Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 686:  Accountability

In the blink of an eye, it was dusk, but the high-altitude battlefield above the canyon was still raging. In the beginning, the starships of the Catu clan cooperated with the Gry giants, and they had the potential to counterattack. But with the passage of time, lack of tactical support, the disadvantages of the alien fleet began to appear. Under the steady and steady offensive of the Federal Fleet, the air battlefield of the alien fleet began to shrink. They abandoned their previous desperate offensive strategy and instead actively defended.

However, this situation is even worse. Neither the Catu nor the Grameen are good at defensive materials. The defense line built by them is full of loopholes. Only after Dayu killed a Dark Titan for Ke Meng, the remaining Dark Titan was in the army. On the one hand, it avoids the possibility of confronting the strongest of the Federation, and on the other hand, it sits in the army, preventing the Federation fleet from approaching too much.

While the air battlefield battle is in full swing, the ground battlefield has gradually entered a white-hot stage. Following the breakthrough of the hunting regiment and ground forces spreading death in the peripheral theater of the canyon, the war has begun to spread to the secondary theater. This place is only one step away from the final position of this total offensive, but the fierce battle is not inferior to the aerial battlefield.

Here, the mission of the hunting group has ended. Many teams returned to the base camp to wait for the final result of the war. But there are also unwilling teams to follow the main force of the army into the war zone and continue to accumulate military merit. But the second-level theater is no better than the outer line of defense. The Catu people have stationed five main barracks here, and each barracks has close to 1,000 troops. Coupled with the help of a hundred Grameen giants, this ground war is particularly difficult to fight.

The battle lasted from day to night, and two of the five main barracks were knocked out, and the remaining three barracks were still more than enough to maintain the line of defense in the theater. Although the Federation had an advantage, it also suffered nearly a thousand casualties. Especially those hunting regiments that went deep with the army, due to lack of control over them, many teams did not listen to dissuasion, resulting in heavy casualties, and many of them were destroyed. Wait until today’s fighting has stopped, and after the statistics of the camp’s staff, the casualty data are released in the form of battle reports, the hunting group killed more than 200 people today. Among them, nearly 80% were sacrificed in the second-level theater. This number is already quite shocking.

After all, the total number of members of the hunting group participating in the Frost War was only 500 people. But today's battle has lost most of it. I don't know how many young people whose families have placed high hopes on the battlefield in a foreign country.

In the Federal Camp, many people looked at the real-time battle reports circulating on the screen and sighed. At this time, there was a commotion in the direction of the camp gate, and several more troop carriers drove into the camp. As soon as the speeding car came in, the ambulances in the camp rushed up, and then lifted down from the speeding car, one by one Union soldiers of varying severity. Now that the emergency area is overcrowded, there are so many soldiers waiting to use the body repair machine that they will have to queue until tomorrow morning. However, some seriously injured people did not even have time for first aid, so they finally swallowed in the camp.

Regarding this situation, the ambulances could only tidy up their appearances a little, then put them in the frozen body bags and wait for them to be transported back to the earth for burial. These war dead who died in the camp are lucky. They can at least return to their hometown. However, there are not many bones left, and even the nameplate cannot be recovered.

This is war.

On one of the personnel carriers, a few people jumped off without any problems. When the paramedics stepped forward to check for them, they were stopped by a tall man in black armor. Seeing that the opponent was carrying a warhammer covered with spikes, the ambulancemen dispelled the idea of ​​questioning and ran to the other wounded with interest. The other party actively refused to check, but the ambulancemen were happy. After all, there are so many wounded soldiers, but the number of ambulances is limited.

Rainer sent away the ambulance, and said to Regis: "You accompany your highness back to the dormitory first."

"How about you?"

"I'll go to the person in the command room to settle the account!" Reina said gloomily.

After they withdrew from the valley, they encountered a few more enemy soldiers on the way back, and finally arrived at a assembly point in the theater of the theater before they were able to take a troop carrier back to the base camp. Listening to Reina going to the command center to settle accounts, Lucy raised her head and said: "I'll go too, they must give an explanation."

"His Royal Highness, I know that you are very angry and worried about Allen. But now, I think what you need most is rest. This matter allows me to come forward. Although we are not a wealthy, Beth Kode is not A coward who is at the mercy of people but dare not say a word." Reina strode towards the camp command center with a anger.

Regis pulled Lucy, who nodded helplessly.

In the command room of the camp, several admiralists were deducing the details of the ground war, preparing for the battle tomorrow. At this time, a soldier rushed in in a panic and reported to a steady middle-aged colonel: "Colonel Serris, Renner of the Bethcourt family asked to meet with General Catherine."

"Naughty!" The colonel called Serris touched the thick beard around his chin and said: "The general is now commanding the air battle on the floating carrier. How can I see him and blast him away."

At the end of the speech, the soldiers outside the door screamed and flew a few times. But they were obviously not injured, and soon got up from the ground again. It's just that everyone looked at the door in panic, Serris looked, and the door was suddenly filled with a figure. Carrying the warhammer, Renner strode in with a murderous suit. Seris cursed secretly, and stepped forward and shouted: "What are you doing? Is this a place where you can come and go? Get out of here!"

Reina sneered: "A great official, but a colonel, dare to point fingers at me?"

Seris's expression changed. He was born on the surface and walked to this position step by step as a civilian. It was a tremendous effort. On weekdays, the colonel most looked down on the faces of the noble children. Obviously, Renner fully interpreted the noble arrogance and rudeness. Serris immediately coldened his eyes and said: "Even Beth Kod must observe military discipline in the army. Don't think that the nobles can really do it arbitrarily, if you really think so, I will make you regret it!"

Reina laughed, and when he smiled so much that Seris turned blue, he lowered his head and said: "When it comes to arbitrary actions, we can't compare to your federal military, right?"

"What do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean?" Renner's pupils shrank and roared: "If your military is not so arbitrary, why is my Beskod's strategic mission so far from the actual situation? Our goal is clearly written in the mission. It's just a defensive battle fort, but in fact, that marching route sent us to the main barracks on the enemy's ground!"

"Is this a mission? This is asking us to die!" Renner said coldly: "I'm not a rich man in Beth Kod, but if anyone thinks that this can be done with us, our family is willing Stay with me to the end. Even if it is your Federal Army, we dare to mess with it. I wonder if you, a colonel, can afford such a responsibility?"

Cerriston was at a loss for words, and if Rainer had trouble for no reason, then Serris hadn't taken it to heart. But if Rainer's accusation was not groundless, the problem would be serious. With the momentum of Beth Kode in the past two years, some people have already asserted that in ten years, this family will surely be among the rich. And even the federal government is unwilling to offend such a huge family casually, let alone a civilian colonel like him?

Furthermore, if what Rainer said was true, Serris had no reason to provoke him. If Bethkod’s mission was maliciously modified, then Colonel Kelso, who was responsible for the release of the mission, had to come forward to explain, and Serris would not be guilty of forcing him to come forward.

The colonel said: "Mr. Reina, your accusation is very serious. I want to know, what evidence do you have?"

"Evidence? At this time, you still want to use evidence to prevaricate me?" Reina laughed angrily: "We had five people when we left camp, but only three people were left when we came back. Those who didn't come back were Alan and Belmore. Germany, if you pay a little attention to their previous combat performance and assessment of their strengths, you will know that a battle fort with fifty soldiers in a small area is impossible to keep them two. If you don’t encounter a strongman at the commander level of the opponent, add one more. The **** samurai who fought, do you think we will reduce our staff and return? And now, you want me to show evidence!"

Murderous aura, like a storm in the command room, full of Reina's anger sweeping every corner. The staff who were not in combat positions trembled ~www.readwn.com~ looked at the colonels helplessly.

Serris's face was blue and red, and as Renner was concerned, he didn't need to lie. But this meant that a certain high-ranking official in the army used the convenience of public office to cruel Beskard. Not to mention that their hunting group has only five people, even if their regular army of death spread crashes into the opponent's main barracks, they will have to fight hard. Hearing that there are **** samurai, Reina's credibility is even more tenable.

After all, it was not until today's surface war that the military knew that the **** warriors of the Catu tribe were also involved in this war, and that it was the armed forces of the Savage Star Temple. Except for the military, the outside world knows it wrong. Since Reina was called a **** samurai, it showed that what he was saying was the truth.

When Colonel Serris didn't know how to step down, a cold air rushed out of the command room door, and that breath suffocated Renner with murderous aura. Renner turned around and saw a black cloak burning like flames in his eyes. Catherine's black and gray ponytail jumped into his eyes. The youngest female general of the Confederation glanced at the room and said to Renner: "This matter is not as simple as you think. I already know about your mission being replaced. I am tracking down the perpetrators and actively launching the rescue of your missing members. Mr. Rainer, please believe that the EFF The Ministry is not so stupid to do this kind of self-destruction of the city wall."


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