Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 756:  Eternal Guardian

[Thank you, fat dudu, brother Xiang, Su in the war, book friend 15314813, black beast f and other brothers for monthly tickets and rewards! Thanks to all the friends who have subscribed, I will try my best to write better, to return everyone's contribution! ]

The next day.

"Are you going to the military headquarters?"

In the restaurant, I heard that Allen was going to the military department to register his military merits, and he called a young soldier in his twenties. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is Camo, regardless of his age, his head is quite clever."

The young man named Camo grinned and didn't answer, but just nodded to Alan. Roddy said again: "Kamo, call the two boys and master to go with you."

"No, I can go by myself," Allen said.

Roddy smiled and said: "Allen, you have been fighting for many years, and you are not sure about some things. For example, in this fortress, there are many people who look at people with a dog's eyes. Although I am not a wealthy, Beth Kod is also a century-old family. How do you say it is also a core member of the family. If you go out and have no one to call you, you will be despised. Of course you may not care about this, but it will affect people’s perception of the family."

"Agreeable people should also be divided into objects. For some people, you still have to be superior. The more you are, the more respectful they will be. They really think that our family is strong. I'm not kidding, so you, let this Let’s take a few guys with me.” Roddy took a piece of bread and bit his mouth: “I think your hunting group is only those few people, and there is no one who can help you on weekdays. I have to trouble your Royal Highness Lucy. What's it like? I think this kid, Camo, will follow you in the future. He is average, but he is doing well. The important thing is that he is more familiar with the Lieyu system than you."

Allen suddenly, Roddy arranged for the young man to do things under his own hands. It was one thing to share some trivial matters for him. The important thing was that Camo was familiar with the system of the eagle. If you need something from the eagle eagle, it is much more convenient to leave it to him than to do it yourself.

Don't refuse now.

Camo was also very happy. He also witnessed the game between Allen and Renner yesterday. There is no doubt that Allen is strong. What's more, he had tried to solve one of the defense difficulties of the fierce eagle before. As a member of the fierce eagle, Camo naturally had a good impression of this young master. Then he said: "Then I'll go for the young master

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Prepare the car. "

"Go ahead." Roddy waved and sent him away.

After breakfast, Allen went out to the restaurant, and a scooter had stopped at the door. This speed car has only four seats and is not equipped with a weapon system. It is only used for transportation in safe areas. The tactical speed vehicle is large and equipped with heavy weapons such as high-energy guns, but it is not suitable for wandering around in the fortress.

Camo was standing by the car, with a eagle soldier on each side. Seeing Allen straightened up and saluted, Allen nodded and got into the speeding car with them. Speed ​​Xuan left the camp, ten minutes later, he came to the outside of the command building. Allen took Camo to the third floor and quickly registered the military merits he deserved. The female second lieutenant who handled the formalities for him almost beamed her eyes, and when she handed him the card with military merit, she did not forget to scratch the back of his hand suggestively.

The military merit card can use any terminal of the Federation to check the data in it for exchange inquiries. Allen brushed it with the brain that he brought with him. As expected, there were already two fourth-class skills and two third-class skills. He nodded, and said to the female ensign: "Please convert the two third-class merits into fourth-class merit."

The female second lieutenant readily agreed, and soon reset the data in the military merit card, so there are 22 fourth-class merits in Allen's card.

"Thank you." He took the reset military card, and Camo left the command building.

"Go back? Master?"

"No, go to the quarters."

"Master wants to exchange equipment?"

Allen smiled and nodded: "I want to buy some. Now that I have these military exploits, I can replace some of them with equipment."

The Quartermaster's Office is located on the west side of the fortress, which is connected with materials warehouses, power stations and other facilities. The Military Supplies Department of Blood Gate Fortress can exchange materials and equipment for military merits of level two and below. As soon as you enter the hall, you can see that there are already several people in the materials exchange office. Most of them are representatives of several families, Camo said softly: "I'll say hello."

Allen wanted to exclude waiting like everyone else, but thinking of Roddy's words, he did not object. Camo trot all the way. After a while, a side door of the exchange office opened. Camo came out from inside and said to Allen: "Master, go here."

A middle-aged second lieutenant stood by the door and saw Allen respectfully said: "It turns out that it is Master Allen, is it here to exchange equipment?"

"I want more

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Change a batch of equipment. "

"Dare to ask what level of military merit is to be exchanged?"

"Fourth class."

"Understood, please come with me." The middle-aged lieutenant looked at Camo: "As for this one, I'm afraid I will have to wait here for a while."

"It's okay, master. I'm waiting for you outside."

Allen followed the ensign into the office of the exchange office, and several glances fell on him from behind. Alan Quandang didn't notice, and swaggered in with the ensign. The second lieutenant asked him to sit down, then called a female soldier, put a list of weapons and equipment that can be exchanged for the fourth-class skill, and put it in his mind, and then gave it to Allen to check it by himself.

There are a lot of equipment that can be exchanged for fourth-class combat exploits. One military exploit can be exchanged for two to three sets of equipment, depending on the quality of the equipment. Allen was holding Zhinao and scanning the long list, feeling a headache.

"I don't know what kind of equipment Young Master Ellen wants to exchange? Is it a weapon or a protective gear? Is it a cold weapon or a magic firearm?" The female soldier was also clever, watching Allen wrinkle her brows, and asked immediately.

Allen raised his head and said, "I want to exchange for a set of armor~www.readwn.com~ It doesn’t have to be magic armor, as long as it is strong enough. In addition, I want to exchange a set for my companion. Shield and one-handed sword. Do you have any suggestions?"

The female soldier was quite pleased to hear him ask for her opinion. At the moment, after taking over the brain, the slender fingers flicked for a while, and then handed the brain to Allen. A picture of a set of alloy armor has appeared on the screen of Wisdom Brain, with the name of the armor marked on the side: Eternal Guardian.

"If the young master needs sturdiness, but does not need mana armor, then I strongly recommend this light armor to you. As you can see, its name is Eternal Guardian. Although I personally think this name is a bit exaggerated, but this The defensive power of the armor is reasonable. It uses a light alloy with high hardness and high hardness. It can fit your body without affecting your movement. As for the weight, it is less than ten kilograms. A strong like you, wear it The upper body is just equivalent to wearing one more piece of clothing."

"Look again, the uniqueness of Eternal Guardian is its inner layer design. In addition to the high-hardness alloy armor on the surface, it also has sheet armor distributed on the inner side of important parts of the body. These sheet armors A can guide external impacts to the greatest extent and play a better protective role."

(End of this chapter)


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