Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 63:  Black Widow

The training ground is a public area, and some guards usually practice and compete here. At this time, when there was a burst of intensive collisions in the training ground, the guards were onlookers. They stood around in twos and threes, looking at the two teenagers in the field who were working hard.

For Regis, the guard is no stranger. This young master is keen on martial arts and it is not a day or two. He often brings some of his brothers to the training ground to compete, and occasionally there are guards who go out to compete with him. Although Regis was young, he was already a tenth-level engraver, and he was quite talented in swordsmanship. At a young age, many people were defeated.

Of course, there are also master guards who make him suspicious.

The teenager who competed with Regis today was a new face, and at first the onlookers didn't take it seriously. But gradually, people's gazes looking at Alan became serious. From the beginning of the match, the two attacked each other. Regis's knife was fast and cruel, and what was rare was that Allen didn't let the wind fall at all. And a knife is faster than a knife, quite a taste of countering Regis.

The two tactical long knives continued to collide, sparking sparks, scattered around the two teenagers.

After fighting each other with another knife, Allen suddenly exerted force, pressing the center of gravity of his body on the knife, and suddenly pushed Regis back again and again. Regis is talented, Allen is experienced in actual combat, not to mention that his combat skills are honed between life and death, and there is already a murderous intention between the swords. He planned to push Regis out of the competition venue. Unexpectedly, Regis suddenly stomped on the ground with his feet quickly. The person flashed back and slipped out a few meters, and then moved away at another turning side. Allen's knife naturally pushed again. Not going down.

Regis smiled and repeated the old trick. The man dragged a black shadow in the air with a special footwork, and he was about to hit Allen, and then moved sideways without warning. Allen was shocked, he was a little unable to capture the boy's movements. This was the first time he had hit this situation, which shows how amazing Regis is moving.

When Allen turned his head to capture Regis's movements subconsciously, the boy had disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already slid to Alan's right hand side, in Alan's blind spot of sight! Regis immediately slashed out, thinking about the one that would be hit. Unexpectedly, Alan didn't look back, his right hand was raised, and the long sword crossed! When there was a sound, Regis's attack was blocked.

"How is it possible!" the young man yelled unwillingly, hitting the ground on his toes, and slid back extremely fast.

Sliding out a few meters, Regis raised his long knife flat, with the tip of the knife pointed at Alan's chest. Suddenly yelled, and the person walked with the knife into a beam of electric light and stab Allen straight.

Alan's hair is upright, which is extremely dangerous. He snorted coldly, tapped the tip of the knife, twisted his waist and leaned forward, and then applied force instantly. The tactical long knife immediately pulled out a cold electric arc, and instantly swept across the tip of Regis's knife.

An extremely loud knife sound rang out in the field, and the collision of Yuan Li produced a circle of invisible impact, spreading with a muffled sound, shocking everyone around watching the game back a step or two. The knives in the hands of the two boys exploded at the same time, and the flying fragments forced them to fly back to block.

For a while, there was a strange silence in the training ground.

Zhengzheng looked at Alan, and Regis scratched his head a little awkwardly and said: "Sorry, it seemed to be too hard just now."

Looking at his clear eyes, Allen knew that he didn't mean it, and shook his head with a wry smile: "I almost thought you were going to kill me."

He said: "Strange, what footwork do you use, so fast."

"Don't you know? I just saw that you used Crescent Slash, right? That kind of footwork is also one of the ten dozen sliding steps in the army, using high-frequency stepping on the ground to make yourself move quickly, combined with spin, You can move at a high speed in multiple directions. However, this is a waste of energy." Regis blinked and said, "Or, I will teach you how to use it well, just as an apologetic for a miss?"

"Then I'm welcome, do you want to learn from Crescent Moon? I think your attacks are mostly straight lines, so the speed and power are good, but it is easy to be predicted, and it is far less unpredictable than arc attacks. .Or, you can combine these two combat skills and match the original footwork, so I won’t be so easy to fight." Allen said.

Regis' eyes lit up, and the boy nodded excitedly: "Okay, that's it. Come on, let me teach you how to slide first. First, you have to practice high-speed kicking..."

In this way, the two teenagers taught each other their skills on the training ground this afternoon, and exchanged some practical experience with each other. Both felt that they benefited a lot. Allen learned the basics of sliding from his brother, while Regis learned a lot of practical skills from him. Until the evening, the two people left the training ground and returned to their respective residences.

When Allen returned to his house, he only felt the muscles of his legs twitch. It was a sequelae after practicing sliding. The high-frequency continuous kicks made Alan feel overwhelmed. He put a pool of warm water in the bath and soaked his legs in warm water for half an hour to relieve the legs. Fatigue of the muscles. After that, the legs became as heavy as lead. It takes a process to get used to the kick frequency required for sliding.

The reward items extracted from the family warehouse have been stacked in the hallway of the living room, and three boxes are still pressed with a list. Allen checked and confirmed that they were correct before opening the boxes.

The first to open was a small black box with an electronic magnetic card inside, which was Allen's identification. With this magnetic card, he has the residence area in Babylon and the right to designate surface residents to move to Babylon. There are 15 such places. Originally, according to the rules of the conference, the quota was limited to the family members of the winner. In view of Allen's particularity, the committee individually removed this restriction on him.

For the time being, this right is of no use to Allen. However, if a hunting group is established, he can consider recruiting on the surface. In this way, the recruited members can take advantage of this right to bring them directly back to Babylon, saving a lot of money.

Of course, this is something.

Next is a silver-gray suitcase, which requires a password to be opened. According to the code attached to the federal box, Allen opened the box. As soon as the box was opened, a gust of cold gas escaped from the box. It turned out that it was still a cold and incubator. In the box were a potion, a disposable injection gun, and a note beside it.

This is a high-level physical strengthening medicine. In theory, the first injection can increase physical fitness twice. Afterwards, the effect is weakened. Normally, such a drug should not be injected too many times. Multi-flash injection not only cannot effectively improve physical fitness, but also can cause irreversible damage to certain organs of the human body. Generally speaking, a normal person can only use it three times in a lifetime.

According to the instructions on the instructions, Alan pressed the blue potion with glowing fireflies into the injection gun, and then pressed it on his arm to inject a drop of potion. After a while, he felt his body temperature start to rise, and his whole body was as if soaking in a hot spring. An inexplicable heat rose from the soles of his feet and spread all over his body. Then the muscles of the whole body quivered slightly, especially the musculature of the legs trembling fiercely.

This process lasted a full minute, and Allen was already sweating. Sweat is pale yellow and smells a little fishy. It is because the medicine is working, and some accumulated toxins in the body are excreted through sweat. The potion is still working, the entire strengthening process takes 24 hours, after which Allen will need to spend a few days to adapt to the increased strength of the body.

After taking a shower to wash away the smelly sweat, Allen opened the last box. Inside is a complete set of second-level magic weapons, including a complete set of defensive light armor "Silent Guardian", when the built-in Rubik's Cube sequence is activated, the "energy absorption" ability can be activated. This ability can generate a shield that absorbs 20% of the source force impact.

As for the weapon, it is a straight knife. Both the handle and the scabbard are painted in black, and the handle has a dark red spiral pattern to prevent slippage. Allen drew his sword straight, and the blade was sharp and sharp, like a stream of autumn water. There are turning-like dark lines on the back of the knife, simple and rough. Although the blade of the straight blade was not as wide as Kuangtu, it was not much lighter in weight.

Ellenti held it in his hand and simply made a few slashing moves, feeling that the weight of the blade was just right, and it was a bit more comfortable to use than Kuangtu. This straight knife named "Dark Destruction", after activating the Rubik's Cube sequence, can generate an ability named "Shadow Rip". In the process of slashing, it can generate a knife shadow of source power and perform multiple attacks along the path of the slash.

Seeing the magic weapon of Dark Destruction and Silent Guardian, Allen’s small face is full of smiles~www.readwn.com~ As for the reason why the original weaponry of the first gear has been upgraded to the second gear, it is probably to show Beskard's good. . What's more, the price difference between the first to fifth gears of magic weapons is not that big. It is not a big problem at all to raise a grade slightly.

Soon it was dinner time, and when two young maids brought the dinner over, a teenager also came in.

"Regis, why are you here too?" Allen asked in surprise.

"You said you would invite me to dinner, besides, I want to try with you!" Regis sat down on the dining table unceremoniously.

"What are you going to try again this time?" Allen said, leaning his forehead. He has a headache now hearing the word.

"Just eat faster than anyone else, I'm welcome!" Regis picked up the knife and fork on the table, and had already begun to wipe out a steak soaked in vanilla sweat.

Allen hurriedly joined the battle. After all, the maid brought only a one-person dinner, and it was going to be slow to eat, I was afraid that it would clean up the kid, Regis.

In the next few days, Allen basically mixed with Regis. The figures of the two can often be seen in the training ground, and at first they attracted the guards to watch. After that, everyone was not surprised. During this period, Vincent wanted to trouble Alan several times, but he had to give up seeing Regis on the scene.

On this day, while Huo Si was eating breakfast, Haising came in. Seeing the butler, Hoth said, "I heard that Ellen and Regis have been very close recently?"

"Yes sir, Regis seems to have a good affinity with Master Ellen."

"That's okay, the two of them are about the same age. If they can establish a friendship, Alan will have less resistance in the future." Horn nodded.

Hessing paused and said, "Master, there is news about the hunting group that Master Allen is going to track down."

Horn raised his head when he heard the words, and the butler continued: "That's a black widow, a black group!"

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