Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 837:  Can not escape loneliness

What a deja vu scene. Catherine thought.

I don't know if the light in the room is too bright, or because of the trance caused by the injury, Catherine seemed to see the snowy sky when she was young. It was snowing that day, which dyed all the mountains, and everything was covered with white yarn. The sunlight reflects bright light on the snow, and that light can even sting people's eyes. On that very brilliant morning, the man said to her: "Let's live here from now on!"

This is a small village located under the snow-capped mountains. There are not many people in the village, and there are not many 30 families. The villagers are very kind, at least they are not hostile or repulsive to outsiders. They even helped to get wood so that the man could build a wooden hut on a clearing in the village. This small wooden house was once the warmest house Catherine lived in.

It was winter when they arrived, and almost no food was stored. The villagers separated their few foods and helped Catherine through a long cold winter. When the spring came, he began to participate in hunting, and every day he went into the snow-capped mountains with the hunters to catch the less dangerous beasts. So gradually, their lives began to improve.

Catherine also made a few friends in the village. Spring time is happy. Although the children were not given much food, it was only enough to fill their stomachs. But they don't have to work. After preparing three meals a day, Catherine spends more time playing various interesting games with friends.

Spring is short, but summer is dangerous.

Anyone who lives on the surface knows that summer is the season of frequent activities of most dangerous species. This activity will continue into autumn and then the least in winter. There is almost no spring, and then it goes round and round, and the four seasons go back and forth. In the summer, the children are forbidden to leave the village. Because outside the village, even in the relatively safe groves, wolves or other dangerous creatures occasionally appear.

He still went into the mountains with hunters every day, and even started to play the role of lumberjack. All this is just to make their lives better.

On a starry night, they sat under the tree stump in front of the wooden house and he said, "Catherine, I will take care of you. So you, just live happily."

Catherine still remembers that warm smile

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page).

Then on the next day, he entered the mountain, but he did not return until the evening. That day, Catherine stood outside the house and waited until the sunset. It was only when the moon was in the middle of the sky that no hunter escaped back. They ran into a high-level dangerous species and killed many people. And he, in order to save the remaining people, resolutely led away the dangerous beast. Catherine listened in silence, then went back to the room alone and finished the dinner on the table in the darkness.

That night, the bread was so hard and the water was so cold. She was lying on the bed with a small body, cold heart.

But a miracle happened. Three days later, he came back with a wound. Catherine still remembered that he patted her on the head with his blood-stained hands and said, "Don't worry, I won't die without seeing you grow up."

Catherine believed in his promise.

Then the days seemed to be back on the original track.

The drastic change originated in the winter of the third year.

That morning, the sun was as bright as when they first arrived in the village. But it was a little weirdly bright, and it was so dizzying. On that morning, a huge figure appeared at the entrance of the village. Catherine stiffened after only one glance. It is a beautiful, huge and majestic giant snake. However, it did not bring good luck to the village, on the contrary, it brought killing and blood.

All hunters joined the battle, and he was no exception. But the constant screams outside the house reminded Catherine that the situation is not good for the village. She didn't dare to speak out, when she was still young, she could only hide herself under the bed, and hoped to see him again. Perhaps the prayers worked, and he really came back. But one arm was missing, dripping with blood.

Only the smile on his face remained warm, and he said to Catherine: "We have to go, this village is going to be over. That is the king snake, the dark night king snake! We are not its opponents at all..."

Suddenly there was a huge boom, Catherine suddenly noticed that the light in the room suddenly brightened, and then the cold wind poured in mercilessly, blowing his hair wobbly. Then he stood up suddenly, Catherine screamed. It turned out that the roof had been lifted by the king snake, and the giant snake bit the man's lower body and started talking about him.

Even in the last moments of his life, he tried to leave a trace of warmth, not to let fear approach the girl he was willing to pay his life for. He said, "I'm sorry, Catherine. I can't follow

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Keep our promise, you want to live. Anyway, stay alive, my daughter! "

Then the king snake raised his head and swallowed the man in the huge mouth of the abyss!

Catherine stood up suddenly and found that she was still in the medical room of the Grameen mothership, not the village where she had lived in her childhood. Then she noticed that hot liquid was falling off the sides of her cheeks, and she smiled like a mockery. Yun Danfeng wiped away her tears, looking towards the repair machine, she whispered: "I thought I was used to someone, but I was still afraid of loneliness..."

Because of fear, I don't want him to leave. Whether it's the father who can't remember his appearance, or the man who walked into his own life now...

"I don't want to be alone anymore," she said.

When Allen opened his eyes, the nutrient base solution was gradually flowing through the drain hole. He moved his body slightly and found that everything was full of life. The previous hidden wounds had been quietly healed, and Allen only felt that the state was better than ever. Even if he hits Karin now, he has the confidence to fight head-on. After the top cover was opened, Allen's muscles bounced away, and many sensors on his body were bounced away.

He got out of the repair machine, the room was so bright that he almost closed his eyes~www.readwn.com~ It took a while before his eyes adjusted to the light, and then he saw Catherine lying on the ground. From the girl's mouth, a blue halo of blood was slowly flowing out.

The heart beat hard, and Allen couldn't care about dressing. With his feet on the ground, the person has flashed to Catherine. He stretched out his hand to support Catherine, only to feel that the girl's body temperature was extremely cold, and only her chest was warm. Her secret wound was so heavy, and Alan felt very uncomfortable. He took off Catherine's coat as quickly as possible, including her thin underwear, and sent her naked to the repair machine.

Before Allen grabbed the tactical board, he looked for a moment and found the option to start. The repair machine restarted, and the nutrient base liquid gradually spread over Catherine, looking at the small face inside through the observation window of the top cover. Allen clenched his fists, and the nails even got into the palms because of the force.

"You will get better." He said, "Next, let me protect you."

At this moment, this sentence seemed a bit overwhelming, but Allen didn't hesitate to say it. As if responding to his thoughts, deep in his consciousness, every pattern of the natural disaster circuit faintly flickered.

(End of this chapter)


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