Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 39: Fluffy Pillow

Book 1, Volume 5

Chapter 39

Wylla's mouth gulped air as her jogging steps dragged on the grassy ground every now and then. Her drooping eyes focused on the now silvery-blue leafed with smooth pale moon bark skinned tree ahead. Eh, seems I'm not the only one that changes colors with the day and night... ouch... Her pale face grimaced as the bloodrose curse pulsed, sending another round of cold prickly pain coursing through her right side causing her hand that was pinching her nose, blocking the stench attached to her heel, to squeeze a little tighter. Now that the dangers of the night were over and the adrenaline coursing through her body had faded away...

“Ow! I feel like I've been hit by truck-kun... don't they think they made this game feel a little too real?” Wylla grumbled as the sounds of falling water guided her around the Oryn Tree. Falling down onto her knees Wylla looked into the magical water, cupped her hands, and drank.

Mmm... cool and refreshing with hints of honey... so delicious. The water sent invigorating waves of energy down her throat, past her heart, and into the pit of her stomach. The inky Briar Bloodrose Curse tattooed onto her right arm and shoulder flared with icy blue moonlight for a breath and then burst into the air forming tiny dark blood hued bubbles of oryn energy which then faded away up into the night.

A heavy sigh escaped Wylla's lips. Finally... that curse really was the worst. Wylla quickly pinched her nose closed again as the wind gently blew. But this stench isn't too far behind!

Wylla rose to her feet, slightly swaying, and removed her clothes. Hope this works. She then dipped one foot into the pool of water, muscles tense and body shivering, her eyes opened wide. Brrrr... so cold but worth it if it gets rid of this smell... and all this dirt and dried mud. She put her other foot into the pool as small tingling goosebumps danced along her flesh, took a deep breath, then quickly sat down with a splash and laid back as the water covered her whole body.

"COOOLLLLDDD!" Wylla shouted, teeth chattering.

She quickly rubbed herself clean with bare hands, stood up, and shook her body dry as sparkling droplets flew off her small body. She stepped out of the pool, took a deep breath through her nose, and smiled as she started getting dressed when all of a sudden a strange loud sound called out.

Looking down, her face reddened as she gently patted her tummy. “I thought Anari said I didn't have to eat while in the starter area,” Wylla said softly.

[ That's true Wylla. Nothing bad will happen to you if you ignore your body's calling and don't eat while in Havenscent Meadows. Still, your body has been through quite a lot and good food will aid in your recovery so the choice to eat or not is yours to make. :) But, I think that after all you've been through and accomplished today that you deserve to treat yourself to a little tasty comfort food. ]

“Thanks, Anari. Then I'll eat... I'll eat...” Wylla tilted her head, looking down while thinking when her eyes caught sight of something hidden in the Royal Spider Lotus bushes. “That's what I'll eat.” Smiling, Wylla knelt in front of the thorny guards, stuck her hand into the flap of her traveler's pack, pulled out a golden Oryn fruit, and pushed the pack back in place.

Sitting, a crisp crunch broke the silence as Wylla chewed the fruit's golden flesh. “So good... ” (ding!)

[ Congratulations Wylla! You completed the hidden Secrets of the Oryn Tree quest and have been rewarded with 10 mind stat points! Please use them wisely. I recommend getting some much-needed rest before assigning all those stat points you've earned tonight. ;) ]

“Mmm... I think you're right Anari... thanks...” Wylla said stifling a yawn; Her eyelids closing as she took another bite of the Oryn fruit.

This fruit is delicious. The juice is rich and refreshing with a honey mango taste. The outer flesh is crunchy yet the inner flesh is soft. A warmth spread throughout her bruised and battered body as her skin began to tingle, the cuts began to heal and the bruises began to fade as her body greatly relaxed, releasing the tension that was trapped within her muscles.

She felt her body slowly falling back as her eyelids, weighed down by exhaustion, closed. A blink later she opened them to find herself standing in a strange forest hallway. The floor covered in soft silver-green grass, walls covered in flowery vines, and the ceiling was arched in leafy tree limbs.

On the walls were monitors in carved wooden frames making them appear as moving paintings. Wylla walked a few feet forward to look at the first moving painting and noticed something very familiar; A little green-haired girl, naked as a jaybird, lying down on her back, arms at her side, golden honey eyes staring up into the foggy sky with a confused look on her cute little face.

“That's... that's me when I first came here.” Wylla muttered to herself.

Wylla then walked up to the next moving painting a few yards down the fragrant hallway and stood there a moment to watch. This one starred the little green-haired girl picking up grass, a small purple and pink flower unknowingly in the mix, and then eating it with a big smile on her face.

Wylla covered her reddening face with her hands as she peeked between her fingers as the small girl began singing and dancing and stumbling while chasing imaginary Mofus. The little girl ran and sang and danced until she suddenly stopped with a BOINK and an "Owie!"

“So embarrassing!” Wylla hurriedly ran up to the next picture. One in which the little girl was about to start her first battle against a group of cute fluffy Furbees. Not wanting to see anymore, Wylla stepped back, looked down the hallway seeing a long line of moving pictures; “No, I'd rather not see any more embarrassing videos of myself.”

She then turned her head looking behind her and saw that the path back in that direction ended in a darkness so deep it seemed that nothing existed within it. But before the darkness, there was one painting that attracted her attention, due to its bright glow.

Wylla cautiously approached that painting that seemed to call to her, staying wary of the darkness and gazed upon the moving image within. Wylla tilted her head to the side as she slowly reached out with her hand to touch the moving painting.

“That place... that room... it looks so familiar.” The moment her hand touched the screen, the wooden frame holding the screen grew long sharp teeth, jumped off the wall, and fell upon her swallowing her whole as Wylla screamed.



Michael bolted upright in bed, heart-pounding, sweat upon his forehead, arms up guarding his head, and eyes jolting all about. Ah! Just a dream... thank god... it was just a dream. Michael thought as his thumping heart began to calm and he wiped the sweat from his forehead, then slapped his alarm clock off with a little more force than planned. The alarm clock skidded off the bedside table's top and fell.


“Don't you dare hit that snooze button and go back to sleep Michael! We don't want to be late for this little brother, so get up, wash up, and be ready to head out in 20 minutes,” Cara loudly said while standing outside his bedroom door.

Michael breathed in and out deeply for a bit... was just a bad dream... streettchh... Time to get going, today's the big day! and hopped off the bed.

“Alright... alright... I'm up.” Michael said as he grabbed the change of clothes he prepared last night and opened the door.

He looked straight ahead, “Eh... I could have sworn I heard my big sister huffing and puffing just outside my door a moment ago. Where ever did she go?” Michael said as his bright playful eyes looked left and right, his lips arched upwards at the corners. He then looked down, but something strange happened as his forehead creased, nose scrunched, and lips pursed.

“Hello... Cara? Where'd you go?” Michael said looking left and right down the empty hallway. “Come on out... we don't have time for games!”

Silence, frowning Michael called out again “Cara... Rori, Mom... Dad!” His voice echoing up and down the hallway, then fading away.

“Ugh! This isn't funny. Now's not the time for games.” Stepping out into the dimly lit hall, he turned his head, noticing his sister's doors and the restroom door were closed. “Did everyone leave without me? They wouldn't have... would they?”

Turning his head in the other direction What's that... did they leave the back door to the garden open? Michael thought to himself while looking at the soft golden-green light coming up from the stairs leading down into the kitchen.

“Maybe they're getting some snacks from the garden?” Michael headed towards the stairs, pausing his steps outside the restroom door as his ears caught the sound of running water. Good, they didn't leave without me!

“Hey hurry up in there I need to get ready too!” Michael shouted.

He stood outside the door, foot tapping on the floor. “Hey, did you hear me? Or did you get too much water in your ears? I said hurry! I need to get ready too.” No response.

“Why aren't you answering?” Michael called out, lifting his hand and knocked a little harder than he meant too. KNOCK KNOCK The door clicked open right before his third knock.

“About time...” Michael stopped speaking, noticing that there was no one standing behind the door. “Did you not close the door right?” He asked looking towards the shower... and saw no one again. Nobody's outline was standing behind the shower curtain. “Did you all forget to turn off the shower? That's wasting water...” He complained, moving to turn off the shower.

Moving the curtain aside and reaching in, he turned off the shower getting his hands wet in the process. Turning, he moved to the towel lying atop the countertop. It would be nice if they'd clean up after themselves. Michael thought as he dried his hand while looking at the brushes, blow dryer, deodorant, hair spray, and makeup that were strewn about the sink top... but something is off... the labels are all...

A flash of green on the corner of his sight derailed his train of thought as he looked up into the mirror. His eyes widened, standing there, in the other side of the mirror was not his reflection, but the image of a very cute little girl with beautiful hair in shades of green and bright golden honey eyes looking up at him.

Dumbstruck, Michael closed and opened his eyes repeatedly. Nope, still there. He lifted his hand and waved as the little girl mimicked his movements. Staring at the little girl in disbelief, the little girl tilted her head and smiled at him while reaching out with her right hand, pointing at him.

Wary, Michael stepped back, breathing heavily... This is the point in the movie where one should run. Turning, Michael stepped towards the open bathroom door, but the little mirror girl had other plans; Pointing at the door, she moved her hand as if closing something and the door shut.

The little girl then mimed wiping, her hand moving up and down several times, and the doorknob disappeared. Michael's eyes widened, he jumped as his back hit the wall with a thump.

His heart started beating rapidly in his chest as he turned his head from the closed-door back to the little girl in the mirror. He lifted his arms and formed a cross with his shaking fingers as if warding off a vampire or evil spirit. The little girl giggled at the silly boy and said something that he couldn't hear.

Michael's back pressed harder against the wall as the little girl pointed at him. She turned her hand around and then beckoned him forth with her finger. I don't think so! Michael wanted to flee, but some force was keeping his body firmly in place. A half-second later he felt something unseen attach itself onto his chest and then pull him forward like a hooked fish fighting against the pull of the fisherman's pole.

With a POP sound, Michael felt himself become light as a feather as he was slowly pulled towards the beckoning finger of the little girl in the mirror. He wanted to break free from the pull but he was powerless as his arms stretched out of their own accord and... the moment he touched the little girl's hand on the mirror's surface he felt himself get sucked into her finger like a genie into its lamp.

Wylla's eyes flashed and her lips curled up as she looked into the mirror. Her head tilted as she looked at some giant, muddy haired boy standing still against the wall like a mannequin on the other side of the mirror.

What a plain-looking mannequin... boy? She looked for a couple of more breathes, then jumped back as the mannequin boy suddenly jumped towards the mirror yelling words she couldn't hear, pounding on the mirror.

Wylla's pulse quickened and her muscles tensed. She turned to her side and quickly opened the door, rushing out of the bathroom as her shoulder bumped into the doorframe, slamming the door closed behind her.

Looking at the closed door one last time, she turned towards the stairs and walked towards the soft golden-green light. Looking down from the top of the staircase the Oryn energy flowed through her body as she switched to her Orchid Butterfly form.

She jumped, gliding down the stairs, landing on the kitchen floor. Looking left, she spotted the door to the dining area That way looks closed off. Turning right she saw an oversized door leading into wonderful gardens; The golden-green stream of light and fragrant scents came pouring in through the open door.

Guided by the warm light and inviting scents she stepped out of the door into a sea of flowers. The place looked like a melding of Havenscent Meadow and the Garden Lunchbox Shop's gardens.

Wylla felt overwhelmed by feelings of joy, warmth, longing... feelings coming not only from within her own body but from the various plants and trees around her. Lost in the euphoria of the moment, she walked aimlessly before coming out of her trance, finding herself standing in the middle of a grove with the Oryn Tree standing in front of her.

Multi-colored Firefly Flowers of energy danced around her as the sounds of trees, water, of nature filled her Trinity; Unlocking an ancient ornate golden-green door in her mind which began to slowly open...


A series of loud sounds broke her out of her meditative state as the sound of a closing door softly echoed in her mind. With a saddened heart, she looked up towards the Garden Lunchbox Shop from her seated position; Her eyes locked on the back door leading into the kitchen.

It's there she saw the giant mannequin boy staring at her... who is he? what does he want? “Oh No You Don't! Give Me Back My Body!” The boy shot towards her at an impossibly fast speed, jumping right at her, head first and arms outstretched...


Michael screamed! Jolted upright, awakened from the dream. His heart pounding and breathing a bit ragged as he hugged something warm, round and fluffy close to his body... giving him comfort as the much too real dream faded away. (Brzzz) “Huh, that sounds just like a...” Looking down Michael's golden honey eyes opened wide, his small body tensed, and he yelped out loud as he panicked, tossing the purple and gold Furbee far up into the air.

Princess Furbee was at one moment surrounded by a warm blanket of happiness as this odd sleeping creature with smooth skin limbs and fluffy furbee body hugged and fluffed her gently while sleeping. Yup, definitely an odd furbee creature thought Princess Furbee snuggling closer.

The odd Furbee's hair of purples matched her own fluffy body and that wonderful floral fragrance emitting from its body was so calming, gently perfuming the air, making her want to continue snuggling when all of a sudden, the little girl's embrace tightened as she jolted upright into a sitting position with a scream... greatly confusing her.

Princess Furbee tried to help calm the strange furbee whose heart could be felt and heard beating hard so she did what she always did to help calm her Furbee family and buzzed softly. Only to find herself being tossed away up into the air, cartwheeling head over feet, as the odd furbee yelped.

Princess Furbee finally righted herself, turned to face the odd two-legged furbee only to find it nowhere in sight. She let out sad little buzzing calls as she bobbed to and fro in search of the odd fragrant furbee but not only could it not be spotted by sight, even its scent was too hard to follow as everything around her carried the odd Furbee's smell.

Michael, shocked into action by the Furbee Princess event, activated his camouflage ability, blending in with the grassy meadow and quickly made his way around the Oryn Tree trunk. Hidden from sight, he made a break for it, activating his Orchid Butterfly form, he ran towards the east where the Makai Forest lay waiting for him.


Scared awake and in full flight mode, Michael finds himself heading straight into the Makai Forest as the sun begins to set and the moon shines down on Chapter 40: Spriggankin Night Parade

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