Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 695:  The opposite script

Hubble's voice still echoed on the battlefield, and Allen had flashed beside Ke Meng. , The black sword was handed out as light as a feather, as if a thin gauze blade easily submerged in Ke Meng's uniform. The major general trembled violently. The source power he used to protect his body and his tyrannical body could not even serve as a barrier. The black knife was almost insubstantial, and it couldn't be easier to stab him into his body.

With Ke Meng's control over the body, he instantly knew that several ribs in his body had been severed, including an organ. The black knife was like a cold snake in his body. When Allen wanted to stretch the long knife horizontally to cause more damage, Ke Meng unreservedly exploded with all his source power.

Allen only felt a flash of light in his eyes, and the next moment the person had been lifted into the air by the impact of the burst of Genesis. The strong shock made him almost out of control, and he opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood. The Catu man who suppressed Ke Meng suffered more injuries. He endured more shocks, and his hill-like body flew upside down, spraying blood from nearly a hundred wounds all over his body. Hubble fell to the ground, and the blood quickly pooled into a puddle of blood under him, and he couldn't get up for a while.

"You kid! How dare you treat me like this!" Ke Meng yelled. He did feel the crisis of death just now. The feeling of life hanging by a thread, even against the Dark Titans, has never happened before. But today, he actually feels like this to a boy who is less than 20th grade. The incident alone makes him feel uncomfortable.

The black knife was still hanging on him, Ke Meng reached out to take out the dark long knife. But the hand just touched the blade, the black sword twisted for a while, and then it was continuously injected into the body from his wound like liquid. Ke Meng was shocked, such a vision is definitely not a good thing. He instinctively stimulated Yuanli, wanting to force out the foreign matter invading the body. However, Yuanli roared in his blood vessels, but he never felt any foreign body intrusion. It seemed that the black long blade just disappeared invisible.

Allen squirted another blood and swayed to his feet. Ke Meng saw him and immediately rushed at him: "Asshole boy, what have you done! I..."

At halfway, Ke Meng was shocked. He staggered and almost fell to the ground, an indescribable pain that made him scream. He stretched out his hand to cover the wound, and suddenly saw an unnatural black breath emerging from the back of his bare hand, and the breath surged like a living thing.

There is something in the body!

Ke Meng was shocked, he tried to sense it with his source force, but he didn't notice anything. I only felt that my whole person was exuding a strong life, almost like a dead body on the battlefield.

"How could this be?" He yelled, and looked at his hands again. These arms, which should have been young and powerful, seemed to shrink a lot at this moment. The skin became pale and dull, and the veins were floating on it like ugly bugs. Ke Meng wanted to say something, but opened his mouth and spit out a black blood. There are pieces of internal organs in the black blood, which are the organs that were cut by the long blade.

These things fell to the ground, and the surface was wrapped with strands of black mist. Under the envelope of these black qi, the color of those fragments changed from red to pale, and in a flash, they turned into a pile of gray powder scattered in the blood. Ke Meng saw his pupils shrink, and in that short moment, he saw the whole process from life to death!

These fragments came from his body, and there is no doubt that the same change occurred in his body. Ke Meng could no longer hold the foil, and even the original ancestor projection behind him could not be maintained. Life is leaving him quickly, and even the general cannot stop the process of the mist leading him to death.

He never thought that the script would develop into what it is now. Only then did he think of running away. What Alan, what power, has all become unimportant at this moment. The only important thing now is his life. Ke Meng had just turned around, a sudden cold behind his back. This bit of cold took away the last heat of his life, and then he heard Alan's voice ringing behind him.

"I don't remember allowing you to leave, General."

"Who needs your permission...Ah!" Ke Meng couldn't help screaming, as if there were thousands of steel needles spinning together in his body. He hated his nerves for the first time for being so sharp. If they were slower, then there would be no need to endure these pains.

The red blade that Alan inserted on Ke Meng's back was shining with regular light, as if a signal, the "steel needle" inside Ke Meng ran away in the next moment. They were scrambling to rush out of Ke Meng's body, so the general's skin raised countless small bumps. Ke Meng hugged his head and screamed, and finally countless black lines rushed out of his mouth, nostrils, ears, and pores on the surface of his body. Each black line is a mist of decay.

The black mist was like a line, and it gathered in midair after leaving Ke Meng's body. The mist kept tossing, gathering, and condensing, and finally formed a pitch-black long knife again, which fell from mid-air and stuck it on the ground at Alan's feet.

With a plop, Ke Meng fell to the ground. At this moment, he is no longer young, his skin is pale and wrinkled, covered with dark spots, and his hair has become sparse and gray. Even people who knew Ke Meng would not recognize that this dying old man on the ground turned out to be Ke Meng Grant. He looked at Alan weakly and stretched out his hand, his thin bloodless lips on both sides opened like a fish coming ashore.

He wanted to say something, but eventually his hand fell to the ground. Ke Meng opened his eyes wide, but stopped breathing forever.

After Allen confirmed that he was dead, he also fell to the ground. The black blade and the red blade turned into two colors of light, and gathered together to form a devil's praise. But at this moment, Allen didn't even have the strength to collect the originator. Belmode came to him and put the dagger back into the scabbard behind him. Another stimulant was inserted into Allen's neck, and the drug went directly into the blood vessel. Alan closed his eyes, and after a while, he recovered a little bit of strength.

"Help me up." Allen said, the muscles all over his body were sore at the moment, and the wound oozes bleeding even when he moves. It was his weakest time now, but still let Belmode help him to Hubble's side.

Hubble was lying in the blood, unable to move a finger. I could barely roll my eyes and look at Allen and said: "I'm going to die, come on, give me a good time. Then take my head back, maybe you can remember a good military exploit."

"At least it is a fourth-class skill." Allen said.

"Only fourth class! Lost." The Catu person looked unhappy.

Allen shook his head: "I still have some medicine here, maybe..."

"Don't be stupid, I know it myself. Now I have a mass of paste inside, and my heart is about to die. Come on, don't mother-in-law. At least it's better to die in your hands. It's just... A strong hatred flashed in Hubble's eyes: "It's just that there is no way to avenge Vasago!"

Allen looked at him and said, "If there is a chance, do you still want to avenge him?"

"Of course, but it's useless to say it now. I can't..."

Allen nodded: "Then I know how to do it." After he reached out and touched his waist, when the demon praise was taken out, it turned into a short-barreled pistol with red lines on the surface. Seeing this pistol, Belmode suddenly realized.

"Use a gun? It's okay, please aim and hit a bit, but don't make me too uncomfortable."

Allen raised his gun: "It won't be uncomfortable, you have to thank me later."

"What are you talking about?" Hubble looked at him, only to see that Allen had depressed the trigger. A bright red Yuanli bullet was ejected from the muzzle, and immediately the world in Hubble's eyes was illuminated by the color of the bullet. He closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

The whole earth was bright, and the blood-colored light reflected this space. They are pervasive, illuminating every corner that light can reach.

After a while.

Hubble opened his eyes again, and strangely, he can see with both eyes now. Rin Shuang's sky has never been so clear. He sat up in surprise and found that all the wounds on his body had healed.

"Look, I'll say it won't be uncomfortable." Allen looked at him with a smile.

Hubble jumped up, shook his fists a few times, and looked at Allen incredulously: "What did you do to me?"

"Well, wait until I wake up." Allen smiled, and then passed out irresponsibly.

Belmode looked around, picked Alan on his back, and swept towards the woods. When he came to the forest, he looked at the Cattu who was still in a daze and shouted, "Do you want to come?"

Hubble cursed in Cato, took back his great axe, and reluctantly followed Belmode. They quickly disappeared into the woods, the complex terrain of the chaotic canyon, where they can hide for a long time.

As soon as they walked on their forefoot, the sound of the engine sounded within a short time~www.readwn.com~ On the battlefield, a few rays of light appeared in the empty sky, and while the light was flowing, a dark starship was lifted. Invisible mode, appeared in the air. The starship descended to the ground, the hatch opened, and a figure flashed to the ground. The sun was shining on the two horsetails of different colors, and Catherine scanned the surroundings, and finally fell on Ke Meng's body.

But when she saw Ke Meng's body, she was not sure what she thought. She knelt down and found the silver foil again, only to confirm that the old man's body in front of her was Ke Meng.

"How could this be?" Catherine turned over his body, but found no fatal wounds, only a thin wound on the waist. Obviously, such an injury will not kill a Federal Major General.

If it weren't for the wound so thin, Catherine almost thought he had killed Alan. But thinking of Alan's heavy knife, no matter how fascinating he was with the blood hidden, he couldn't make such a small wound. That is no longer paradoxical, but simply unreasonable.

But if it wasn't for Allen, who did Ke Meng kill for? Also, Ke Meng died in the place where Allen's signal source disappeared. What happened here? These questions made the beautiful female major general frowned, but there was no answer in her heart.


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