Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 949:  The Crown Prince

It was night, in a second-rate restaurant in Shuguang Castle, Alan Wei was sitting. Originally, in his capacity, to meet a noble person like Rhein is to put on the highest level of pomp. After all, this trip to the north is a matter of honor and disgrace, and no matter how great the price is spent, it is worth it. Lovely Dehua gave him such an address, and he didn't ask why, so he came directly.

She only brought Nellie who was close to her body, but she changed her clothes, otherwise it would be too attractive to enter and exit the restaurant wearing that cloak. Nelly didn't see any swords, anyway, the "Canghai Bibo" of the Dragon Knights was originally a method of condensing force simulation, and it had little effect on them with or without weapons. But Neri's appearance is full of lethality. Even if she chooses neutral underwear as much as possible to hide her beauty, she still makes the men in the restaurant feel unhappy.

What’s terrible is that a man like Nellie can’t wait to hide in @猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.om’s favorite woman, now standing quietly behind a silver-haired man, letting the men in the restaurant Can't help but curse violently in his heart.

Allen was indifferent, and Nellie was justified. So when Rin arrived, he found that the two in the restaurant had become the focus of the room. He smiled immediately, straightened his collar, and walked slowly.

Seeing Ryan, Allen smiled and stood up and invited him to take a seat. Then he made a gesture, and his own waiter began to serve food and wine. Ryan "accidentally" glanced at Nellie when he was seated, and his smile froze. Sit down and exhale, "I thought I had seen enough beauties. Now that I see the person behind Mr. Allen, I know that I am not only wrong, but also ridiculously wrong."

Nelly accepted this kind of flattery. Allen smiled and said, "I just arrived today, and the time is relatively short. I have arranged such a place to meet you. Please don't be surprised."

Ryan waved his hand and smiled: "The most important thing is to see Mr. Allen. It doesn't matter where you meet. Besides, with the lady behind you present, where is not a brilliant place?"

"Even if you say it more beautifully, I can't give you Nelly." Allen said directly.

"Neri?" Ryan murmured the name, and shook his head and smiled after a moment: "Master Allen is straightforward. That's right, I'm just a matchmaking middleman, and I can't afford to be a great gift like Master Allen."

Allen shook his head and said: "You are misunderstood, I do not mean to underestimate Mr. Rhine. On the contrary, Mr. Rhine is willing to pave the way for me, a man from the south, and I am grateful. Nellie is an important person to me. Don't talk about you, even if the emperor asks for it, I won't give it."

Ryan made an "oh" sound, his face was not as sour as before. Regardless of whether Allen's remarks were sincere or perfunctory, he still considered his face. With the current power of the young man in front of him, being able to do this is enough for him.

After the small episode, Lein said directly: "Baron Edward mentioned to me earlier that Lord Ellen meant to go north. This is exactly what the adult above me wanted. He also wanted to be a matchmaker. Now It saves me a lot of effort."

"Who is the adult on Mr. Rine?"

Ryan smiled and said: "Now I don't want to hide it from you. When I saw you at the banquet of Earl Aubin, you were just a baron. Although I have the heart to get acquainted, if you use your achievements Said, then the lord above me is at most a marquis. It is different now, lord Allen, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the second prince Julian wants to get to know you well."

He was not overjoyed as Ryan imagined, nor was he shocked. Allen just said "Oh" and looked like "This is about the same," making Rine smile bitterly in his heart. I wondered if I just moved out a Marquis, I still have to dismiss this young man in a serious way?

It's incredible to think about it.

Allen smiled and said: "It's rare for this highness to see so far that he can see me, a man from the south."

"The imperial family's eyeliner is all over the country. How can we escape the eyes of our emperor with every move within the empire. Although this side is indeed far from the northern capital, the emperor's family is still clear about what is going on. Let’s say half a year ago, when a vision occurred on the barren highlands of the border, someone went to investigate. As for the recent, hey, Lord Allen beheaded an alien powerhouse, which is really impressive." Thumbs up.

Alan's fingers holding the knife unconsciously pressed harder, and he was not only surprised that the King Snake Base sent a signal to Idahua in the wild highlands that day, it really attracted the attention of the empire, and he also admired Edward's foresight, the empire's eyeliner was really everywhere. . Like this Rhein in front of him, it might be one of the eyes. It is not surprising that such a person is loyal to the so-called second prince. For people like them, who is not in multiple identities?

Rein continued: "When His Royal Highness asked about the situation in the Southern Territory, I actually mentioned you. But at that time, the adults' achievements were not enough to be in the eyes of His Highness, so they were put on hold. Until this time, The lord really made a splash by expelling the alien race and beheading the strong opponent, and his Highness really saw it in his eyes. Lord Allen, your Highness asked me to bring a word."

"Please speak."

"His Royal Highness said, the day your lord sets foot in the northern capital of Olísca, is when you are promoted to earl."

Allen nodded: "Full of sincerity~www.readwn.com~That is natural." Ryan still didn't see any vibration on Allen's face. While admiring the young man's maturity in his heart, he said: "Of course, The earl is just the treatment you deserve, your majesty. Your Majesty said, as long as the adult has the strength, he can even find you a marquis."

Allen laughed: "So it seems that my journey northward will not go so smoothly. But I'm very curious about what His Highness Julian likes about me, and I would like to ask Mr. Rein to let me know in advance so that I can do my homework. I don’t have to see your Highness and show the wrong facade, it will be embarrassing.

Rein laughed and said, "Master Allen speaks so funny." He said with a serious tone: "Combat power, yes, what your Highness is interested in is neither Lord Allen's ability to govern the territory nor your war strategy. It is. The simplest combat power, if you don't have the one to kill the strong alien, then even if your territory is doubled, you won't be able to get into the eyes of His Highness."

"Don't be afraid to tell you that there is going to be a storm in the northern capital." Ryan smiled mysteriously on purpose and said, "Because our emperor intends to make a crown prince."

(Yesterday, Su and Mudao and other friends added me on WeChat, and I feel like we are one step closer to everyone. Can we have another wave of friends tonight? WeChat ID: Where are the friends of Chengran1982~~)

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