Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 701:  No feast

A small storm ended here.

Ress pulled over Christine and didn't know what she said, the girl just nodded repeatedly, then left her head down. Reese walked back and smiled bitterly: "This time thanks to you to relieve the siege."

"Even without me, this kind of thing won't bother you." Allen ordered him a glass of wine, and Rhys was sleek. How could such a person not be able to deal with the situation just now, the only difference lies in the price.

"Anyway, I owe you a favor. Also, I want to owe more." Reese said pointedly.

Allen nodded and said: "If I can go to the central battlefield, I will definitely have your share. I also want to ask you to find more teams, otherwise our strength is still a little weak."

"It's my responsibility."

After the two happily clinked glasses, Reese said: "Sorry, I have to go first. Also, I have to look at the little girl of Christine, her mood seems a little depressed."

"We should go too, see you tomorrow." Allen patted Hubble and said, "Go, big man. I will invite you to have a drink next time."

"Really? If you dare to lie to me." Hubble patted the decapitation knife: "It won't agree."

He stood up again, shook the empty bottle in his hand and said to Reiss: "Tell the woman that Hubble doesn't want to owe others. She asked me to drink a bottle of wine. I will find a chance to help her on the battlefield. . But only once, Hubble 10 has no money, but when it comes to fighting, I have never been afraid of anyone."

Reese was overjoyed, and Allen’s team was capable of pulling out any one. What's more, this Hubble has a strong aura, and he knows that he is not an ordinary fighter. With his words, Christine is equivalent to more protection on the battlefield, and thanked the girl now.

Allen took Hubble back to the assigned residence, and the look of Hubble slashing the decapitator along the way was eye-catching. Fortunately, his armor is solemn and luxurious enough to make it impossible to associate it with the Catu. After all, the Catu people are notoriously poor, and people do not believe that a Catu can wear such armor. But Hubble didn't like the feeling of being watched. He kept moaning dissatisfaction from his helmet and murmured, "I really want to kill them, these nasty guys."

Finally, when Hubble returned to his home, he didn't cut anyone, and Allen arranged a large room for him. Hubble's own weight and armor are a few tons, so naturally no bed can bear his weight. So he simply slept on the ground, threw the decapitation knife on the ground, found a corner and fell asleep. The drunkenness came, and a moment later, the earth-shaking noise of the Catu people sounded.

When Ellen left the room, the intellectual brain butler reminded him that Catherine was visiting. He opened the door and found Catherine with the guard. An official indifferent expression said: "Marshal Capulo wants to see you."

"When?" Allen was a little surprised, but felt reasonable.

"Two hours later, at seven o'clock in the evening Earth time. He intends to invite you to dinner. Before that, I suggest you sort it out a bit."

"I'm deeply honored. But you also know that I'm here to fight this time, so I don't have any clothes for the banquet." Allen smiled.

Catherine snapped her fingers, and a soldier carried two boxes behind Alan's feet. The major general said: "There are things you need in this."

"You are so thoughtful." Allen couldn't help sighing.

Catherine nodded, turned around to move, and said in a voice that only Alan could hear: "Don't talk nonsense." Then she left.

Allen walked into the hall carrying the box. Lucy glanced at the box and asked, "This is?"

"Capulo intends to invite me to dinner in the evening. This is the costume sent by Catherine."

"Capulo?" Reina just walked out in a casual dress, frowning and said: "We have nothing to do with the old party. Why is he looking for you?"

"Who knows?" Allen shrugged and smiled: "Anyway, it's right to have a feast."

Catherine sent a complete range of clothes, from shirts to coats, from collars to shoes, almost everything. What's even more rare is that these costumes completely fit Allen's figure. When Lucy helped him put it on, a handsome young man appeared in the mirror. This suit carries the strong color of death spread. The clothes are mainly black, with golden silk thread on the cuffs and collar. Coupled with decent tailoring, as soon as Allen put it on, he immediately transformed into the nobles of Babylon who often went to the reception salon.

"I really don't want you to go out like this, otherwise, those women would want to eat you." Lucy said with a grin.

Allen kissed her forehead and said, "Don't worry, I will protect myself."

"Who believes it?" She laughed out loud and pushed Alan out the door: "Go, if Capro dares to mess around, tell him I'm on the boat."

"Thank you princess for your love." Allen bowed exaggeratedly, and left the house amidst Lucy's scolding.

There was already a team of guards waiting outside the door, looking like they were afraid he would run away. Allen blew his whistle and said to an officer: "Please lead the way."

The venue for the banquet was in the restaurant on the sunrise, which was of course the highest-level restaurant, and was basically dedicated to people above generals. But tonight, this space is not big, and the elegant restaurant is completely open to Caprow and Allen. After Allen was taken into the restaurant, he found that apart from the waiter walking around, he saw no one from the military.

When the officer led him into a small cubicle, Allen heard a string of loud laughter, which was the first to hear. Allen took a breath and strode across the hallway of the next hall. A tall and mighty figure immediately ran into his eyes.

He finally saw another Marshal of the Federation.

Mad Lion ~www.readwn.com~Capulo!

The old marshal also wore a black dress, and this deep-colored dress set off his deep, hell-like demeanor. The pale blond hair that was almost silver added to its majesty, and Capulo tonight was obviously carefully groomed, without leaving an old impression at all. Some are just the majesty that occupies the highest position, and the majestic posture like a mountain.

Under Caprow's invisible aura, Allen just stared at him and felt that his back was wet with sweat.

Capello stretched out his hand and said, "Sit here, Alan. You don't mind if I call you that way?"

"That's my honour." Allen respectfully said, no matter what the positions of the two sides, Kaprow is always a respectable figure. Regardless of likes and dislikes, this person's contribution to the Federation can be called a giant.

"Don't be restrained, there is no marshal here tonight, you should be chatting with an old slave." Capulo sat down and raised his hand to the only chair opposite: "Please sit down, Allen."

Alan Yiyan sat down.


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