Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 875:  President’s Dream

"There's nothing wrong with you here, Miss Erinda, you go out first." Mobit smiled and waved.

Elenda was relieved and left the office as if to escape.

Mobitt was still knocking on the table, seeming to say to himself: "Incitation of the nobles, this game will have to go sooner or later. Now the opportunity is here. If you use it, if you don’t show any traces, then use it for nothing. No. Four hundred years of operation, the foundation of the Federation has been deep, and it is time to tear down the bridge of the aristocratic giants. It is only an accident that I will demolish it."

There was ice-like cold in his eyes, and the cold in the office with the doors and windows closed.

The president opened the drawer beside him and took out a notepad. The cover of the notepad is very old and looks ages. Mobitt stretched out his hand and opened it. It seemed that two-thirds of the thick notebook had been used up. Not only was it filled with text, but it also contained photos and other things. This is the manuscript of the successive presidents of the Confederation, which records various secrets since the establishment of the Confederation. Only the president can read it.

On the floating island, rich and powerful, there are many nobles, and the federal government does not interfere with each other. The Federation does not interfere in the internal affairs of the nobles, as Mobit's intervention in Maine was a special case last time. These rules have been around for a long time, but who made them is unclear. I am afraid that even the three largest giants with the longest history, their Patriarchs probably have no idea. But in the notepad in Mobitt's hand, it was stubbornly remembered.

When the floating island was first established, the Federation established a cabinet and parliament to form a government agency, and the first-generation president and the then wealthy representatives signed a secret agreement. The Confederation can borrow money from the nobles, and the nobles have power under the federal government. This agreement has been called the "Young Eagle Project" by successive presidents and is also regarded as a federal shame. The presidents of all generations and even Mobitt hope that when the wrinkled eagle has fully grown up, it will be the time to cut off the wings of the rich.

No president would like to see a handful of special cases like aristocrats in the Federation. Moreover, I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. When cultivating his successor, every president will always choose his or her background. Those of noble origin are not considered. So over time, it becomes a rule of its own. Fortunately, it is protected by this rule. Otherwise, who can say that the quasi-federation will not let the nobles infiltrate.

In fact, the nobles and giants over the past few centuries have done much in this regard. To avoid suspicion, the three giants have no one in politics. But other aristocratic families, there is no shortage of people who are obsessed with government. But these people eventually climbed to the positions of parliamentarians or cabinets, and then they were impossible.

The struggle between the federation and the nobility lasted for centuries.

Mobit still remembers what the old president said to him before leaving the White House when he took over the presidency: "If the nobles do not go, the world is unfair."

This sentence Mobit is not recorded anywhere, but it is carved in the bones. He, who was born as a commoner, understood this sentence better than anyone else and agreed with it. Regardless of the Federation's management of the floating islands and the surface, but in the hands of the wealthy family, which one does not control the heavy forces and the heavy industry, which does not hold one of the lifelines of the Federation. Regardless of the wealthy, just to say that Beskode, who has been in the limelight in recent years, and Old Horn's hands are just a Mowu factory industry, which is enough for the Federation to regard him as a thorn in the eye.

There are too many examples of this, and nobles have too many resources and monopolize important industries. Their lives are extremely luxurious, while common people on the surface live in

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The water is in deep water. The bread dismissed by the nobles on the floating island is a delicious meal in the eyes of ordinary people on the surface. Therefore, when the contradiction between the floating island and the surface has never been eased, it has come from then.

Only when the nobles are overthrown and the Federation is fully in power can we usher in a truly glorious era. This has become an ideal that almost every president keeps in his heart and dare not speak out. For hundreds of years of ups and downs in the Federation, it is no exaggeration to say that they have been working silently to achieve this ideal.

But until now, Mobit saw a glimmer of hope.

But sometimes Mobit thinks, once the nobles go, will the world be more unified? Or in other words, the Great Harmony of the World is really good for the Federation, the earth and the civilians on the surface?

In fact, Mobit has an idea that he dares not say even more than the dream of a president.

That president’s dream may not be good or right.

But what is the best? He was ten years in office, but he couldn't find the answer. Whenever I think of it, I feel that one is alone against the void. In addition to being confused, still confused.


Mobitt has turned to the last page of the notepad. On this page are the records he left. There are only a few words in it, all of which are about the problems that the Federation needs to face today.

The first one is the "inner ghost must be removed" proposed by Lu Sen this time. He and Lu Sen met by remote communication before. The general who was in the Garden of Eden said at the beginning, "If the ghost is not removed, the army is uneasy." Mobit naturally agreed. But how to divide, when to divide, is not a matter that can be solved with a few words; the second is Freedom Gate. Although this organization now holds a sign of righteousness, it claims that before the end of the interstellar battlefield was over, and Federal strike. It was a time bomb after all, and until now, Mobit didn't know who the leader of Freedom Gate was. This person hides very deeply; the last one, light and hidden. This is a mysterious organization whose origins can be traced back to the pre-Dawn War, or even more distant years. There is no doubt that this organization even has some relationship with the Freemasonry of the old age, or it was born from the Freemasonry at all.

As a matter of fact, the hidden dangers of Guangxi will have been revealed in the third president's handwriting. It's just that this organization is very forbearing. They follow the principle of secret observation and rarely get involved in the current situation. Because of this, the clues they left are pitiful. Since the fourth president, he has paid attention to and collected information about this organization, but now, even if it is Mobit, what he knows is pitiful.

But now, the light that has endured for centuries will make a move. One shot was to completely destroy the opportunity for the Freedom Gate and the Federation to talk about. Judging from the current actions of the Guangyinhui, they are trying to create chaos and even force the federal government to step down. Although Fendi, one of the four generals, is working on arresting the members of the Guangyin Society, so far, those members of the Federation are far from reaching the level of core members.

God knows how many chess pieces have been laid in the Federation in the past few centuries?

These three issues may not be regarded as one. But in this way, the situation becomes more complicated and difficult to understand. Mobit rubbed his eyebrows, dialed Erinda's phone on the inside line, and said, "Notify General Fendi that I want to see him."

Putting down the phone, Mobitt murmured: "There are some members of Fendi in Fendi's hands.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Let's get a butcher knife. The army is uneasy, and it's a big excuse. It's obviously that this murderer wants to take the opportunity to kill. But strangely, it should be more appropriate for Capro to come forward in this matter, and Rusen is a bit more suspicious of acting on his behalf. It seems that the feelings between him and the old lion are not so deep. "

He looked at the Gate of Freedom and the Glorious Society again, and Mobit laughed at himself: "It won't be long before the surface will definitely make a fuss about the inner ghost. To smear and splash dirty water, this black pot must be thrown away, which chess piece must be thrown away. Go carry it."

Mr. President suddenly patted his head and wrote the four words "Frius" on the notepad: "The supreme of Agareth finally jumped out. It was the demon king who fell behind in the civil war. It’s the black emperor who is ambitious and wants to fight in many ways. Hey, Frius uses the Gly and Catu as pawns. Without using a single soldier, he almost made Idahua star a disadvantage. Got a good move."

Mobit wrote another name below: Ofascism.

"Since I have made it clear this time to attack Star Idahua, the emperor of Ofascius probably can't sit still. Supreme vs. Supreme, this game of chess is becoming more and more interesting." Mobit sighed: " It's a pity that a small federation, let alone confrontation, is not even qualified to watch the battle. Therefore, it is better to watch from the sidelines. After all, we can't have a supreme in our hands."

Finally, Mr. President wrote the word "watching" at the end.

Close the notepad.

When Talikova opened her eyes, the room was full of light.

The little girl jumped up with a "Yeah". As soon as she left the bed, she was pulled by her hands, and then her **** fell back on the soft and fragrant bed. Laura did not pat her head nicely: "The boss is not too young, and he is so frizzy. How can you feel relieved?"

Talikova's head was confused, and it took a while before she remembered the last picture she could remember, which was in the central room of the Death Star base. At that time, seeing Lola disregarding life and death as the source of stars in Allen's fluid, she also grasped Lola's hand recklessly.

Then there was the sky full of stars, and then there was a blank space. Come down again, this is the moment.

Talikova leaned her forehead and said, "Sister, where is this?"

"The City of Gold." Laura said with a smile: "Don't ask where the City of Gold is~www.readwn.com~ I can't answer. According to Allen, we are thousands of miles away from our hometown."

"Ah? How do you go back then?" The girl's face was a little worried.

"Don't worry, you can go back no matter what. You are the last one to wake up. Take a shower first, and then your sister will take you around. It's pretty here." Laura blinked and said, then took the girl away The bed pulled up.

Talikova jumped out of the bed, under the bed was a soft and three-point warm carpet, and then looked around the room. This bedroom is not large, but can be elegantly furnished, with sunlight streaming in from an open window next to it. In the overly bright sky outside the window, three or five birds pass by occasionally, leaving a crisp, very pleasant sound.

Standing by the window, reaching out into the light, you can feel the heat of the sun, clearly not a dream. The girl turned her head and asked: "Sister, how long did I sleep?"

"Not much, only three days."

Three days? That's it?

(End of this chapter)


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