Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 879:  Vientiane Ashes

Seeing the side gate of the palace, Grand Duke Grifo stopped. The emperor waved his hand, and the two parted ways.

Entering the imperial palace, the emperor lightly familiarized himself with the road and went straight to Xingluoyuan. Xingluoyuan, which is the meaning of the stars, the ten palaces and 100 rooms, is the living place of the emperor's concubines. The emperor came to Princess Carrie's room and opened the door. The Princess was standing with her back to him, standing at the window, looking at the boundless night as if she was in a daze.

"Not asleep?" the emperor asked.

The princess nodded: "I am waiting for you."

"Wait for me?"

"Given death`Pig`Pig`Island`Novel`www.huhuom." Turning around, Princess Carrie said calmly: "Our foreign guest is living, and there is no half of the golden guard. It must be your instruction. , Specially left me a chance to seduce that man."

"Since you know, you still drill inside?" The Emperor said helplessly.

Princess Carrie smiled brightly, but there was no half of a smile in her eyes: "Since you have set the game, if I don't drill in, I will not disappoint you, your majesty."

The emperor was speechless.

The princess continued: "I know, you don’t love me at all. What you love is Luca. You marry me into this palace, not because I look like Luca, but because I am alienated from you. An excuse for your baby girl. You love Lucy, and you love Lucy even more. Alienating your daughter and leaving the princess out of the cold is a way for you to protect her. You love their mother and daughter, but you do not love me alone."

"Even tonight, you deliberately set up, but you just used me as a tool to try that man for your daughter. I admit it, Your Majesty. If you want me to be a tool, I will do it. Don't call me a man, even you If I want to go to bed with a dog, I won’t frown.” Princess Carrie’s eyes moistened and said, “I only ask you to die.”

The emperor looked at the woman blankly.

Princess Carrie looked at him, and the emperor was ruthless. She had long understood this truth. But the emperor's face gradually turned softer. He walked to the window and murmured: "I know you hate me, Lucy, and this palace even more. I know all about Jiali. These years, it's really hard for you. After this celebration feast, I will declare that you have passed away. As for you, I will send you where you want to go. But since then, you have to change your name, let alone enter the city of gold. "

Princess Carrie shook her body and asked incredulously: "Really?"

"Of course." The emperor sighed, "In fact, if something happens to you and Alan tonight, I intend to use this as an excuse to abolish the concubine. Now, I'm just looking for another way."

Princess Carrie wiped away her tears, and for the first time she really bowed to the man in front of her: "Thank you for your kindness."

The emperor smiled bitterly, accepting this ridicule. Suddenly, he moved slightly and turned to look out the window.

The night outside the window is deeper, and the ink clouds are surging, just like the vast ocean under the dark night. Looking out the window, the emperor suddenly said, "Interesting."

Princess Carrie looked up, but couldn't see anything interesting. It's a pity that she didn't face the emperor, otherwise she would see the eyes of the emperor at this moment, and a golden flame ignited in the depths of the pupils. So from the twin pupils of Jin Yandousheng, the world is very different.

The dark sky that fell in Princess Carrie's eyes was filled with waves and thunder in the eyes of the emperor. The source force in the sky fluctuates and rises, like the raging sea tumbling endlessly, the weather is majestic. At this moment, I was full of energy. That aura with a radiant meaning, crashed into the sky and sea of ​​void, and immediately like a spark falling into the ocean, the sea of ​​anger was turned into a sea of ​​flames!

"A single spark can start a prairie fire? It's interesting..." the emperor said lightly.

From his eyes, the sky above the palace has become a sea of ​​flames, and there are many darker waterfalls rushing violently in the sea of ​​flames, and they meet on the way, two waterfalls stacked together, and ten waterfalls stacked together. Layers upon layers, finally the place where the weather-burning machine rushed into the last waterfall. This last waterfall of fire fell from the void, pouring down. With the force of Wanjun, like running a bull and a horse, he fell into the palace with great strength.

The sky fires into a waterfall, as thick as a mountain when it first falls, and gradually erodes. After a while, it was just like a hug wood, and in the end there was only a thread left. However, the fire falls from thick to thin, and the color is from shallower to deeper. When there was only one thread left, the color was strong and nearly red. The emperor's consciousness touched him slightly, and he felt a monstrous heat wave on his face. He was amazed, and muttered to himself: "It's nothing more than fighting the sky fire. It is rare that I am not greedy. Taking advantage of the emptiness to communicate with each other, to remove the sky fire and save the essence, it is a bit of foresight."

Princess Carrie couldn't help but asked, "What happened?"

"Someone has advanced and sensed the existence of Void Genesis, causing a vision. Of course, you can't see it. In fact, there are not many people who can see this vision in this golden city." The emperor said with emotion. Said: "It's been a long time since I saw the arousing phenomenon when I was advancing to the ranks, and this hand, the sky fire falling down the waterfall, has the smell of the emperor's void sky fire. It's just that the void sky fire triggered by the supreme is not only this point, thousands of waterfalls become a river. The scene of Wanjiang Huihai is probably difficult to reproduce."

"But that little guy has just evolved a source force foundation, so it has this kind of atmosphere. Hey, sooner or later the Federation will jump out of another one. In the future, it will not run."

Princess Carrie was moved.

Although they have been raised in the palace like a canary in the past few years, they have heard of many things about the ally of the Earth Federation and the mortal enemy in the Yodon star field. She naturally knew that there were only four generals and two marshals in the Federation Million Division. In the past ten years, this ally has produced a lot of talents, but besides a stunningly talented Windsor Bello, no generals have yet been born.

After the admiral, Catherine has been regarded as attracting attention, but she has never broken through the 30th level and became the fifth general in the Federation.

Now, the man in front of him actually said that the person who caused the vision had the potential to at least reach the general. This is not a simple matter. If it weren't for this person, Princess Carrie couldn't believe that there was such a person in the palace. As for who it is, it's really clear at a glance.

Think of the earthly guest in the palace now, Catherine's breakthrough, it should not be her. The other people are not like them. After all, who else will be besides the young man that he is deliberately trying to seduce tonight?

At this moment, outside Allen's room, Catherine leaned against the wall with her arms around her chest, but was afraid to push the door, so she could see the movement inside the door, naturally she was afraid to interrupt Allen. Although she couldn't directly see the void vision like the Great Emperor, but she couldn't see it, at least felt it. With the major general's keen insight, you would not feel the source of power over the palace at this moment like a hot pot of boiling soup.

An awakened person like Allen is a unique person who has a great movement. Catherine thought about it, and it was only when Windsor Bello was promoted. Catherine didn't see it in person, but only heard Ruson talk about the promotion of the Wolf Marshal once by accident. The Federation veteran only said one sentence: "The mountain collapsed and the ground broke, and the moon fell."

Even if there is an exaggeration, it is not difficult to imagine how much windsor Bello had to be promoted to be worthy of Ruson's words?

But that promotion was caused by Windsor Bello's breakthrough of the 30th level. After that day, the Federation granted the title of Marshal the next day, becoming the second Marshal after Capulo. The fastest promoted, the youngest wolf marshal! But Allen only broke through the Awakened today, and it has already caused a vision. Catherine has already confirmed that at least this guy should not be a problem to hit the 30th level.

The corner of Catherine's mouth raised slightly.

Footsteps began.

The three Belmode servants appeared from the corridor, but they sensed that Allen's breakthrough was on the way, and their source of strength was fluctuating. They couldn't help but come to see what happened. Seeing Catherine at the door, Hubble pushed Belmode forward. Among the three, Belmode could still speak to Catherine. Hubble is from Catu, and always feels awkward to talk to a federal major general. And although this girl has the rank of major general, her eyes are as deep as the waves of the Styx. Hubble did not believe that Catherine's strength was really just a major general.

He has also seen some of the Federation Major Generals, and those generals cannot be compared with this girl.

Hubble didn't want to talk to each other, and there was more grudge between Laura and Catherine. So Belmode did his part. As soon as he opened his mouth, Catherine shook his head and said: "Don't ask, I don't know what's inside. When he finishes the promotion, he will come out naturally."

Belmode nodded.

Inside, Allen opened his eyes. With him as the center, a circle of fire patterns suddenly spread. So the soft quilt of the bed, the low wardrobe, the wall painting, after this circle of fire patterns, all become gray drafts! After a while, Alan came back to his senses, staring blankly at the room full of dust, dumbfounding. He stood up, the flame pattern on the back of his hand suddenly spread, and in an instant, it spread all over his body. The flame pattern flashed and disappeared. In an instant, a wave of air blew out of the room, and all the windows and doors were blown up.

The people outside were afraid of something wrong with Alan~www.readwn.com~ The door of the room was pushed open by them, and Catherine filed in and saw the whole room as if it had been baptized by a fire. Catherine was still calm, and said calmly: "The movement is really big enough, the engraving has evolved? What is it called?"

When Allen thought about it, the name of the engraving naturally appeared in his mind. He smiled and replied, "Vientiane Ashes."

"The Ashes of Vientiane?" Catherine squinted. When she read the engraved name, her internal energy faintly agitated, and the engraving of the femme empress resonated in the depths of her soul, almost appearing on her own. This phenomenon has never existed, and she couldn't help but ask: "What's the name?"

Allen said indifferently: "I don't care about everything, I'm into ashes with a knife."

"Sin Luo Wanxiang, a knife turned into ashes... Wanxiang ashes!" Catherine murmured: "Can you withstand such an overbearing knife?"

"Can't stand it, I'm like this room full of ashes now." Allen sighed, only he knew it. When the sky fire in the sky is ignited, and the fire is condensed into a waterfall, it is difficult to describe the danger in words. Fortunately, he still has some luck, and he has suffered from the finest and purest line of sky fire, so he has achieved this new life.

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