Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 703:  Military merits issued

"Allen, here." someone called, it was Leon. There is still a faint scar on his face, even after changing into a brand new uniform, it still looks like a smell of gunpowder.

Allen walked over with a few people, but Renner found an empty seat alone. Leon patted a few seats next to him, and said with a smile: "Specially reserved for you."

He blinked at Lucy again and said, "Your Highness is well."

"I'm fine, Mr. Leon. Nice to meet you." Lucy replied with a smile.

Leon deliberately said: "It sounds like His Royal Highness is not very optimistic about me. Fortunately, I'm back." Then he introduced Alan to his team. Following Leon is the core member of his hunting group. Rona, a black man with a shaved head, is a tracking expert and master blaster, a woman in a **** backless outfit, Mina, is a sniper expert, and Dado, who is wearing a cigar, is the fireman of the team. There are also two twin brothers, Yar and Yale, both forward fighters. The former uses huge swords and the latter uses double swords.

The average level of this team is around the nineteenth level. Among them, the two brothers, Yar and Yale, were both promoted as Awakeners in the recent battle. In addition to Leon, there are three Awakeners in their team. In the case of the family hunting group, Leon's team can be called a luxurious lineup.

The two exchanged their battle gains, and the light in the hall dimmed. Lu Sen strode out from the side door in the hall and came to the center. One-eyed swept across the hall with awe, and those who were still whispering suddenly involuntarily quieted down. Lu Sen coughed: "First of all, on behalf of the Federation and the military, I would like to thank you all for your bravery on the planetary battlefield, and to offer the highest respect to the warriors who sacrificed. Before the launch of the conference, I hope you all can Three minutes of silence for the dead in the war."

The light went out one by one, leaving only a beam of light shining on Lu Sen. The federal general took off his military cap with a solemn expression, bowed his head, and closed his eyes in silence. There was a heavy atmosphere in the hall, and everyone bowed their heads in silent condolences for those who sacrificed on the alien battlefield. After three minutes, Lu Sen raised his head. He raised his hand, and the light in the hall lit up again, and the atmosphere became more active.

"At this moment, the main force of the Federation,

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) and the private armies of each family have already gone to the Garden of Eden. On that central battlefield, a raging war has begun. But for most of you, it may not be due to the war in the Garden of Eden. But what I want to say here is that the Federation remembers everything you do, even the smallest things. Because without you, we cannot build our future victory! Lu Sen said loudly, and looked at everyone.

Allen found that many people's eyes have changed slightly. Obviously they were infected by Lu Sen's speech, and the ardent flame in their hearts burned again. He had to sigh, no wonder the professor of Liming College once said that every great general is an excellent speaker.

After everyone's emotions calmed down, Rusen raised his hand and said, "I really hope that the person who issued the military merits for you today is me, but it is a pity. The legend of our Federation, the highest commander of the Golden Lion. Our Marshal of the Mad Lion. Mr. Capulo, will do such an exciting job for me. Now, please Marshal Capulo to extol your military merits."

Lu Sen stepped aside. At this time, he was not like a general, but more like a host of those TV stations. Allen Wei maliciously thought that maybe Rusen is not a general, and he can still be a host or speaker, maybe he is more famous than now. At this time, Capulo had already stepped onto the stage, and it was different from yesterday. Today's Mad Lion Marshal has changed into the imposing uniform of the Golden Lion.

The golden cloak burned in people's eyes like a ball of flame, and the marshal, who had his pale blond hair combed all the way back, wore a suit like armor made of gold. In the chest part of the armor, the craftsman used superb skills to depict a lion head, and the texture of each mane is vivid. In addition, the craftsman embedded two "pupils of hellfire" into the eyes of the lion, which not only played an ornamental role, but was also an important source of this armor.

Although he is no longer young, when the fully armed Capro stands in front of people, the awe-inspiring power is still so strong that people forget to breathe.

It wasn't until his serious face that the corners of his mouth turned up to pull out a smile, which relieved the suffocating pressure in the hall: "I don't like nonsense, and I don't want to waste everyone's time. So let's skip those annoying opening remarks

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page). Speaking of which, the secretary who prepared a speech for me yesterday probably wanted to kill me, but she couldn't help but feel sorry. "

He made a small joke, and after causing a low laugh in the hall, Capulo officially said: "Then, the first class military service must be awarded."

Hearing this, there was a sound of discussion in the hall. No one thought that on the previous planetary battlefield, a team would get first-class military merit. It was incredible. Killing the Dark Titan is only a third-class skill, so the concept of a first-class skill is probably equivalent to killing a Hellfire Giant. On the planetary battlefield, there was no news of the Hellfire Giants participating in the battle, so this class of work was accumulated over and over again.

It is an astronomical figure to think about how many enemy troops have to be killed to accumulate first-class merit.

After people had enough discussion, Capro smiled and said, "Then, let us congratulate this lucky team, they are the'Golden Sparrow Knights' hunting group!"

Allen looked at Leon next to him in surprise. This hunting group with the same name as the private army of the William family was Leon's team. Leon grinned and patted Alan on the shoulder~www.readwn.com~ and motioned him not to be too surprised. On stage, Capulo continued: "This team killed more than 10,000 enemy soldiers and hundreds of dangerous beasts on Dragon Nest Star. Its record is so huge that it is well-deserved among all hunting groups. First place. First-class military merit, deserves its name!"

"In order to reward these heroic achievements, in addition to awarding their due military merits. Including the commander Leon, the core members of their team will each receive a set of ten levels of magic armor or the same level. Grade-level magic weapon. I hope that the Golden Sparrow Knights can make even greater gains in the central battlefield!"

There was another whisper, and in the eyes that people exchanged, there was already no need to hide jealousy or envy. This time the military was so generous. In addition to military merit, it also gave additional awards, which is really unexpected.

"How on earth did you manage to kill so many enemies based on your people?" Allen asked incredulously.

Leon whispered: "It's nothing, I installed a main ion gun on my starship, and then happened to find an enemy division-level legion, and finally fired a few shots... Well, this is quite simple."

(End of this chapter)


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