Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 698:   disguise

Fortunately, Catherine did not continue to explore, only told Alan to rest in the camp with peace of mind, and left alone.

Next, the war in Chaos Canyon finally made a decisive breakthrough.

On the third day of the war, the air defense of the alien race was completely broken. Although the remaining dark Titan came out to meet the enemy, Catherine was beheaded under the scythe. When the black sun that the pitch-black giant blew up flattened a corner of the canyon, the foreign army on the ground also retreated steadily. After breaking through the air defense line, the Federal Fleet and ground forces cooperated with each other and ate the three main barracks of the alien army with absolute advantage.

The defeat was done, and in desperation, the alien army chose to withdraw. Catherine finally showed a fierce style at this time, and the air fleet unfolded across the board, forming a high-altitude firepower net, devouring the Catu’s starship and the Gly giant. The war on this day only lasted until sunset, but only one or two foreign troops were able to escape.

The federal ground forces successfully reached the artificially flattened ground in the canyon and destroyed the resonators on the spot. According to the countdown displayed on the resonator, if the Federation acts two or three days later, the Frost Star will become a black hole in the Rudson star field. And this black hole will change the gravity of the surrounding space, and it will bring unpredictable disasters to the remaining planets in the planetary belt of Eden. 》≥

Fortunately, the Federation still had a little luck. It destroyed the machine before the black hole formed, which also represented a successful sentence on the battle on Frost Star.

After the war, the army was about to withdraw from Rin Shuang, and the hunting regiments were also notified of their withdrawal. The team located on Rin Shuang will return to the Sunrise, and the General Staff Headquarters will make necessary arrangements for the military merits they have acquired during this period. If you have accumulated a second-class merit in the war, you can go to the Garden of Eden to participate in the war on the central battlefield. As for those who can't get the admission ticket, it's time to choose. They must choose between exiting the war or joining the family army in order to continue participating in the war.

This choice will be an important turning point for their participation in the interstellar battlefield, and everyone needs to consider carefully.

After receiving the evacuation notice, hunting groups began to leave one after another. However, Allen took Belmode and several people back to Chaos Canyon, which suffered severe damage in this war. Many terrains have been altered by artillery fire. It used to be a place where there were piles of rocks and grass like the sea, but now it is a round explosion pit after another. Some round pits even reached hundreds of meters in diameter and more than ten meters deep, which shows how severe the war was damaged.

As agreed with Hubble, Allen lit a bonfire on a high peak in the canyon. When night fell, even the mist shrouded in the canyon was faintly visible. It was late at night when Hubble was late. When he appeared under the fire, Lucy and Regis both acted a little nervous. Regis even reached out to support Zhu Jue's hilt, and then lowered his hand at Allen's sign.

Hubble snorted and said in a low tone: "You didn't say that there will be so many human monkeys. Wait, there are Idahua stars here!"

He looked at Lucy, his eyes puzzled.

"They are all my friends and important partners." Allen came to Hubble and patted Catu Humane: "As for this, Hubble the beheader, he is my second follower. Today At the beginning, I will join us in the fight."

Then he nodded to Belmode, who brought two equipment boxes with Regis. Allen opened the box, which contained a set of full-body armor components. At this time, Ellento Catherine got the armor and made necessary modifications to Hubble's size and appearance.

"Come on, put it on." Allen said.

Hubble stood still, his eyes hesitating.

"What's the matter, take off the residual armor on your body soon." Allen urged.

Hubble raised his hand to Lucy: "There are women here!"

Lucy laughed out loud and stood up and said, "I didn't expect you to be shy. Okay, let me avoid it."

Watching Lucy walk away, Hubble took off his broken armor and asked, "What does it mean to be shy?"

"Probably means you will be shy." Allen said casually, and threw part of the chest armor to the Catu.

Hubble roared: "The brave and fearless Hubble will not be shy, that Idahua star woman, I want you to take back what you just said!"

Allen shook his head, ignored the thick rhinoceros, and put on the armor for Hubble with Belmode. When the last component was installed, Hubble had become a steel fortress. He is like a huge iron can, and even his iconic big head is tightly hidden in a fully enclosed helmet, revealing only two golden eyes.

If the armor is not removed, it is difficult to connect Hubble and the Catu from the outside. Because of the appearance of the armor, Allen deliberately chose a silver-white armor that was close to the aesthetics of the Idahua star. Decorated with golden patterns on it, coupled with a scarlet cloak, Hubble immediately transformed into a majestic and sacred ornate knight, which has nothing to do with the rude and savage Catu.

It's just that Hubble himself is very dissatisfied with this armor, for example, the color of the armor is too bright. In the Catto people’s understanding, all bright things are fragile. Just like those beautiful flowers, never as hard as deep rocks.

Of course, this preference was selectively ignored by Allen. He only hoped that this armor would prevent Hubble from attracting the attention of others before heading to the Garden of Eden. After all, until then, they have to stay on the Sunrise. It is not difficult to imagine that if the Federation discovers that a Catu is hidden on the cruiser, and Hubble seems to be on the Federation's list of concerns, it would be strange that it will not cause an uproar.

So the more holy and solemn Hubble looks, the safer he is.

"Finally..." Alan looked at his decapitator, and Ke Meng had already penetrated a gap in the battle axe. This tomahawk has no special effect except that it is big and heavy~www.readwn.com~. And the materials used are very rough, and the casting technology can be called crude. It's difficult for Hubble to have a reputation with such a tomahawk, but now, if he continues to carry the decapitator. Even if he was given this armor, it was enough for people to recognize him.

"I want you to change into this weapon." Allen personally pulled an equipment box and opened it, with a machete made of Valley blue steel lying inside. The machete is nearly two meters long, and the blade is extremely thick, with a faint blue light glowing throughout. The style is simple, without any sequence, just a heavy enough cold weapon. It is indeed heavy enough, the net weight of this machete is two tons, just like a big iron block.

Hubble picked it up and chopped twice at random. The dull wind sounded immediately, and the quality of Valé blue steel also left two faint blue light traces in the air. Hubble said with satisfaction: "It's better than my decapitator. What's the name of this thing?"

"It hasn't been named yet." Allen said, thinking that he still shouldn't tell Hubble. I don't know how long this thing has been in the federal warehouse. When Catherine sent it along with the armor, Allen remembered that the knife had the two-word label "defective" on it.

"Just call it a decapitator." Hubble passed the name of the great axe to the machete without any new ideas.


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