Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 741:  Kill Kill (3)


The flame spear and the **** sword were raised at the same time. Allen left the gun and the right knife, his eyes gleamed, and flames seemed to spurt out!

The lines on the body of the burning flame spear lit up, and a blazing bullet blasted out in an instant, hitting a water wave on the left side. The core of Yuanli bullet flashed with incandescent light and exploded suddenly. The fire cloud formed by the impact was all over the surrounding area, and when the boiling water fell into the fire cloud, it was instantly evaporated into water vapor. On the other side, the body of Xueyin's sword became blurred, and there was a crackling noise in the space. In an instant, Allen didn't know how many swords had been drawn. The shadow of the sword is continuous, and the energy of the sword is vertical and horizontal, building a sword light barrier, which is one of the ten "iron walls"! The boiling water hit this piece of knife gas iron wall, and since it was blocked by dripping water, it spattered in vain and fell in other directions.

Allen took the opportunity to rush forward and brought a strong airflow across a hundred meters in a flash. Looking further back, the spring water gathered, forming a vortex of different sizes. Allen breathed a sigh of relief, and it wasn't until this moment that he really got out of the danger zone.

When checking the terrain and environment of Qianyanquan before, Allen discovered that this place can be used. There are many boiling springs in Thousand Eyes Spring, and the springs are not far apart, and the geology here has been very fragile under the long-term invasion of underground boiling water. Therefore, Allen decided to arrange firepower spots in four directions around Qianyanquan, and then he and Hubble would lead the enemy to divide their forces and lure them into Qianyanquan. At that time, the four tactical speed vehicles set up on the attacking position opened fire at the same time, blowing up the rock bands between the many springs in Qianyanquan, causing the springs to converge into a lake, killing the enemy soldiers that were pursued in one fell swoop.

Now it seems that this plan is quite successful, and at this moment, through the afterglow of the explosion around, Allen can see clearly. This area has become a country of Ze, and the rock belts between the many springs have been destroyed, and the springs have merged into a lake. The surface of the lake is boiling, and there are still Catu people struggling in the water, but more have been scalded and drowned in the lake. Although this thousand-man army will not be completely destroyed, only one or two people escaped.

A dead body floated to the shore of the lake not far in front of Allen. The body was red all over and died in a miserable state. Allen shook his head and turned to leave. Unexpectedly, just after turning around, an aura suddenly burst out from behind. He turned his head and saw that the dead body was washed up by a jet of water and fell heavily to the shore. The lake water splashed around, and a figure jumped out of the water column, fell diagonally to the ground, and then slid out a few meters before blocking Allen.

Allen stood still, his face solemn. Can fall into the boiling lake without dying, but also can stop oneself. Obviously, this one is definitely not an ordinary Catu warrior. What's more, the aura on his body is so obvious, and the pulse of the source power is strong and powerful, which shows that his strength is far beyond ordinary elite fighters. Under Allen's gaze, he stood up, most of his skin was hot red, but the fierce glow in his eyes became brighter. It's just that the breath he releases has a somewhat cryptic taste, which shows that he is not completely innocent.

"Humans, I have to admit that you cunning monkeys can be quite a headache sometimes." The other party used human language. Although the tone was strange and the words were difficult to speak, the meaning was quite accurate: "It doesn't take a fight. You killed hundreds of our soldiers. Such a tragic loss, even if I refer myself to the great Sabot, will not be enough to make up for my fault. Only by offering your head can I make up for one or two."

"Want my head? No problem, as long as you have the ability." Alan raised Xueyin with one hand and pointed to the Cato fighter. At this time, he noticed that a necklace made of teeth was hung around the Catu man's neck. The teeth were of different shapes, and there were nine in total. Allen suddenly remembered that he had heard him talk about bloodfang warriors in every tribe when chatting with Hubble.

Among them, Jiuya is the respect.

Allen nodded and said, "It turned out to be the Nine Tooth Warrior. No wonder he didn't die in the lake."

The eyes of the Jiufang Warrior changed slightly: "You also know this, it seems that the traitor told you. Say, who is that guy. This kind of guy on the side of humans should be executed by the Holy Temple."

"Want to know if you want to check it yourself and want me to confess? There is no door." Allen smiled.

His smile fell in the eyes of the nine-tooth warrior as ironic as it was, and the nine-tooth warrior snorted, lightly shaking the Hundred Thorn gun in his hand. Immediately between the spikes on the gun, there was a light blue electric light leaping back and forth, and from time to time a particularly bright electric snake shot into the air, and disappeared into the air after an irregular twist and sweep. However, the place where the electric snake swept, left obvious light blue marks, and there was a slight burst of sound.

The battle broke out in an instant!

The nine-tooth warrior roared and charged, pulling thousands of electric lights with one shot, and the ultra-high voltage current was like a thousand snakes, waking up in the battle gun and the air, intertwining a grid of death to cover Allen. The nine-tooth warrior seemed to stab a shot, but the attack range covered the space within a few meters around Allen. The method was really good.

Allen did not evade, slowly raising the heavy knife. His solemn expression makes people feel that his hand is not a knife, but a mountain!

The gun of the Nine Tooth Warrior is fast, but Allen's knife is as slow as a turtle. What is strange is that when the Nine Tooth Warrior stabbed with a shot, Allen's knife just reached the highest point.

The highest point is also the moment when the power is full!

The gun comes, the knife falls!

The two figures suddenly passed by, staggered, before sliding, and frozen! The nine-tooth warrior pointed forward with a shot, and Allen dropped his sword to the ground. Both of them were motionless, but there was a crackling violent sound in the air, and the source force of the hedge blew up a circle of light, wind, and electricity around them. The colliding energy jets cut the ground, rocks or old trees disorderly, like a violent storm attack, centering on the two of them, everything within 100 meters was ruthlessly destroyed.

At this moment, several electric snakes jumped up on Allen. The clothes on his body were burned into coke in large areas, and the light armor was silently cracked and cracked like a laser. The incisions in the cracks all became hot and red, and the skin under the armor turned charcoal black, and suddenly it split every inch, and bright red blood leaked from it.

As for the Jiufang warrior, there was no abnormality, but he remained breathless in this posture.

Allen put away the **** hide, shook his head and walked away. After he walked away, Hera cracked a small gap between the brows of the nine-tooth warrior. This thin slit spreads down quickly, it goes straight down, and wherever it passes, the armor that is several minutes thick is also smoothly dislocated and separated. Finally, the corpse of the Nine-Tooth Warrior split open in the center. After the two corpses fell to the ground, blood, internal organs and other things flowed out from the body.

The knife is so fast!

When Allen returned to the meeting point on a hill, Belmode and Hubble had returned early in the morning. Hubble put on the armor covering his whole body again, and was sitting on a stone pier, with the decapitation knife slashing aside. Reina and many fighters established a temporary line of defense at the foot of the mountain, and several tactical speed vehicles became natural shelters. When Allen arrived, Lucy rushed to see that Allen was wounded under the firelight.

Belmode was not slow, and a cloud of black mist rose up beside Allen. He drilled out of the shadow channel and held Allen with Lucy on his left and right.

"I'm fine." Allen said.

Lucy frowned and looked at the places where he was scalded by the high-voltage current: "That's also okay? Don't try hard, come here, I'll give you medicine!"

Ellen was helped by the two to walk to a clearing in the temporary camp, and sat down against a dry old tree. Lucy quickly fetched the medical kit from the car, first gave Alan a needle, and then carefully cleaned away his charred skin tissue with a medical laser knife. Followed by cleaning and disinfection, and finally after applying a hemostatic spray and wrapping her bandage, Lucy was already sweating.

"Who hurt?" Renner walked over, looking at Allen like this, it didn't look like being scalded by a boiling spring.

"A nine-tooth warrior." Allen said: "But that guy is not feeling well, now I can probably only curse me in hell, if the Catu people also have hell."

The Hubble Urn in the distance said, "What is hell?"

"A place where normal people would not want to go."

"Very bad? Worse than Agareth?"

Allen shrugged and said, "It should be almost the same. Agareth is located in the deepest part of the Yorton star field. Maybe there is the most hell-like place in the universe."

"Then I must go to Agareth to see if I have a chance. Just now you said that you killed a nine-tooth warrior?"

Allen nodded.

Hubble paused, and said: "Nine-fangs warriors can't be owned by any tribe, in me...no. There is such a saying on the wild stone star. Only one out of a hundred Catu people is A true warrior, and only one bloodfang warrior out of a hundred warriors~www.readwn.com~the nine tooth warriors..."

"Yes, there is only one nine-fang warrior among a hundred bloodfang warriors. Therefore, a tribe with nine-fang warriors must be a tribe with tens of thousands of people. If it is such a tribe with ten thousand people, then their chiefs can be It's not easy." Hubble raised his head and said, "That guy is at least equivalent to the general in your army. If you don't have this kind of strength, you don't deserve to sit on the Nine Tooth Warrior to serve him."

"General..." Allen knew how bitterly he was smiling now. If Hubble said it, then the Cato strong commanding the attack at the moment has the strength of a federal general. Don't use Catherine's kind of unlimited potential, almost can impact the generals. As long as Ke Meng has considerable strength, it is enough to cause headaches. After all, Hubble has already used the Kill Mode once, and the Fallen Body cannot be activated in a short time.

And among these people, there is no one who can match the powerhouse of the major general. Although Reina is not bad, he is far from the major general. Coupled with his own injury, I am afraid that the whole team will be dispatched, and the crisis of the camp being besieged will not be solved. Suddenly, the excitement that had frustrated the enemy force disappeared. After all, as long as the chief was there, even if the opponent swallowed a thousand-man troop, it would be fine in the overall situation.


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