Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 829: Tough woman

Catherine retracted her eyes to examine the sky, it is difficult to see who wins and who loses from the current situation. The golden lion came out, seeming to have temporarily put down the running fortress. This elite division of the Federation, headed by Capulo, the wild lion marshal, plus a dozen generals, is indeed a strong lineup. But the alien coalition forces can't be underestimated here. A Crosea alone is enough to hold Capro, and there are two Hellfire giants who have yet to show up. As for the number of Dark Titans, they are no less than the generals of the Golden Lion. And there are many high-ranking giants among them, their combat power has surpassed that of ordinary major generals.

For example, the two in front of you.

The two dark titans confronting Catherine seemed to be attracted by the mid-air confrontation, and for a while they forgot the current enemy. Catherine's eyes flickered sharply, and the left hand snake sickle suddenly revolved at high speed, making a low and dull whistling sound, just like a bomber flying at low altitude.

This abnormal sound attracted the attention of two giants. The giant with crystals embedded in his shoulders just cast his sight to Catherine, and a light wheel had already arrived. The snake's sickle spins wildly, constantly changing its subtle angle in the air as if it is alive, making it difficult for the giant to lock onto it. It dragged a bright tail flame, spinning and cutting around the dark Titan. The blade of the snake sickle is composed of source force, and it is extremely sharp in itself. The defensive power of this giant is obviously weaker than that of his companion with scales ⊥≌, so he doesn't want to face the snake and sickle. The crystals on his shoulders lit up, and dark red light beams were shot from his eyes. The surging source power contained in the light beams traversed thousands of meters in a flash.

The giant's sight turned into two destructive beams. When they traversed the front, the mountain invaded and collapsed silently. Suddenly, with the movement of these two destruction beams, the tops of the hills were cut down, and the mountains within a radius of nearly one kilometer collapsed. But the giant's beam is powerful and terrifying. But it can't keep up with the speed of the snake's sickle. The tail flame dragged by the snake's sickle sweeps on the giant's body, leaving mottled cracks on his dark alloy-like body!

While the crystal giant was entangled with the snake and sickle, Catherine dragged her gun away and rushed towards the other scaly giant. The scorpion gun sprayed out the cyan flame of the canopy from the tip of the gun. As Catherine moved, the flame of the gun front dragged a cyan battle flag in the space. Catherine did not seem to be moving fast. She ran between the rocks and jumped on the rocks. Every movement was caught in the eyes of the scale giant.

But every time the giant's gaze fell on her, her perception told him that there was actually no living thing there, and there was a huge contradiction in perception, which caused the scaled giant to gather strength, but it never made a single blow. This feeling made him terribly sad, knowing that in fact Catherine was rushing at high speed. The speed was so fast that his naked eyes could not catch it. What you "see" is only the afterimage of her last second!

In the rich experience of the giant, he has played against the Marquis of Ida Huaxing, and also against the generals of the Federation. However, among the strong at the same level, Catherine is undoubtedly the most terrifying one. He had to be more vigilant, but even if it was like, when a little blue fluorescent light quietly emerged from the void and lightly printed on his chest, the scaled giant still didn't realize it.

His gaze remained at Catherine's place a hundred meters away, and his perception was scanning the changes in the surrounding environment with all his strength, in order to sweep out Catherine's real body. When the seemingly weak green light touched his chest, the giant shook his whole body. Then he bowed his head in amazement, and let out a terrifying roar from his mouth. In his eyes, Catherine's figure emerged from nothing. The air is like the surface of the water, and Catherine is like a person emerging from the water, her figure gradually appearing in the air.

At this time, the scorpion spear in her hand had reached the giant's chest. The green light on the tip of the gun suddenly lit up, and then the light swallowed the giant's upper body completely. Even in this space, the mountains are full of spear lights reflecting a horrible green!

The light lasts for a short time, less than two seconds before and after, it disappears quickly. Also disappearing was Catherine, who had disappeared in the bright light. Only the scaly giant was still floating in the air, with an expression of anger and panic on his face. Following his chest wrapped in scales suddenly collapsed, and then suddenly swelled, and then the blood spurted out from the inside with the bone debris and flesh.

The giant's chest was like a fountain exploding, and the violent force created terrifying pressure in his chest cavity, expelling most of his internal organs and most of his bones. At the same time, there was a crystal nucleus the size of an adult's head. Many nerves connected to this crystal nucleus are all broken, and the crystal nucleus is wrapped by a layer of dura mater. From the subdura mater that is full of blood vessels and nerves, a soft halo escapes from time to time.

Then the crystal core disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it had fallen into Catherine's hands.

Catherine stood on a hill a hundred meters away behind the giant, and with a vague move, the snake sickle flew back on its own and fell into her palm. The crystal giant let out a roar, and the beam of light in his eyes spurted wildly. But when the two destruction beams fell to the top of the mountain, Catherine had long been missing. At this moment, his comrades headed down and fell onto the ground below.

After a while, the roar of the crystal giant resounded in the mountains. Catherine sat down in a cave, her breath weakened. After all, I just killed a high-level giant with all my strength just now, regardless of the consumption of physical energy and source power is extremely huge. She smiled and put the crystal nucleus from the giant on the ground. Pull off the dura mater directly, and then press the spar with both hands. Suddenly, a soft flame spurted from the spar, turned into dozens of free beams, and then continuously penetrated into Catherine's nose.

Catherine directly extracts the source power of the crystal nucleus to supplement her own consumption, which is actually a very dangerous thing. After all, the source power attribute of the Dark Titan is completely different from hers, if it is taken directly without being refined and transformed. Not to mention that a large amount of source power will be wasted, even the source power absorbed into the body will have harmful impurities due to different properties.

Besides, the spar giant outside is obviously searching for her. If it is found at this time, it will be a big deal. But Catherine didn't care about anything, only focusing on absorbing the huge source power in the crystal nucleus. After a while, the crystal nucleus became dim, and the crystals on the surface even appeared tiny cracks. Only then did Catherine stop absorbing, she raised her head, and sprayed a dark flame from her small mouth, which was the impurities expelled from the source force she had absorbed.

But more impurities still remained in her body, but Catherine didn't pay attention to it, and picked up the snake and sickle gun again. The figure flashed and left the cave. Soon after, the roar of the giant came from outside the cave, and the sound of Catherine leaving at high speed.

"It seems that war is on."

In the alien mothership, in a material warehouse. Allen jumped down from the cargo box and looked out from the upper porthole. You can clearly see the fireball bursting in the sky south of the mountain, and the black shadows of countless flying ships shuttled back and forth. You can even feel the intersection and collision of many tyrannical auras, that is the strong fighting between the two camps. In contrast, the mothership seemed quite quiet here. It seemed that the Federation's attention had been attracted to the enemy forces in the withered wasteland, but it was never discovered that this mothership in the mountains was undergoing transformation.

"It's boring, shall we stay here all the time? I won't do it!" Hubble yelled. The big guy is a restless person, let alone hiding him, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Allen smiled and said, "Of course not, we have to find something to do."

The eyes of the other people looked at him together, and Allen stepped on the ground of the hull with his feet and said: "No matter what the purpose of the aliens is to transform this mothership, I believe it will not be a good thing for us. So I’m going to blow it up, Belmode, how much military merit does it have to blow up an enemy mothership?”

Belmode shrugged and said: "I don't know, but it will never be less than killing a dark Titan, right?"

"It's not less. I think a third-class skill probably won't run. If this mothership matters, then more." Allen kicked Hubble: "It's time to continue to play your five teeth. The role of the Warriors, see if you can figure out where the powerhouse of this mothership is."

Hubble muttered dissatisfiedly: "It's me working again. You stay here. It's not fair." But he still stood up and complained, but on this mothership, Hubble's identity is undoubtedly more suitable. Activities everywhere. So the Catu people patted their butts and left the warehouse, while Ellen and the others hid behind a pile of cargo boxes. The bored Talikova climbed onto the cargo box and watched the continuous war in the sky through the porthole, without knowing what she was thinking.

Belmode went to the door to guard, which gave Alan and Lola a chance to be alone. Looking at Talikova, Allen whispered: "After the battle here is over, we will leave here, will you have no problem?"

"Of course there are, and there are still a lot of problems." Laura said bitterly: "I am a Hurma. The home of the Hulma is in the mountains and forests and the earth, not in the endless universe and stars. Besides, I Don’t worry about Talikova. Aliman is dead~www.readwn.com~ Even if this girl sends her to the Holy Land, it will probably be difficult to get along with other people."

"If she wants, you can take her with her." Allen smiled lightly.

Laura's eyes lit up at first, but then she shook her head and said, "I'm afraid the little girl is unwilling."

"So, are you planning to stay?"

"I don't know. Maybe, I still need time to think about it." Laura raised her head and said: "Can we not discuss this question for the time being, I promise to give you an answer after this war is over."

Allen nodded, when Belmode came back suddenly, took Tarikova from the cargo box, and said anxiously: "Hurry up, someone is coming."

There was a heavy footsteps outside the warehouse, and Allen had just hid their figures. Just a group of Catu people strode in from outside the door. They used a towing device to transport a mouthful of boxes into the warehouse and put them away. After a while, they left one after another. After the people left, Allen came to the new set of cargo boxes. Open one of the boxes and found a whole box of Vale blue steel inside!


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