Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 724:  Trap

[Thanks to the monthly tickets and rewards of brothers such as Yinzhizhi, Xiang Big Brother, Su in the War, Xiaoyao Black Tiger, Smile at the sight of me, King of Bones, thank you for your support! ]

Leaving the meeting room, Catherine's mood was very different from when she entered. Capulo actually commissioned her to fight for Allen, which is definitely an unexpected decision. It seems that Capro's eyes and ears are not able to penetrate into the heart of the earth, otherwise the marshal may not give her this task if he knows the current relationship between her and Alan. As long as Capulo is willing, he could find a younger and more beautiful woman than himself, if Alan is so easily seduced by beauty.

The current situation is somewhat subtle.

Capulo is very confident, and that confidence is based on the experience that he has been hard to find in the past. Throughout his life, Spinak was forced to retreat. But who is Spinak? That is one of the two supreme Agareth, a legend who is on the same rank as the king of justice, Ofascius. Losing to such a person, the honor of Capulo was not lost in the slightest. It was only as he said that the prestige of the golden lion plummeted by the current president at the time.

Even in the struggle between the old and the new parties, Windsor Bello is like a brilliant meteor that crosses the sky, and the light will cover Kaprow. But in fact, if the two played against each other, it was generally believed that Capro had a higher chance of winning, even if he had recovered from his dark injuries, but the foundation of a generation of legends was there, no one dared to take it lightly.

So Capulo never doubted any of his decisions, and it is almost impossible to hide from such a character. Only an occasional coincidence like Catherine can bury a shadow in Caprow's sight.

Now Kaprow gives her such a chance, even if Catherine and Allen finally come together, it can be called a fake act, and it will not make the old lion suspicious. For Catherine, it was an opportunity to justify her relationship with Alan. At that time, she would use Ellen's hand to do something, and she seemed justified. At least leaving the Sunrise alone like last time, General Rusen wouldn't say anything.

Thinking of this, Catherine's mouth was grinning.

Rin Frost Star.

Amidst the howls of the wind and snow, the roar of wild beasts faintly came. Some are like wolves, but the sound is three-pointers sharp, so that Allen wants to plug both ears. He regretted not taking Lauder's tactical helmet together, otherwise the shield on the helmet could block the all-pervasive snow powder for him. This was the third day after leaving the Chaotic Canyon. Before the day came, a blizzard suddenly blew up, and this storm made the world blurred. There was white snow everywhere. They were crushed by the wind and turned into fine powder and mud which completely covered Allen's sight.

In this blizzard, the field of vision is only a few meters away, and the direction is difficult to discern. Allen didn't know where he was going, but he couldn't stop. Otherwise, it won't take long before the wind and snow will bury him. He had to find a shelter from the wind and wait until the storm passed before making plans.

He was lucky, and it didn't take long for him to find a low slope. Po Feng is a natural shelter from the wind. Allen sat down against the hillside, took off the rucksack, rifle and heavy knife, and covered his whole body with a cloak. When the wind and snow stopped for a while, a snow bag was already piled up at his feet. Allen pulled away the snow and stood up, looking around, the earth was already submerged by the snow.

This kind of environment is uncomfortable for him on hiking. Fortunately, the wind and snow stop, and there is light and shadow on the ground again. Using the daylight as a reference, Allen regained his direction and continued to trek east. Two hours later, a forest was quietly watching. Ginseng old trees block the wind and snow, and the snow in the forest gradually decreases. Only the canopy was coated with silvery white, and snowdrifts were built. From time to time, snow pours down from the tree canopy, like a silver waterfall.

Ellen didn't know if this forest was the Wintergreen Forest, but it was easier to walk in the forest anyway. What's more, the forest line spreads from thin to dense, but no one can choose. Unless he diverted and bypassed the forest, that would be superfluous. Rinnai was quiet, and most of the frosty beasts were sleeping during the day. But the sky has gradually dimmed, the day is disappearing, and the night is about to fall.

The sky gradually turned from gray to golden, heralding the arrival of sunset. Allen has gone deep into the forest for more than ten kilometers, where there are luxuriant trees and various cold-resistant plants abound. The rugged and uneven ground is covered with not too thick snow. The previous blizzard was blocked by most of the trees, so that the wind and snow never entered the forest. At the end, new snow was laid on the ground. The snow reflects the sun's twilight, making the uneven ground appear with shadows of different sizes.

Not far from Allen, a very light, even intermittent, but straight shadow caught his attention. In such places in the wild forest, there are almost no such regular shapes. He approached a little closer and found that this shadow was because the snow here raised a line and built a long and short small snow bank, which left such a shadow under the projection of the sun.

Allen knelt down, fiddled with the snow line with his hand, and even blew several breaths toward the ground. After a while, a rope buried in the snow came out. The rope is very thin, with burrs all over the surface. The dark green and dark brown colors are interlaced. It appears to be torn into strips with bark, then twisted into strands, and finally this long rope is braided. The rope is rough in workmanship, and because it has been buried in the snow for a long time, it has been very dry by the ice and snow. It is easy to tear it off as long as it is pulled hard.

It was tied between the two ancient trees. Allen looked up and saw in the intertwined bald branches of the two ancient trees. They are facing the snow above, obviously, this is a simple and primitive trap. Allen stretched his hand to lift the long rope in the snow, and pulled it off with a slight effort. The part tied to the ancient tree on the right quickly withdrew, and there was a trembling sound of branches and leaves above his head, and then darkness fell from the sky in front of him. More than a dozen sharpened wooden stumps popped into the snow ahead like cannonballs, bringing snow powder everywhere.

It is not difficult to imagine that if a beast triggers a trap, it is now a corpse on the snow.

Since there are traps, there are people who arrange them. Judging from the primitiveness of the materials used in the traps, I am afraid it was not arranged by humans, but by planetary natives like headhunters. Alan didn't want to waste unnecessary time, so he bypassed the trap. It's a pity that he didn't go far, and suddenly his heart moved. He immediately caught a sharp piercing sound in his ears, and he moved back, and a spear sharpened with wood and painted in dark red colors was nailing into the snow. The spear body swayed unsteadily alone, and several war spears shot from the surrounding ancient trees.

Allen flickered left and right, avoiding two. The remaining three electric shots came, and his eyes drenched. The source force came out. The war spear was shot on the Yuanli light curtain, and it was shattered and bounced away. The fragments flew randomly, shooting like a bullet in a sector of the body. The trunks of those old trees were swept away and shivered, shaking off countless dust. As for the low grass and shrubs, the grass roots are broken and the branches and leaves are broken.

After a burst of random shots, behind an old tree a few meters away with his right hand, a figure staggered out. After not taking a few steps, he fell to the ground and was a headhunter. A fist-sized wound was blasted into his chest by the spear fragments filled with source power. The surface of the wound was **** and bloody. After the injured headhunter convulsed on the ground for a while, he finally lost his breath.

At this time, humanoid shadows appeared in the trees and forests, and Allen looked up, as if he had been surrounded by headhunters. Not to mention that there were also 20 or 30 headhunters appearing around, either squatting on the canopy of ancient trees, or drilling out of withered grass. No matter where he was, he stared at Alan with murderous eyes.

Allen raised his hand and shook: "Look clearly, I am not your prey. Why not, I will leave now, we can all save some trouble."

However, his response was roaring, and a headhunter pounced straight down from the tree. A machete made of unnamed animal bones was raised in his hand, and he slashed towards Alan's head. Allen sighed softly, and a magic rifle appeared in his left hand like a trick, connected to three points and shot it out.

The Yuanli bullets drew out a bright light and lased them, and the headhunters swung their swords away. The bone knife bounced off immediately, and then he was shot twice in the chest and fell out of the air. Seeing that, I'm afraid I won't survive, but it's not enough to shock other headhunters. The natives of these planets yelled and rushed towards Allen with their weapons. Allen sneered. These headhunters, whose origins are generally at the eleventh and second levels, are not even troublesome for Allen today, but it takes some time to solve them.

The magic rifle connected a few shots in his hand, exploded the head of a headhunter, and forced the other three away. The right hand is carrying the blood and drew out a few exciting red light, the red light is like silk, the space reflecting the woods is like a layer of dripping blood~www.readwn.com~ Those headhunters who hit the silk light First, there were cracks in the body, and finally it was broken and turned into fragments on the ground.

In a blink of an eye, four or five headhunters died on the spot.

Allen left the gun and the right knife, standing on the spot, coldly scanning the surrounding headhunters. Just as they were about to organize another wave of offensive, suddenly a beam of light flashed from the depths of the woods and shot into the headhunters, causing an explosion.

This is the beam of a high-energy cannon!

Then a series of gunshots sounded in Allen's ears, and the fierce lines of fire intertwined a firepower net, firmly covering the headhunters surrounding Allen. Under this sudden attack, the headhunters kept falling. At this time, there was another sharp sound in the forest, and two human figures flashed into the headhunters, both of which were continuously harvesting the lives of the natives of these planets with arc-shaped sabers.

Allen swept over them, but they were two identical twin brothers.

After a few breaths of effort, headhunters were killed and injured. Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, the remaining natives immediately dispersed and walked away cleanly, leaving only a corpse on the ground.


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