Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 826: Smuggling

"Do you know what it's doing? Brother?"

When the mothership was being rebuilt, the Catu were on the edge of the field and were responsible for the security work in squads. Of course, they only need to focus on the movement of the ground. As for the sky, it was already protected by the Gly Giants, and it wasn't their business. At least half of this mountain area has been occupied, and an army is also attacking the Black Rock Fortress, so at this time, the mountain area is actually very safe.

The Catu people have never been associated with such words as discipline and rigor, especially when they are in a safe area and there are no obvious enemies. Their attention can be divided very loosely, so the guard team also appears to be loose. Some fighters even sat on the ground, chewing wildly to pass the time.

Luke was one of those sitting on the ground. He looked at the huge mothership in the distance and the shining light spots on the hull, and asked boredly.

A compatriot next to him said: "I heard it is a big project. Of course, if your head is as big as your butt, you won't understand what a big project is."

These conscripted Catu are from different tribes, and the relationship between tribes and tribes is far from friendly, and some are even feuds. Only when they have a common enemy, will they reluctantly gather together. But if this is the case, friction will inevitably occur. Luke, who was ridiculed, picked up a stone next to him and threw it over: "You are the pig's head!"

Although the stone was hit on the body, it was not even scratching for the rough skin of the Catu people, but it successfully stirred up the anger of the compatriots. The smashed soldier stood up suddenly and screamed at Luke, and the two scuffled on the ground. This is definitely a common movement on Barbarian Star, and the Catu people next to it did not stop it, but followed it. Just when the scuffle was about to rise to the battle, an overbearing aura pressed over, causing all the Cattu nearby to sink.

"What are you doing!" a voice roared.

Luke separated from the opponent, raised his head, and saw a particularly tall soldier approaching. He wore very rough and heavy armor, without even tribal ornamentation. But a string of beast teeth necklace on his neck explained his identity, and the five teeth in between made Luke smell thick blood.

Five tooth warrior!

For the bloodfang warriors, especially the middle and high-level five teeth, no matter which tribe they are from, the Catu people will give corresponding respect. You must know that every Bloodfang warrior came out of the pile of corpses. The higher the level, the more people died under their hands. Like the Five Tooth Warriors, they have sufficient authority to unconditionally order them, ordinary soldiers, to obey orders. Luke lowered his head in trepidation, pointed at the other person and said, "Sir, he provoked it."

"Fart, you shot me first!"

"But you insulted me first!"

"Enough!" the five-tooth warrior roared: "You fools, you are really embarrassing. Get out, don't stand in my way!"

Only then did Luke notice that there were four people behind the five-tooth warrior. They have iron ropes tied to their hands and feet, and one end of the iron rope is held tightly by the five-tooth warrior. Among the four, there are two men and two women. Two human males stand at the front and back of the team. In the middle are two planet natives, and these two natives are women. Luke couldn't help asking: "Sir, they are..."

"My captive, what's the matter! Do you have to

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Report? Tell me, which tribe are you from! "The five-toothed warrior asked angrily, which made the Cato who was hit by Luke just now sneered.

Glorification is definitely one of the important qualities of Catu people.

The sky rang out with the roar of starships breaking through the air, and the Gry giants floating above the mothership dispersed in an orderly manner, pulling apart this three-dimensional defensive net in the sky, which made the three ships clearly bear the characteristics of Catu people The starship passed. These starships were moored in the open space not far from the mothership, after they landed. A dark titan shouted and ordered the Catu to go toward the new starships.

Luke was also on the list of conscripts, and he and the Catto man who had been in friction stared at each other and were bumped along the way, but tried his best to restrain himself from making any more movements. Otherwise, the interference of the Dark Titans would not be as simple as being trained by the Five Tooth Warrior before. Thinking of the Wufang, Luke looked back. The Bloodfang warrior was pulling his four captives towards the mothership.

After passing a hundred meters of open space, bypassing two engineering vehicles and a multifunctional robot. The five-toothed warrior took the four prisoners onto the mothership's deck. Now almost half of the Catu people gathered to the new starships, and the mothership seemed empty. On the deck, there was not a Catuman, let alone the Gry giant. After confirming that there was no one nearby, the Five Tooth suddenly tore off the chain at one of the material transfer platforms of the mothership. The four captives raised their heads first and said with a grin: "Well, I said there is no problem in mixing in?"

"It's a shame to ask me to pretend to be a subordinate of Vasak." Hubble hummed.

"Okay, you don't necessarily lose a piece of meat if you are wronged occasionally." Allen patted his shoulder, then looked around. The internal structure of this starship is simple, with dark armor like black crystal everywhere. There are blue lines in it, and some unknown crystals are embedded in it, occasionally flashing red light. Obviously, the style of this starship is incompatible with Catu's personality, but it is somewhat similar to the unnamed starship that Rin Frost saw that day.

But this mothership seems to be more domineering, and the nameless starship is more mysterious.

I don't know which side this mothership belongs to, let alone what the purpose of its transformation is at this moment. But they finally got in. Allen was safe before they found out. He turned around, found an empty cargo box, and said to Hubble: "You have to pretend to be an enemy's subordinate for a while, come on, send us to a safe place. For example, a warehouse or something."

Hubble snorted, but didn't object. Allen got in with Belmode and Hubble closed the lid. The cargo box with four people was directly carried onto a cart, and then left the transfer platform. From the platform is a tall and wide corridor. The internal structure of this starship is very spacious. No wonder it can be fitted with those ten-meter-high Gly giants. Even with the height of the Catu, the space inside is still very open for them.

At this time, the interior of the starship was very quiet, with only light noises of energy transmission from time to time. Hubble didn't know how to manipulate the cart, so he could only push it with brute force. This made him walk in the corridors with an unusually loud voice, and when he passed a fork in the road, Hubble stopped. He didn't know where the warehouse was, and suddenly a voice said coldly: "What are you doing here!"

Hubble squinted, restraining himself from attacking immediately. He turned around and put on a

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) With a confused face, Hajime clearly sees that it is a dark Titan who is asking him. The breath of this dark titan is condensed, the spar on the chest rises, and there are thorns on the shoulders. At a glance, it is known that it is a strongman in the dark titan. Hubble touched his head and said, "I'm going to put these things in the warehouse, my lord."

"Idiot, there is to the deployment area. The warehouse is over there!" The Dark Titan pointed to the left side of the road, and then cursed: "They are all dumb and stupid guys" and then left in the opposite direction. .

Hubble murmured, "I don't know who is stupid and stupid." He pulled the cart and left in the direction given by the giant.

Glenn walked quickly, he was a little anxious, otherwise if he was as cautious as usual. Then he will find that the Catu guy he just encountered is very problematic. He is a five-tooth, but his breath is stronger than that of a nine-tooth warrior. The armor he wears is also very problematic, so rough armor is simply for ordinary fighters. For cost and efficiency considerations, Vasak would not equip his ordinary soldiers with sophisticated armor, and rough armor and heavy swords and axes are more popular with low-level fighters than delicate energy guns.

But the bloodfang warriors, especially the elite above the middle and high levels. Even if Vasago did not pay attention to them, the chiefs of their tribe would prepare these warriors with equipment worthy of their status. After all, every Bloodfang is precious combat power, and sophisticated equipment can give them one more life on the battlefield, or even more lives.

Furthermore, for the bloodfang warriors, tribal ornamentation is indispensable. That was their identification, but on the five teeth just now, Glenn should have discovered that he did not have any tribal ornaments.

But now, Glenn doesn't care about it at all. Imagine, compared with a **** and enchanting woman, who would pay attention to a rude Catto?

Glenn came to his private treatment room, and he saw Karin in a body repair machine. Karin's injury has stabilized, and the first stage of treatment is about to end. Next, as long as she receives a few more stages of treatment, even her broken arm can be reborn. But Glenn was not ready to let her enjoy other stages of treatment. Even with his authority, it is the most important for Karin to accept the first stage completely. This treatment is enough to fulfill his promise~www.readwn.com~ After all, Karin is not on the boarding list of this mothership. , When the mothership’s transformation project is completed, it will go to the destination indicated in the plan. Then this voyage is destined to have nothing to do with Karin. Karin must disembark before then, so Glenn will have to collect his return during this time.

Glenn didn't have to wait long, and the repairer turned on the green indicator. The liquid in the machine began to pull away, and the many robotic arms that repaired Karin's body had just finished the operation. When the isolation door rose, Karin opened her eyes and walked out naked. Her skin is still stained with a layer of nutrient base fluid, which is absorbed by her pores. Karin moved her one arm and looked at her body again. The charred skin has been cleared away, and now the new skin is still blushing under the stimulation of the nutrient solution.

The many hidden injuries in the body have generally stabilized. Even if she is no longer receiving treatment, she can recover on her own within ten and a half months. Then a hot body came up, Glenn stretched out his hand from behind her, his palm grasped Karin's two hemispheres.

"You look pretty good." Glenn said in her ear.

(End of this chapter)


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