Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 72:  Return to the original owner

"Boy, don't think you can kill me if you win the death ring. You don't want to get it back, now I will put it here, if you can kill me, just take it." Andy inserted the demon's praise. Entering the foothills, said with a grinning smile.

Allen smiled and said: "Are you so terrible, are you scared? It took two or three seconds to see your gaze on me. The look in your eyes went from dazed to solemn, indicating that you know this is a set of magic armor. Now that you know it is magic armor, you should be clear that to be able to use magic weapons, my source power must be at least tenth level. Then you, the eleventh-level engraver. Tired and exhausted, and hurt The body, the equipment is not as good as mine. Do you really think that the gap between the first level is that big?"

Andy was shocked.

The silver-haired boy was calm and observant, and he broke his own rank in a single word, and he knew him well, as if all his information was in his grasp. Suddenly, Andy remembered what happened before. Guna's death was very strange, and there was a faint breath of Origin Power remaining around the explosion site. Before, he thought it was the source of Guna's remaining source power after resisting the attack. Now, thinking about it, it's more like the traces of being bombarded by some magic weapon.

Looking at the mana armor on Ellen, Andy suddenly realized: "So you did it all? Dige's sudden attack, Guna's death, that sniper forced me to this mountain road..."

The key to this is that Di Ge doesn't have any magic weapons. Otherwise, Dige had been revealed in the battle a few days ago.

Allen said happily: "You are not stupid, at least, you can understand it."

After talking, he leaned forward, and Allen swept down the mountain. People are halfway, and the source of energy is surging. The scabbard that had been destroyed by the straight sword flew out with a scream, and slammed into Andy. Andy tilted his head, letting him pass the scabbard, and when he looked again, the pupils of his eyes shrank sharply.

Every turning pattern on the body of the Dark Destruction Knife was lit up by the orange-yellow source force like flame light. Allen ran with the knife, and his upper body was almost in line with the ramp. The leaning and charging posture fits perfectly with this mountain slope, forming an indivisible whole. When he pounced, Andy only felt the whole world oppressing him.

He was shocked, knowing that at this moment, Allen's previous foreshadowing, including the heart attack, had already worked. By matching the environment with his own momentum, he successfully suppressed his fighting spirit, and gave birth to the illusion and powerlessness of being hostile to the whole world. Hateful even though he knew this, Andy was unable to change this situation, so he had to shout and bite the bullet to greet him.

Annihilation bounced, drew a perfect arc in the void and wiped it toward Andy's throat. At the same time, the blade brought three Yuanli blade shadows, and also cut out fragments of crescent moons, and chased them. The straight knife cut out a number of large and small moon arcs in Allen's hands, and enveloped Andy's whole person in the sword force of the crescent moon. The crescents are connected, there is no gap, and Andy secretly groans with the mercury-like offensive.

In the eyes of the head of the black widow, the mountain road, the night sky and even Allen disappeared. In the whole world, only the finely scattered moonlights are left!

The moon rises and the moon falls, there is no limit. Andy is like sailing a boat in the raging sea in the film, a situation where the boat is destroyed by accident. However, after a few face-to-face time, his body has been torn out by a sharp straight knife or Yuanli knife shadow. But he did not sit still, both hands and ten fingers constantly ejected the invisible Yuanli silk thread, wrapped around the straight knife in Ellen's hand like a spider weaving a cocoon.

Soon, Allen found that the straight knife was getting heavier. Between swinging the knife, it is like being in the water with great resistance. Finally, the seemingly endless dance of the moon wheel has disappeared. Andy was overjoyed, the prey had been entangled in the cobwebs, and then it was time to hunt. However, inadvertently crossed his eyes with Allen, and Andy felt something was wrong. There was no fear in Allen's eyes, even a slight smile.

Andy suddenly realized that the kid in front of him was at least a tenth-level engraver. So what will his marking and ability be?

He quickly knew the answer.

The strands of orange light flew across Allen's body surface, and from under the mana armor's underclothes, light lines like loops were transmitted. In a flash, it gathered between Allen's forehead and eyebrows, intertwined into a large sword pattern burning with flames.

The blade of a prairie fire!

The straight knife suddenly exploded into a fiery flame, and the bright orange flame whizzed and revolved, igniting all the spider silk entangled on the straight knife. The Yuanli thread burned and broke, ejecting sparks in the sky. Allen leaned forward, twisted his waist, slipped and swung his knife. All the movements were done in one go, the straight blade was like pushing a thousand catties, the blade was constantly vibrating and roaring, and the surrounding space was even more filled with a continuous sound of thunder.

Just in this sound, a flaming orange moon appeared in Andy's eyes. The straight knife drew an arc full of tension, and the burning flame followed the trajectory of the blade to fill the space, thus forming a burning crescent that cut across Andy's waist! The Yanyue burst into pieces, and the shock wave of the explosion carried the hot fire waves and hit Andy's whole body upside down, and finally fell to the ground like a fireball.

The thousand-degree heat quickly burned Andy's clothes, and his hair, skin, and even flesh and blood were ruthlessly licked by the tongue of fire. Andy yelled, suddenly a dense purple spider silk wrapped around his body. The spider silk condensed and suppressed all the flames of the source force on his body. But Andy was already black and red, hot smoke billowing on the surface, and the smell of barbecue in the air.

He was so painful that he wanted to faint, but his heart froze, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart. Andy looked up, the bright moon hung above the night sky. However, there is another figure in the moon, Alan!

The straight knife that was still wrapped in flames raised his head high, and slashed down with the swirling flames, and an orange sky fire was drawn in Andy's eyes. The sky is shining, burn everything! Andy yelled, and the five fingers of his right hand went to Allento. Countless purple spider silks continuously woven a light cocoon between his palms. The light cocoon took shape in an instant, and pressed against Alan's chest under the push of Andy!

Almost at the same time, the orange Yanyue cut across Andy's chest vertically, and the flame died down, passing Andy and rushing straight for three meters, leaving a black mark on the ground. The spider silk cocoon was pressed against the carbon black armor on Alan's chest, the cocoon squeezed, deformed, and shattered! Countless nail-sized light spiders were ejected from it. In a blink of an eye, the light spiders crawled all over Allen's upper body, blinking, and everything exploded!

In the violent explosion, purple fire splashed, and the diffuse ring-shaped source force ripple knocked Andy into flight. After falling to the ground, Andy struggled to get up. Suddenly his face changed drastically, and he felt the blood all over his body burning. It was real burning, and deep in Andy's eyes, sporadic firelight began to appear. The fire became more and more intense, and the pain hit his brain. Andy held his head and shouted, and suddenly two flames spurted out of Andy's eyes!

At the same time, Andy's body wounds burst into flames. The power of Yanyue broke out at this moment, and immediately burned Andy into a burning man. In the fire, Andy went from screaming to groaning, and finally fell silent, only the flame was still burning.

On the other side, the purple fire extinguished, and thick smoke rose from the mountain road. Allen came out of the thick smoke, naturally he could not be unharmed. Andy's final life-threatening blow was surprisingly powerful. The hundreds of light spiders exploded at the same time, if it weren't for the energy absorption of the silent guard, plus the protection of the armor itself and Allen's own source power to offset part of the impact. Replaced by him half a year ago, this trick is enough to make him crushed!

Now, his face was full of blood, and thin blood lines were constantly flowing out of his nostrils, but it was shocked by the aftermath of the explosion. But in general, the injury is not serious, it's just that the trauma is more terrifying.

Picking up the scabbard, secretly ruined the blade. Allen pulled up the dagger that Andy had inserted into the mountain road to praise the demon. After more than seven months of separation, the dagger finally returned to its original owner. Looking at Andy's corpse again, Allen collected the dagger and turned to leave.

The town of Sonda was still brightly lit under the drooping night.

The town is not far from the third battle group camp of the Ground Defense Army "Owl Wolf" in District 13. Most of the residents in the town are the families of soldiers. After years of development, the population of the town has reached more than 4,000. Among the few small towns within a 500-kilometer radius, ~www.readwn.com~Sanda Town has become prosperous. Most of the residents in the town serve the military district, and some live on mining in nearby mines.

At night, several bars in the town are full. The residents of the town itself, or the soldiers in the barracks, had to burst the bar. Especially the "Agni" bar, it was full at night, and I couldn't find a place when I arrived later. Agni is the largest bar in town, and the decoration style is full of old western style. The extra-large wine glasses that are not much smaller than the barrels and the hot **** girls are the two main hallmarks of the bar. As for the bar’s special drink "volcano", it is a favorite among men.

Volcano wine, as its name suggests, is strong tempered. One cup is enough to overwhelm a tough guy with a big five and three rough, so when Allen didn't get drunk immediately after drinking a cup of volcano, he won the respect of the men next to him. In the world of men, they only respect two kinds of people. One is hard fist, the other is good at drinking. Especially the volcano wine, which can be called a tough guy without being poured.

Although Alan was finally drunk, he was not far from being drunk. It's like a pair of dancers who are dancing on the stage. He shook his head, trying to make himself more awake, but it didn't help.

"How about it, kid, isn't this wine strong enough?" Ron laughed and slapped Alan **** the shoulder.

Allen smiled bitterly, Roth only said to bring them to the bar for fun, but he never said that the special drinks here are so terrible. After successfully handling the entire Black Widow hunting group, Ron took them to the town of Sundar. Because there was still some time before returning to Babylon, Ron simply took them to the town for fun. After three days, they visited almost all the bars in the town, and tonight's Fire Bar was the last stop.

After all, Tomorrow, Allen and his party will return to Babylon in a spaceship.

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