Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 793:  Shot value


There was the sound of sucking juice on the mountain road, even if it was someone with **** hands like Les, he frowned. There were three non-commissioned officers among his and Dun En's men who couldn't help but rushed to the side of the road and retched. These people can also be regarded as walking out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, and following the two notorious colonels, everything they do is **** and dark. These people's spirits are not only tough, they are even a little distorted, but they still feel nauseous watching Dill eating Aliman's brain.

Although the others did not vomit, their expressions were not pleasant. The bald female Maria sat on a male corpse, with the dagger in her hand inserted into the corpse from time to time, her eyebrows almost twisted into a ball.

Finally the terrible voice stopped.

Rice’s adjutant raised his head calmly, took off the napkin between the collar, and slowly but gracefully wiped the **** residue from his mouth, carefully took care of the wrinkles on the clothes, and finally put his glasses back on. After returning, he changed back to the expressionless man before. Les suddenly pitted his teeth and pointed his finger at his mouth. Dill knows, stretches out his hand and stretches it out again. There is a small piece of slurry in his palm, and a pink nerve can be seen inside. Without hesitation, he stretched his hand to his mouth, rolled his tongue, and licked his palm clean.

Maria finally couldn't help but jumped up: "Don't eat in front of my mother in the future, you perverted woman! Otherwise, my mother will kill you."

Les was surprisingly lifeless, and Dill slowly said, "Let’s talk about the perversion without saying if you can kill me. I think you are more serious. For me, eating is my ability. It is also necessary for survival. And you kill only to satisfy your own distortion. It is clear who becomes more."

"Fuck your mother, at least my old lady doesn't eat my brain."

Dill did not want to argue with her more about this, and turned around and said to Les: "He really had contact with the target, which is expected and unexpected."

"What do you mean?" Les hated his adjutant's way of speaking. He always didn't make it clear, and he always left a few things for you to guess. Unexpectedly, Les can understand, but what is unexpected?

Obviously Dill also knows his boss very well, so he directly said: "The target once fought against this man named Aliman. Judging from the information provided by Aliman, the target is far more than just intelligence data. "

"He hides his combat power?" Les suddenly said.

"No, if you have a source force level, you can definitely still be at the nineteenth level. But the combat skill level, and even the source force quality, far exceed those of this level."

"Wait, I can understand that the combat skill level exceeds the limit. But how can the quality of the source force exceed the limit?"

Dill's eyes shot that crazy look again: "I can't say for sure, after all, the strength of this man is limited. The data I read from him will infiltrate a lot of subjective elements, so I can't objectively and accurately Evaluate the target's strength. But I analyzed a segment of it, and then combined the information I know, the source of the target is likely to have reached the condensate stage."



Les and Dunn called out at the same time.

Maria and the others were confused. Dunn seemed to say to himself, and as if to explain to his subordinates: "Yuanli Condensate is an improvement in the quality of Yuanli. You also know that the one who ignites the fire, Through self-training and seeking from the depths of genes, we can use this method to continuously increase the total amount of source power. Yes, no matter how you improve, if you don’t have enough luck or talent, even if the potential reaches the level of the dominator , The increase is always only the total amount of Yuanli. But its quality has not changed at all!"

Rice took the words: "In the Yuanli system, the mass change of Yuanli borrows the three states we know, namely gas, liquid, and solid. Most of the Yuanli's Yuanli is gas. No matter whether it’s Yuanli exuding it or sitting inwardly, Yuanli’s external appearance is like that misty arrogance, without real feeling."

"When the quality of Yuanli changes and is as solid as liquid. Its quality is significantly improved, but the total amount will be consumed due to the condensing process, so a decrease occurs."

Maria finally realized why the two colonels were so shocked, she lost her voice: "In other words, if it is the same level and the same total source power. The source power condensate will be stronger, just like two The bottle. The capacity is the same, but there is a big difference in the weight of water and mercury!"

"Yes, and if it reaches the third stage of Yuanli Crystal, it is the difference between loading water and heavy metal." Les sighed with his hands around his chest: "The nineteenth-level guy has already succeeded in Yuanli Condensate. This is a **** genius than Lao Tzu. I think Success Condensate was already called a genius when I reached level 30, so what should this kid called Allen call?"

Dunn glared at him: "Of course it must be called a pervert, a pervert more perverted than you!"

"I know you are jealous, so I don't care about it." Les Haha smiled.

Yes, Dunn is jealous. A nineteenth-level imp has reached the level of Genesis Condensation. In time, this kid named Allen will surely be a strong man above 10,000 people. And he, a 25th-level colonel, hasn't made any progress in Yuan Li for three years. The total increase each year is minimal, and the potential of Dunn has reached its end. All that can be done is to kill people for pleasure, or to use technology to further increase his comprehensive strength.

But even though the old folks at the Academy of Science and Technology replaced all parts of his body with machinery, Dunn knew that he would definitely not be able to cross the 30th level, let alone Gen Power Condensate. This is the case with his achievements in this life. In the eyes of others, it is very rare to be a federal colonel. But only the person involved knows the pain of being unable to make progress, and Dunn's character will be distorted, which is also related to this.

Those who have reached the limit of their potential are more or less sick. And Dunn and Rice are among the most serious ones.

Les laughed at this moment: "It's better~www.readwn.com~ If it's just to kill a nineteenth-level kid, that would be too boring. But if he already has Gen Power Condensate, let me do it. The value and reason for it."

"Colonel Rice." The fanatical light in Dill's eyes rose instead of falling: "After killing him, please make sure to let me eat."

Les smiled stiffly. It felt like he was eating a dead cockroach while tasting the delicious food. He waved his hand angrily and said, "Damn, I know. But next time, you find a remote place to eat. Right."

"as you wish."

Les clapped his hands and said: "It's time to go, don't lose our lamb. If he runs back to the sheepfold, I will have a pretty headache. So from now on I will try my best to keep up. People who have committed suicide are fine."

Hearing this sentence, apart from Dun En and Dill, the rest of the people remained unchanged. They know very well that Les never makes jokes.

Even if his words sound like a joke.


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