Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 731:  Bing Chao

The afternoon sun was lazy, but for some reason, it turned into a bitterness on the Red Flame Heights. The surface temperature of the highland itself is higher than that of any area in the Twilight Continent. Coupled with the catalysis of the large and small hot springs and the three volcanoes at the end of the highland, the temperature of the ground at noon is so high that the scenery is distorted . This is not a small burden for the Catu people who wear thick plate steel armor and prefer heavy weapons. The rising heat of the earth made them extremely exhausted when marching on the high ground. Even when the team that had just completed the sweeping of the area returned to the temporary camp, almost all the soldiers sat down in a relatively shady place with their tongues stretched out and whirred. Panting heavily.

There are one or two hundred people in this temporary camp. In the past 4 hours, camps like this have sprung up like bamboo shoots on the Red Flame Heights. They are countless nodes for the Catu people to attack the Red Flame Highlands, and they are being constructed into a tight network by the forces of these camps.

This is very different from the previous attacking methods of the Catu people. The tight offensive network firepower is evenly distributed, and there is no outstanding strength, but there is no obvious shortcoming. More importantly, such a distribution method makes it impossible to guess where the Catu’s heavy soldiers are arranged, so that they cannot assault with surprise soldiers, resulting in a passive defensive posture for the Federation.

But for Adele, the camp in front of her was her goal, and the two hundred enemy soldiers in it were equivalent to a military exploit. Adele wears a dark brown tactical uniform with a flexible light armor. The armor was coated with patches of different shades, allowing her to almost merge with the ubiquitous red rocks in the highlands. She used a small tactical telescope to observe the high ground and used the smart system on the telescope to mark the target.

"Attack," she whispered in the headset after putting down the binoculars.

When even a sharp whistling sounded, above Adele's head, four black spots appeared in the sun-shining sky, and each black spot dragged a tumbling firelight. They cut through the sky, leaned and quickly fell into the temporary camp, followed by an earth-shattering explosion. Several fireballs rose between the camps, and the shock wave of the explosion caused the red rocks around the camp to collapse like sand, centered on the explosion point.

Although it is a full kilometer away from the camp, the wind blowing is not only full of hot sand, but also the wind itself is full of hot air. The wind almost blew the camouflage cap on Adele's head. The girl pressed her hat tightly. After the aftermath of the explosion in the camp subsided, she ordered the soldiers in ambush to assault. She herself also carried a sniper rifle with a pale gray shell, and swiftly swept through the rocks and mountains like a cat, pushing towards the camp.

Under the attack of several concussive missiles, a circle made of earth and rocks appeared on the ground of the camp, and none of the nearby rocks was intact. The corpses in the heart of the explosion are even more bloody, and the thick steel plate armor on those corpses is seriously distorted, and they cannot play a protective role under the shock wave impact of the missile explosion. The corpse in the camp fell, but a dozen lucky people who were on the brink of explosion survived.

One of them is probably the captain of this team. This Catu man with one arm blown up is extremely brave, holding an axe in one hand. The soldiers who rushed into the camp were chopped down one after another, and in the blink of an eye, three people had fallen forever beside him. He roared and snarled, and suddenly a bowl-sized wound exploded in his chest. The thick armor that protects him is in vain, and the flesh and blood inside spouts a few meters away with the torrent of blood. This Catu person was taken aback, looking for who made the hand. A faint silver light pointed directly at his forehead and followed his eyes. The above parts suddenly exploded. The flesh and bones flew back like a flag, clearly marking the direction of the impact.

Losing half of his head, no matter how brave the Cato warrior was, he could only collapse. Without this good hand as a support, the remaining Catu fighters scurried like headless flies and were bombarded and harvested by human fighters who continued to invade the camp.

The fighting was intense and short. From the bombing of the concussion missile to the fall of the last Catu soldier, it took only ten minutes. The smell of scorched creatures wafted in the camp. As the soldiers cleaned the camp, Adele entered the camp with a sniper rifle on his back. There was still warm in the muzzle, and the enemy captain was brought down by her just now.

"Miss, it has been confirmed that all enemy soldiers have been wiped out." After a while, some soldiers reported the results.

Adele nodded, and in the distance, gunfire and gunfire came one after another. Even the wind is full of the smell of gunpowder smoke. Starting from the raid of the chaotic race in the morning, the war in the Scarlet Flame Heights broke out. The coalition forces of the Catu and the Gry giants swept across the entire plateau like a flood. In the early days of the battle, the humans who were caught off guard were beaten back and forth. It wasn't until he retreated to the middle of the Red Flame Highland that he barely stood up.

After that, it was a severe test for the major defense areas. Whether it was the federal army or the private army of each family, facing ten times as many enemy forces, no one was numb. Even worse, the current fortress forces are scattered, and only two-thirds of the defenders are clearly at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Especially the family armies of Bethkode and Golett, they had already divided up half of their troops and left the high ground to sweep the enemy strongholds and bases in the controlled area.

Once contact with the invading enemy with the remaining forces, it immediately appeared defeated. Beskard is okay, after all, he is a clan of celebrities and has a profound background. Even if they were lost, they had to choose to retreat into the deep zone of the defense zone, but retreated without chaos. The same was evacuation, and the Golett family seemed extremely rushed. Even the front line had too much time to take away many materials, so they hurriedly fled to the rear.

Among the several defense zones in the Red Flame Highland, the Golet family's army can be regarded as the one that lost the fastest and lost the most in the defense zone.

Originally, the military strength of the Morsen family was only comparable to that of the Golett family. Even slightly worse, the Mosen family was prosperous in business, this family has never been strong enough to sit in town, otherwise it would not consider absorbing the Golet family's army by marriage. Due to Kate’s persistence, the marriage between Adele and Toure’s son finally fell through, and the Morsen family used a lot of money to recruit a large number of mercenaries and formed an army. Among all the family armies on the Heavenly Star, the Morsen family ranks near the bottom.

But in today's chaotic race's offensive, the Morsen family was unexpectedly tough. So far, only a quarter of the enemy's defense has fallen into it. The reason for this is that the Mosen family did not participate in the task of sweeping the control area. It can be said that the Mosen family, which has preserved its complete strength, has become the strongest family army on the Red Flame Heights today.

The commander of the army, Zeke, is the commander of the Eagle Wing, the largest mercenary group hired by the Morsen family, and a retired federal colonel. His military talents are very outstanding. This time, facing the wild attack of a large number of enemies, Zike changed his sticking strategy. He deliberately exposed several gaps in the line of defense, so that the enemy soldiers thought they could take advantage. However, the enemy troops who went deep into the defense zone did not expect that instead of being unable to win the victory, they were divided and suppressed by the ambush arranged by Zeke.

This is like digging a few diversion canals in a dam to allow the raging flood to escape. The flood momentum is still fierce, but it will not flood the embankment all at once. Under Zeke's exquisite command, the pressure from the enemy soldiers was always controlled within an acceptable range.

Even Adele had to be fortunate that she really recruited a good commander this time.

"Miss, it's time to go back." At this moment, a soldier reminded.

Adele nodded. From the beginning of the battle this morning until now, she has taken away two such temporary camps and killed nearly a hundred enemy soldiers along the way. Now the team's ammunition, soldiers' physical strength, including her own mental state, etc., have reached a critical point, and indeed they must return to the rear to rest. With a gesture, Adele walked back with the sniper rifle on her back, and when she stepped on a high rock, she looked back.

That person, don't know where he is now? She thought, but did not stop, and returned to the family camp with her team, which had been reduced by nearly half.

The family camp was not yet affected by the war, this highland chosen by the Mosen family. On the left is the defense zone of the Federal Army, and on the right is the area in charge of Bethkode. Only if these two areas have not yet fallen, the Mosen family will not have much crisis. Adele returned to her residence to take a shower, changed her clothes, brought enough ammunition, and then came to the command hall with a sniper rifle on her back.

The hall is busy, and the ground is covered with messy cables and machine lines. Several high-power intelligent brain terminals are connected by technicians to form a central processing unit that can quickly process more than 10,000 data. With its assistance, Zeke can control every slightest change in the battlefield of the defense zone at any time, so as to carry out scheduling and even reformulate countermeasures.

Adele came directly to the retired colonel~www.readwn.com~Zike, who is already middle-aged, has a rare black and black color, but his two temples have turned white. His face was erect, and he felt like he would never compromise. In him, you can see the toughness of the soldiers. With him, everyone in the hall felt relieved.

"Mr. Zick, what's the situation?" Adele asked.

Zike turned his head, he admired the Maw Sen family, who seemed to be a delicate daughter, but was more brave than most men on the battlefield. Hearing this, smiled and said: "Miss, rest assured, the main pressure of the enemy is not on our side. Coupled with our decompression strategy, unless the enemy suddenly increases troops, it is not a problem to defend for a day and a half."

"Look, the enemy's forces are mainly placed in the defense zone controlled by the Federal Army, and here..." Zike pointed towards an electronic map on the screen.

It was a stone forest area, with words clearly marking the Golett family. Zike said: "For some unknown reason, the enemy has invested a lot of troops in the Gollett house. This makes the barbaric hunters of the Gollett house unable to withstand the pressure. The line of defense retreats and then retreats. The enemy army drove straight in. From this point of view, If the Golett family didn't have the means to return to heaven, I am afraid that it would take less than an hour for their defense areas to be exposed."


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