Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 810: Canyon Showdown

"I thought you would always run away, but it seems that you also know that there is no point in escaping. There is always a break between us. But I thought it was a war between voters, but it seems that you I'm going to let two wastes help you. But I was quite surprised, when did you find a Cato pig as a helper?" Karin's eyes fell on Hubble.

In the battle three days ago, Hubble had abandoned the disguise of his armor, and even lost the knife. Now naturally the Catu’s original appearance was restored. Upon hearing Karin’s words, Hubble’s eyes were fixed on Karin’s chest and said in a thunderous voice: "If there is a chance, I will **** her. Do it!"

Allen and Belmode looked at each other, feeling Hubble's interest a bit heavy. Karin's purple fluttered slightly, and an angry expression flashed in his eyes: "I want you to die as ugly, quite ugly!"

Hubble raised his head disapprovingly, his gaze became more unscrupulous, sliding down Karin's chest, over her waist, and falling between her legs. Karin finally let out an angry roar, and strode wildly.

The battle started like this.

"Remember what I said before." After Allen said, he flashed out.

Belmode and Hubble followed closely.

Karin is like a truck running at full force, and her huge figure plows hard through the narrow valley. Those obstacles that lay on the forward track were shattered by her burst of power before she even touched her body. Nothing can stop her at all, just like she had thought before, Allen intends to use the terrain here to weaken her combat power, which is simply idiotic.

In the source force system, the stronger the upper class, the smaller the impact of the environment on them. Unless it is a special environment outside the planet, most of the harsh environment inside the planet is almost negligible for them. Although Karin has not crossed the 30th level, the rocks and deep trenches in the valley belt are no longer an obstacle to her. No matter what, just the shock of the forward charge is enough to crush them.

Karin went straight forward.

Completely different from her, Allen kept flashing among many obstacles. His speed is much faster than Karin, almost every second in the change of direction movement, which makes it very difficult for Karin to lock his position. Therefore, the wheel saw in Karin's hand has not been released for a long time, and the heavy artillery of the mechanical arm has not been activated. Under Allen's movement, Karin's long-range strikes can be said to be blocked by him in disguise.

If you want to attack Allen, you can only get a chance when you meet in hand.

Karin didn't think it would take long to wait for this opportunity. With the advancement of both of them, another ten seconds or so is the time of encounter.

Allen flashed the first ten meters again, and he passed by a stalagmite rising from the ground. With the help of a kick on the stalagmite, the lightning flashed to the high rock on the other side. He even rushed to the nearby mountain wall, but galloped up on the sloped mountain wall, as if gravity didn't work on Allen. He rushed out more than ten meters on the ground before suddenly changing direction. Karin couldn't keep up with Alan's eyes, and his eyes were always on the fuzzy afterimages he left behind.

At this moment, Allen swept across. The person is in the air, his left hand raised. There was a flash of fire from the blazing muzzle in his hand, and a blazing source force bullet had reached Karin's head in an instant. So fast Karin didn't even have the time to react, and instinctively raised the wheel saw to volley through the bullet.

Then came the glare and explosion!

The blazing bullet exploded into a heavy and sticky fire cloud and fell down, covering Karin's head and body. The giantess’s purple was immediately set alight, and her skin was burning. Even she can't ignore the damage caused by the nearly 2,000 degrees high temperature of the Blazing Bullet. This made the light armor on her body hot and deformed, and even the mechanical arms made by the Kidd people were hot red, and all the energy pipes rang lightly, and they might burst at any time.

Karin screamed, and the source force whirled wildly, swirling the surrounding air to form a strong upward air current, so a man-made tornado rushed into the sky. The movement of the strong current suppressed the flames on her body, and Karin threw the wheel saw with her hand.

The wheel saw a terrifying scream, like a banshee howling. It drew a dark shadow with a rich color on the shady mountain of the valley, went around behind Alan, turned a corner, and cut it off in a sinister manner.

The **** shadow flashed out and hit the wheel saw, with a heavy note. The blood on Allen's face faded in an instant, and the person was thrown into the air. The wheel saw flew downwards, hitting the ground before it bounced, and was caught by Karin, who was caught. The moment he caught the wheel saw, a huge force suddenly violent from the wheel saw. The dark energy that Alan attached to the wheel saw made Karin a burst of energy and blood, and his figure was not as stable as before, and the forward body swayed from left to right. Obviously, the balance was affected by Allen's dark energy, and when the person was in the air, Allen's eyes became extremely sharp. The lines on the body of the flame gun lighted up instantly, and the ground near Karin suddenly burst into a ten-meter fire curtain!

This sea of ​​fire enveloped an area nearly fifty meters in radius, and the instant heating caused some of the smaller stones on the ground to melt, and Karin's soles were astonishingly hot. She had to spray out the source force to blow away the surrounding flames. But the sea of ​​fire also has an unusual stickiness, Karin can only disperse the flames near her body, and can do nothing further. After activating the deflagration zone, Allen blasted towards Karin with three flame bombs.

After these three bullets were fired~www.readwn.com~ the flames of the muzzle showed fire, and the pistol was even more shockingly hot. After all, with the technology and materials at the time, even if this magic pistol was made by a master, it could not support the continuous shooting of high-temperature bullets. But the three flame bombs exploded around Karin. Under the effect of the deflagration zone to increase the source of fire, before the power of the flame bombs became more powerful, the three fire clouds suddenly gathered into a billowing fireball, and Karin Covered in it.

Karin roared and screamed, the mechanical arm ejected the blade of Yuanli, and cut the fireball several times, so the energy of the fireball was ejected from these openings, and it touched the sea of ​​fire and caused a series of explosions. The curtain of fire continued to sky. For a while, all Karin saw in her eyes was flames!

At this moment, an astonishing momentum suddenly rose. This momentum is full of violent murderous intent, and even Karin has never been exposed to such a strong murderous intent, and he can't help but stop. Then she realized that this momentum was not owned by Allen, and only hated the rising of the fire curtain, she could not see who released the momentum at all.

Every Hubble muscle was trembling, and when he activated the killing mode, he grew a few points taller in an instant. Although his height was still not comparable to Karin, the heavy pressure was not inferior to that of the giantess. Incarnate into a devilish image, Hubble roared again, the huge crystals on his chest almost sprayed flames toward the outside, and every pattern on Hubble's body was illuminated, and the killing intent increased!


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