Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 44: Behind the Green Door part 2

Book1, Volume 5

Chapter 44

That evening, the sound of a rattling door grew louder in his mind. Michael made his way to the shrine where Lunori, the Ferrewl, the Ogen, and the Old Raven were standing in wait. Michael felt that his magic was on the verge of a breakthrough, that the oversized arched green door in his mind held secrets to his... growth. And something in his heart was whispering, urging him to return to the Oryn Tree.

Michael looked at the group of spriggankin who were looking upon him as they would one of their own. The sight warmed his heart. “I need to return to the Oryn Tree to... meditate. I feel that if I go there I will... unlock and open the green door that I keep seeing in my mind. There's something there waiting for me on the other side. I will return once I have opened it and join you once again.” The spriggankin nodded their heads up and down and made various sounds of encouragement.

Michael was about to turn and leave before it became night but stopped for a moment. “Before for I go,” he created another series of Memory Rosebud Bulbs; These held his memories of his night at the Briar Bloodrose Witch's courtyard, of the Lemkey being transformed into a Rosebud Ganglyrot, of the Garlime with the Ogen wooden mask, of the Sun Serpris falling under the Witch's blow, and of his battles with the Kavi, Spidolls, and Witch. “These lessons should help everyone to understand what they'll be facing. I'll be back as soon as I can.”

And with that, Michael left the village and began to make his way through the Makai Forest to the Oryn Tree.

“Anari, there's somethings I've been curious about... that I've been meaning to ask you about but with how busy the week was it kept slipping from my mind,” Michael said with his brows furrowed and head slightly tilted.

[ Yes, go on Wylla. I'll answer what I can. ]

“Well, I was wondering why the spriggankin are able to understand me when I talk because I don't understand them when they 'talk'... so is it a type of skill or spell?”

[ Oh that, it's because spriggankins are spirits of plants and forests incarnate that worship Sylvenori, the Goddess of Plants and Forests; And since you're her daughter it's only natural that they'd understand the intentions of your words. Furthermore, given time, you will also come to understand them. ]

“Oh, I'd like that... to be able to chat with Lunori, the old raven, and the rest... that would be fun. Plus, I bet there's still a lot more I could learn from them. Thanks, Anari.”

[ You're Welcome Wylla :) ]

“The other thing I've been wondering about... is their magic. Why don't they use magic to fight back against the Kavi and such?” Michael asked as he neared the edge of the forest seeing the Oryn Tree meadow through the trees.

[ That's because they're peaceful by nature and have been able to live in harmony within their forest so they're magic developed along the path of growth, creation, and simple daily use that I believe your mangas would call life magic. But thanks to you they can now also use magic to defend and attack if need be. Their bullies will soon learn that the sheep have grown claws and fangs. ]

“We also need to thank Syl..umm... the Goddess Sylvenori (even if she's just an NPC... or maybe she's like sensei, an actual person hired to play a role?... either way...). Without that Memory Rosebud Bulb spell, I don't know if I could have ever taught the lessons they have learned.”

[ Indeed. That really is a very useful spell she gave you. I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to know how much you appreciate her gift. ]

Michael looked up into the east seeing the sun sinking below the treeline as he neared the Oryn Tree. He made his way to the pool, finding the sounds of the falling water calming. This is the spot. He thought as he looked up into the sky.

Michael sat in a lotus position, back straight and hands on his thighs, facing the flowery green meadow. Their sweet scents lingered in the air as night came down upon Havenscent Meadow. The full moon shone down painting the world soft shades of pale blues. Even the vibrant green grasses of the meadow were washed in layers of soft pale blue tones.

Michael was captivated by the shifting sight before him. He lightly shivered as he felt the magical night begin to dance upon his trinity; His eyes felt tingly as they shifted to silver with hints of green as the cool night wind kissed his now pale moon skin.

His soft silky hair draped down over his right shoulder, partially covering his chest, changing to shades of silvery-green.

The whole process of changing from his sun form to his moon form was bliss, leaving him in a bit of a daze as night flora began to sprout up from the sea of grasses like miniature long-neck dinosaurs.

The Tulipkin flowers opened their bulbs of silvery blues, purples, pinks, reds, oranges, and yellows revealing and releasing small fireflies of colorful light into the night air along with sweet scents. Simply magical.

The colorful fireflies then flitted about the meadow gathering sustenance from the magical flowers. Michael's mind began to wander to his battles and his magic spells as his lunar eyes unconsciously followed the colorful Nightflora Fireflies.

He thought about all the times his spells had missed their targets... If only... If only they could... Something was stirring within him... within his trinity like an artist on the verge of birthing a new work of art.

Inspired by the magical scene of the moonlit meadow, his eyes fluttered to and fro as his hand traced the firefly trails in the cool night air. If only they could... move like fireflies, to sprout wings and chase my foes and... somehow slow them with something... to pierce on impact hurting them like... like the darts from those Kavi hunters. The image of the Kavi hunter's dart piercing and poisoning him as he ran away flashed in his mind.  Releasing something to slow them like a poisonous shot injecting them with... ... what?

Michael's eyes kept flitting about, not noticing that he was now standing with the wand in hand pointed at the night air as his body hummed with Oryn energy. Something that will slow them.. that will pierce... injects... burst out of the seed and cover them... making it hard to move like... sticky. Something sticky that will slow them...

Michael unconsciously stuck his small rose-pink tongue out licking his full lips recalling the scent of honey and mint. Something tasty... something... His eyes stared at his free hand that was now in front of him making gestures with his fingers as if they were somehow stuck together. That's it! Oryn Tree sap! If I could put all of that together into my spell I'll have a better chance against my foes, especially the faster ones... like the spidolls.

The energy churning within him was now reaching its climax, seeking form and release as his mind's eye recalled the fast-moving Spidolls; He traced the imaginary foe with his wand, his lunar eyes glowing, as the old raven's training guided him. He spoke out the words that sprouted in his very being into the night air, “Firefly Seedsap Dart!”

In the flash of an eye, the Royal Spider Lotus flower on the tip of his wand created a small glowing magic circle with its tendrils; The spidery flower then spat out a seed which passed through the small magic circle causing the seed to transform; a thin pointy needle grew out of the seed's front as its body became plumper, three pairs of thin short evergreen vines sprouted from underneath its now plump body and two pairs of ethereal wings unfurled as the new spell zipped through the night air towards its imaginary target.

[ ding! ]

Michael stood there gazing at his wand in silent amazement.

[ Yay! You did it Wylla! You created a new spell! Congratulations! And gained a new title: Nightflora Spellcrafter ]

“Thanks, Anari but... how did I do that?” Michael asked in bewilderment.

[ The answer to that question lies in the intelligent, insightful, well thought out guide you received in the mailbox when you were first starting. Remember what it said about how new skills and spells could be learned? ]

“Hmmm... let's see... I could learn through...” Michael paused while taking his guide out of his holographic mailbox and quickly scanning it, “Ah there it is, I could learn through real-world knowledge to scrolls and grimoires to entering states of enlightenment to learning from others...”

[ And there's your answer: Entering States of Enlightenment. Thanks to your wisdom (and getting struck by inspiration) you were able to enter such a state of enlightenment to birth a new spell: Firefly Seedsap Dart! Yay! ]

“That's wonderful!” Michael said as his cute face glowed with a deep sense of accomplishment. “Show Status!”

His status screen lit up and he quickly searched out the new spell. There it is... now to read the details.

[ Firefly Seedsap Dart: Creates a winged Firefly Seedsap Dart which flies towards the target. Upon impact, the Firefly Seedsap's needle will pierce the target, injecting it with some of its golden-green sap before bursting causing the target to slow by 15% for 10 seconds. Current Damage Strength: 1 to 2 points of damage. All crits increase the strength of the slow by 50%. Cost to Use Skill: 3 Oryn Energy Power ]

“Yes! Now I can slow my foes down when I need to... sure would've been nice to have this when I was being chased by those spidolls and Kavi hunters. Oh well, better late than never... now if I can get a big-hitting spell to match that Witch's Miasma Rosebud Bolt... one that's not meleeing like my SnapDragon Kick... If only...” Michael's voice began to trail off as he once again sat in a lotus position. Picking a nearby Dreamnisca flower and fiddling with it in his small hand as he began to think. SnapDragon Kick... such a good spell... If only...

One had to know that entering states of enlightenment was a rare and fortuitous event so if people were to see Michael entering not only one but back to back states of enlightenment they would turn green with envy. But that's what was happening on this very magical night for Michael.

If only the illusionary SnapDragon wasn't bound to my kicks... but could be set free... Michael thought as he absentmindedly placed the Dreamnisca flower in his mouth as if it was a lollipop. A sweet burst of cotton candy flavor washed over his tongue. If only the illusionary SnapDragon could fly like a real one... then wouldn't that make it a powerful range attack?

Michael's lunar eyes glazed over as ghostly purple and pink striped SnapDragons began dancing and bolting about in the night. Oryn energy rose within his trinity, rushing here and there within him like a river flooding over, as he stood swaying, tracing the streaking SnapDragons with his wand.

Pretty! Pretty SnapDragons like that... that flower... that dream flower. Side to side he swayed as his wand moved like a drunken orchestra conductor's baton at an outdoor midsummer night concert.

“So pretty! Dancing and bolting, bolting and streaking. Come, come my pretties! Come enter my wand... my pretty little dream...” The magic within him was reaching a crescendo, splashing within his body, flowing into his arm seeking form and release as his eyes glowed and mind called out:

“Dreamnisca Snapdragon Bolt!”

All that pent up energy quickly flooded into his wand as the Royal Spider Lotus' tendril legs once again created a magic circle, slightly larger than before, in the night air. A softball-sized bolt of oryn energy then shot out of the spidery flower into the magic circle coming out of the other side as an ethereal Dreamnisca SnapDragon bolting at high speed towards the night sky like fireworks. [ding!]

“Simply Magical,” Michael whispered as he fell back onto the soft grassy ground, eyelids closing, and a smile on his cute happy face.

[ Yes you are Wylla! After giving birth to not one but two new spells you deserve a good night's sleep. Nighty night and sweet dreams Wylla. ]

Dreamnisca SnapDragon Bolt: A softball-sized bolt of oryn energy is fired through a magic circle transforming into an illusionary Dreamnisca SnapDragon which streaks toward the target at high speed causing plant magic damage and Dreamnisca poisoning upon impact. Targets inflicted with the Dreamnisca poison will be trapped within their dream-like hallucinations for 5 seconds causing them to act erratically. Current Damage Strength: 4 to 6 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage. Cost to Use Skill: 5 Oryn Energy Power

Michael closed his eyes, softy breathing in and out rhythmically. The sounds of the world around him faded away, his body became light, and he felt himself get pulled up.

He opened his golden eyes and found himself within a lush fragrant garden grove once again before that oversized arched green door. The door had changed so much over the past week gaining new growths and details.

So enchanting... feels like I'm looking at a living painting. Evergreen serpenvines adorned with colorful flowers and bloodthorns grew all around the edges of the door. A big Oryn Tree with a small pool of water sprung up from the ground in the bottom center of the door. The Oryn Tree was different now, for this one had Syldrake scales and its trunk spiraled up into the air where a bright Sunfire Flower hung like a sun shedding light on the right half of the door while a cool Wynbella Flower moon with tiny Starlyng flowers blanketed the left side in soft pale blue light.

Michael walked up to the big door and sat in a lotus position as it shook and rattled, wanting to burst open now more than ever. He smiled as little firefly-like bubbles of energy merged transforming into beautiful dancing orchid butterflies around the Oryn Tree and leaf winged dragonflies zipped to and fro. On the bottom, near the pool of the Syldrake Oryn Tree, a baby Serpris slithered forth to quench its thirst as the Royal Spider Lotus bushes rustled in the gentle wind. And in the background, within the grove of trees hazy figures that looked like spriggankin wended about.

His eye caught flickering purple and pink movements amongst the flowery serpenvines around the edges of the door as illusionary Dreamnisca SnapDragons played a game of tag joyfully interweaving in and out amidst the thorny tendrils and fragrant flowers.

He recognized many of the flowers growing from the serpenvines and amongst the grove of trees within the door mural; there was the beautiful Dahlia with its layered petals reminding him of his ears, the golden Spirin flowers which grew on the Oryn Tree and turned into the sweet Oryn Fruit, the wintery Wynbellas which cooled the air, the fiery Sunfires which when fed energy was hot enough to cook on, the large petaled Wyndrels which spun like windmills blowing the air, the luminescent Lampryns whose flowery bulbs lit the dark in their soft colors, the soft fluffy Chrysanthemums with their densely layered petals, the mind-altering Dreamnisca flowers whose purple and pink swirling striped petals reminded one of sweets, and so many more.

This painting... or rather... magical door mural is like... like a... so close... think, think... what is a mural?... Michael's head was tilted down, lips pursed, and eyes lost in thought as he tousled his hair with his small hands. It's a large painting and paintings are but pictures... and as they say 'a picture is worth a thousand words'... and this magical mural is made up of hundreds if not more small pictures which would mean thousands upon thousands of magical words like in a... magic book... ... “a grimoire.”


The Green Door flew open and the sounds of pages of a book quickly turning filled the air. The wind blew Michael's hair as streams of golden-green knowledge came rushing into his mind. His body vibrated (Bzzzz) and his skin glowed; The energy in his Trinity Cores flowing into every fiber of his being as his eyes snapped open, glowing.

After several minutes the glow faded from his eyes and his body felt renewed and calm. He was now fully awake from his meditative sleep, in a sitting lotus position like in his dream, gently stroking something soft and fluffy in his lap as he read Anari's message.

[ Congratulations Wylla! You did it! You have unlocked your class receiving 15 stat points and a plethora of shiny new spells! I'm so happy for you. :) ]

“Yes! Thanks... Anari!” Michael's crescent eyes shined and his heart fluttered. With a big smile on his face, he called out “Show Status.”

“Oh wow! I love it!” Michael softly shouted excitedly, his hands absentmindedly fluffing and hugging the buzz-buzzing hairball in his lap. His Status Screen had changed from a simple page layout screen to a holographic Grimoire whose cover resembled the arched green door that was in his mind.

Reaching out, he opened the ethereal book: Wylla Wylden's Druic Grimoire. He stayed there on the title page for a while, smiling. Taking a deep breathe he turned the page which was the table of contents: Status, Equipment, Spells, Profession (Blank), and Map. “So much to see... okay, let's start with Status first...” Michael said to himself as he turned the pages and stopped. His eyes then scanned down. There it is... Right there before his oryn eyes was his class: Druid.

[Druids are students, teachers, and wardens of plants and nature. They learn of the cycle of life of plants and gain insights and understanding in order to find their Way.

Druid spells and abilities stem from their deep connection and understanding of the Magical Realm of Plants and Nature. As such, Druids create many of their spells based on their own insights and understanding of the flora around them and the life contained within; Making each Druid's spellbook unique.

Druids are known to form empathic connections with plants and nature. In combat, Druids receive a 10% damage buff to all plant and nature spells and skills as well as 10% resistance to such spells and skills. Druids prefer using spell wands from a distance and wooden weapons when fighting up close... ]

Satisfied, Michael quickly turned the pages to his Spells section. “This is amazing!... So worth all the time spent studying and training. Just look at the damage buff, those spells... and those Ways!” Michael's little heart thumped as he ruffled the soft fur of the buzzing fluff ball still unnoticed in his lap, “This changes everything... from the way I fight to the way I use my stat points to my everyday life.”

“Aren't these... they are... stances... and each one has its own set of spells! Jackpot!” Michael lost himself in the study of his new spells as he continued to fluff the little buzz ball which added to the warmth and joy in his heart.

Wylla Wylden's Grimoire: Spells and Skills

Way of the Orchid Butterfly: You can freely shift in and out of Orchid Butterfly form increasing your plant-based spell damage by 10%, Also, your Athletic stat will increase by half of your Wisdom stat, increasing your balance, agility, and chance to dodge and evade attacks. Your awareness of your surroundings will also increase making it less likely to be taken by surprise in and out of battle. Cost to Use: 5% of your Oryn Energy bar will become grayed out and reserved to keep this skill active.

Main Spells: Seed Burst, Firefly Seedsap Dart, Dreamnisca SnapDragon Bolt, Earth Flora: Wall, Column, Pit, and Spike.

Seed Burst - Shoots a pointy seed at high velocity towards the target. Current Damage Strength: 1 to 2 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage. Cost to Use Skill: 3 Oryn Energy Power

Firefly Seedsap Dart: Creates a winged Firefly Seedsap Dart which flies towards the target. Upon impact, the Firefly Seedsap's needle will pierce the target, injecting it with some of its golden-green sap before bursting causing the target to slow by 15% for 10 seconds. Current Damage Strength: 1 to 2 points of damage. All crits increase the strength of the slow by 50%. Cost to Use Skill: 3 Oryn Energy Power

Dreamnisca SnapDragon Bolt: A softball-sized bolt of oryn energy is fired through a magic circle transforming into an illusionary Dreamnisca SnapDragon which streaks toward the target at high speed causing plant magic damage and Dreamnisca poisoning upon impact. Targets inflicted with the Dreamnisca poison will be trapped within their dream hallucinations for 5 seconds causing them to act erratically. Current Damage Strength: 4 to 6 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage. Cost to Use Skill: 5 Oryn Energy Power

Earth Flora: Wall, Column, Pit, and/or Spike – Able to infuse the earth beneath your feet with Oryn Energy creating a construct made up of earth and flora to defend or attack against enemies. Current Strength: Depends on construct and size. Cost to Use Skill: Depends on construct and size.

Way of the Spirin Syldrake: Transforms the caster into a powerful demi-human Syldrake as Mind Stats switch places with Body Stats (Int switches with Str, Wis switches with Ath, and Foc switches with Con). All melee damage and toughness will be increased by 10%. Physical changes include skin changing to a light green shade, height increasing up to 6ft 5 inches, toned muscles, and beauty of an amazon warrior. Cost to Use: 10 Oryn Energy, transformation lasts 5 minutes. Cooldown: 1 hour.

Main Spells: Bloodthorn Claws, Dreamnisca SnapDragon Kick, Royal Spider Lotus Bite, Bloodthorn Serpenvine Harpoon, Dire Syldrake Battle form, Earth Flora: Wall, Pillar, Spike, Pit, and Quake.

Bloodthorn Claws are sharp hooked thorn claws that are dark blood-red hue. When used to slash at a living foe there is a chance for the Bloodthorn Claws to drink the blood of its target providing a small heal (10% of the damage done) to the caster. Current Damage Strength: 4 to 6 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage. Cost to Use: 5 oryn energy.

Dreamnisca SnapDragon Kick: Infuse your low kicks, sidekicks, high kicks, and roundhouse kicks with the power of a Dreamnisca SnapDragon. Once activated the image of an illusionary Dreamnisca SnapDragon will follow your kicks increasing the damage of the kick's impact. Targets inflicted with the Dreamnisca poison will be trapped within their dream hallucinations for 5 seconds causing them to act erratically. Current Damage Strength: 4 to 6 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage. Cost to Use Skill: 5 Oryn Energy Power

Royal Spider Lotus Bite - The Royal Spider Lotus animates, growing two thorny fangs that bite into the target upon contact. Adding piercing damage to the crushing blow. Current Damage Strength: 3 to 5 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage. Cost to Use Skill: 4 Oryn Energy Power

Bloodthorn Serpenvine Harpoon: Fires a spearhead shaped bloodthorn serpenvine harpoon at the target which pierces upon impact giving the caster a chance to pull the target to themselves or to use the connection to jump towards the target. Range: 30 yards. Current Damage Strength: 2 to 4 points of damage. All crits add 50% more damage.

Cost to Use: 3 oryn energy. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Earth Flora: Wall, Column, Pit, Spike, and/or Quake – Able to infuse the earth beneath your feet with Oryn Energy creating a construct made up of earth and flora to defend or attack against enemies. Current Strength: Depends on construct and size. Cost to Use Skill: Depends on construct and size.

Dire Syldrake Battleform: Your body further transforms as the scales on your hands to your elbows, feet to your knees, around chest, neck, back, and shorts area become more prominent like armor increasing your defense by 10% and your melee damage by another 10%. Duration: Last for 30 seconds. Cost to Use: 5 Oryn Energy. Cooldown: 3 minutes.


Michael has opened the door, unlocking his class, receiving loads of shiny new spells that he can hardly wait to use. Coming next Chapter 45: Spriggankin Assemble
Side Note: Michael/Wylla has also learned many Druid Daily Life Spells allowing him/her to create many things thanks to Botanic Creation and Sylvanic Creation spells. Spells s/he gained an understanding of thanks to the teachings of the Old Raven and the Spriggankin. Furthermore, s/he also learned how to create his own Garden Hearts Grove (name may change) which will be touched upon on another day.

As for Wylla's new Spirin Syldrake form... think of it as a she-hulk dragonkin warrior girl battle form ;)

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