Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 795:  Air raid

A leather boot was constantly rubbing on the turf of this rocky mountain and stepped on the turf under his feet. The owner of the boots was sitting on a natural rock. The rock was not big enough to fit the man's ass. The man took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and pulled one out of it. Somehow the cigarette fell to the ground, he picked it up with a curse, stuffed it into his mouth indiscriminately, and then lit the cigarette.

When the smell of nicotine filled his mouth, he relaxed. At this moment, something flashed in his eyes. The man astutely caught this burst of light and saw that it was the reflection of the armor shell of the speeding car. With a cigarette in his mouth, the man picked up the tactical binoculars and looked. Several speed cars suddenly broke into his sight, with slightly different models. The car driving in front is undoubtedly a tactical speed car, and the cannon turret installed on that car is not a display. The latter two are ordinary personnel carriers, which are small armored vehicles and have a small carrying capacity.

The three speeding cars are painted with the eagle beast and sphinx pattern. On Babylon, this family crest representing Beskod is enough to be recognized and valued by any family.

The man jumped up excitedly, spit out the cigarette, and stepped on it a few times. Then use the headset to report: "Brother, they are here."

"Coordinates?" Toure's voice rang in the headset.

The man quickly reported a set of coordinates, then packed up his things and left the hillside immediately.

At this moment, Allen is in one of the speed cars. He sat in the position of the co-pilot, with one hand hanging on the edge of the car window, supporting his chin. Although looking out, his mind didn't know where he flew.

This is a rare leisure time, no need to think about tasks, no need to think about what to do next. Simply emptying your head is like returning to the carefree time of childhood. At that time, mother Lanni supported this small home, life was difficult, but for Allen. At that time, he was the happiest, even if he is no longer a dispensable little person, even if he is already well-known in various camps, and is attracted by all parties.

But if it can be exchanged, Allen would rather use the present together to change the time before the age of five.

Outside the window, a ray of sunlight came from behind the mountain, and the moment he stung Alan, he remembered the scene again.

Snow, broken fingers, rings!

He sighed.

The soldier who was driving the car gave him a strange look, and a trace of sadness flashed across the face of the young and promising young master sitting next to him. The soldier can't understand, what else is worth sad about a character like him?

At this moment, Allen's ears trembled slightly. The trance face was instantly replaced by Ning Su, and Allen sat upright and shouted, "Attention, air strikes!"

The soldier next to him hadn't reacted yet, only then did the sky vaguely feel oppressed. The soldier looked up, and the sun was shining brightly on the blue sky. Suddenly, two black spots appeared in the light, and they continued to expand.

Two missiles flying from behind a few mountain peaks in front were dragging the orange tail flames. After drawing two beautiful parabolas at high altitude, they began to lower their altitude and accurately landed toward the ground convoy. At this time, on the tactical speed vehicle in front of the convoy, two physical machine gun turrets roared, and the machine gun spewed a stream of shining tracer bullets, sweeping the oncoming missile like a whip.

Suddenly, there were two shining red fireballs in the sky. However, in the fireball, numerous small black spots suddenly sputtered. If you think it's missile fragments, it's a big mistake. Those pocket warheads are actually hidden in the missiles and protected by several layers of armor. Each warhead is only the size of a bullet, but their tails are sprayed with a thin ray of fire, pushing them down.

The barrage that accurately covered the entire convoy fell instantly. In an instant, a series of dense explosions impacted three speeding cars, and fireballs rushed to bloom, and the sound of the explosion seemed to play hundreds of notes at the same time. Converged into a high accent.

Under this intensive bombardment, there was almost no room for evasion. Three speeding vehicles overturned to the ground due to the impact of the explosion, and the outer armor of the vehicle was slightly scorched and deformed. Bursts of burnt smoke rose from the car body, and the door of the tactical speed car suddenly bounced out, flew into the air more than ten meters, and then hit the ground with a loud sound. Then Allen jumped out of the car door, stood on the door, reached out and pulled the blood-stained driver out.

The doors of the speed car opened one after another, and the people inside kept coming out. The attack came suddenly and the power was not weak, but it still couldn't blow up these speed cars. The people inside weren't killed by the bombing, they just suffered some injuries. But the speeding car's engines can't continue to work, at least until they are repaired, they can only stay in place.

At this time, a few dust and smoke rose from the front. In the billowing smoke and dust, three armored speeding vehicles drove away and arrived at the scene of the attack a moment later. After turning a few times, they finally stopped, but surrounded Alan and the others.

Alan was helping several fighters, Celine and Hubble came to him, and the remaining fighters also gathered. If Lieutenant Colonel Xiao were here, it would have been surprisingly small in Alan's number at the moment. In addition to him, there are also the two powerhouses, Celine and Hubble, and the other five or six fighters are selected from each regiment. As for Regis, Noch and others, none of them were seen.

The vehicles surrounding the team came to a halt, and the doors opened one by one, and fully armed soldiers continuously emerged from inside. Toure was also among them, but he had already changed his outfit and no longer wore the uniform of an ordinary soldier to seduce the enemy. The patriarch of the Golett family put on a close-fitting battle uniform today, covered in dark silver-rimmed armor, and the chest side of the armor has a Golett hunter pattern.

Behind Toure, the masters sent by Grant and Alexander were also among them. The iron braces were covered with a heavy armor, and that armor even carried a gun on its back, and there were two small ammunition boxes below it. He chatted with a cigar, made a heavy muffled noise when he walked, and looked at Allen and others with a grinning look. The brothers and sisters of Rogan and Fenli looked much quieter. Rogan was wearing dark armor and carrying a sword in his hand. The sword was still unsheathed, but it was vaguely murderous. Alan's appearance was reflected in Fenli's bizarre light blue and white pupil colors. I don't know if it's because of the youngest age, she looked at Allen more curiously.

Looking down on Toure, Allen smiled calmly: "The Golett family is also a big deal. In order to deal with me, even the'June Flower' missile was used. Even the presence of Lord Toure in person is really flattering. But I am really flattered. Looking at this situation, does Mr. Touré plan to let us go back alive?"

Toure snorted, his gaze swept across Allen's team, his eyes filled with suspiciousness: "You brought so few people?"

Including Allen, this team has no more than ten people. Three speed cars were used, which was a waste. What's more, Toure had already obtained information before, and Allen dispatched his hunting group alliance for this mission. Although the alliance suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, Roddy also assigned about twenty family soldiers to Allen to use, and that number was definitely more than that in front of him.

Allen spread his hands: "Or, how many people does Mr. Touré think there are?"

"Don't pretend to be fools, I know you have more than these people, let them come out. Today, we are here to solve the problem." Tourey roared.

Allen laughed: "Resolve? I dare to ask Mr. Toure what he wants to solve. If it is a private grievance between me and Hamm, I think General Roussen has mediated. Mr. Toure is not afraid of being held accountable by the general if he does this?"

"As long as no one can live here, General Lusen can't say anything." Tourey smiled.

"I also expected it to be so, so I sent some people back to brief the news."

Toure's younger brother Zod called out: "Impossible, they will be stopped by our people on the return journey, you have to die."

Allen took a deep look at him and smiled: "It turns out that the Golett family really did enough homework. Is it worth fighting for me alone?"

Toure couldn't help but glanced at his brother. "Idiot, shut up."

Zord's words revealed the arrangements on the way back. If Allen really sends someone back first, there must be a way to inform the other party, and all the arrangements will be ruined by then. Now Allen is obviously under-represented, and Toure wanted to kill him in this operation. Only by killing everyone in Allen's hands can the news of this operation not be revealed. At that time, even if the Beskards were suspicious, there was no evidence, and they would be helpless.

But now Allen hid some people, which made Toure dare not act rashly. Otherwise, as long as the wind leaks, he can't afford the revenge of the Beskard family.

Toure worries about ~www.readwn.com~ He didn't expect Allen to make a mess with a simple arrangement. At this time, the iron teeth next to him spit the cigar on the ground, cursing: "Damn, can't you fight anymore. Toure, are you afraid?"

Allen raised his eyebrows and said suddenly: "I said why Mr. Toure did such a big fight. It turns out that you are not the only one who killed me. Let me guess, is this big guy from Grant's family or Alexander?"

It is not difficult to guess that the Golett family is just a new family after all, and it is not yet ranked in Babylon. Beth Kod has been accumulating power for a long time. Even if he gave Toure ten courage, he did not dare to complain about his own son and openly want to kill the heir of the family Alan. The reason is simple. Toure did more harm than good. But if the two are reversed, for example, if other big families promise heavy rewards, then it's another matter.

Hearing that the big guy didn't have much respect for Toure at all, it was obviously not from Golett's family. Of course, Alan knows which family that Ellen died now. Among them, Grant and Alexander must be at the top.

Toure's face darkened, and he scolded Tiefang a hundred times. First, Zod made a flop, and now it is Iron Fang. Toure really does not understand why there are some fools around him!


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