Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 688:  The Moment of Enlightenment (1)

The Najiatu strongman retreated several steps, cursing in his native language, and at the same time stretched out his hands and drew his swords behind him. The flame of Yuanli gushes out of Catu people like a fountain, and the rising light of Yuanli forms a projection of a strange beast behind him. The alien beast has two heads and four arms, and neither of its heads has eyes, ears, nose or nose, but it has a huge eyeball on its chest, and a huge mouth is split on each side of the waist and rib. The sharp teeth were clearly visible and the fierceness was revealed.

With the emergence of the original ancestor projection, the injury of the Catu was relieved, and the almost disconnected arm was connected by countless source force threads. The flesh buds flying around the edges of the wound are growing at an extremely fast rate. The breath of the Catu people is becoming thicker, the power is slowly accumulating, and the smell of violent bloodthirsty is released.

The imposing power made the second lieutenant look at him. He asked himself if he could only be tortured against such a strong man, the opponent would be far above him in terms of rank and power. Haihua immediately squeezed his sweat for the silver-haired boy, and at this moment, the silver-haired boy raised a heavy knife. An equally tough aura was released from him, and that power was filled with endless killing and murderous intent. Haihua seemed to be on a tragic battlefield, his heart beating wildly.

The two sides confronted each other in momentum, and the silver-haired boy did not fall behind, and his power continued to rise, with a vague feeling of coming from behind. The explosion sounded continuously on the entire rock pile. Not only did the two sides interact with each other in momentum, but Yuan Li also began to compete for every inch of space.

The Cato strong roared suddenly, lowering his center of gravity. With arms stretched out, two big swords hung to the ground, like a giant beast spreading out its steel wings. The murderous intent on him soared, which was a sign of the shot. In such a situation where soldiers are at stake, Haihua saw that the young man smiled lightly. The second lieutenant rubbed his eyes, thinking he was wrong. At this time, the orange flame on the young man's body was flourishing.

In the next moment, wisps of flames appeared in the air around the Catu. The flames rapidly expanded, erupted, and gathered, condensing into a figure formed by raging flames. Judging from the outline, those flame shadows are somewhat similar to the silver-haired boy, as if they were his clones. At this time, the strong Jiatu rushed with a sword, and the young man's figure finally moved, but the surrounding flame clones intercepted it.

There were as many as six flame clones, but there was only one Najiatu strong, and he was immediately besieged by the flame clones. The young man was not idle either, his figure flickered, and he rushed into the battle group, just slashing out.

when! There was a loud sound of weapons fighting, and Haihua was shocked by the strong collision of both of them, causing a disturbance in the source of his body. Right now, his face changed, and he opened his mouth to vomit bleeding fog. Looking at the soldiers around, everyone was staggering as if drunk, blood oozing from their ears and nose. Haihua barely stood still, but felt that his hands and feet were soft. Reluctantly, the young man and many clones suddenly stepped back and distanced themselves from the Cato strong.

The big rhinoceros also froze on the spot. At this time, the silver-haired boy and the flame clone pointed their swords to the ground at the same time. Haihua obviously felt a violent fluctuation of Origin Power, and he was shocked. Then the violent source force fluctuations, how violent the instant output would it have such resonance? He didn't have time to think about this problem, and the ground under the feet of the Jiatu strongman was already glowing red.

The red light changed from shallow to deep, and finally turned into a dark red light color, during which the heat was pressing, and the Najiatu powerhouse looked like standing on a volcano about to explode!

As soon as he thought of this, Haihua saw a fiery stream of fire rushing from the ground instantly engulfing the strong Jiatu clan. The fire flowed like a waterfall, flowing upstream to the sky, and instantly went straight for a thousand meters. The huge fire dragon licked to the sky in an instant, and then continued to spread in all directions, finally igniting the clouds within a few hundred meters of square above the battlefield.

Blazing flames, boil the sea and burn the sky!

Haihua couldn't help but stared blankly, and even trembled uncontrollably. That horrible waterfall, the power of burning the sky that cannot be resisted. Haihua asked himself if he was in the middle of the fire dragon, he would end up dead.

The eruption of the fire waterfall lasted for five or six seconds, before the flames gradually fell and were replaced by thick black and red smoke. But the flames in the sky were still burning, and the mist over the gorge was swept away. In the end, even the low-hanging clouds burned through a huge gap. From the ground, I could see the rare frost Clear night sky.

At this time, the young man swept across the knife, and a strong wind swept away the dense smoke. The smoke dissipated, and the ground that the fire dragon rushed had already sunk a deep pit that was more than ten meters wide. There were burn marks everywhere in the round pit. The temperature in the center was still appallingly high, and white smoke rose. The corpse of the Nagatu was in the center of the round pit. He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, apparently trying to resist when he was in the fire waterfall. But in the end, it was still burned into a charred corpse.

Haihua couldn't see the body of the Nagartu due to the distance. But it is not difficult to judge the result from the disappearing breath of the other party, so when he looked at the boy who was walking towards the sword, the look in Haihua's eyes was no longer heavy to describe.

The battle is over. Long before the Catu strong were killed in the flames, the infantry soldiers were all killed. Once the strong man died, this outpost was taken. Haihua couldn't help but be grateful that he had met such a strong helper, otherwise it was just the strong Najiatu that would be enough to hide his team here.

"Thank you very much for your help, may I ask you who are you?" Haihua reached out tentatively.

What made him rest assured was that the other party quickly shook his hand. At least, the silver-haired boy in front of him expressed his kindness. Haihua breathed a sigh of relief, and listened to the other party to report his name: "I am Alan, this is Belmode, my companion."

"It turned out to be Mr. Allen~www.readwn.com~ and Mr. Belmode, thank you again for your help." Haihua doubted: "But this is a second-level theater, even if a hunting group participates, it has already returned. The camp is resting, why are the two of you here?"

"Of course I didn't mean to cross-examine the two, just curious."

Allen and Belmode exchanged glances and said, "It's a long story. We encountered a Catu army when we were on the mission. The number of troops exceeded our expectations. No less, we can only separate from our companions. Because the back road was copied, we could only go deep into the war zone. I was thinking about dropping some enemy strongholds along the way, so that we could accumulate some military exploits, and second, we hope that we can crash into the Union army just like the current situation. . So sir, could you please take us to the assembly point in the theater?"

Haihua nodded and said: "It turns out that this is the case. It just happens that our mission has been completed. It is time to go back to the assembly point and stand by. The two of you will go with me."

Allen smiled and said, "Then trouble you, we...be careful!"

His face suddenly changed, and his eyes looked behind Haihua. From Alan's pupils, the second lieutenant saw a gray round wheel spinning from behind him!


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