Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 816: Team brain

Dun En took a deep breath, but the cold wind in the north made him mistakenly think that a fire was swallowed. His chest burned in this way. This state made him very impatient, irritable, and eager to see the blood and the corpse. Such a picture helped vent the flame in his heart. The more emotionally extreme people are, the less likely they are to be calm and calm. Even if Dunn was able to control his emotions at the beginning, but after three days, if the goal always appeared in the direction of the team's progress, Dunn could not maintain his emotional stability.

Les's situation is not much better than him, although he still looks quite quiet, but the constantly changing look in his eyes shows that his current mood is becoming very unstable.

In these three days, Dill found many clues. Once they touched the temporary camp where Allen stayed. At that time, the campfire had not gone out, and it looked like it was not far away. This made Les very excited and desperately pursued in the direction left by the clue. But in fact, it proved that it was a deliberate suspicious formation by Allen, and Les rushed over his head and lost all clues.

That made Les mad and slaughtered a nearby den of dangerous creatures. Dill found his boss among the corpse and blood, and from that moment, the smile on Les's face disappeared. He just wanted to find Alan now, and even forgot that Alan might have something to reverse the genetic collapse. Les only wanted to kill the cunning noble master, so as to end this seemingly increasingly unpleasant journey as soon as possible.

Les and Dunn are still like this, and the mood of their men is even worse. The bald woman Maria now has the opportunity to find a man who is accompanying her to make love madly, but this usually helps her to restore her emotional pleasure, but now it makes her impatient. After she broke the neck of a non-commissioned officer in the most intense time yesterday, Dunn had to forbid her to continue such crazy behavior.

Maria barely restrained herself, but from her bloodshot eyes, everyone knew that she was full of murderous intent right now.

Right now, only Dill was as cold as before, still looking for clues mechanically, then sorted and evaluated them, and gradually approached Allen. Dill could feel that they were getting closer and closer to Allen. When it happened, Dill believed that it would be a **** storm.

After all, these people in the team have been suppressed for a long time and need to vent.

"about there."

When Allen got into the cave, he said. The eyes of several people in the cave all fell on him, Hubble stood up, and his voice sounded like thunder: "I have waited for you to say this for too long. If you want me to say, just go straight up and do it, why bother around. Bend your intestines."

Belmode smiled faintly: "You think too simple, if we hadn't been around them for a few days, do you think we would have time to observe them?"

Lola and Talikova looked at each other without expressing their opinions. Allen came over, coughed dryly, and drew everyone's attention to him. He squatted down, picked up some stones and put them on the ground. Two of the stones are the largest and they are also placed in the front. He said: "We can be sure that there are two strong men in each other. It seems that they do not have a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and they are more like some kind of unfamiliar cooperation. Relationship. Let’s think of them as two different teams. One of the two is a tall, bald man, and the other is shorter, but it gives me the most dangerous feeling."

"Then their men." Allen dropped a handful of smaller stones behind the two big stones and divided them into two groups, each with seven or eight stones. He picked one out of the two stones and said: "Except for the collar, they all have a noteworthy guy under them. The two are a male and a female, and the female has the same characteristics of a bald head, probably equivalent to a lieutenant officer. Level level. The other man is the one who attacked Lola that night. He fits the characteristics described by Belmode and has a sniper rifle on his body. Among these people, he is the one we need to kill first."

Hubble said in a huff: "Isn't it better to kill the two collars first?"

"No, first, there are more people on the other side than us. And there are several professionals among them. With mutual cooperation, our whereabouts will be hidden." Allen analyzed: "In addition, those two Although the strongman is the leader, they do not interfere with each other's actions. On the contrary, he is the sniper. He has integrated the personnel of the two teams and is very good at surveying and commanding. Such a person undoubtedly plays the role of the team's brain; finally, He is the only sniper in those two teams, with something like dirty bullets on his body. To be honest, if anyone gets shot again, I may not be saved."

Allen nodded at one of the stones: "So this guy must be removed first."

He looked at the two of Laura again: "It is difficult for the three of us to do this, especially when the other party has a numerical advantage. So I need to use your strength."

Laura blinked and said, "I'm fine."

Then she stabbed Talikova, the girl looked tangled, and finally said: "For the time being, they are more hateful than you. Okay, just this time. Let's talk about what we need to do."

"To be correct, I intend to let you and Belmode act together." Allen said lightly.

Talikova's face suddenly became gloomy, obviously she was quite unhappy about acting with humans.

In the evening, Les set foot on a high ground. From here, the rolling mountain seems to have come to an end. Going further north for about two hundred kilometers, the peaks are gradually low and the terrain tends to be flat. As far as he could see, wide and desolate plains could be seen. Les knows this plain, which is marked as the "Dead Wasteland" on the map of the Federation.

The withered wasteland is the area bordering Yinfengda6. The shape of this wasteland is wide in the front and narrow in the back. The narrowed land on both sides ended up like a bridge connected to the storm cliffs of Silver Wind 6, where the Idahuaxing people built a fortress to defend. There are several sinister places in the withered wasteland. Among them, the valley of dusk is definitely the most dangerous one.

For some unknown reason, the magnetic field in the Valley of Dusk is very chaotic, which makes the source of this area violent and dangerous. In the valley, you can see bands of light like the northern lights everywhere, but these seemingly beautiful bands of light are actually a sickle of death. They are made up of extremely violent source power, cutting anything near them. What's terrible is that these light bands are not fixed in a certain position, they are completely random combinations of source power.

Because these light bands are pale yellow, from a distance, they look like a valley in the afterglow of the setting sun. Hence the name of the valley of dusk.

Seeing that he was approaching the edge of the mountain, Les became even more impatient. He knew very well that regardless of whether Alan fled to Silver Wind 6, he was eventually contained by the alien fortress on the cliff of storm. Or if he crashed into the valley of twilight recklessly, it would be extremely difficult for him to chase him down, let alone make a deal. Of course, if Allen was forced into the Valley of Dusk, it would be no different from killing him, but the staid General Shrek would definitely not approve of this approach.

Unless the general sees Ellen's body, he will only think that Rice's actions have failed.

Since Les became the general's butcher knife, there is no record of failure. He snorted, and if that's the case, he would rather die than bear the smudge on his back. Dill's voice rang in the headset at this time: "Colonel Rice, I have something."

Les' eyes lit up like this.

Three minutes later, he and Dunn were standing on a low-lying ground, where the bodies of two stab dogs remained. The body was taken away from the limbs, as well as the more fat parts of the body. Les looked carefully and found that the technique on the corpse was very rough this time, which was very different from the few skeletons he saw that night.

"There are a lot of traces left here..." Deere walked around and said, "They walked in a hurry, and even the body was not properly handled. Furthermore, judging from the limbs and other parts taken, they are very Lack of food. Maybe we are driving them to a dead end."

"Then work harder!" Les' eyes were bloodshot, which made him look crazy: "I don't want to wait any longer, Dill. Find those guys, now! Right now! I'm going to tear them up, Use their blood as an appetizer for dinner!"

Before Dill answered, the same voice rang in everyone's earphones: "Now that they are, they are...ah!"

The tail sound turned into a scream, and at the same time, there was a corresponding scream not far away. Without thinking about it, Les flashed out. Dunn shouted angrily and rushed out with Maria. Dill frowned and called, "Please wait~www.readwn.com~ Colonel."

But Les couldn't hear it, there was a crazy smile on his face, and he kept licking his dry lips with his tongue. He could feel that the fire in his chest grew more intense, and even every muscle was trembling slightly. Les knows this situation better. At this time, what he desires most is to hear the sound of blood spurting from the human body. Every time he heard this sound, he would be extremely excited.

That is the sound of nature more beautiful than any music!

Less than a minute, Les pounced on a high slope. One of his non-commissioned officers was lying on the ground covered in blood, and two figures not far below were hurriedly leaving. This is the first time he has approached the target so close, although the number of opponents is a little less, but Les can't manage so much. Immediately screamed and plunged directly from the high slope. As soon as his voice came up, the two suddenly increased.

Les sneered. He wasn't necessarily good at degree. But after all, he has the strength of a major general. If he is full of violence, he will not slow down much in a short sprint. Suddenly, Les turned into a faint phantom, continuously shortening the distance between the two sides. Seeing this scene, Dunn could only sigh. He was even worse than Les, and his strength was a few levels worse. Naturally, he had no hope of competing with Les for prey in this situation.


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