Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 774:  The biggest winner

Allen was happy, but also troubled.

To be honest, Xia Gelin is the top beauty. She has a beautiful face, the mature beauty of Windsor Bello, and the playfulness of Lucy's maiden. At this time, she was even more coquettish. No matter which man, he is happy to possess her or be possessed by her. She is also a marquise with a prominent position. The higher the status of women, the more they have a sense of accomplishment after conquering them.

This is an unchanging law through the ages.

So when such a beautiful woman takes the initiative to court, and even pleases you. Allen is undoubtedly happy.

But he was also distressed.

Xia Gelin came too unexplainably, plus she was Lucy's teacher, and even the relationship with Lucy was a sister and mother. Alan didn't know what she wanted to do. What was even more annoying was that he even gave Xia Gelin a hand and foot, and now his body is completely disobedient. Thinking about it, I was afraid that there was something wrong with the glass of wine Xia Gelin handed him at the banquet.

Then Allen could no longer concentrate on thinking.

Xia Gelin was burying her head under his waist, making the flame in his body burn more and more fierce with green movements. Alan finally couldn't help letting out a gasp, feeling his response, Xia Gelin also worked harder. After a while, she raised her head. She knelt on the bed and showed Alan her mature body. Xia Gelin reached out and held Alan’s face and said, “Look carefully. This body has never been seen by a man, let alone touched by others. Because from the moment I can see the future, I know Who is the real owner of this body."

"It's yours, Alan. My birth, growth, and my life are all prepared for this moment. It is like a seed that silently takes root, sprouts, and grows. And now, the seed has produced Fruit. This fruit is prepared for you, so please taste it. Ellen..." She lowered her head and kissed Ellen’s face: "Son of Twilight, the king whom I will serve all my life. ."

"What did you say?" Allen asked.

But Xia Gelin didn't answer him. She smiled and sat up, and began to twist her waist like a water snake, making Alan feel a strong electric current flowing through her body. Every cell cheered for it, when Xia Gelin sat down a little awkwardly and let Allen fully enter her body. For a moment, Alan couldn't feel anything, but he seemed to hear the whole universe cheering.

In an instant, he saw many incredible pictures. The sky is constantly spewing out fire from the void, and the earth with cracks like an abyss is constantly emerging. On the burning sky in the distance, there are fallen flying ships. They exploded, bursting with large groups of fire, flying like rain to the ground. On the horizon, he saw a figure. A figure with flames as its body.

When his perception fell on this figure, the picture was suddenly zoomed in.

The blazing flame is its body, and the flowing magma is its blood. On the stomach made of dark rocks, red luminous lines are flying domineering, and countless sparks are rising and flying. They skimmed the sharp corners drilled from the forehead, shoulders and knees. Those devil-like sharp horns are covered with dazzling magic patterns.


A pair of wings, also made of flames, spread out behind it, and the fire wings were stretched out, giving birth to a gust of wind and heat, which completely blurred Allen's eyes.

When Allen recovered, he went back to the room in the camp. The woman sitting on her waist was twisting frantically, using her most intense body language to convey her happiness at this time to Allen. Xia Gelin was laughing and crying again. In the end, Ellen could not tell whether she was crying or laughing, but he could feel the joy in her heart and her request. So Alan responded strongly to her, Xia Gelin's mouth immediately opened into an "o", and then tightly wrapped Alan like an octopus.

I don't know why Allen, who had recovered his mobility, turned her around in his arms. Pressing on this plump body, Allen vigorously explored, explored, and deepened. In the end, Allen broke out completely at the same time as the two eventually climbed to the peak.

Xia Gelin bit Alan’s shoulder hard to avoid screaming. She arched her body like a shrimp, her hands and feet hung tightly on Alan's body, and there was no gap between them. After a while, she relaxed and lay on the bed softly.

Alan tried to get up, but was caught by her. She put Allen on her chest and asked: "Happy?"

"No one can be unhappy." Allen said truthfully: "It's just that I don't understand."

"I know, you certainly don't understand. But I can't tell you too much, otherwise, I am afraid that it will affect future changes. I can only tell you that when my ability was at its peak, I had seen the dusk..." Xia Gelin said softly: "That is the dusk of the universe, Alan. Do you know what is after dusk? It is a lonely eternal night, the cold night is long, I can't see when the dawn will come. I only see the collapse of order, Everything is depressed. I hear the devil's scream and see the corpses piled up into mountains. I can't describe to you how desperate it is.

"In that despair, just when the dusk was about to end, I saw you. I didn't know who you were at the time, but I knew that there must be a story between me and you. So I waited, when I learned When Lucy stayed for you and saw your portrait, I knew that you were here. So at this moment, I am here. Evening will come and everything will be reshuffled. Whether you like it or not, the entire universe is billions All creatures have to gamble. But the ultimate winner is not you, nor anyone else, but me."

Xia Gelin laughed: "Of course, you are my biggest trump card. Tonight, it's just my prepaid gambling money."

Allen sighed: "I really can't understand a word."

"It's okay, you will always understand. It may be many years later, or it may be in the next second, who knows?" Xia Gelin held Allen up and solemnly said: "After this visit is over, I will leave. Leave. On this planet, I will go back to Idahua. I will be there quietly waiting for the arrival of dusk, and promise you that Xia Gelin belongs to you only. Whether it is body or mind, she is yours. As long as you Think, you can come to me whenever you want. If you want me, I will make you the happiest person in the world."


"Of course, I never break my promise."

Allen smirked: "Then I want it now, this time, I will take the initiative."

Xia Gelin immediately showed a trace of horror, and she had no time to say: "It was my first time, I..." Before she had time to resist, Allen had already acted.

After a round of ravages, Xia Gelin had no energy to say anything, she could only hug Alan and fall asleep. It wasn't until Alan woke up that he realized that the woman had left at some point. Everything seemed to be a dream, but when he saw the little red on the bed, Allen knew it was not a dream.

He thought of the vision he saw at the moment of joining with Xia Gelin. Could that picture be the dusk she said, and what did the wild and blazing figure represent? Allen wanted to break his head and didn't have a clue. He didn't know. If Adele was to see that figure, she would know that the figure represented Alan herself.

When Alan first started the **** journey, by chance, Adele saw the posture of Alan's original ancestor, and he was matching that figure!

Thinking of the crazy thing that happened last night, Allen shook his head. He threw the red-stained sheets into the trash can, and then took a cold shower to wake himself up completely. When he left the room, he heard a message.

Xia Gelin is gone.

She took a small battleship back to the Silverwind Continent alone, and people naturally imagined the sudden departure of the Marquise. Allen smiled bitterly. Last night, she said that she would stay at the Blood Gate fortress until the envoy leaves, but don't leave today. It was probably because I was afraid of being suppressed and revenge by myself. Thinking of the fierce battle in the second round last night, Xia Gelin was simply defeated and could only compromise and plead.

Alan felt a sense of accomplishment for being able to conquer such a woman.

As soon as I walked into the restaurant, a person flashed by. Lucy with a cold face took him out of the restaurant: "I have something to tell you!"

Looking at her like that, it seems that he already knew what happened last night, and Allen was left with a wry smile. In a remote corner of the camp, Lucy circled Allen with her arms around her chest. Allen gave her a fury and raised his hand to surrender: "Well, something did happen last night. But I didn't expect it, it was an accident."

"It was a wonderful accident, right?" Lucy finally stopped, and suddenly sighed: "Teacher Xagline came to me in the morning, and she voluntarily admitted that she seduced you last night, and also used some means to make you I can’t resist. I asked her why she did it, and she said it was for me. But she didn’t want to tell me the reason, only that I would understand in the future. I hate her the most. I only tell you a little bit, but let You are terribly curious."

"On this point, I agree."

"From the day I met her~www.readwn.com~ you probably can’t imagine how many men unmarried to her every year, but she has been single. I really don’t understand why she just fell in love with you and grabbed her I gave myself to you in front of me. It's **** it, no matter if a Catherine is, now even Xia Glynn is running ahead of me!" Lucy tilted her head and stared at Alan closely.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? I swear, both before and after are accidents."

Lucy hummed: "God knows how many accidents you will have, so I'm thinking about whether or not to eat you first."

Alan couldn't laugh or cry.

Just then, suddenly a third voice came in: "So you are here, Lucy."

The two looked at it, but it was Link. He still wears the same clothes as yesterday, but the book is missing in his hands: "The Marquis of Metalon is also here, you should meet him. But before that, I have something to say to you."

He glanced at Allen: "Of course, the conversation is limited to you."


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