Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 28: Into Desparu Woods

Book 1, Volume 4
Chapter 28

“That makes 13 Dreamnisca Wildflowers and 7 bundles of Medy Grass,” Wylla said as she put the freshly cut bundle of Medy Grass herbs away in her more than half-filled large Furbee belly pouch.

According to her Oryn Spirin Eyes, this long green grassy herb with bluish highlights around the edges is used to brew health potions. Something she was looking forward to making... once she learns Alchemy that is.

Wylla then stood up, cleaned off her knees, took a deep breath, and looked up at the silvery-blue moonlit twilight sky as a slightly pungent woodsy scent perfuming the air caused her round button nose to slightly crinkle. Wow, I didn't realize I was so close to the forest Wylla thought to herself, eyes looking forward. “Guess I lost track of where I was going while harvesting herbs.”

Wylla stared at the tall dark willowy trees just a dozen or so yards ahead of her. She looked up at the full moon again, noticing that it had only risen a little bit above the eastern forest treeline. Turning around she took note that the last of the setting sun was disappearing beyond the western forest.

“Hmm, it isn't bedtime yet and since I'm already here why not go see what there is to see?” Oryn Spirin Eyes

Wylla's sight was flooded with a stream of InfoBoxes, many of which she quickly closed after a brief glance but others she kept open as her eyes moved from left to right:

[ The Desparu Swamp Forest is the only swamplands in Havenscent Meadows and is named after the willowy Desparu Trees that flourish within. Many florae and fauna unique to this area can be found within, some of which are beneficial for Alchemy and Cooking professions. The Desparu Swamp Forest holds a wealth spring of resources for those with adventurous hearts and knowledgable minds but it's also a murky deathbed for the careless. ]

Well then, I'm feeling adventurous and since it doesn't look too scary or all that wet Wylla thought as she took a step or two towards the forest before pausing but then again this is just the outer edges so it's probably darker and wetter and more dangerous the deeper one enters... Still, it should be fine to explore and harvest a bit around the edges.

With a firm resolve, Wylla walked forward, her eyes focusing on the dark creepy Desparu Tree standing in her path. Okay, maybe it's a little bit scary but adventuring isn't for the faint of heart!

The tree was nearly four stories tall and half as wide with branches growing out and draping down from the top section of the smooth dark trunk. Stepping up to the curtain of leaf laden branches, Wylla parted them open with her rod in one hand while using the back of her free hand.

“Eek! That feels icky!” Wylla's body cringed and her heart pattered as the trees long moist segmented leaves wrapped and crawled on the skin of her small empty hand like jaundiced colored centipedes causing goosebumps to appear.

Wylla quickly darted through the opening she had just created, releasing the branches along the way through, urgently rubbing her slightly wet hand on her furbee shorty shorts, trying to get the moist ickiness off as the wiggling leafy curtain closed behind her; Enclosing her in the greenish world hidden under the umbrella-like canopy of the tree.

Looking around with bright curious eyes, “Wow, it's as if I stepped into a strange swamp garden snowglobe.” The world underneath the tree's canopy was filled with a dark variety of flora, fragrant musky scents, and somewhat muddy pathways while glowing sun and moon motes of light lazily drifted about in the air above.

Reaching up along the branch, Wylla plucked one of the Desparu Trees small plum-colored fruits (making sure to avoid the moist icky segmented centipede leaves). She brought the berry scented Desparu fruit down to her glowing eyes:

[ The willowy Desparu Tree is named after the sweet-sour tasting fruit they produce. The Desparu fruit is similar in appearance to plum-colored cherries and can cause one to feel a touch of sadness when consumed. Classification: Desparu fruits are Alchemy and Cooking Ingredients. ]

“Yup, I think I'll stay away from eating these. I don't want to go spiraling into a cold dark hole of depression again." She whispered as an image of a girl flashed in and out of Wylla's mind. Shaking her head, she focused on the small desparu fruit, "Still, I wonder what kind of potion its suppose to make. One that would make a foe give up in despair? If so how do you get the baddies to drink it?” Wylla tried to imagine a battle scenario in which she got the baddies to willingly drink such a potion.

"Nope, not going to happen." She dropped the desparu fruit onto the ground while muttering, “Oh well, guess I'll find out some other day but for now I better save the room in my pouch for more useful things.”

Anari wanted to remind Wylla about something 'useful' she could do with that fruit but held back, deciding to wait for Wylla to think of it on her own.

Wylla walked past some prickly looking brushes, leafy shrubs, and flowery clumps of grasses as a cluster of mushrooms growing by the roots of the tree caught her eyes:

[ Peprika Mushrooms grow in clusters with other mushrooms near the roots of Desparu Trees. They have the shape of a witch's hat, are a fiery green color with yellow flame-like patterns, and smell of chili peppers. They are very spicy when eaten raw. Classification: Alchemy and Cooking Ingredient. Side Note: Due to their shape they are also called Witch Hat Shrooms.]

“Ooh, this is something I definitely want. I love spicy food.” Wylla licked her full lips as the little foodie in her urged her to start harvesting the Witch Hat Shroom this very second. “This would taste so good with honey but then again what wouldn't taste good with honey?” Wylla wiped the corner of her mouth and rubbed her tummy not realizing just how much her love of honey had grown since becoming Sylven.

She knelt by the Witch Hat Shroom her little stinger knife in hand and ready to harvest. “As for alchemy... hmm... maybe it's used in some kind of spice bomb potion that I can throw; Exploding in a spray of spicy hot mist that will burn my foes eyes and ruin their sense of smell. Something like that would be very useful.”

Just the thought of such a potion brought a smile to her face and lit an even greater desire in her heart for Alchemy. Finishing her task, Wylla stood to put the small knife and harvested mushroom away into her pouch.

She took a few steps around the tree trunk, heard a hoot from above causing her to look up while in mid-step which led to her stumbling over the tree's roots, sending her crashing towards one of those prickly blackish-green shrubs that seemed to scream: "You'll Be Sorry!"

“Oh, no lassy!” “Watch out Wylla!” “Flap your wings girlie!” "AH! I can't watch..." Warnings and gasps softly rained down from above.


Wylla's heading into a world of hurt will she be able to stop in time? Find out next in Chapter 29: A Scream in the Night!

Side Note: A little schedule change as the next chapter will be up either later today or tomorrow. Which should just about set the stage for the upcoming big battle chapters starting next week.

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