Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 822: Workshop

[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the War, Karsuszhang, L Sisi, Yi Huo Hua, and other brothers for their rewards and monthly support, thank you everyone! ]

"What do you think they are doing?"

Lying on a rock protruding from a cliff, on a mountain peak over two hundred meters high, the icy wind in the north almost blew people into popsicles. Of course, Ellen and Laura were never in this list, they were lying side by side. Looking down, it is a undulating mountainous area with several low mountains lying in the middle, the height of which is no more than 100 meters, and the lowest one is only tens of meters. There are many mountains like this in this continuous mountainous area.

A large number of Catu people gathered in the mountain area below, and they plugged some metal poles into a higher place. There was a flash of light on the top of the metal pole, which looked like some kind of signal transmitter. Soon, this area with a width of more than one kilometer was covered with metal poles. So under the night, there seemed to be thousands of eyes blinking in the mountains.

"It won't be a good thing anyway," Allen said, and a few strands of Laura's hair drifted to his face, making him itchy. He backed away a little, and gestured to Laura and him to leave first.

The two retreated from the stone strip and found a sheltered place from the wind. Now the Hubble trio are in a cave halfway up the mountain, and he and Lola came to the top of the mountain just to detect the movements of the Catu. But after watching for a long time, I didn't see the doorway. Until just now, the Catu people have inserted metal rods within nearly a kilometer square, which seems to be some kind of action.

While thinking, I heard Laura whisper. Allen looked up: "What's wrong."

The Hulma woman still shook her head stubbornly, but Alan noticed that the movement of her shoulders was a little stiff, and she frowned: "Turn around."

Laura was obedient, put down the great sword and turned sideways. Allen swept away her long hair, but saw that there were several charred skin on Laura's pink back, which were leaking blood. Allen quickly took out hemostatic spray and bandages from her backpack, took care of the wounds for her in twos or twos, and said: "Next time I have to tell me anything, especially injuries. If these wounds are left alone, it might happen. infected."

"I see." Lola turned around and said, but the wound was affected, and the facial features on her face were twisted. At this moment, the mountain shook violently and Lola suddenly lost her balance and fell over Allen.

This is the first time that Allen has been so close to Laura, and her keen senses constantly describe to him how full this body is. Laura is like a ripe peach, just waiting to be picked. Alan reacted immediately, and Laura's body became hot at the same time. She twisted, and the terrible friction made Alan almost groan. He could feel that the twin peaks that the woman pressed against him were full of elasticity, and the front end became even more rigid. Looking at Laura again, her eyes almost burst into flames. Laura lifted her thigh altogether, and reached out to reach Alan's waist.

When the five fingers gathered there, Allen's head banged and it suddenly became blank. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had pushed Lola down, and the whole person was on her. Holding Lola's chest tightly with both hands, the woman under her panted slightly, two long legs already wrapped around his waist, leaving him a position that is easy to move.

"What are you waiting for?" Lola asked

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) said: "Don't you want me?"

"Of course, in fact, no man can refuse you. Believe me, I can't wait to eat you now. But the time is not right, the place is wrong... Hey!" Allen looked up to the sky, the already deep night changed. It becomes more depressing. A huge shadow moved behind the clouds in the night sky, with light flickering from time to time. The wind pressure brought up when it passed by caused the mountain to shake again.

That is a mothership!

Seeing this scene, the flame in Laura's eyes slowly disappeared. She let go of Ellen, lifted the great sword, and was ready to fight. Alan pulled her to the ground to avoid revealing her figure. At this time, the mothership began to descend from the clouds, and the clouds were crushed by it, burst, and turned into cloud pillars entangled with the hull. This mothership has ferocious armor thorns everywhere, and there are huge faces around the hull. These faces may be majestic, ugly, furious, or frightened. No one is the same. At first glance, it looks as if countless giants are looking down on the earth. In those faces, their eyes kept rolling, and shot out beams of light, illuminating the mountainous area underneath like daylight.

The huge mothership over a kilometer long hovered in the night. The turrets with strange shapes, the rugged and powerful energy gun barrels, and the dense shooting array all over the ship's hull all demonstrate its mighty force to the world.

When Allen couldn't figure out what the suspended carrier wanted to do, suddenly two pieces of armor at the bottom of the hull separated and retracted to the left and right. Following a barrel of energy heavy artillery, it came out from behind the armor plate. The muzzle was several meters wide in diameter. At first glance, it was known that it was a powerful weapon such as the main gun of a battleship. At this time, the center of the pitch-black muzzle lit up a little faint red light step by step, and countless dark red fluorescent lights gathered from all directions, all of which were gathered and bound in the muzzle.

As a result, the red light grew rapidly, and the fluorescent light that flew in continued to flew and condense in a spiral shape, and the fluorescent light became a bunch in a blink of an eye. Strips of red light were spinning, and at the center, a light ball with a dark red edge and a blazing white core came out!

In the sky, the pressure is like the sea. Allen made a decisive decision, pulled Lola and ran, and at the same time let out a long scream regardless of her figure. That was the signal they had agreed with Belmode, and when they heard Alan's whistling warning, it was when they evacuated.

The mothership’s main artillery was bombarded, and they seemed to be far away from the bombardment. But God knows the power of that main gun, if the power is enough to get them in, it would be really wrong to die. Allen took Lola and ran all the way, Lola was not a strong point in speed, unless the stance of wild calling was activated. Naturally there was no time to use it in a hurry now, but Allen mentioned her from time to time so that she would not fall.

At this moment, the mighty rolling behind him, Allen looked back. I saw that the muzzle of the mothership's main gun was bright, and the ball of light instantly turned into a dark red pillar of fire and spurted straight down! From a distance, it looked like a waterfall of light falling in a straight line, reaching the ground in a flash. The mountain area underneath lit up, and the point where the pillar of fire touched the ground was a thick dark red light. This group of light quickly expanded in all directions, spreading over countless mountains, hills, caves, and absolute peaks like water!

At this moment, the world is silent. Only that group of light continues to expand, it contains extremely terrifying energy. It seems to be gentle like water, but it can be submerged by it, whether it is a mountain or a hill, it is melted and annihilated! Mountains

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) A dark red sun seems to have risen in between, the sun is three hundred meters in diameter. The matter protruding from the ground within the area covered by it disappeared completely, full of domineering aura of destruction.

After the sun stabilized, it flashed twice before it exploded. A huge fireball slowly lifted into the sky, and above the fireball, the wind howled. The clouds under the curtain of night were washed away, and the light belts turned and floated like a corona. These bands of light seem beautiful, but they are extremely devastating. Where they drifted, the mountains were silently cut open, leaving deep ravines on the ground. Then the ground fire came late, they spread from the fireball, and quickly spread from the countless gullies cut by the light band. In an instant, nearly one kilometer square of ground had been filled, and then a fiery curtain of fire suddenly erupted. The high temperature and impact of the flame scoured the earth from the inside out, and the terrifying vibration continued for a full ten seconds before gradually disappearing.

The mountain where Allen and the others hid before, the mountain on the side facing the explosion point was melted. The rock on the edge of the mountain showed a tumbling shape, while the mountain in the center was completely crystallized, and it was tens of meters deep. It's like a huge black glass.

On the back of the mountain, Ellen and Laura climbed to the top of the mountain. Lying on the ground and looking forward, a flat ground appeared in the mountainous area after the explosion. There were no bumps on the ground. The hills and low mountains before were cut flat, leaving only a regular, flat land with flames still remaining.

At this time, Allen knew what the Catu metal rods were used for. The range marked by those things was exactly the area of ​​this artificial flat land. This deja vu image reminded Allen of the man-made flat land in the chaotic valley on the star Rin Frost. His heart sank immediately, thinking that the Catu people would repeat their old tricks in the Garden of Eden, using a collapsed resonator to transform this super planet into an artificial black hole?

But this action is too big, and it monitors one of the fortresses of the Federation. It is almost impossible to complete the planetary transformation quietly like that on Rin Shuang. At this time, a faint sense of oppression appeared in the sky again. Allen raised his head and saw that the mothership began to descend. It continued to lower its floating height, and in the end, it stopped on the artificially flattened construction site.

At this time, Allen had a weird idea~www.readwn.com~ Could it be that this mothership deliberately fired a shot just to find a mooring point for herself?

As soon as the mothership stopped on the ground, the Catu people who had been hidden beforehand so as not to be affected by the power of the explosion came out like ants from all directions in the mountains and gathered towards the mothership. At this time, the mother ship roadway doors kept opening, and the lifting decks extended to the ground and joined. Then came out a series of tall figures from the ship, it turned out to be some Glyy giants.

Among them were two dark Titans. As soon as these giants stepped out of the ship, they floated around and dispersed to form a three-dimensional defense network. When this defensive net was completed, the gathered Catoers got on the mothership. After a while, some machines were driven off the mothership. There are vehicles similar to construction vehicles, and robots that walk upright and have multiple arms. And what these tools do next makes Allen confused.

They actually surrounded the mothership, and then began to dismantle those straight armor spines, or those huge faces with different shapes. So this man-made flat land became a workshop in an instant.

(End of this chapter)


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