Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 857:  Space Base

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Allen stood in front of the porthole on the side. At this moment, outside the window was the far-reaching universe. I saw a huge nebula on the left, like cotton wool, a thousand colors, slowly fainting. Vigorous and full of life. Add a lot of color to this monotonous space. The nebula seemed to be within reach, but in fact, Allen knew it was far away. how far? It may not be possible to fly for about ten and a half days.

Where this spaceship is, it's a different look.

It is lonely and desolate here, and seems to have come to the edge of the universe. It didn't match the prosperous weather of this star field. Everywhere was sullen, no stars were seen, but the meteorite clusters with piles of rocks were seen several times.

Another figure was reflected on the window.

Allen didn't need to look back to know who it was, and said, "Can't get in touch?"

Catherine who had lost a scorpion gun, with only the folded snake sickle long handle in the armor bag slung on the waist, looked dead. She held the tactical board, pursed her lips and shook her head: "The distance is too far to return the message to the Garden of Eden. We are lost."

"Expected." Allen flicked the porthole with his finger: "Look, how beautiful the nebula is."

"Now you still have the mind to watch this." Catherine put away the tactical board: "We are in a terrible situation. This ship may still know where it will fly."

"Perhaps it is hell." Allen said casually, and then turned around, smiling brightly: "But with you, there is no difference between **** and heaven."

"Don't you think that we might not be able to go back like this?"

"If you can't go back, you can't go back." Alan smiled bitterly: "It's just that I didn't have time to say goodbye to Lucy, and I don't know if I will be angry with me."

I don't know if there will be no possibility of return after this time, Catherine's eyes turned soft and lightly leaned on Alan's shoulder. Alan stretched out his hand and wrapped her waist naturally. She closed her eyes and said, "The King Snake attacked our village in the year of the heavy snowfall. That day, my father, who had forgotten what he looked like, was treated as a belly lunch by the King Snake. Before being eaten, he wanted me to live. So I I survived, but this time, I probably couldn't keep the promise."

Allen squeezed his hand and said lightly: "It may not be too early to say this now. Anyway, I will not give up until the end."

Catherine looked at him unexpectedly.

He looked out of the porthole, looked at the nebula that was fading away like cotton, and said, "Because I promised to live. If I die without doing anything, I'm so sorry to her."

The light of the nebula was surging, spelling out Lanni's face, and flashing away like a bubble phantom.

Didn't Catherine know it was her? Or him?


Belmode came to the two with a solemn expression and nodded to Catherine. But there was an unabashed surprise on her face. After Catherine removed her indifference, the inadvertent frailty just wanted to be embraced and protected. Seeing Belmode, Catherine brushed Alan's hand calmly and left the shoulder that she was temporarily relying on. Standing upright, she turned back to the major general of the Federation who could stand alone against the Wan Army.

"What's the matter?" Allen retracted his hand with a faint red seal and looked at his servant.

Belmode turned and looked forward: "You may have to take a look." His expression was seven points anxious and three points mysterious. Allen could guess why he was anxious, but the mystery was impossible to guess anyway.

Don't guess if you can't guess, he shook his head and glanced at Catherine.

Wait for me here. Catherine read the meaning of that eye, smiled and nodded. Xuan stayed for a while, when did he communicate with him. Then he was slightly angry, thinking that she was much more powerful than him, so why should I listen to him. But she still found a quiet corner to sit down. Since her father was buried in a snake's belly, she had nothing to wait, and it was worth her wait. And now, there is finally one.

Then Laura came over. This wild Hurma woman slammed the giant sword to the floor first, almost bursting out a sentence: "What is the relationship between you?"

According to the past temperament, the snake sickle should show its ugliness this time. But now Catherine is in a particularly good mood, so she blinked and looked up: "Guess?"

Laura probably couldn't guess, or guessed and didn't want to accept it, so she would rather not guess. Allen didn't have to guess, when he came to the porthole at the front of the cab, he saw a planet.

This is a gray-white planet, lonely in the space that is like a dark curtain, with a smell of relic. There is no need to be too surprised to see a planet, Hubble and Talikova are like this. But Allen and Belmode looked at each other, and the pale planet evoked their memories. On the heaven star that day, Vera predicted with a painting that the painting was related to a gray-white star. So far, both of them remember the desolation and desolation in the painting.

It's just that there are so many things after that, not to mention Belmode, even Allen himself has forgotten. It wasn't until this moment when I saw the gray planet hanging in the distant sky that I remembered Vera's prediction again.

Could it be that the planet heralded by the girl, the star of death on which Allen will encounter extremely dangerous things, is the one in front?

Suddenly, Allen had an intuition that the terminal of this ship might have arrived.

No matter what, the spaceship always advances at a constant degree. Even if the result is unwilling to come, it will always come. Regardless of whether it was the Death Star predicted by Vera, the gray star was firmly enlarged in front of the porthole. After two hours passed, Allen finally saw the planet clearly.

This planet is dead.

This was his first thought.

But not dead yet.

This is the second one.

I saw the gray planet, only half of it remained. The underside of the star body had already collapsed. From the spaceship, one could still see a gray dragon dragging beneath the star, and it was all made up of broken planet fragments. They dispersed to all directions in the universe, and it would take many years before they dissipated completely. And now, this gray dragon is like a gray waterfall flowing out of the stars, exhausting the tension of death in the quiet middle.

So strictly speaking, this is a dying planet.

If you look at the stellar ecosystem, it is indeed dead. Even the force field has disappeared, otherwise the stars will not collapse. It is said that it hasn't died completely because of the many antennas, fortification buildings, flashing lights of various colors from time to time, and many pointed cones protruding from the surface of the planet. Of course, these things will not be natural things on the planet, but artificially added.

The function is not known, but at first glance, this Death Star is like a star destroyer. That kind of giant ship as big as a planet, with the strength of Ida Huaxing, is only one. The planet in front of you is naturally not a star destroyer, but it has been modified to a certain extent, and it is impossible to know how it works. When the spaceship glided down to see the other side of the planet, everyone on the ship was speechless.

The planet turned around, and when viewed from below, the star body was almost hollowed out. Even though this planet is pitifully small, it is probably less than half the size of the moon. But no matter how small it is, it is still a planet. The hollowed-out star is filled with many construction works, just like a huge base hidden in the star. The center of the sphere is empty, and the surroundings are fixed by metal armor. It seems that these fortifications are not yet completed. You can see the space engineering ship floating in it, and even the Gly giants are carrying things with their bare hands.

Everyone in the spaceship looked at each other. Whoever wanted to get a foreign race actually built a space base here in secret!

At this moment, the spaceship is flying towards the space base inside the star. The mooring piers with a honeycomb structure can be seen in the distance, one of which is slowly raising the armored warehouse door. Two traction beams protruded from the inside, leading the spaceship where Allen and others were located inside. There is no doubt that it is this space base that remotely controlled the spaceship, and it seems that it should be the terminal of the mothership.

At this moment, in this alien space base, located in the command hall of the core area. A slender figure covered in a black robe stands on a high platform, which is suspended in the air. A gravitational device below firmly fixes the high platform in this position, and can move the platform freely through the console. Surrounded by a circle of light screens, each screen reflects a corner of the space base. And no matter where it is, what appears on the screen are the fortifications under construction.

At this time, a Gryian giant came up to the high platform and respectfully said to the black robe, who was only one-tenth of his height: "Master Beluka, Master Ohm has instructed the recovery ship M317 to enter number eight. Dock, please indicate the next step."

Two clusters of faint blue flames suddenly lit up in the hood of the black robe, and then a shrill voice rang: "That idiot Ohm can't even guard the Pioneer. Doesn't he know this mothership? What does it mean? His Majesty Frios’ efforts were ruined by him!"

Being a Grameen, it would not be a pleasant thing to hear your boss being scolded. They often call the Catu people a wild boar, but it doesn’t mean that they are willing to be called pigs by others~www.readwn.com~ but the giant dare not be angry. After all, the one standing on the high platform is the supreme general of Agareth. , Belukai known as the Fire Demon. Not to mention him, even the Destroyer did not dare to take a breath in front of this big man.

It's a pity that Allen is not here, otherwise he would recognize that this figure is the alien life he saw in the chaotic valley of Frost Star that day.

Beilukai walked back and forth, and blue flames continuously sprang from under his black robe. The giant stepped back cautiously, he didn't want to be touched by these seemingly beautiful flames, even a handful of them. Belukai finally stopped, and the two groups of flames in the hat suddenly lit up: "Without the Pioneer, the most important step of the Death Star project cannot be completed. I can only activate the backup plan. Listen, wait until Ohm comes back to tell He. Anyway, show me the Death Star until I come back!"

Then he wanted to leave.

"My lord, what about the escape ship?"

Berukai turned his head suddenly, and sprayed two blue fires from the darkness of his hood: "Don't bother me with this kind of thing, what else can I do? Since there are intruders hidden on the escape ship, kill them all! Understand! Yeah, you guys as stupid as Cato Barbarians!"


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