Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 792:  Meet on a narrow road


She swallowed her saliva and needed to restrain herself as much as possible, so she did not rush out the first time. If Allen saw this captive now, he would be very surprised. Because she is not someone else, but Talikova. With the strength she showed, especially the speed. Unless Lieutenant Colonel Xiao did it himself, it would be easy to kill her, but it would be difficult to capture her, let alone be a prisoner honestly.

Talikova followed the other compatriots and walked towards one of the transport vehicles. She saw Alan, her eyes almost bursting with fire. She already hated this human being, and that person not only severely inflicted Aliman, but also made the tribe's big plans fall short. As a result of the defeat last night, many dead and wounded, and dozens of more prisoners. In anger, Talikova was sent to the door and became a prisoner. Until now, the soldier who personally shackled her didn't know that if she wanted to, the shackles that could cut off the power output below level ten were not worth mentioning.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle." The Union soldiers yelled, and they have no affection for these bare-skinned planet natives. In the battle last night and before, many soldiers of the Federation also died under the swords of the red ghosts. However, the military has ordered that once a prisoner becomes a prisoner, he shall not be killed. Those who violate the order will be punished severely, so the soldiers restrain themselves very much, but they will not behave in violation of the military order only if their tone is not friendly.

They shook their guns and ordered the prisoners to get into the troop carrier. Tarikova didn't intend to take the captive to the end. As she approached the troop carrier, her toes lightly. A few rubbles under his feet were rushed into the distance, and they hit the body of a chariot next to them, making several clinks. The attention of the two soldiers nearby naturally attracted the past. When they were distracted and turned their heads, Talikova suddenly became short, and then rolled into the bottom of the car.

One of the captives behind her was taken aback, but the Hurma absolutely betrayed their compatriots. It is also good for them to be able to run away a compatriot, and immediately strode forward to fill Tarikova's position. When the soldiers recovered, they did not know that a beautiful prisoner had disappeared under their noses.

When the last prisoner got in the vehicle, the transport vehicle started to start, the vehicle floated, and the vehicle in front formed a line to drive outside Takasugi City. No one knew that under the belly of one of the transporters, Tarikova fixed herself between the undercarriage. As for the shackles, they had long since turned into fragments.

"Talikova didn't follow?"

To the west of Gaoshan City, in a primitive jungle, a dozen or so Hulma people are heading deep into the forest. One of the teams stopped, and Aliman, who was carried on a simple stretcher, yelled to turn over, frightening the two female soldiers nearby to stop him. Aliman grabbed one of the women by the shoulder: "Is what you said is true? Talikova was taken prisoner?"

The woman hesitated, but nodded and said, "I also listened to others. They said they saw Talikova taken away."

"How is it possible, the child is..."

"She did it on purpose." A voice came in.

Aliman raised her head, Lola dragged her fierce giant sword and walked over: "At the speed of Talikova, if she tries to escape, who can catch her. So the child was deliberately captured by human of."

"Why?" Aliman frowned: "Is she crazy?"

"She's not crazy, just too impulsive

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page). "Lola sighed: "Talikova is going to avenge you, so I deliberately let the human captives enter the human activity area." "

"No, it's too dangerous." Aliman roared: "I have to go get her back."

He pushed away the two female soldiers and strode forward, ignoring that the wound on his chest was bleeding again. Suddenly one foot stretched out, and after Aliman's foot was stopped, Dahan suddenly fell to the ground. He stood up, sprayed a few rotten leaves from his mouth, and glared at Laura: "What are you doing?"

"Prevent you from being stupid, look, even I can put you down casually. You are in this state, and you don't need to add too many prisoners." Lola turned and dragged the giant sword away: "So I go, you Heal up. I don't want to bring Talikova back, but I can only attend your funeral."

Aliman was speechless for a while, he could only look at the jumping long hair and sighed.

After Lola left the team of the tribe, her chest suddenly rose and fell and let out a sigh of relief. If Aliman was by her side at this time, she would hear her accelerating heartbeat. Laura stood on the top of a slope, looking into the distance: "The kid went to look for him, right? That's good, in this way, I didn't mean to look for him."

Speaking of words that only she could understand, Laura took a barefooted meal and rushed towards the jungle with her huge sword. The flying long hair, pulling the crystal beads to sway the chaotic red lines in the air, just like Lola's complicated mood at the moment.

After Lola left, Aliman's team continued to move forward. When the team walked up a mountain range and passed the corner of the mountainside, the team suddenly stopped. This sudden stop caused Aliman to almost fall to the ground. Then he heard a commotion in front of him, and he stood up and asked, "What's the matter?"

The person next to this question couldn't answer either, so at this moment, all gunshots rang out. Then came the yelling of the clansman, Ali's face changed, and he stood up with restraint of his injuries. Regardless of the obstacles of his clansmen, he pushed aside the crowd in front of him and got to the front of the team. At this time, he smelled the smell of blood, and a very strong smell of blood came out, making him a little dizzy. But this **** air came suddenly, disappeared suddenly, and there was nothing left in the blink of an eye, as if it was just an illusion of Aliman.

But looking at the expressions of the people around him, Aliman knew that it was not his own illusion.

There were more than a dozen corpses lying in front of him, Aliman took a breath. On the resolute face, his eyes shot out and looked forward. On the other side of the mountain road, several human soldiers were kneeling on the ground, holding machine guns. Needless to say, just now they were shooting their own people. Behind the soldier, a man stood with his hands in his hands and smiled, but the coldness in his eyes made Aliman's heart cold.

Aliman shouted: "Why attack my people!"

The human man standing with his hands smiled and said, "Nonsense, they blocked my way. If I don't sweep away this pile of rubbish, how can I get there."

At this time, behind the man, a voice said impatiently: "You are so much nonsense, Les. Are you just some scarlet ghosts, you can't kill them all, so much nonsense?"

The man called Les said, "Look, my companion is angry. When he is angry, it is terrible, so you jumped down and killed me. I am a very generous person and you can be free. choose one

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) to do it. "

At the moment, I am on the mountain road, on the other side is a 100-meter cliff, and underneath is Myson. Jumping down does not necessarily lead to death, but it is undoubtedly the biggest humiliation to the Huerma, who have a fiery sex. Aliman took a deep breath and let out a loud roar from his chest: "Kill them!"

The Hurma roared immediately, and the tribal warriors rushed forward bravely, like a **** flood.

But this time, their bravery was used in the wrong place.

Les sighed: "It seems that you have chosen the worst one, which is to resist. Hey, Dunn, I am not interested in these little things, so I will leave it to you."

This team of humans came from afar and made a special trip to chase Alan's Les and others. Colonel Bloodthirsty couldn't even raise the interest of murder, which really made Dunn stunned for a while. Then the bald man laughed grinningly: "Whatever you want, I'm just so bored, so I will kill some scarlet ghosts for fun. Their men are ugly, but women are indeed a sign. You may have to catch a few for fun in the future. ."

Les whistled, turned around and bowed to Dunn: "Then please enjoy it."

Then he took his person to the side.

Dunn started running.

The big man didn't run fast, but he ran full of momentum. Like a rugby player, he arched his shoulders and crashed into the Kulma fighters. There was a burst of fractures, and the tribal warrior who was hit by Dunn vomited blood and fell. From spurting blood to fracture, severely died on the spot, Aliman's eyes were splitting. Dunn's subordinates also joined the battle. He had two ensigns and seven or eight non-commissioned officers. The last time it was around level twelve, facing this Hulma team with an average level of around seven or eight, the first contact was a massacre.

Dunn opened the way in front, and he violently knocked all the figures in front of him. No one could stop him at all, and his men behind him took advantage of the chaos to kill. The bald woman Maria was the most brutal and perverted. She used a black dagger to approach a tribal warrior, swinging the dagger into a black ball of light, and digging a hole in the chest of the Hurma. If it's a woman, she will cut off the other party's, then pierce her belly and pull it up, and her belly will be broken.

Seeing that Maria had killed two Hulma women in a row, Dunn stopped and shouted: "Damn, Maria, you bitch. Didn't you hear what I just said, leave me a few women for fun~www .readwn.com~ Maria cut off the breast of another Hulma woman, licked it with her tongue out, and said, "It's enough for you to play with me, Colonel. "

"I'm tired of playing with you, you bitch."

Maria didn't get angry and smiled: "I still have new tricks for you to taste. Do you think this woman can compare to me? No, Colonel, I know you better than they do."

While talking, he cut the throat of the Hulma woman next to him, and Tang En yelled in anger. At this time, a mountain of vigor was overwhelming, and Dunn suddenly became calm. He looked up and saw an elbow drop. The bald colonel gave a low cry and elbows to greet him. The two elbows bumped into each other, making a crackling sound. Tang En stood still, but Aliman vomited blood and retreated.

Looking at Aliman's broken wrist, Dunn touched his bald head and said: "Damn, let's get away from the disabled, join in the fun."

When Aliman heard this, another mouthful of blood spurted out.

(End of this chapter)


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