allen felt a searing pain, and the tip of the tentacles clearly fed back the pain to Allen along the tip of the will as if they had plunged into a sea of ​​high temperature.

Allen quickly retracted his tentacles, and frankly rolled toward those Yinghui. This temptation made him know that he was not strong enough, and he was not yet qualified to claim that star-like life source, so he had to attack those Yinghui first.

When lighting the fire, he can only sweep away a firefly. And now, when the Will rolls at will, there are four or five luminescences that he has taken away from the light belt. As the will withdrew from the endless sea of ​​stars, the glow of these life-source forces quickly merged with Allen's own source-power. The total amount of Yuanli immediately increased by 4%! That is equivalent to the results of four days of source strength training.

Alan opened his eyes, and the window was vomiting white. It turned out that the night had passed so quietly. He stood up, stretched out his hands and feet, did a few simple fighting moves, and took a shower in the bathroom. While allowing the warm water to wash over his body, Allen couldn't help but think that perhaps he should start from ascending the success rate of entering the world of life origin.

Facts have proved that once you successfully enter that piece of Yuanli Xinghai, even if only a few Yinghui is swept away, it will benefit a lot. As for those stars, even the nebula star sea. If one day the source power can be extracted directly from them, the increase in source power can be described as a thousand miles in a day.

It’s just that Alan now hasn’t thought about the other end of the source of his genes, after a long period of time, what kind of powerful life can be obtained that can cross the endless river of time and pass such a huge source of life through inheritance. The genes are passed on to his generation?

Allen still has such great potential, what kind of existence would the original ancestor life of the genetic origin and blood origin be? It is estimated that it will be poor and beyond imagination.

At 7:30, the butler Heising and the two maids brought breakfast to Allen. While Alan was eating, Heising also offered a brocade box. Open it, and inside is a silver ring. The front end of the ring has the emblem of the lion eagle beast, and the two sides are decorated with several graceful curves.

"This is your permission to move in the castle." Heising said so, and explained the purpose of the ring.

It is a status symbol ~www.readwn.com~ and also represents the owner's authority. Depending on the authority, the area opened by the castle is also different. The authority ring like this is divided into five levels: bronze, silver, gold, jade, and crystal. The silver ring in Allen's hand represents the right to use the second level of authority. Being able to have a second level of authority in Ugalle Castle is already equivalent to a foreign affairs director, or the identity of an important person of other tribes.

Of course, as Allen's status improves, the ring will also be replaced, and the authority he can get is even higher.

While helping Allen bring the silver ring, Haising also explained to Allen what he can get with his level of authority, including family funding, weapons, and resources. Lun was dizzy. In the end, Hessing made a simple summary. Everyone who has a silver ring can receive millions of federal coins or equivalent resources from the family every year.

As for the castle area corresponding to the second level of authority, it includes all the public areas, as well as the regular training room behind the main building, and the use of the gravity room for two hours a day. Finally, Heising added: "The use time of the gravity training room can be accumulated and exchanged at one time. The total exchange amount shall not exceed 10 hours."

After breakfast, Heising took Alan to visit the castle. The place he went was naturally the area corresponding to Allen's current level of authority, and the public area in the castle alone made Little Allen a little confused. In order to prevent Allen from accidentally breaking into other restricted areas without knowing it, causing unnecessary trouble. Haising simply said: "Just remember that you can stroll around the area below the third floor of the main building. Above the third floor, if necessary, you should try to notify me first. As for other auxiliary buildings and wing towers, this restriction is not applicable. within."

This is a simple division. The area above the third floor is not a place where Allen's current authority can go casually.

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