Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 873:  1 step across 10 levels

The dust has settled in the hub room.

The mist of decay has dissipated, and Alan and Karin switched positions. At this moment, Alan had a sword in his hand. The sword is nearly two meters long, and it is as red as blood from the back to the handle. The blade is pitch black and deep, and black flames are constantly flying around the edge. It seems that the blade is not an entity, but is made by the black flame.

This is the true gesture of the death hymn.

It was separated into two blades, one black and one red, just because Allen's source power was limited, which was not enough to destroy the real killing posture that activated it. Now, for the first time, it showed its majesty and left a very long wound on Karin. This wound started from the right shoulder blade to the left waist and ribs, dividing the giantess into two diagonally, shocking!

Karin collapsed.

She opened her mouth and spouted a mouthful of dirty blood, and murmured in her mouth: "It turned out to be level 30, stepping across level ten in one step, how could such a thing happen?"

Then the world tilted in her eyes.

Either unwilling or resentful. When the giantess's body was misplaced and fell down, an imprint on the road to burning blood quietly disappeared at the same time. The corpse fell on the ground, its vitality vanished in a flash, and then its muscles began to rot and die. It was like speeding up the process of death thousands of times. After a while, there was no such person as Karin in the world. Yes, only the huge skeleton.

Only then did Allen breathe out.

The imposing source of power quickly declined, and he withdrew the death hymn. Turning around, he saw Hubble sitting up shaking with his head, so he smiled: "It's time to wake up."

When Catherine arrived near the central room with the traces left by Alan, she happened to see him carrying Lola on his back, while Hubble was carrying Belmode and Tarikova, and the five came out of the central room. Catherine's eyes lit up, and her eyes pierced Alan like swords, trying to see him through. But the more she looked at her, the more confused she became. Alan's current aura was no longer as strong as before. Although she had stood firmly above the 20th level, she did not have the domineering aura of stepping into the general's height just now.

"Look at it, please help." Alan looked at her like a goose, and said with no anger: "We have to leave quickly, is it going to explode here?"

Catherine recovered and nodded.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The star base is indeed about to explode. At that time, Ohm was blown up by the stars. This powerful force that lost restraint spread over the entire base, causing the wormhole channel to twist and collapse. When the Death Star base left the wormhole, it gave another bite to the space crack. That bit of Tianhao bit on the base's power room. Now the base's multiple energy transmission management has exploded one after another, and the entire base is now out of control.

By the time Allen and the others arrived at Port One, Wook and others had already robbed several ships. Upon seeing Catherine, the major called several soldiers forward, took over several Belmode people who were still unconscious, and then took Alan and them to the airship.

As soon as they boarded the airship, a wave of fire burst into the gate. Catherine's face changed, and said: "Go!"

The spaceship started, and the tail engines spewed out electric fire. Ignoring the acceleration link, the pilot pushed the power of the spaceship to its peak from the beginning. Behind the gate was another big wave of fire, almost chasing the spaceship out of the base!

After flying straight away from the base for a certain distance, the shaking of the hull finally stopped. Alan stood in front of the porthole, watching the gray-white star behind him continuously ejecting turbid flames, the planet began to disintegrate, and it entered the stage of artificially delayed destruction.

In the end, a dazzling light shone from the inside of the Death Star, drowning everything in an instant. This makes this piece of space dazzling, exploding from both ends of the heart, and it extends a light path. The path of light traveled far away, tens of thousands of miles away, as if to separate the entire universe.

The strong light lasted for ten seconds before it gradually disappeared. The Death Star base has been exploded into countless pieces, staying in this space forever.

Also bathed in strong light, there are Ida Huaxing’s 300 battleships. Although this fleet saw the death star disintegrating, it still did not dare to relax. The three hundred battleships set up a cautious formation. After all, in front of them, several obviously alien-colored spaceships were approaching. Just as the fleet was preparing to enter a combat state, the command ship at the center of the fleet suddenly received a communication request from the enemy ship.

Sitting in the captain's seat, the majestic Grand Duke Gulliver nodded his head, and then heard a voice: "I am Major General Catherine of the Federation, requesting to speak with your commander."

Suddenly, not only was the Grand Duke stunned, everyone on this ship was stunned. How can the generals of the Federation appear in the aliens’ flying

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) On board. Gulliver recovered quickly and calmly said: "I am the commander of this fleet, Duke Gulliver, General Catherine, what is going on?"

Garden of Eden.

In the command hall of the Bloodgate Fortress, when the automatic door opened, General Rusen and his adjutant walked in. Lu Sen looked serious and said, "Are you sure that is Catherine?"

The adjutant nodded and said: "Yes, yes, although the news was sent by Idahuaxing. But through their assistance, I have been in contact with General Catherine. She was with the missing Ellen and others, although this is very difficult. Absurd, but I have traced the source of the signal, and it was indeed sent from the Gart star field. In other words, General Catherine and the others are indeed in the Gat star field, and they have been taken to the golden city of Idahua star. ."

"How could this be?"

The adjutant shook his head and said: "It's a long story. Listening to General Catherine's meaning, they seem to have been involved in a conspiracy plan of a foreign race unintentionally. What is the Death Star plan, and it seems to be involved in that matter."

Listening to the adjutant's vague words, Lu Sen's eyebrows twitched: "It's those ghosts who trade with foreign races?"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ I heard from General Catherine. The alien wanted to make an article about those things in order to provoke the alliance between us and Ida Huaxing. And in this plan, Agareth is also involved. One of the Supreme."

Luxen raised his forehead and said, "Is the Baer finally unable to sit still? It seems that the situation will only become more and more complicated in the future. Regarding this matter, you will submit a detailed report to me later. , And send a copy of this report to Marshal Capro."

"Subordinates understand." The adjutant paused, and then said: "Regarding the news about the Young Master Ellen, do you think the general must inform the Highness?"

"No, I can guarantee that she has received the news. What is more important now is that I have to meet with President Mobit right away. Now that the people of Barr have made an article on this aspect, perhaps we should also face the problem of the inner ghost. That's it." Lu Sen touched his nose and said.

The adjutant shivered, and he knew Lu Sen no better. Once the general began to touch his nose, it meant that Rusen had a murderous heart. That was the real murder, in other words, many people will probably die next.

(End of this chapter)


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