Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 853:  Learn to let go

It's winter, and the most leisure time. The people in the small town were idle and idle, all gathered quietly in front of the dilapidated house in Bavente. The blacksmith was well-known in the town, but he was not as crowded as the crowd. Besides, this season, business is even more deserted. Occasionally, I help people repair farm tools or weapons. In the cold winter, this iron shop will not open until noon.

It was more than an hour before noon, and everyone who was familiar with Bavent knew that the old man was still asleep. At this time, people saw that the housekeeper walked up several wooden steps, and the wooden steps that were already not solid creaked. Then he knocked on the door, cleared his throat and called, "Is Mr. Bavente here?"

Bought three times in a row.

Suddenly a window on the second floor opened. Bavente was not bad at work, and the iron carpenter was able to do it. It's just that the window bolts loosened early, and the windows that were swaying vigorously when the wind was strong were not repaired by the old man. Even the holes in the roof and the corners of the chimney, the old blacksmith was indifferent. It seems that for him, there is a tile to cover his head, and this general will make the most profligate idlers in the town feel bad.

At this moment, the window shook violently, but fortunately it didn't fall down, and then an old but gunpowder-smelled voice came from inside: "Which **** is making noise in the morning, he needs to fix things and wait until after noon!" "

"Well, Mr. Barwent, my master is..." the butler said a little embarrassingly.

An old man with gray hair and a big beard with a chin and a beard poked his head out of the window and shouted, "It's the same even if the president is here! I..."

He suddenly saw the man standing behind the housekeeper, and swallowed the words in his stomach. The onlookers heard the man with a sense of majesty nodding and smiling: "Mr. Barwent, how many years have we not seen each other?"

"You are... you are..." Barwent caught his gray hair and called out suddenly, "Are you Mr. Horn? God, why are you here."

Then he drew his head back abruptly, and there was a rush of footsteps in the room, and the door of the house suddenly opened with a series of sounds of utensils being dumped. The old man in thin clothes ran out, looked at Horn carefully, and sighed for a long time: "It's really you. Hey, why are you here."

"I have something to ask." Horn smiled.

"That's definitely not a good job," Bavente muttered, but he stopped aside and invited the two into the house. Then he shouted at the onlookers: "What to see, can't I have so many friends with rich masters. Get out of here, I won't do business today."

People booed around at the old man, laughed for a while, and then dispersed. Bavent closed the door, shutting off the cold outside. Inside the door is his iron shop, a stove that lasts for many years, and the fire at the mouth of the stove makes the indoor temperature pleasant. An exhaust pipe was directly above the stove, and the exhaust fan of the pipe was buzzing and working, exhausting the choking smoke out of the room. There are three or five ironing tools and a few templates hung on the wall, and the breath of life can be seen everywhere.

There are so many clutter in the iron shop that even a place to stay is hard to find. Bavent casually moved the debris to the side, cleared a clearing, and then pulled the chair he usually sits on and said: "Mr Horn, please sit down. My place is no better than your Ugalle Castle. The place is narrow. , With only such a chair, you will be just fine."

The chair was stained with rust and soot for many years, and one leg was still swaying, and it looked very weak. Horn didn't seem to know this, he just sat down like this, and didn't mind that his well-made expensive suit was in close contact with the rust and soot. Bavent took out a bottle of wine from nowhere, and drank it himself and said, "Then, what can Mr. Horne want me to help?"

"Naturally, Mr. Barwent can do it. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to disturb you." Horn glanced at the Butler Heising behind, who nodded and left the house. After a while, he brought a long suitcase back and put it at Horn's feet. Horn opened it, and the flannel in the suitcase was divided into two compartments, one long. The long one was lying with a broken knife, dark and covered with iron bumps, it looked like an inferior product, and it was a semi-finished product. The square grid contained a box, and a little heat continued to escape from the box.

Barwent's gaze fell on the broken knife, and his eyes were almost protruding. It took a long time to say: "This is Qianjun? How can it be in your hands, is there something wrong with Miss Meilin!"

A whirlwind suddenly rolled up in the room, causing the fire in the stove to fluctuate, and the surrounding debris kept jumping. Haixin was slightly surprised, but he never thought that this old blacksmith's energy was not low. Horn said calmly: "Don't worry, General Meilin has nothing to do. This Qianjun was given to me by her grandson, Allen. Not long ago, Allen’s child encountered a powerful enemy, which caused Qianjun’s loss. , So he asked me to find someone to repair it. I think about it, probably the one who is qualified to repair Qianjun, and only you, Mr. Barwent."

Barwent heard that Merlin was fine, and he was relieved. He squatted down, reached out and touched Qianjun lightly, and gently wiped it on the knife. As if immersed in some kind of memory, he sighed: "At that time, General Meslin got the extremely rare meteorite essence and built this heavy knife by himself. I just hit a hand by the side, and this knife was poured into it. General Meslin’s emotional will is in it, how can I repair it well. What's more, Qianjun was carved from that meteorite, from the blade to the handle. Now it has broken, even if I have a way If you combine it again, you will lose the charm of the past, which is worse than ordinary swords, so what's the use?"

Horn smiled and gently opened Fanggri's box. When the box was uncovered, a strong flame aura rushed in, causing the temperature of the iron shop to rise sharply. Barwent first shrank his pupils, then looked into the box. The sight pierced through the glowing flames that constantly gushing out like mist, and fell on the heart of the **** of fire, which was neither stone nor iron. He was surprised: "This is..."

"This is the material provided by Allen’s child. It’s called the Heart of Vulcan. It’s a rare source power spar. I have measured it. The fire it contains is source power. Both the quality and the concentration are far more The pupil of Hellfire is much higher. If you use it to connect Qianjun, I think after the repair, Qianjun will not only lose its rhyme, but also better than before."

Barwent suddenly stretched out his hand to point towards the heart of the Vulcan, and a very pure source force thread popped out of his fingertips. After this silk source force was injected into the heart of Vulcan, a burning flame suddenly rose from the mouth of the box. The flames scorched, and there was a faint rumbling sound from the iron shop, like a volcanic eruption. Bavente's face was surprised, and Yuan Li recovered his head and nodded: "This is indeed a rare material. Okay, I will try my best. With this material, it should be no problem to repair Qianjun. But after that, Qianjun It’s not Qianjun anymore, and you have to promise me one more thing."

"what's up?"

"Let your child named Allen come here in person. The final forging needs him to do it himself, so that he and Xindao can have feelings and Qianjun can be reborn." Bavente looked serious. Say.

Horn nodded readily: "As soon as he comes back, I will let him visit immediately."

"Remember, let him come alone, and don't drive any speed cars. I don't want to be asked by those rappers all day long. You know, they are very annoying."

Horn laughed and nodded.

It was already afternoon when he left the small town of Van der West. Butler Heising drove the car, and Horn and Anna sat in the back of the car. From start to finish, Anna did not get out of the car. After hearing that Baventeken took over the job of repairing the broken knife, Anna smiled: "Bavente will definitely accept it. Let’s not say that he and General Meslin have a deep relationship, and he would not like to see Qianjunzhe anyway. What's more, Barwent wants to surpass General Meslin in knife-making skills, so how could he let up this opportunity to challenge him."

"I think so too." Horn looked at his secret warrior and said softly: "You should have seen him."

Anna smiled bitterly and said, "But he may not be happy to comment on me."

Horn sighed slightly, Anna's husband was Bavente's son Lot, and their marriage was once strongly opposed by Bavente. Because he knows exactly who Anna is and what kind of work she does. Bavent hoped that his son would find an ordinary person, but Lot and Anna eventually got married. But not long after they got married, Lott was assassinated. That incident was a huge blow to Anna, and Bavente couldn't forgive her, and believed that Lott's matter was because of her relationship.

It was also because of Lot's death and the death of General Meslin that Bavente left the floating island and found a seclusion in such a remote town on the surface. If Horn hadn't asked for him this time, he wouldn't be mobilized to dig him out. Horn is also well aware of the affair between him and Anna, an old subordinate ~www.readwn.com~ If not, he would not touch the wounds in their hearts.

Hearing what Anna said at this moment, Horn said calmly: "Do you think Bavente would not know that you are in the car? With his character, if he didn't want to see you, even I would have blasted away with you. Why would you invite me in. Anna, it’s been a long time, I don’t think he hates you anymore. After all, it’s not your fault."

"Klot is always his only son, and I not only took him away from Bavente, but also made him lose this son forever. He won't forgive me so easily."

"But he's your husband too!" Horn sighed, and stretched out his hand to pat Anna said: "There are some things, you have to let go. Lot has been dead for so many years, and you have enough self-blame. Anna, you have to learn. Let this matter pass..."

Anna reluctantly nodded, and suddenly her face changed slightly. Horn also seemed to feel something. He smiled faintly and said: "I didn't expect that I was already careful, and I still found out whereabouts."

Anna coldly snorted: "It's just some clowns." In her eyes, a cold murderous intent passed.


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