Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 766:  Display

[Thank you Su, Brother Xiang, user 00831462, come again in the rainy season, etc. for the monthly tickets of the brothers in the war! This weekend, I wish everyone a happy mood~~]

"That's it."

After half an hour, the battle was over. Including Shanton, nearly 80% of the troops stationed in the camp were killed in battle. The bodies of more than seventy soldiers were piled together, and their heads were chopped off. Karin hung his heads on the sharpened wooden stubble and lined them up outside the camp. The expressions on the soldiers' heads before death froze forever. There is anger, there is fear, and everything.

On one of the wooden stubs there was only a half body, which belonged to Shanton. The body above his chest had been exploded to pieces, and there were no fragments of larger nails.

These array-like things are naturally Karin's masterpieces. She clapped her hands and said to the remaining slaves: "Go back for now."

She stared into the distance: "My brother, you should understand what this means?"

Karin smiled slightly and turned away.

After 45 minutes, several chariots rushed to the attacked camp. Roddy and Allen jumped off the current speed car. When they saw the corpse mountain and the row of heads used to show the results, they were both shocked. Then there was anger and beheading demonstrations, which even the Cattu had never done before. Obviously, the enemy who attacked the camp wanted to provoke them, and the opponent clearly succeeded.

"You said, who is attacking you!" Alan whirlwind turned around and shouted at a soldier behind.

The soldier turned pale and said, "These are the lives we have never seen before. But I can be sure that one of them is a Gryian giant. But she is a female, and Chief Shanton was killed by her. She used a wheel. Saw, give the sir..."

"Female giant, wheel saw..." Karin's appearance flashed through Alan's mind. There is no doubt that these were all done by Karin. As for why she did this, Alan knew very well by looking at that row of heads.

She was saying: come to me. Otherwise, there will be more such displays!

"Is it the one that attacked us at the supply base?" Roddy also had an impression of Karin. Karin destroyed the transport ship at the time, so Roddy could only return on foot with the army. So when he heard the soldier's description, he immediately remembered.

Allen nodded and said, "Yes, it's her."

"But why did she do this? Are those **** aliens here again."

"No, only her." Allen calmed down now: "She came for me."

"At you?" Roddy suddenly found that his imagination was so poor that he couldn't connect Alan and Karin even if he tried to break his head. Roddy squinted slightly: "Alan, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Not yet, Uncle Roddy. Also, I think the giantess is a priority."

"What are you going to do."

"She wants to find me, so I will go to see her. Then, kill her." Allen said simply.

Roddy scratched his head and said, "If this is the case, I have an idea."

The gunfire shredded the silence of the night.

The head of a one-eyed monster suddenly exploded, and then the dull, even dull gunfire rang. The strange man fell down, and the long-haired strange beast at his feet bounced and rushed for the first time. From standstill to extreme speed, the state transition took only three seconds. But just rushed out a hundred meters, the abdomen of the alien beast exploded in awe, and a large amount of flesh and blood flew out. It still ran tens of meters away, dragging a long blood trail, and then stopped, losing all signs of life.

This is a low rock hill, over this rock, there is a dense forest. After a while, Allen stood on the mound and kicked the body of the weird man. The corpse slid all the way across the slope, and finally piled with the dead body of the alien animal. Allen took a deep breath and shouted at the forest below: "Kalin, get out! I'm here, and after tonight, you will no longer exist!"

The sound is like a thunderbolt, surging, passing, and spreading over the forest. When the ending sound still disappeared, Allen took a gun and began to slide under Qiu Yan.

In the corner of the forest, behind a few jagged rocks, Karin was sitting cross-legged on the ground. She raised her head, her smile gradually widened: "Waiting for you. Go and pick up our guests."

Behind her, strange beasts came out. They trot past Karin, crossed a river that passed through the forest, and went into the forest covered by night. This is already Karin's last slave, and she believes these things will bring Alan over and use their bodies.

Gunshots began to sound in the forest, and the screams of strange animals. They are mixed together to form a special sound line. The voice moved from far to near, and Karin silently calculated the time when Allen was approaching and the distance between the two. Allen came quickly, and the gunshots were getting more frequent, forming an invisible pressure. However, Karin was unmoved, but the smile on the corner of her mouth became more obvious. She screamed from Alan, how fast she was advancing from him, and how often the gun was shot. All this shows that Allen is angry now.

Of course, no one can be indifferent when seeing that row of exhibits. Although they come from the same blood, they belong to different races. The hatred between races is easy to intensify, but it is absolutely difficult to resolve. Karin put up the row of exhibits, not only to tell Alan what she wanted, but also to provoke him.

An angry person, no matter how smart he is, will leave a fatal flaw because he loses his correct judgment. When Karin caught the flaw, it was Allen's death. Now Allen is coming quickly, but the consumption is also intense. But he is very smart, he not only uses a gun. Moreover, from the sound of gunshots, it is not an energy weapon, so Alan's consumption will naturally be lower.

However, too much excitement will also cause loss of source power, and the rate of loss will not be too slow.

Finally, another whistling sound of a strange beast before his death appeared~www.readwn.com~ Karin stood up, it was her last strange beast. Sure enough, she stood up, and on the other side of the river in front, Alan emerged from behind a few big trees. He threw the gun to the ground, and it couldn't hurt Karin's hair at all.

"I miss you so much, brother." Karin said, speaking in Ebonsi, the oldest language in the universe with a musical flavor. Even with Karin's hoarse voice, it didn't feel bad.

Allen silently removed the **** hidden behind his back, flexed his fingers on the knife, and played a strong penetrating note: "I didn't come to chat with you, you want me to come so much. Then at this moment, I am here. ."

Karin raised her eyebrows and revealed a beautiful smile: "If you don't resist, I can let you taste the ultimate happiness before you die. Don't look at me like this, but I still have a way to make you happy. I How about this proposal?"

"I refuse." Allen lifted up the **** hide, and immediately went to murder: "I will cut off your head and give it to your compatriots."

"It's a pity, we could have fun." Karin showed a regretful expression.


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