Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 706:  Exile

Angte was holding the silver spoon to prop up the hot tea in the cup. Hearing Edward’s words, the hand holding the silver spoon shook, so the tea water rippled, like Angte’s completely messy mood. .

He raised his head and said bitterly: "Do you even know this?"

"It's not difficult." Edward said lightly. In fact, after Rekerd sent troops to invade the unicorn collar, he sent the Dark Blade to the Dorn Mountain City where Rekerd was. Regarding everything that happened in the mountain city, Dark Blade would send back information with iron-winged eagles every once in a while. Therefore, a few days ago Edward got the news that Rekerd had secretly sent troops. Calculate the time, they should have arrived.

Edward leaned forward and said in Unter's ear: "My lord, I don't know how Lance explained to you the purpose of this army. But in my opinion, one team consists of fifty blood wolf knights and two hundred An army composed of wolf infantry can cause serious damage within a jazz territory. If they are left alone..."

Ante lost his voice: "Impossible, Lance said that this army will be mixed with my Unicorn Legion to strengthen our military power, and their command right belongs to me!"

"How likely do you think?" Edward continued to beat, he had heard the young man's heart shake. So he added another fire: "If I were Lance, I can replace the army with the Unicorn Legion. When the army of the territory falls into the pocket, then who is the owner of the territory, I think it probably doesn’t matter anymore. Up."


Unte's confidence finally collapsed. He forced his composure and raised his head and said to the butler: "Go and tell Dalong that I want him to block the castle. No one is allowed to enter or leave until I have a new order!"

After a pause, he said, "Send two more people to serve Mr. Lance."

The butler read the meaning of his words and nodded.

Onte turned his head and said, "The tea is cold, Sir Edward, why don't you practice swords with me?"

Edward got up lightly, Unte didn't immediately hand over Lance, he was still waiting. Edward knows this very well. If Rekerd's army is not completely defeated, Unter will still hold on to those illusory hopes.

So I should be the wicked person. It is necessary for this young man to recognize the cruelty of reality. Edward thought, then provoked a long sword on the ground and made a gesture: "Please enlighten me."

A team of men and horses are advancing along the steep mountain road of Mount Lyon. On the left side of the mountain road is a towering cliff, and on the other side is a cliff. From here you can overlook the Red Sun Forest. The large tracts of **** red maple occupy the land, from a distance It looked like a **** ocean.

Glenn took a sigh of relief and withdrew his gaze from the ominous crimson color of the Red Sun Forest, and landed on the path of this narrow road again. In the Lyon Mountains, this narrow narrow road that can only accommodate two riders leads directly to the border post of the unicorn collar. At this speed, you can reach the post after another hour or so. Glenn sat down immediately and spit out, and said bitterly: "Why didn't this kind of errand call Shiloh and transfer Lao Tzu to such a country place? It's a hell.

As the sub-group of the Knights, Glenn, who has the strength of the eighteenth level, can also be regarded as the number one person in Dorne Mountain. But this time it is obviously a kind of political exile. According to Reckard, the army that Glenn brought will be mixed into the Unicorn Legion, and Glenn will eventually replace the current regiment Dalong. By then, Glenn will be treated as the head of the delegation. However, the location of the post is not Dorn Mountain City but the Unicorn Collar, so the weight of this group leader is very different.

Glenn has a bad temper and poor popularity. In fact, there are still others who can handle tasks like this, and no matter what, he still has a certain amount of weight in the Knights. However, he was told by someone to move Rekerd and put a dignified deputy from the earl to this kind of place, which really meant exile.

"When I go back, I want those people to look good." He thought bitterly.

In his terrible mood, the unicorn's border post was gradually in sight, and he could already vaguely see the flags flying on the post. Glenn snorted, his legs clamped the horse's belly, speeding up his pace. At this moment, in the wooden house of the outpost, several Sentinels of the Unicorn Legion were tied together. Their uniforms and armor were taken off, and they were only wearing thin clothes. Fortunately, the fireplace next to it was burning, and the temperature in the room was not too low.

"You can't do this, I am..." The current team tried to protest, but a towel was put in his mouth, and his protest only turned into a scream.

Bloy frowned, looking at his obviously too narrow uniform and the armor that didn't fit at all. In the enduring laughter of the soldiers nearby, he sighed, "Is there no bigger clothes and armor?"

A soldier replied: "My lord, this is already the biggest. You will just do it."

Bloy said bitterly: "It's all that Edward, he can just call Udy over, why are you sending me to fight? I want to put on these ridiculous clothes for sentries..."

The captain next to him didn't know what method he used, he spit out the towel and shouted: "You are in violation of the law of the unicorn collar. In the name of the respected Viscount Angte, I...ah."

Bloy simply slapped him and stunned him to save him from screaming. At this time, a soldier pushed the door and came in: "Report your lord that the enemy has been found. There is still twenty minutes away from the post."

"I see, let others be prepared and let us welcome these guests." Bloy mentioned the Hammer of Forbidden City ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a grinning smile on his face. It's just that he is now wearing short and narrow clothes, so this smile is not scary, but makes people laugh.

There was a few low laughs from the outpost cabin.

Holding the warhammer, Bloe strode out of the cabin. Several soldiers in the room touched their heads and followed him out with a bitter expression. Bloy said loudly: "Don't stand stupidly, go, and set up the roadblock. Now we are soldiers of the Unicorn Legion, and we can't let others enter the territory swaggeringly. That, in the name of Viscount Angte."

He learned decently.

After getting the information, Edward made several arrangements. One of them, Broy brought an army to the outpost, ready to meet Rekerd's men. According to Edward's orders, Bloy and a dozen soldiers arrived at the outpost early and replaced the original sentry. As for the other soldiers and horses, they ambush elsewhere in the defile, and it must be called Rekerd's army that suffered heavy losses.

Only by defeating Rekerd's army can Ante make up his mind. Edward was in the unicorn castle at the moment, but he was not worried about the result at all. At the moment the information was obtained in advance, it was obvious who the Victory was on.


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