Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 951:  North and South Commercial Road (2)

There are many restrictions on waterways, in addition to seasonal reasons, it also depends on the goods. Waterway goods are prone to tides, so some goods like tea are not conducive to being carried by waterways. So if there is a business route that travels between the north and the south quickly, it is undoubtedly a great boon for the business groups of the two places. What lovely Dehua wanted, but the official hats of the Empire didn't just eat and do nothing, they naturally wanted it too.

Therefore, the empire opened up national roads to speed up transportation within the territory.

Edward seemed to guess what Alan was trying to say, and nodded: "Yes, the empire has national roads. But you see, these national roads have been in use for a long time, and the road conditions are unknown now. What you can know is that they communicate with each other. It will take too long for the north and south. After all, for safety reasons, the national highways have bypassed the evil valleys in the territory. More importantly, I can be sure that every section of the national highway is now controlled by people. After walking a national highway, pay The tax revenue may be heavier than the waterway. And it is intriguing how much of these tariffs eventually enter the treasury."

"The route I've drawn out has the shortest time. As long as the road is unobstructed, you can reach the northern capital in 30 days and pass through many important trading cities along the way. For merchants, the more goods are on the road, the less. Too much money. This north-south commercial road saves one-third of the time compared to the waterway. This alone is enough to drive businessmen crazy. But the benefits and risks are at the same time, and we must not only get through many fierce places along the way , And there will be enough power to keep the business route smooth. But these are not the hardest. The most difficult thing is that we will affect the interests of many people. Even if this business route is broken down, it will be difficult for us to maintain it. "Yes." Edward raised his head and asked, "Then you have to see first, what kind of person is the nobleman Ryan can tell."

Allen said "Oh" and pointed to Edward with a smile: "You are sure that it is the prince who is the prince? Otherwise, how could such a business route be drawn, and he intends to cooperate with the royal family and share it. Income."

Edward shrugged: "I'm not a god, how do I know who Ryan will introduce you to. If you are just a prince, then this road will be paved after you become the prince of the empire. Now, it's just pushing time That's it. The prince... So, the emperor is going to establish a reserve?

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Alan squinted and said, "Can you be a little bit stupid, so that I can be smarter. Anyway, you wait for me to finish, now it seems I don't have to say anything."

Nellie couldn't help but chuckle with a chuckle.

Edward didn't care, and said: "This is just a simple inference. If the emperor doesn't want to establish a reserve, a heavenly palace in the northern capital needs to befriend a viscount in the south?"

"That's because I killed an alien strongman in the mountain city."

"Oh, the empire's eyeliner is really everywhere. That's okay, you finally have such a catching sight of the top of the empire. Tell me, which prince is it."

Allen chuckled and said, "Guess?"

"Forget it, lest you hit you again."

"Asshole." Allen cursed, and then told the whole conversation with Ryan.

Edward listened quietly, and when Allen finished speaking, he exhaled, "It turns out that it is, I roughly know it. The prince is supported by the army, and the fourth prince has an uncle of the sword master. Hey, it's our potential. One of the opponents. Mason, really wants to enter the imperial capital, but still can't get around the big tree of the country. As for our second prince, if Ryan has not hidden some words and has not shaken it out, then our Royal Highness Julian may be in a bad situation. ."


"Guess." Edward was obviously fighting back what Allen did.

Allen said without changing his face, "Anyway, you are there. It doesn't matter if I'm stupid, just tell me."

"It's very simple. Ryan said that he has countless capable people, but he has to draw people to you, the southern jazz. It is conceivable that there are people under his hands, but they are just mediocre people. Ryan also said that he was fancy It's your combat power, so at least in terms of combat power, Julian can't come up with someone who can compete with other princes, so you who killed the strong foreign race with a single blow will become a hot one in his eyes. Right, the competition is not only about financial tactics, but also fighting power. At least, you have to have a master guard to prevent assassination, right?"

"It can be imagined that on the northern side, the masters who can be drawn will probably divide up the big prince and the four princes. The second prince wants to break the game.

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) For the face, you have to ask outside, then in the southern realm, there is no one who is in the limelight than you now. One more thing, you are just a viscount, and come from the border land, you don't have much to do with the royal family. Furthermore, probably our Prince Julian thought that an earl would be enough to fill your appetite. "

Allen laughed dryly, shook his head, but did not make a statement.

Nari next to her looked in her eyes, her face could not hide her surprise. Whether it is Edward's tone or Alan's demeanor, it shows that the young jazz figured by him will never be a mere earl.

"Alright." Edward said suddenly: "The eldest prince is too strong, and the fourth prince is not something we can rely on because of Mason's relationship. As for the other princes, they are in a more unbearable situation than Julian, so for you, two The prince is a good stepping stone. And if Julian is weak, if you help him win the crown prince, then if he is willing by then, it will be much easier to manipulate this new emperor than other princes."

Allen gave him a white look: "You are not afraid that there are also imperial eyeliners here, and such rebellious words can be said. If you want Julian to listen, you don't have to wait for me to go to the imperial capital. I'm afraid that you can see it right out of Ark Harbor. The empire is on."

"If you think about it with your head, you know it's impossible~www.readwn.com~ The eyes of the empire set up in the territory are naturally focused on major issues. If the mountain city is not based on foreign races, you think the empire's sight will fall on you. After all, you took the advantage of the Principality of Shadow to enter the eyes of the top empire. As for now, even if I curse the emperor, the emperor can’t hear a word.”

Allen pulled Lanelli and said: "Walk around, talking to this kind of person is the most boring, you never want to take advantage of it."

Edward laughed.

The next day, in the last days of winter, it started to snow.

Goose feathers are in heavy snow.

In less than half a day, the entire city has become a vast expanse of snow. In the backyard of the city lord's mansion piled with snow, Allen stood in the snow with King Chi in his hand. He held the Scarlet King in his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and his breath became extremely long, as if the whole person had merged into this world, and became an inseparable whole with the snow in the sky.

(End of this chapter)



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