Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 737:  0 eyes spring

The night is vast. ※%,

The earth appears lonely, as if this place is the end of the world. The dark red earth spreads endlessly forward, the dragon's nest is dominant tonight, and the huge moon wheel hangs in the sky. The golden moonlight is like a dragon, looking down on the earth. Golden dragon and moon, heaven and earth are killing. In particular, the flames of war in the Red Flame Heights were fierce, and the atmosphere was even more solemn.

In this depressing moonlight, several speed cars appeared on the edge of the high ground. There is the logo of the lion eagle beast on the speed car, which is the family crest of Bethkode. After a day of rushing, these speed cars finally rushed back to the Chiyan Heights first.

Allen is in one of the cars.

Reina walked back from the cab with a solemn expression on his face.

"What's the situation?" Allen asked directly.

"It's terrible." Reina sat down and said: "Just contacting the headquarters, we have lost half of the border defense zone. Now they are all shrunk to the inner defense line. There are currently several camps under siege, and one of them is the most dangerous. .On that battalion alone, more than 3,000 enemy soldiers gathered, and they are almost unable to defend."

"It's really a lot, the location."

Renner took out a tablet brain and clicked on one of the coordinates on the map above. Allen took it. This is a plan of the Scarlet Flame Heights, with several areas of various colors distributed on it. They are gray, yellow, red, and blue. The gray area represents the defense zone that has fallen, and the yellow represents the theater, but the battle is still within control. Red also represents the theater, but the battle is tight, and the blue is the safe area.

On the Red Flame Highland, the Blood Gate Fortress is located at the foot of the Trident Volcano, and the defense areas are fan-shaped around the fortress as the origin. Three of the family defense zones accounted for half of the total defense line, and the other half was in charge of the Federal Army. At this moment, on Allen's intellectual brain, the defense zones of the Golett family are already gray, most of the defense zones of Morsen and Bethkode are gray, and the others are more red than yellow.

Nowadays, only the fortress and surrounding buffer areas still show the blue safety zone.

The place where Rainer dropped his finger was a high red war zone in the family defense zone. The red plaque was so dense that it was about to seep blood. It can be seen that several red war zones formed a line of defense, and behind the line of defense was the family camp located behind the defense zone. Even if only one point is breached on this line of defense, it will cause chain damage. Enemy troops can flood in from the gap in the defense line, and then disintegrate other defense nodes through the interior, resulting in the collapse of the entire defense line.

"Then let's go here." Allen raised his head and said: "First, relieve the pressure on this camp."

"Just because of us?" Reina shook his head: "Don't you hear clearly, there are at least three thousand people gathered there. And we only have more than two hundred people, this number is not enough for people to stuff their teeth."

"There will always be a way to call up the nearby topographic map." Allen handed the brain to the electronics expert next to him.

Suddenly the speeding car stopped, and a soldier's voice came from the cab: "There is an enemy ahead."


"A small team, about twenty people."

The chaotic race attacked the Scarlet Flame Highland during the day, and has now advanced to the middle area of ​​the highland. There are not many enemy troops left in the rear area like this, and more are the squads patrolling the rear. Beskard stood up, opened the car door and said, "I'll solve it."

The night was still quiet, and a team of Cato soldiers carefully walked around the boiling fountain in front of them. There are quite a few boiling hot springs like this on the Chiyan Heights, and there are also eight hundred large and small. The temperature of the boiling spring is extremely high. The boiling water of four to five hundred degrees can scald a person to death in a few seconds. Even if it is a thick-skinned Catto, he doesn't have a strength of more than ten levels, and he doesn't have to struggle for a few seconds when he falls into the water. What's more, the Catu people have thick armor alone. These heavy armors or entering the water will not only have no life-saving effect, but will only accelerate death.

When charging during the day, there were many Catu people who fell into the boiling spring and turned into mature corpses when they were picked up. The heavy armor on those bodies was even more boiled red, and they were tightly embedded with the corpses.

No one wants to mature meat, so the soldiers saw the boiling spring and walked away. The boiling spring continuously spews thick water mist towards the outside. As soon as it passes by its side, the surrounding mist is full of mist, which is hot and humid. The Catu fighters walked through the fog, all of them felt uncomfortable, they just wanted to leave this place quickly. One person walking at the end of the line suddenly felt that he was hit by something, and his whole body fell in the direction of Boiling Spring. With a plop, he had fallen into the water, and the boiling spring made him scream.

The other soldiers who were alarmed rushed to the spring, trying to help. At this time, the mist behind them appeared a faint outline, and Belmode approached these Catu people silently. With both hands and feet, these awkward guys hit the ground one after another into the boiling spring. The Catu warrior finally spotted him, an unexpected guest, and wielded his battle axe to kill him.

Belmode shrugged and dropped his hands. Dark flame flew between his fingers, each condensed into a short knife. Immediately he flashed into the enemy's formation, as if there was no substance, and his figure shuttled between Catu's swords and axes like electricity. When the enemy formation flashed out, the rest of Catu was stiff, followed by blood arrows from his throat, killing on the spot!

Belmode scattered the dark flame knives, went back and dragged a few corpses to the edge of the spring, and then kicked them all out to destroy the corpses in this boiling spring.

After a while, he returned to the speeding car. After reading the terrain environment and other data called by the electronic expert, Allen in the speed car has made a decision. He reached out and clicked on the screen: "We can use this place."

The place where he dropped his fingers was a concentrated area of ​​boiling springs, where Bethkod soldiers named them Qianyanquan. Although the boiling spring does not have a thousand mouths, there are still hundreds of them. The springs are only one or two meters apart, so from a high altitude, there are hundreds of boiling springs forming a network, and those large and small boiling springs are the grid.

"How to say?" Reina asked.

Allen smiled without answering.

"Hold on to me! Master Rainer has returned with reinforcements. If it is a man, I will withstand it!"

In front of Qianyanquan, there is a rocky valley, where irregular mountains and rocks are uplifted, and the canine teeth are staggered all around, making the terrain here unfavorable for marching. One of the battalions in Bethkod’s inner circle of defense is set on a low mountain in this valley, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Otherwise, it would not be possible to rely on hundreds of soldiers in the camp to guard for a day and night, and the thousands of enemy soldiers below would have been drowned.

But the battle was also very tight at this time. It took a day for the soldiers of the Catu clan to finally clear a passage on the battlefield to facilitate the army to attack the camp. Fortunately, during the daytime battles, several of the Gree giants in the enemy army were killed first, otherwise the tunnel would be laid faster and earlier. Now the Catu people marched straight up this passage, and Bethkode's army was on the top of the hill. Both sides competed for every inch of space with blood and life.

There is only one isolated road from the foot of the mountain to the camp, and this isolated mountain road is only enough for one vehicle to pass. Beskod has set up numerous obstacles on this mountain road to prevent the current situation. There are bunkers and fortifications all over the mountain road, and every few meters is a battle fort or a minefield. Although the Cato offensive was fierce, they have only cleared half of the mountain road until now. But on the halfway up here, I don't know how many corpses lie down. In order to facilitate the advancement of the army, the Catu people did not have time to condense the corpses of their compatriots, and only placed them alongside the road. The corpses on both sides of the mountain path can be discharged from the boss, and the fierce battle can be inferred.

Bethkod also suffered heavy losses. Today, only 200 soldiers are still able to fight. Almost all of these soldiers are unwilling to stay in the emergency zone in the camp. If not so desperately, this mountain road would have been opened up by the enemy.

Up to now, the cannonballs in the camp have been exhausted, and the solid-state batteries of the high-energy cannon have been used up. The remaining energy is provided to the tank and the two smart turrets as much as possible. What's terrible is that now the camp is surrounded by enemy forces, and the family camp is still unable to deliver supplies to them. The head of the camp was ready to die, but when he was desperate, he received a communication from Reina, which undoubtedly gave the soldiers in the camp a glimmer of hope.

It's just that Reina didn't tell him that there were only two hundred reinforcements.

At the foot of the mountain, a tattered black cloak was blown by the evening wind. The owner of the cloak is nearly four meters tall, which is considered extremely tall among the Catu. As the commander of this army, Sabot of the Dark Night looked very irritable at the moment. He never thought that a human camp would take him a day. Now even if he had captured this camp, he wouldn't even want to raise his head in front of his fellow robe.

From time to time, Sabot held the jagged knife around his waist~www.readwn.com~ It was not that he had never thought of going to battle himself. But if even the remnants of less than two hundred need him Sabot to go out on his own, I am afraid they will be laughed at by the tribe for a hundred years. Sabot could not afford to lose this face, so he could only urge the soldiers to attack, cursing in his heart.

At this time, a soldier stepped forward and said, "Brave Sabot, we found several humans."


"The rear of our army."

"How many?"

"Three people."

Suddenly, Sabot turned around, pulling a saw blade from his waist and putting it on the warrior's neck: "It's only three human beings to bother me, don't you even look down on me? Stupid, just send a team to destroy it? If you can’t beat a small team, just send me a hundred people team. If even the hundred people can’t clean up the three humans, then you don’t have to live anymore, because you are a shame to live!"

"Yes, Sabot, those three humans will die here, swear in the name of their ancestors!"


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