Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 819: Hate giants

Blood Gate Fortress.

Lucy sat on the edge of the barracks at Bethkod’s family camp with her knees bent, looking up at the starry sky dotted with stars. She squinted her eyes and stretched out her hand, as if to catch something, but turned into a sigh and let go.

"Are you worried about him?" A girl's voice came from behind.

Lucy turned her head, Adele walked out from the shadow of the water tower next to her. She was wearing a camouflage combat uniform, and her original long hair was cut short. Under the moonlight, she was a bit softer than usual and more capable. War will change people, Lucy thinks this is correct. At least Adele in front of her has changed a lot from before. She became more capable, and she began to show her edges and corners.

&nbs---mp; "What are you doing, double ponytails. Even if you look at me like this, I won't like you." Adele's mouth raised, pulling out a strong smile.

Lucy laughed: "Why are you free? At this time, you can't stay in your family camp?"

"Because I'm worried about that guy too." Adele sat down next to her, and Yefeng naughty picked up her long and short hair, blowing it out like a girl's current mood: "It's been more than three days. , Hasn't come back yet. But I believe that he will definitely not die."

"I believe it too, but I can't let me wait for him like this." Lucy squeezed the girl's hair and said abruptly: "I cut it myself?"

Adele blushed: "I know the cut is not good, but it's much more convenient." She swept away Lucy's hand and said, "Since you don't want to wait, why are you sitting here?"

When the voice ended, footsteps rang. Adele looked back, and a man came over. He was wearing black armor and a mask on his face, so he couldn't see his face at all. Adele remembered him, this person was a leader in the Allen Alliance.

"Mr. Noch." Lucy stood up: "It seems you have good news?"

Adele looked at him curiously, then looked at Lucy.

Nuoqi nodded: "My men have found the signal from Captain Allen."

"How did it happen?" Adele asked.

"We hacked into the federation system and searched for the signal transmitted by the tactical board in Captain Allen's hand through satellites to locate his coordinates." Noch looked at Lucy: "Then, Miss Lucy's meaning is?"

"Of course it is to find him. Please give me the coordinates. This is not a task issued by the military, so you don't need to follow up." Lucy said.

"It's too far-fetched to say that." At the exit of the rooftop, Reese walked up with his hands in his trouser pockets: "Thanks to the boss's care, we have earned a lot of military merit. We should give something back."

"Even the coward like Reese said so, we Shadow Lynx don't want to miss this action." Sock also walked out, just behind Reese.

Reese said angrily: "Who is a coward, bastard, I want to fight you."

"I accept, if you lose, you have to let Miss Christine join us in the Shadow Lynx!" Sock said maliciously.

Reese snorted and said, "If you lose, just merge your group of bobcats into my team. You have to call me the leader in the future."

There was a spark in the sight of the two men, and then Celine ran in in the middle. The leader of the Black Knights scored with both hands and pushed the two away: "You are also enough, don't just bet with Christine. Also, is it time for a duel? Don't blame me for being polite."

The two seemed to be a little afraid of Celine, and stared at each other, but did not continue the topic just now. At this moment Noch stood next to Celine and said to Lucy: "My sword is offered to you at any time, Miss Lucy, you can say what to do."

"You..." Lucy shook her head, but her eyes couldn't hide her excitement. She turned her head and looked at Adele: "Are you coming?"

"Of course!" The short-haired girl smiled wildly.

In the war room, Roddy propped his hands on the tactical platform. Tactical Taichung is showing a three-dimensional map, which is Beskold's defense area. Roddy looked at the map, and from time to time he reached out to each defensive node of the virtual point defense zone, adjusting some parameters. At this time, someone hit the door and entered, and then Fording's lazy voice rang: "Don't look, I know your mind is not there."

"Damn, do you occasionally die if you are a little stupid?" Roddy scolded badly.

Fording slapped haha, leaning against the wall and looking at the camp outside the window: "You are calm, I thought you would send someone to find the young master?"

"I think so too. But the old man said that he should have honed that little thing. But three days have passed. I plan to send someone to look for it tomorrow, but it's better if something really happens."

"Are you worried about the Grameen woman?" Fording said with a dry smile: "I don't think she will kill the young master. I shot the shot before, and I know how much it was. The woman did not recover so quickly. Yes, it must be full of dark injuries. There are two people beside Master Ellen, that Belmode is not easy, the one named Hubble is not easy. There are two of them, plus our young master, one grid The Lai woman can't threaten him yet."

"I'm afraid of other variables."

Suddenly a family soldier rushed in and said to Roddy: "It's not good, my lord. Just now, just now..."

"Say something." Roddy frowned.

The soldier took a breath, nodded and said, "Miss Lucy just left the camp, and drove out two speed cars with the hunting group, saying that she was going to find Master Ellen. We couldn't stop it, please punish you."

Roddy looked surprised and said, "Naughty, they don't know where Alan is!"

"That's not certain." Fording looked out the window and said grinning: "If you hack into the federal system and use satellites to locate Allen's tactical board signal, you can also get the preparation coordinates. Don't you do the same?"

Roddy was embarrassed by being kicked and said: "How can I be the same." After a pause, he called out: "You knew it early, right, bastard, you didn't stop them?"

"Why stop it? Don't you think you should be happy for Master Ellen? He can find a group of friends who live and die together. How happy this is."

"Happy shit. If anything goes wrong with His Royal Highness, I think you are still up and unhappy." Roddy scolded.

"You are really stupid. Since Your Royal Highness Lucy is involved, this matter can't cause your headache." Fording looked in the direction of the fortress military building: "Don't you think that someone should have a headache there? Taking this opportunity to let the military send someone to search for the young master, it will save you a lot of time and cut off some people's unfriendly ideas."

Roddy slapped his head: "I said you can do these insidious things better than me!"

"Your compliment doesn't sound too pleasant to me." Fording shook his head.

Roddy didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he wanted to inform Lusen and take advantage of Lucy to pull the Federation into the water. Suddenly a stern alarm sounded outside the window, and Roddy and Fording both changed their faces. They looked at each other and didn't know what had happened. Then the brain in the war room received an emergency notification, and a line of messages appeared on the big screen, making Roddy's heart sink.

The message was clearly written. Just five minutes ago, a huge fleet of alien coalition forces bypassed the Silverwind Continent and entered the Twilight Continent from the withered wasteland. The initial estimate of the number of troops carried by this fleet should be around 200,000, which is more than twice the number of the last foreign invasion. At present, the fortress Black Rock on the north side of the mainland has entered a state of full-scale war. I am afraid that it will not be long before other fortresses will also be affected.

Roddy flicked, and the map of Twilight Continent appeared on the big screen. At this moment, the Federal Army has updated the latest data on the map, so it can be seen through the screen that there are dense red light spots on the withered wasteland to the north. These light spots are heading towards the vast mountainous area to the south, and on the nearby Black Rock Fortress, there is a pattern of two swords intersecting, which means that the Black Rock Fortress has already been hit by an alien coalition.

Looking at the spot of light that almost occupied the entire wasteland, you could imagine what a huge army it was, and Roddy was a little breathless. In those light spots, there was a striking purple light, which was a pattern of a purple skull and a green breath was still breathing from the skull's mouth. There is only one character in the enemy who needs to mark this pattern. Roddy looks at Fording, and both of them say the same name in disbelief: "Crossell of Abomination?!"

That was the head of the alien coalition, the top powerhouse of the Gly clan, a superb figure who could compete with Capro, at this moment, he also came to the withered wasteland! This is definitely unexpected news. You must know that Krossell has been presiding over the attack on the Idahua star in the Silverwind Continent, and suddenly moved his position. If there is no trick, Roddy will not believe anything.

"It always feels like something big is going to happen." Fording sighed.

"And our young master is in danger~www.readwn.com~ Roddy smiled bitterly and looked to the mountainous area to the north. On the map on the screen, there has been nearly half of the area covered by the red light spot representing the enemy. Allen’s coordinates appeared in the mountain area, and now, Lucy is still leading the people to the battlefield. Roddy has a big headache, but obviously, he is far from alone.

Before long, Rusen groaned in the fortress command building. This muffled hum was so penetrating that it shook the glass of all the windows in the command room of the building. Just now, Roddy reported to him that Lucy was heading to the mountains to the north. At this time, the alien coalition forces invaded the withered wasteland, which gave Lu Sen a big problem. His hand holding the bridge railing creaked, and after a moment he let it go, and said to the adjutant: "Go and tell Catherine to let her set off immediately. No matter what she does, let the majesty be unharmed. Bring me back!"

The adjutant was startled and said, "General, is it improper to transfer Major General Catherine's high-level combat power away from the fortress at this time."

"It's okay." Rusen breathed out: "Bloodgate fortress is enough for me. Besides, the hateful giant of Crosea, naturally our marshal will greet him, just do it."

The adjutant went now.


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