Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 824: wake up

Laura was curious and looked at Alan with some worry. She didn't have the space and time to intervene in the brief but intense fight just now. Before she could react, the battle was over. Allen seemed to be understatement and repelled the man, but Laura knew the opponent was terrible. Tarikova has described Les's appearance to her more than once and told her that Aliman had died in the hands of that man.

Now Alan ran without a word, buried her head and rushed, seeing her really worried. When he reached the foot of the mountain, Alan finally knelt to the ground with his body shaken, and opened his mouth to spray a thick blood mist. Laura screamed and quickly helped him up. At this moment, Alan's face was like golden paper, his breathing was messy, he smiled at Laura, and passed out without warning. His body temperature is terribly high, as if the blood in his body is boiling wildly!

At this time Belmode arrived, took Alan aside, and said to Laura: "Follow me."

The whole process of Alan and Rice's fight is more dangerous than outsiders can imagine. In the course of the fight, Allen was like a precision machine, and could not tolerate any mistakes. He connected with the iron wall to block Les's sound, bursting through the opponent's invisible force field in full bloom. Finally, with the thunder light that was condensed and released, it was pure will to retreat Les. This is simple to say, it can be from the iron wall that focuses on defense, to the blooming of the main attack, and finally the half-type thunder, during which the source force changes and the dispatch are represented by data, the amount of data generated in a moment is enough to establish A digital model!

Allen's control over Yuanli is extremely rare among the strong at the same level, and even among those with a higher level. But even for him, it was the first time for him to change the allocation of source power so quickly and accurately. It can be said that he was forced out, and the result was that the source force changed too much and too fast, and he almost didn't burst his blood vessels.

After pulling Lola on the way down the cliff, in fact, he has been enduring the impact of the original force. It wasn't until reaching the ground and feeling Belmode's breath that Allen let him pass in a coma. This is the result that he does not want to see. If he can, he would rather trade some price for a clear consciousness. After all, they are now on the fierce battlefield, but Allen had to do this, because his injuries were so serious that he could only be temporarily unconscious in order to get a buffer.

The blood vessels in his body are now full of cracks, and the blood vessels have expanded to the limit, and the slightest difference will exceed the critical point. At the moment, Allen's skin was flushing unnaturally, and his temperature exceeded 45 degrees. Belmode carrying him, only felt that Alan was like a bomb that could explode at any time!

I don't know how long it will take before the consciousness is like a thin stream of water emerging from the dry and cracked earth, gradually converging into a bundle, and then forming a complete whole. When Alan woke up, he couldn't help groaning. He only felt that his consciousness was broken into thousands of pieces, but now it was barely glued together with gel. However, the tentacles of Sigan seem to have expanded a lot, and the feeling of being able to touch farther places becomes clearer.

He hasn't opened his eyes yet, but he can feel that he is in a cave. The cave is a gourd-like structure, wide in the front and back, and narrow in the middle. He is now deep in the cave, and there is a natural pool not far away. However, the water pool has frozen, but there is still running water in places ten centimeters below the ice surface!

The perception is clear, within ten meters square

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The things in Allen's perception, all the details are presented in his mind. This is very similar to the realm of universal access, but it is not as wide as the perception range of universal access. But if there are no secrets in the ten-meter area, it is enough for Allen to use it for close combat.

Imagine with this level of delicate perception, what secrets are there in the opponent? Of course, in actual combat, the degree of perception should be reduced by factors such as source power interference, environmental factors, and even the opponent's own strength. But compared to the past, it is still much better.

Alan dared to open his eyes when he didn't have the strong sense of division just now. Fortunately, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief without seeing a fragmented picture. After examining his body, he did not have any injuries, but there were a lot of hidden injuries. The hidden injuries in the body are mainly concentrated on the blood vessels and organs. Because the source force changes too much in an instant, the blood vessels and organs are inevitably damaged under the reaction force.

Now Allen only felt swelling all over, of course, there was no sign of swelling in the muscles and bones. It's just that the blood vessels are stretched to the limit by the source force and still have not recovered, so there is the illusion of swelling. But after this time, Alan's blood vessels were strengthened once in terms of width and toughness. He didn't want to do it again just to say anything. As for the damage to the organs, it was much milder than the blood vessels. But the tiny cracks all over the many organs reminded him that he can no longer make full shots in a short time.

Otherwise, he will probably explode like a balloon.

With the restoration of consciousness, the senses gradually become more acute. So Alan heard the dull blast from time to time outside, and the cave was shaken occasionally, and a few strands of sand would be scattered. He frowned and seemed to be fighting outside. Then there was no time for him to lie down, Allen propped up, and screams came from all over his body. The various data fed back from various parts are telling him that it is best to lie down at this time, but he still stands up.

As soon as I picked up the **** hide, I heard Belmode's delighted voice: "Master, are you awake?"

This man got into the depths of the hole with a faint blood, and threw an energy gun to the ground. He pulled out a short blade without a handle from his body, and picked out some fragments between his legs and chest. The fragments bounced to the ground with bloodshot eyes, and Belmode shouted, "It's a pity that there is no wine."

Allen asked: "How is the situation outside?"

Belmode smiled bitterly: "It's awful, it looks like we are surrounded. You are in a coma, we dare not move around. But now you wake up, you can consider breaking through."

"What about after breaking through?" Allen asked lightly.

Belmode was speechless. Now this mountainous area has become the nest of alien troops. They are like mice that have fallen into a lion's den. What's terrible is that the lions here are not ordinary. Even if you break through from here, you will only be caught by more lions after you break through, and you will eventually be torn apart. Thinking of this, Belmode couldn't help smiling bitterly, his eyes were murderous, and said: "Or we will fight them."

Who wants to work hard when it is helpless. Allen shook his head: "It's not that time, go, take me out first."

Belmode also noticed that Allen’s condition was not very good at this time. His

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The breath is still very weak, although the vital characteristics have stabilized, it is impossible to fight with people. At the moment, let Allen put a hand on his shoulder to borrow strength, and help Allen walk out of the cave.

Outside the cave is a **** with a few irregular boulders erected on the slope, which is a natural shelter. It's just that these masks were already incomplete, and they were shattered by beams of light. On the hillside, nearly a hundred Catu fighters are constantly assaulting this small position, and there are already many dead bodies piled up at the foot of the slope. Catu’s archers desperately bombed the top of the **** to cover the soldiers on the slope.

Often when they reach the top of the slope, Hubble will jump out. After a round of punches and kicks, the corpses rolled off, and then he shrank back. This time was no exception, Hubble had forgotten how many times he had flew. Originally, with his strength, it would not be difficult to destroy this team of Catu fighters, even if there was a five-toothed warrior in the team in command. But Lola worried that after Hubble completely destroys this team, it will attract more enemies, or if the strongest of the Catu people directly take action, it will become more troublesome.

After all, it was because Allen was seriously injured and couldn't move his position. Otherwise, it's not difficult to kill and run.

A fierce bombardment finally caused a large piece of rock above the mountain to fall away. Talikova was just below, and the girl was immediately stunned by the momentum of the landslide. Once again, the biggest rock has reached the top of the head!

Suddenly a figure rushed forward, and Hubble yelled and pressed down on Talikova, using his body to block her from falling rocks. After the rock fell, a hill had been piled up. Laura snorted and slammed out of her body, holding an energy gun snatched from the Catu in each hand, and fired at the bottom of the mountain, temporarily suppressing the opponent's firepower. Then he rushed back, and wanted to help lift the stone to save people, but suddenly a big hand came out of the rock. Following Hubble's earth-shattering roar, the pile of **** immediately flew out and rolled down the slope, knocking back a group of Catu who wanted to take the opportunity to rush up the slope.

"Talikova!" Lola called, rushing over, but saw the girl sitting on the ground intact, still looking sluggish. Laura kept reaching out and tapping on Hubble's chest: "Thank you."

Hubble sprayed two grey dragons from his nostrils~www.readwn.com~ and shook his head, pour out a puff of mud from his ears. Then he picked up the largest piece of feldspar and ran towards the edge of the **** with a roar. With a strong shake, the feldspar broke through the air and smashed heavily into the enemy formation below the slope, crushing seven or eight shooters. Hubton thumped his chest, showing the appearance of a demonstration.

"Seeing that you are still alive and well, I feel relieved."

Suddenly hearing a familiar voice behind him, Hubble turned sharply and saw Alan tell Belmode to stand out. After walking for a while, Allen was used to his current physical condition, so he patted Belmode on the shoulder and said softly, "I can go by myself."

Hubble yelled happily: "Boy, you finally woke up, but let me wait too long."

"It did make you wait a long time. I'm sorry, it took a lot of time for everyone." Allen shrugged, but between the flying beams and exploding clouds, he seemed relaxed. He smiled: "Then, it's time to leave. Hubble, can you get rid of the guys below?"

"Extremely happy!" Hubble squeezed these four words from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)


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