Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 926:  A chaotic night (3)

Hilo immediately gestured, and the fire and gun team separated like a tide, bypassing the front battlefield, and shooting wildly at the sword demon soldier and the foreign soldiers from both sides.

At this time, the heavy cavalry and Cato mad war have hit.

Like two steel crests colliding with each other, countless waves suddenly splashed. A third of the berserkers were knocked down and then run over by the iron knights that followed. Countless steel spears and spears fell from all directions, and the berserkers who fell to the ground never got up. The two heavy arms that seemed to be evenly matched, the heavy cavalry was knocked down but only a dozen people. This was due to the front arrow formation. After more than a dozen riders who acted as the front forward fell from the horse, they were also smashed into pieces by the enemy's mad war hammer, and even the war horse was killed.

Under the **** waves of the collision, forty or fifty lives of both sides were instantly confessed on the battlefield.

Hilo's mouth twitched, even though the heavy cavalry didn't use his money, it also made the legionnaire heartbroken. Heartache, heartache, Hilo would not doubt his decision. The charge of the alien berserkers, in addition to using heavy cavalry to fight, the other types of troops went up to break up. What's more, he has already used a tricky battle formation to greatly reduce the battle damage rate of the heavy cavalry, which is already considered as an effort.

After the heavy cavalry suppressed the charge of the alien war, the light cavalry divided into left and right wings, bypassed the two heavy arms facing each other, and inserted into the sword demon soldier behind like two sharp knives. Under Hilo's command, the infantry soldiers were also divided into two groups, one carrying a heavy shield and inserting it into the front of the heavy cavalry, forming a strong line of defense to stop Cato from fighting frantically. The other group drew out a light saber, followed the light cavalry to kill the demon battle formation.

The mountain army always occupied a sufficient number of advantages, and the heavy cavalry suppressed the Cato madness early, leaving the alien army into a passive situation. But if that's the case, it would cost a considerable price to kill this alien army. As a result, Hilo deliberately manipulated the overall arrangement in accordance with Remington's previous instructions, which made the force unexpectedly weak in the direction towards the south gate of the mountain city.

In this way, the two armies fought. Under the suppression of the thick battle formation in the mountain city, the alien army would naturally move in that direction. At this time, as long as the opposing commander is aware of the "bugs" of the mountain city army, he can easily leave the barracks and leave the city.

After all, Alan is not at ease with the army that Reckard has pulled over the past six months. The mountain city has five thousand soldiers and horses. Even if the mountain city is in conflict, it will always be a threat to the territory on the other side of the Lyon Mountains, so I thought Let the alien army help digest some. But on the other hand, I didn't want the mountain city army to be completely hurt. Otherwise, the mountain city will be the first to bear the brunt of the arrival of foreign troops. If the mountain city couldn't stop it, the unicorn collar would definitely suffer.

According to Edward's previous arrangement, at least hundreds of troops were worn out in this battle. After that, other means will be used to disarm, and eventually it will be appropriate for Shancheng to retain three thousand troops. If three thousand troops want to cross the Lyon Mountains to attack other territories, not to mention the Unicorn Collar and Ark Harbor, Allen himself can take it. Coupled with the secret support of Parson and Remington fighting for power, Shancheng has no time to do this kind of action.

As for the foreign attack, three thousand soldiers and horses can also stand a block. If it doesn't help, it can also give other territories some buffer time.

Under this premise, then there is the arrangement for tonight.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) On the other side of the battlefield, Gonzal, an alien powerhouse, was jumping up and down, attacking Allen. This alien strongman is covered with armor thorns, and almost every part can be used to attack and kill the enemy. He is like a hedgehog with prickles all over his body, walking around Allen and killing him. When Gonzal was jealous, his whole body whirled like a black spinning top, hitting the scarlet light that Allen had cut out, wiping out a large expanse of sparkling glow.

Allen is not in a hurry, the King Chi is like an iron wall repeatedly in his hands. It's just that this type of iron wall is now used, not to mention the strength of the sword, it is the essence of the sky fire. Every time the knife was hit by Gonzal, the sky was gushing. This kind of domineering void source power is a great advantage as long as it is below the dominator. Even if it is the copper skin and iron bones of the blade demon, it will burn the layers of the skin when the Void Skyfire is stained.

Gonzal couldn't attack for a long time, secretly anxious. Seeing that the armed forces on the side were unfavorable, it was even more angry with smoke. There was another sharp spin, shattering seven or eight sword lights on the iron wall, but there were still more than ten towering around Allen. Gonzal's eyes flickered fiercely and suddenly backed away. With a violent shout, his body whirled like a drill, pulling out a black tornado towards Allen. This black tornado is majestic, and has the power to shake the city and destroy the mountains. Allen glanced and knew that the Iron Wall Knife could not stop this kind of concentrated combat technique.

He didn't get angry, and smiled freely. The Chi King no longer drew the passive defense of the iron wall, his long sword hummed, and his aura surged like a flood of opening gates.

The black tornado drilled through the iron wall and the knife was light.

But Gonzal didn't have time to be happy when he saw King Chi blow up thousands of vermilion electric snakes in Alan's arms, the electric lights intertwined, overlapped into a forest, and a blood-colored forest was just like this.

Behind the iron wall, it is blooming!

The black tornado and the scarlet forest meet in the middle distance, and the tornado spirals like a drill, shattering the electric drills that are thick as arms. After the red light burst, it exploded into groups of sky fire rushing to the sky, so the temperature in the battle circle between the two people rose sharply. But for a moment, Gonzal suspected that he was in the furnace. With every further step, the temperature will rise. After breaking through hundreds of red electricity, the high temperature of the fire made him bubbling all over.

Gonzal yelled and retreated decisively. If you don't retreat, you will hit the core of the scarlet forest, which is also the hottest spot in this space. The temperature at that point was so high that Gonzal mistakenly thought he had plunged into the sun.

He had to retire.

Xuesen gathered, and the terrifying high temperature that made one's heart beat was also gathered into the Scarlet King. The scarlet red on the body of the Scarlet King's sword flows happily, and this long sword has fought so happily for the first time since it came out. Allen smiled and took Gonzal as an anvil to use him to sharpen the Red King. Like the previous Rekerd, although the source power level was sufficient, he drank hatred on the spot under Allen's thunder light, so that the red king couldn't do his best.

This alien powerhouse in front of him has a strong source of strength and amazing resilience, so he can't be used as a sharpening stone.

Alan didn't want to let this opportunity go easily, so the King Akame moved again and swiped out without surprise. The Red King's blade flashed a half-meter long vermilion blade, like an extension of the blade. The blade light hissed in the air, there was no fire and smoke, and Gonzal's eyes shrank sharply. This powerful alien opened his mouth and let out a silent scream, and a short blade less than 20 centimeters popped out from the center of the two fingers.

The two pitch-black short blades are dull and dull, and then they are cut on the light of the Red King’s sword, but they cut the vermilion

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The red knife shook violently.

The light of the sword was not cut as Gonzal expected, but a trace of scarlet was left on his short black blade. After the vermilion faded, a tiny gap was left on the short blade. Gonzal gritted his teeth, his hands and two blades danced into a ball of black light, and his stormy offensive made people breathless. Allen took a deep breath and stepped back. Raising the knife, it cut straight down again.

The Scarlet King cut into the black ball of light, like a red electricity tearing open the Black Sea, and a thunderbolt rang out of thin air, spreading across the entire mountain city in an instant.

Gonzal's offensive made the knife unable to move, so he had to step back and regroup. After taking a breath, Allen took a step forward and swept across.

King Chi pulled out a bright red light, and the bright flames of the camp could not be suppressed.

Gonzal screamed and jumped up several meters, the knife swept across his feet. A hundred meters later, a large barracks were dumped in pieces and flattened like cheese. Allen's long knife slashed through a perfect arc, changing from a sweep to a slash, chasing Gonzal and slashing away.

The vermilion light at the blade shrank by three points.

The color is stronger.

Gonzal's double-edged blade pressed downward, pressing on the sharper light of the knife. Two pitch-black short blades creaked and smoked. Gonzal yelled and flicked back. Allen dragged the knife, grabbing the first three steps, Chi Wang pulled out a semicircle. Gonzal shouted, double-edged dancing wildly, and pulled out a piece of fine black knife light and blasted it under the vermilion arc, and a hundred notes of violent sound made the arc dim.

Alan exhaled, stepping on the fine steps he had learned from Catherine, his figure seemed to retreat, and the red king imagined a hundred thousand sword shadows, and danced like a banner to attack Gonzal.

This time Allen grabbed a hundred steps in one go, and Gonzal retreated a hundred steps.

When Allen settled down, Gonzal's two blades were broken, and the red sword shrank only three inches!

It's another knife.

This time, Gonzal didn't want to parry anymore, he screamed and moved sideways with all his strength, and smoke came from the soles of his feet, stepping out all the way to domineering. The eyesight of this strong alien can finally see that a weak point in the mountain city army is really obvious. Regardless of whether it was a trap or a blunder, he slammed into it and instantly killed it, then took the foreign army and retreated, and finally left the barracks.

Without Remington's advice, Hilo also knew that he was chasing after him. It wasn't to kill a few more, but just pretended to drive this alien army out of the city.

Allen's knife was finally put down slowly ~www.readwn.com~ But after he closed the knife and turned around, the barracks behind that suddenly exploded into flames, turning the flattened barracks into ruins.

Although the knife was collected, the knife's intent had been collected, and the whole brain poured over the barracks, making Remington amazed.

He looked at Alan as he walked, his hands trembling. Such a combat power, is it the nineteenth level mentioned in the intelligence? Whoever really believes that piece of information is really hell. This Viscount, who had disappeared for a long time, now came back not only to slash his father, who had the power of the count, but also the powerful alien. Even if Remington lacked his vision, he knew Alan's current combat power. Not to mention the Viscount, I'm afraid it's more than enough to be a capable earl.

Allen mounts.

Remington looked toward the direction of the army: "Master Allen, just let the boss go."

Allen smiled and said, "Don't worry, his head will always be yours."

(End of this chapter)



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