Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 781:   severe winter

"You really think so." Lucy stood up and looked at Link and said, "Perhaps I am selfish to say this, but no matter what I do, it will hurt you. Instead of doing this, it's better to tell you clearly here. .Link, I don’t want you to be my sword and shield. You shouldn’t be my knight, Link, you should be you. Not anyone’s knight, you are Link, the entire Idahua star There is only one Link!"

Link was shocked, his eyes looking at Lucy a little blank.

"Your mind, I know very well. But I like Ellen, I am willing to stay for him. If anyone must protect me, it must be Ellen, and only Ellen. Only he has the responsibility to protect me. Because I am his woman."

Lucy whispered: "As for you, I am honored to have a friend like you. No matter what you will do in the future, I will always remember that you are the first friend willing to approach me. You can hate me, this is you Right. And I have the right to choose who I like, because this is my freedom."

The room was so quiet.

After a while, Link suddenly smiled. He stood up and put his hands on his chest: "It's hard to feel here, but I'm glad Lucy you are willing to say these things to me. Because you still treat me as a friend, and let me know that you are no longer the one you used to be. The girl who needs my protection. Because there is already someone more suitable than me by your side. Then I can leave with confidence..."

"Now I think about it. At that time, Alan could get out of the way without having to fight me hard. But at that time, you were behind him. I think that's why he will fight back. There is such a man to protect you. , I think I can rest assured." Link sighed: "Looking back at the time, I was so unbearable. I lost control because I didn't want to accept the facts, and even ignored you. But even at that time, Alan still noticed you. He is a careful person."

Lucy looked at Link unexpectedly.

Link nodded to her and said, "Since you don't need me as a knight, then I should be your friend. As for my father, I will find a way to get him to cancel the plan to marry the royal family. But you are not the only one who marries me. One, that kid Ellen has to work harder."

Lucy laughed: "I believe he will."

"Yeah." Link smiled: "Then go, go find him."

"then you?"

"I'm okay, I'm not so vulnerable to the point that I have to die if I am broken in love. Don't confuse me with those wimps. If you think so, then I will be angry."

Lucy shook her head and said, "Of course you won't, Mr. Link, we are a tough guy."

Link laughed: "It's a worthwhile trip to get your Highness's flattery."

"Then I'm leaving, Link. You have to take care in the future."

"of course."

When she stepped out of the room, Lucy finally felt more relaxed. Being able to tell Link clearly, and get his understanding, undoubtedly solved Lucy's knot. She exhaled, and when she raised her head again, her eyes returned to the usual brilliance. She walked out of the training ground and saw Alan and Metaron talking from a distance. The old and the young seemed to be talking very happily, and there was a burst of laughter from time to time.

She quickened her pace and ran over, stretched out her arm, and divided

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Don't hold back these two men who occupy important positions in your lives.

In the room, Link looked at the three figures outside the window. With a faint smile on his face, he turned towards Lucy's back and said, "I wish you only as a friend. Goodbye, my beloved girl."

He closed the window and left alone.

The weather seems to be colder.

Ned could not help tightening his coat tightly, but the fur-bottomed suede coat on his body couldn't give him the warmth of the past. Looking at the dim and unclear sky of Rin Shuangxing, Ned sighed. A thin-faced man was reflected in the frost-crawling window glass. His eye sockets were sunken and his surroundings were stained with unhealthy jet black. The lips were pressed lightly, there was no blood on the lips, like the gray clouds in the distant sky, with a morbid feeling.

Ned stretched out his hand, and his once strong arm was now almost as thin as a layer of skin. The skinny and black palms fell on his face, and even Ned felt that the bones on his face were so high that he shook his head and smiled bitterly. It turned out that he was dying of illness, and he was so terrible.

The disease came suddenly.

Half a month ago, Ned suddenly developed a high fever. Although he is not a master, he also has the strength in his early twenties. Not to mention that Ned is an awakened person, even if he is only a dozen or so non-commissioned officers, he is almost unrelated to disease. There is usually only one disease that can make a source of power sick.

Gene collapse.

This disease is difficult to cure even with the current federal medical technology. It can only barely stabilize the patient's genetic structure and delay the complete collapse of the gene chain. But the probability of this disease is very low, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as one in ten thousand, or even a little too much. But with such a low probability, Ned unfortunately contracted this disease.

After the high fever that day, he felt that his body began to show subtle changes. The first is the loss of source power, and the body gets worse and worse. In the past week, he has lost weight, and his original weight has dropped to less than 100 catties. After a series of careful sampling checks by the medical officer at Kaiyan Base, when he saw the solemn expression on the medical officer's face, Ned knew that he was attracted by death.

The rate of gene collapse depends on the individual's circumstances. It may take a few years to completely collapse, and some may only take a few months, or even ten days. Ned’s condition is undoubtedly a serious illness. In the gene chain structure diagram shown to him by medical officers, even a medical layman like him, seeing the picture of the gene chain riddled with holes, knew that he had collapsed. Very fast.

Strictly speaking, he only has a life span of less than one month.

In this case, Ned naturally can no longer continue to serve as base director. At present, all the affairs of the base have been temporarily handed over to his adjutant. As for Ned, the federal side has allowed him to board the starship and return to Earth today. He will be sent to the military hospital in Babylon for treatment. Ned has no hope for himself. He only hoped to have a look at his wife and children before he died. He has not returned for five years.

I didn't want to be able to go back this time, but I did the final goodbye.

Thinking of this, Ned sighed in melancholy. I thought it was still a long time, but I never thought that life has entered the cold winter in a blink of an eye.

There was a knock on the door.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The adjutant pushed in, showing a helpless and solemn expression: "Lieutenant Colonel Ned, the starship is ready, you can board the plane."

Ned nodded, he didn't bring any salute. Walking to the door, he patted the adjutant on the shoulder: "The base will be handed over to you, my friend. Look at it, but don't let the **** headhunters get it dirty."

The adjutant sighed, "I will, sir. Take care."

Ned smiled, wrapped up his long clothes and left.

After a while, he boarded the small starship. This starship will return to Earth directly via the Rainbow Bridge, which will only take a few hours. Thinking about seeing his family at night, Ned's heart was throbbing and a little anticipation.

He sat in the cabin of the starship, which had less than five seats. Now, naturally, there is only one passenger for Ned. After the soldiers on the plane fastened his seat belt, Ned turned on the brain and put the pictures stored in it on the screen. In the photo is a gentle wife, two well-behaved daughters and a naughty kid. Ned touched the photo on the screen, and he felt sleepy, closing his eyes and slumbering.

I don't know how long it took, when my heart was beating suddenly, Ned opened his eyes. At this time, the portholes on both sides of the cabin had already lowered the light barriers, and it seemed that the starship had set sail. He clicked on the line drawing of Kai Zhi Nao, and sure enough, a light spot representing the starship had left Rin Frost Star. But suddenly, Ned realized something was wrong. The starship did not head towards the Rainbow Bridge space station, but flew elsewhere.

Ned immediately clicked a few buttons, and the brain made an estimate based on the flight direction of the starship, and the dotted line representing the flight path pointed directly to the Garden of Eden!

"What's going on?" Ned turned on the intercom at the armrest and talked directly with the cab: "Please tell me, why are we going to the Garden of Eden?"

Ned asked three times, but no one answered. After a while, a voice smiled in a low voice: "Is that okay, dear Lieutenant Colonel Ned. You can rest in the Garden of Eden, but things that many people cannot expect."

"Who are you?" Ned yelled. No matter how slow he was, he found that something was not quite right~www.readwn.com~ He called the guard again, but no one answered in the cabin. Ned could only lift his seat belt and stood up with his seat.

Now he is so difficult to move, but he has to go to the cab to see what happened.

At this time, the automatic door of the cabin opened, and the soldier who had fastened his seat belt walked in. Ned just wanted to ask him why he just came in now, when suddenly he saw a lot of blood under his feet. The soldier seemed to want to say something, but suddenly fell to the ground. On his back, a dagger stuck in his body until it got no handle!

With the sound of footsteps, a person entered from outside the gate. It's a man, he is smiling, the x-shaped scar covering almost the entire face undulates slightly with his movements. When this person walked in, the air was a little more sweet and greasy, and the rich smell of blood was tumbling, as if the cabin had been filled with blood. Ned forced himself to be calm, and forced himself to straighten up and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Les, honorable sir." As soon as he spoke, Ned knew it was the person speaking to him. He walked towards Ned, circled Ned, and said in his ear: "But more people are willing to call me Bloodthirsty Les."

(End of this chapter)


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