Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 715:  Bloodgate Fortress

The five fortresses of Rushing, Xingyuan, Weija, Blood Gate, and Black Rock have now fallen.

The battle report showed that the chaotic race launched an attack on the five fortresses at the same time, with more than 200,000 troops. Each fortress had to face an attack from 40,000 to 50,000 enemy troops. A few days later, the enemy troops quietly diverted, and 20,000 troops were drawn out from each battlefield to join the rushing fortress. The defensive pressure on the running fortress suddenly intensified. Although the fortress asked for assistance from the friendly forces, when the reinforcements arrived, the fortress was destroyed by the chaotic race.

At that time, Torrent Fortress faced the enemy’s advancing forces, and in desperation had to shrink its forces, gather at the Mekalin Mountain where Riptide Fjord is located, and guard the mountain pass so that the enemy has a superior force but can only carry out limited forces. attack. It is true that the commander of the fortress at that time used this tactic for no reason. Although it was a passive defense, it could effectively delay the battle.

If the Hellfire Giants were not involved in the battle, maybe the rushing fortress could really survive until the reinforcements arrived. But no one thought that there were only three Hellfire Giants in the Gly Clan, who should have been at war with the Idahua star. However, one of the giants bypassed the control area of ​​Idahuastar and raided the pass of Mecarin Mountain. There was no strong person in the fortress who could reach the Hellfire Giant. Five minutes after the attack, Mekalin Mountain was breached. The chaotic race drove straight in, opened the encirclement net with superior forces, and finally wiped out the soldiers running through the fortress.

The fortress fell. When the reinforcements arrived at 10, what I saw was a scene of purgatory with corpses all over the field. Of the 40,000 defenders, only a hundred or more people survived, and the loss can only be described as painful.

Now, Torrent Fortress has been occupied by enemy forces. The army that had attacked the other fortresses had already withdrawn and retreated into Meckalin Mountain, which was the ruins of the running fortress. Whether it is for strategic purposes or even with color. At present, the counterattack plan initiated by the Golden Lions has begun. This action is personally presided over by Capro, and the combat missions are also in charge of the Golden Lion Army.

As for the spread of death and other fortresses, they are not moving. Their task is to protect the fortress while eliminating the remaining enemy soldiers in the war zone.

For hunting groups like Allen that can enter the central battlefield, their initial task is to assist the fortress or base to clear the enemy remnants to ensure the safety of the theater. Alan's destination for the Garden of Eden has been determined, and it is the Bloodgate Fortress among the five fortresses. In addition to the 30,000 federal soldiers, there were private troops guarded by the three families of Beskard, Mawson, and Golett.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. Allen's team was arranged in the Bloodgate Fortress, so that with the private army of his own family, the safety factor of their hunting group on the central battlefield was undoubtedly improved a lot.

After reading the battle report, Allen turned off Zhi Nao. Nothing happens, just sit still, warm up and repair the damage.

It is night in the Garden of Eden.

As a super planet comparable to the heavenly star, the vastness of this planet is beyond doubt. Compared with the earth, it is like a child to an adult. The Garden of Eden also has abundant landforms such as mountains, rivers, seas, forests, hills, and plains. The species that inhabit this planet are even more numerous. Even if the Idahua star people in the control area are relatively broad, they can only control a single continent in the Garden of Eden.

The continent called "Silver Wind" has an irregular, pointed cone shape. The continent is narrow in the south and wide in the north. From south to north, it shows the climate throughout the year. Due to the special shape of the landform, the larger cities on this continent are located in the middle to the north of the continent. The climate in the north is cold, and the Idahua star people are located in the planet’s largest fortress base, "Silver Garden", located at the northernmost point of the Silverwind continent.

Opposite the Silverwind Continent is the control area where the Federation is located, but in fact, on this continent called "Twilight", the Federation only controls 60% of the territory. The remaining 40% are still in the hands of the mainland natives. Even though the Federation has built five fortresses, more than a hundred bases, and hundreds of cities and towns, it still does not fully control this land.

Now because of the invasion of the chaotic race, the original expansion plan has stopped and stopped. In particular, the fall of Rushing Fortress brought a heavy blow to the Federation. Nowadays, many natives of the planet have joined the coalition of chaotic races. Although the number is limited and tight, they can't even be called icing on the cake. The chain reaction that can bring is extremely detrimental to the Federation.

Although the size of the Twilight Continent is less than half the size of the Silver Wind, the southeast end of the continent is bordered by the Silver Wind. Both the east and the south are surrounded by oceans. It benefits from the warm ocean climate. The Twilight Continent has fertile soil and numerous mineral deposits, and its resources Not much worse than Silver Wind. Among them, the Scarlet Flame Highland where the Blood Gate Fortress is located is the hottest place on this continent. There are three active volcanoes on the Red Flame Heights, which are called the Burning Flame Trident. The Blood Gate Fortress was built under the Trident. From a distance, the three volcanoes are like huge chimneys, emitting heavy smoke all the time.

This is a piece of red highland, the soil is rich in iron, so it is dark red, looking like it has been soaked in blood. There are many hot springs in Chiyan Highlands, but these hot springs are not a resort. Due to the extremely high temperature of the spring water and the smell of choking sulfur, these large and small springs have become natural obstacles. In the recent offensive by foreign troops, these scattered springs caused a lot of trouble to the enemy.

But now, the red flame highland, which was full of yellow smoke, restored the usual tranquility, and only the occasional sound of the engine broke the tranquil atmosphere. Especially when a tactical speeding car drove through a natural stone forest, the sound of heavy metal music wafted from the wide open door, which made the few wild animals on the Red Flame Heights avoid it.

There is a pattern of a running hunter on the speeding car, which is the "barbaric hunter" of the private army of the Golett family. The speeding car stopped on a stone pillar protruding from the ground that needed several people to embrace. A young man in soft armor and a magic rifle jumped out of the car. He raised the goggles of the tactical helmet and walked around to the west of the stone pillar. Sweeping with your hand on the rough dark red cylinder, sweeping away the gravel stuck to it, revealing a hidden reconnaissance radar.

Radars like this are scattered all over the stone forest, forming a thorough reconnaissance network. Once a foreign enemy enters, it will be immediately discovered by the brain terminal and warned. This stone forest and the surrounding area within a few kilometers square is the defense zone of the Golett family. At this moment, the young man in charge of checking the radar is just one of a dozen night patrol teams.

"Hey, Marne. If that thing is okay, go quickly. The smell here is like **** piled up everywhere, and it will be uncomfortable for a second." A companion in the car called.

Maen scolded: "Then you open the door!"

"Man, if that's not the case, how can we share this wonderful music with the earth?"

Several members of the car laughed.

"Asshole Laoji, I think what you said is shit." Mae ignored him and turned on the radar record to check whether the instrument was normal.

This is the task of the night patrol team. In addition to patrolling their designated routes, they also need to ensure that these instruments installed in the defense zone will not be destroyed by wild animals. This is not an easy word, at least for Marx. In the process of quickly browsing the records, a record caught the attention of Marx and Engels. The record shows that a life with a strong energy response has been approached not long ago, but for some unknown reason, the radar judged it as a wild animal, so the information was not fed back to the terminal brain.

Marne called up the details of this record, which included five images. The time shown on the image is ten minutes ago. Under the infrared camera lens of the radar, two human silhouettes appeared in the first photo. But starting from the second and third pictures, the humanoid in the image bends down, hands and feet, and moves on the ground like a beast. As for the latter two, they are already very close to the lens, and you can see that they are wild beasts with fur. One of them also used its fierce eyes and the lens to face each other, looking at the image, Mane felt like being stared at by it.

The young man shook his head. The creature inside was neither a Catu nor a Gryian giant. Even if the energy response is higher, it is not surprising that the intelligent system will judge them as wild creatures. After all, in the logic program of the brain, the detailed information of the Catu people and the Grams have been entered, including their body characteristics, etc. The radar will definitely not make a mistake.

"Alright? Man, we have several places to go!" the colleague in the car called.

Mann disguised the instrument again and walked around from behind the column and said: "I know, I know, let's go now."

"That's the truth~www.readwn.com~Brother. You need to be a little bit smarter in your work, don't be like a sissy.

Maan shook his head and laughed, wanting to curse back, but suddenly his feet stiffened. He opened his eyes wide, and on the speeding car, a long-haired beast was lying on the cannon of the tactical car as light as a civet. However, no one in the car noticed. He was about to warn, and the colleagues in the car also screamed, "Be careful, on your head!"

Looking up, the starry sky in the Garden of Eden was first seen in the field of vision. At this moment, the two moons of silver-white frost and dark red fire are alternating in the night sky, presenting magnificent bi-monthly scenery. When he moved his gaze and came to the stone pillar behind him, Marne saw a black shadow suddenly falling from the stone pillar more than ten meters high. Amid the fishy wind, Ma Man saw only two blood-red eyes. In it, his face was horrified and inexplicable!

The attack began at the same time.

When seeing Marne being attacked, the people in the car were trying to save. Suddenly the alien beast lying on the car got into the car, and the fangs and claws were intertwined with a storm of death. The two hunters didn't even respond, they bit their throats and tore their chests. The one named Lawgie had reacted well, and he was at the door again. He immediately rolled out of the car, and turned around at the same time that the magic rifle in his hand burst out dazzling fire!


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