Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 940:  1 transaction

"On this point, I think that adult has made a choice." The big businessman Judy smiled, and he made a signature move. When you are in a good mood, you must gently move his horoscope. Udy said with his beard, "Earlier, I heard that this adult pinched Goler's son to the academy, but when Goler went to do a good show, this adult did not obviously embarrass Goler. I just let the son go without hesitation. I guess this adult doesn’t want to offend Master Wift behind Geller too much.”

Ban Jin snorted and said, "That's the best. No matter how we do it, it's all for the sake of the light. How to give this territory to Oss and a kid to make people feel at ease, or let Master Wift host it, is the real name Go back."

Wift laughed dryly: "But this adult is not easy. After you see him return to the city, there is no movement. No one knows what idea he was hitting when he drills into the city lord's mansion. No, this adult doesn't It is more shocking to express your stance. Those old guys can't figure out what the adults want, so they dare not go to me."

"Master Wift, what do you think of this Lord Allen?" Judy asked.

Wift turned twice and said: "Actually, it is not difficult to guess that this adult is fighting for the greatest benefit for himself. You think, he looks like he scares the other guys to pee. Only you two dare to know. To stand up and support me, this makes me lose my head. First of all, in terms of momentum, we are already too weak to be weaker. When the showdown is negotiated, the adult will naturally have the advantage."

Udi suddenly looked worried.

Wift waved his hand: "It's okay, as long as I sit in the position of the lord. If I take it out now, I can always earn it back later. People, take a longer view. Since you have already been here, it is time to express your attitude. Go back. It’s not a good thing to let the City Lord’s Mansion know that you have stayed for too long. We have to take care of the measure, and it’s best for us."

Ban Jin looked at each other and both got up to leave. After they left, the smile on Wift’s face slowly disappeared. He walked to the fireplace, stretched out his hand to bake the fire, and muttered to himself: “It’s not the time to be happy. If that adult called us today, then Things have room for maneuver. If there is no movement today, then something really is going to happen. Hey, if he waits for spring to come back again...time, time..."

The undercurrent in Fenrir city was surging, but the city lord mansion was unexpectedly quiet. But the more Allen didn't express his position, every minute he passed, some people fidgeted like burning buttocks. Allen himself sat comfortably, holding the briefing that Kayili handed over in his hand, and the dark blade members who turned into maids next to him listened to the explanation.

From the briefing in hand and Kaili's explanation, the current crux of the problems in Fenrir City is directed at one person, Wift. The old man is Duluf's uncle, a powerful figure in Fenrir. However, he didn't get along well with Duluf, and several times Duluf threatened to kill him. So before Duluf's death, this person was very low-key. Even after Duluf's death, when the city of Fenrir was in chaos, this person did not stand up to turn the tide, and only chose to sit on the sidelines. Therefore, the last time Allen forced Fenrir into the city, and even finally entered the city, he never learned that there was such a person as Wifter.

Until Fenrir settled down and Oss replaced Duluf as the lord of the Illuminati, Wift reappeared in people's sight. This man's wrist

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) He is wise. He is not in a hurry to fight for power with the younger generation of Oss when he comes to power. Instead, he generously loses part of his family property to fund the municipal transformation of Fenrir, thus winning a huge amount of money. reputation. Then I started to approach the senior officials of Fenrir City at all levels. Those who could be bought were bought, and those who couldn't be bought were squeezed out by various means, and then filled with their own people.

Wift's approach is like a wolf wandering around the sheepfold. He didn't rush into the sheepfold and eat the little sheep Oss. Instead, he surrounded the sheepfold and killed the sheepdogs. In the end, he planned to stop the fence so that he could rush into the sheepfold and kill him.

Among the list that Kaililuo had squeezed out by Swift was the city defense captain Jeff, who was very loyal to Oss on the day. Now these people, either helpless or forced, have faded out of the power circle of Fenrir. Today Oss is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. If Alan comes later, this little guy is afraid that he will be swallowed clean and the bones will not be left.

Putting down the briefing, Allen frowned and said, "Does Edward not know about the changes in Fenrir?"

"Master Edward knows that Fenrir City has a fixed piece of information delivered to the adults every month."

"So, does Edward have no intention of interfering with Fenrir?"

Kaili shook her head and said: "I can't say that there is no. In fact, among the people who are excluded by Wift, if it were not for our dark blade, several people would be assassinated by Wift."

"Assassination?" Allen twitched his fingers: "Which people?"

"First, Captain Jeff, and then these..." Kaili pointed out a few people on the list.

There are not many people, but these four people hold more important positions. Kayili said again: "Although Lord Edward did not interfere too much, from the instructions he gave back, Lord Edward seemed to want to catch the big fish Wift at once. But last week, he had a new Instructions..."

"What instructions?"

Kaili lowered her head and said: "He said that the fisherman is here, there is nothing wrong with him here."

After hearing this, Allen couldn't help but laugh and scolded: "This guy will relieve himself. Since you saved these people, you should know where they are now?"

The maid nodded.

"Bring them to see me, remember to hide."

"Subordinates know."

After Kaili left, Lucy asked, "How are you going to deal with that Wiffut?"

"This is a cunning old man." Allen shook his head and said, "You heard it just now. Wift had completely withdrawn from the power circle of Fenrir before Duluf's death, even when we were under the city. Seeing that this man was doing his best. But now that the city of Fenrir is stable, he jumped out to fight for power, making it clear that there is a lot to do with the bright leader."

"There is more to be done, and the future is bright." Lucy smiled: "Let's not mention the farming supported by Guangming Leader. Just a glorious light will bring an extremely bright future to this territory. Of course, premise. It’s your Lord Allen who can always be added to the ranks. So it’s not difficult to imagine how many people will flood into the light of glory as your influence gradually expands. The tariffs on these people alone are a lot of wealth . Not to mention the other business opportunities brought about by the increase in population.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Obviously, it is necessary to squeeze out the little Oss to get enough oil and water. "

"Slippy old fox." Allen smiled: "I believe Edward had a plan. With his temperament, he wanted to stew Wift in warm water. Edward is good at layout, and he is also keen on layout. You can see the mountain city of Rekerd as an example. , His set is actually not bad, at least removing Wift will not make Fenrir city too turbulent. But the disadvantages are also very obvious, Wift will lose inexplicably, but for other interested people This approach lacks perseverance."

"If you go to a Wifter, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be a second one. Even if there is not now, there will always be in the future. The reason is not in me, but in Oss. As long as they feel that Oss is not tough enough, then there will be a second. Special, even third and fourth."

Allen stood up: "If you want to get it done once and for all, it's not enough to get rid of the wift. And there are some special methods to get rid of it. I told Oss on the way back, this time I asked him to come out as a The wicked man. This wicked man is for those who want to see. To be a good lord, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a combination of grace and power. The gifts have been sent out long ago. Now, it is time for our little Oss to show off his power. ."

He walked to the gate.

"Looking for little Oss?"

"No, after Kayili brings people, I will talk to Oss." Allen blinked: "Now, I'm going to see our Highness Lily. I hope she wants me to save Woman, soft bone naga..."

"You go." Lucy rolled her eyes and pointed out the door.

"Yes." Allen bowed solemnly, then left with a smile.

Knocked on Lily's door, it was a Mossaurus knight who opened the door. The knight nodded and turned sideways to let Allen into the room. In the lobby of the room, Lily was sitting cross-legged, holding a large plate in her hand, and was constantly throwing the fruits inside into her mouth. The food was not very attractive.

"You are here." Lily ate a few blackberries in two bites, tilted her head to look at Allen and said: "When I see you this time, your complexion is much better than before. Seeing that the source of power has been imprisoned by you?"

"It's just a fluke." Allen smiled.

"It's a **** luck." Lily put down the melon and fruit tray and jumped to the ground to hook her fingers: "Come with me, she won't last long."

"Who is she?" Allen asked casually, following her.

Lily said coldly: "That's not your concern. You just need to transform her for me and let her survive. Then I will hand over the five Mosasaurus knights to you~www.readwn.com~ Our transaction will be completed. Up."

The indifference of Her Royal Highness Allen is not surprising. The Naga tribe has always had no good feelings for humans, and Lily's reaction couldn't be more reasonable. He thinks so, this time the follower transformation is just a deal with Lily. Who is the other party and what does it matter to him?

Lily stopped in front of a door, knocked on the door and whispered, "He's here."

Inside, there was a woman's voice calmly saying: "Come in."

Lily nodded and pushed Allen a little bit: "Hurry in, don't say I didn't warn you. If you dare to do anything other than saving people, I dare to break this city!"

"Yes, yes, all follow His Highness's instructions." Allen deliberately said.

Lily's teeth squeaked and she wanted to bite this nasty guy.

(End of this chapter)



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