Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 46: Wylla, the Witch, and the Cauldron (Part 1)

Book1, Volume 5

Chapter 46

The spriggankin lined up in front of Michael like students at a dojo as the Furbees bzzz'd in the air behind him. “It's time to save all the captured and enslaved spriggankin. And put an end to the Kavi threat!” Michael paused for a moment, thinking of something that would be useful for the battle ahead.

He channeled the energy within him, thinking of some videos he had seen online, videos of the basics of shields and how to wield them, inserting those memories within several Rosebud Bulbs; And placing the newly created spell flowers within easy reach as he continued to address the gathering. “Within these Rosebuds are lessons that I would like the Ogen and Talric vanguards to learn. Everyone else that is able to fight, grab your weapons, your Healing Nectars, and whatever else you'll need and meet back here ready to go.”

Most of the spriggankin dispersed from the area to prepare as the Ogens and Talric lined up and used the Memory Rosebud Bulbs before heading out too. Hmm... Maybe I should have some of them stay behind to protect the village... Ya... let's do that. I'll ask the Old Raven to choose a home guarding team... Michael made his way over to the Old Raven to share his thoughts with her.

It took about 15 minutes for all the spriggankin to return, armed and ready to go. The Old Raven selected a half dozen or so spriggankin to guard the young and the elderly staying behind in the village. Now what... I've never done this before... Guess I'll just break them up into smaller teams and then play it by ear once we get there.

“Alright everyone I want you to break up into teams. Try to have 3 shield bearers, 3 rod wielders, and 3 ranged attackers in each group. It's okay if you have one or two more in your group. Once we reach our destination, I'll scout the area and come up with a battle plan. Remember to move quietly so that we can catch them off guard.” Michael waited patiently as 4 groups were formed then called out, “Looks good... let's move out!”

The spriggankin Warband and small group of softly buzzing Furbees followed behind their little green-haired leader. Michael led them out of the Makai Forest and into the Desparu Swamp heading towards the Witch's courtyard on the outskirt of the Kavi Village. And while many of them were nervous and tense, they followed Michael's order and moved as quietly as they could.

Every now and then Michael would turn his head to the side, staring into the darkness of the swampy forest with glowing eyes. There it is again, moving like a predator around the trees and brush... following us to the Witch. I wonder who's side its on... if it remembers me? Michael reached inside his belly pouch touching an Oryn Fruit and a vial of Oryn pool water while thinking about a certain quest. I'll give it a shot when we get close to the courtyard...

The large group continued on their way, making sure to avoid the Skunktail Reeds and Porcu Shrubs as the Young Swampreed Gators stayed hidden in their waters, afraid of the large Warband trespassing in their territories.

Seeing the light of tall Lampryns glowing through the foliage ahead Michael held up his arm, gesturing for the group to stop, to stay low, and not make any noise. He looked to the side and noticed it also stopping by a Desparu Tree about 35 yards away. He signaled them to wait, activated his camouflage, and silently made his way towards the Witch's courtyard stopping just outside the reach of the light, hiding by a large Desparu Tree trunk.

There's the Witch cooking something up in that cauldron again. Looks like around a dozen or so guards standing around the edges... Michael glanced up into the canopy above. And who knows how many spidolls up above. As for the cages... looks like the Eldrytch Gator is no longer here... the Moon Serpris is still caged but... not alone in there... whatever they are they're small... Michael thought to himself as he watched their small colored auras slithering about.

And bingo... there's the missing spriggankin... or at least some missing spriggankin since I don't know if those are the ones taken from tonight or from some other day. Either way, we'll save them.

Michael spied for a moment longer, coming up with a plan, and then made his way back to the group. He arrived, taking a brief moment to look the group over, and then created 3 Memory Rosebud Bulbs which housed his plan. He placed them low and behind the shrubs so that their glow couldn't be seen from afar.

He walked up to the Old Raven and Lunori who was in charge of Princess Furbee and her entourage. “There's someone near us that I'm going to have a little 'chat' with. While I'm doing that have everyone go over the plan I put in the Rosebud Bulbs; Then silently and stealthily make their way to their spots. Wait for my signal to begin the plan of attack.”

Michael took a deep breath, and then made his way to his 'friend' who was glaring at him with blood-red eyes. His feet softly squelched on the muddy ground as he once again read his Beauty and the Beast quest. “Hope one of these works,” Michael softly muttered to himself with his hand in his belly pouch. After all, they say that food can soothe the savage beast... or something like that...

The Bloodrose Ganglyrot crouched down, muscles tensed, a low growl spilling forth warnings to the little green-haired girl; Telling her to not come any closer. Michael halted his steps as the Ganglyrot's brows furrowed and its bloodthorn claws protracted.

“Easy there big... guy? I'm not here to hurt you. I brought you 'num-nums'... See?” Michael said pulling an Oryn Fruit out of his belly pouch and holding it up for the Ganglyrot to see as he grabbed the small Earth Flora Vial with his other hand all the while taking wary baby steps forward.

“Grrr'rrr,” The Ganglyrot tilted its head to the side, lightly clacking its claws as the little green-haired girl got within clawing reach. Its heart was beating fast and its feet dug into the muddy ground, baring its fangs ready to pounce... but then the wind shifted and a calming scent of lavender and honey perfumed the air.

The rage in the Ganglyrot's eyes faded, its muscles relaxed, and its mouth closed as it inhaled deeply causing Michael to sigh. “That's a good... err... boy? I have something tasty here for you.” He held the Oryn Fruit out for it to take... but it just stood there hunched, staring at the golden fruit in Michael's hand instead.

“This is for you to eat. See... mmm....” Michael took a small bite of the fruit hoping that doing so would tempt the beast. “Here, for you... eat it... it's good.” The bite released the fruit's scent causing the Ganglyrot's mouth to water. It quickly reached out with its clawed hand, accidentally scratching Michael's hand, grabbing the now lightly bloodied Oryn fruit.

“Ouch!” Michael softly cried out, not wanting to scare the Ganglyrot or alert the Witch and her ilk. He brought his small hand to his mouth and sucked on the wound as he watched the beast. The Ganglyrot took a sniff and then a big bite out of the golden fruit. Evidently the fruit was very much to its liking since it finished it in three bites as a warmth spread throughout its body.

The Ganglyrot's eyelids grew heavy as it slumped to the ground; Warm comforting energy began pulsing rhythmically from within. It curled up into a ball, wrapping its long gangly arms around its legs, closing its blood-red eyes as changes began to take place.

Michael was so caught up with the sight taking place in front of him that he nearly yelped out loud when Lunori suddenly popped up beside him, taking his hand and pulling him towards the Witch. Something must be happening back at the courtyard... as much as I want to stay and continue watching here... I can't. Time to go.

Michael arrived near the backside of the Witch's Briar Bloodrose Hut spotting the Furbees hiding above by the roof. He then looked towards the Witch where Lunori was pointing. Standing before the Witch was a pair of new guards with an Ossil whimpering on the ground.

Looks like that rotten Witch is up to no good again trying to make another Ganglyrot... but I won't let it happen... not this time! Michael's heart began to beat faster, turning he faced Lunori who was carrying his Traveler's pack filled with healing items and fiercely whispered, “Get ready... and remember the plan.”

Michael turned back around grabbing his wand and for his first time ever, shifted into his Way of the Orchid Butterfly form; A smile lit up his face as he felt the power within his body rise. Orchid Butterfly wings sprouted forth from his back gently fluttering and ethereal antennae grew out of his forehead, from just below his hairline. His body thrummed with surging energy as it merged within his chest and then rushed towards his outstretched arm as he took aim; “The Witch is mine! Dreamnisca SnapDragon Bolt!”

Long spidery tendril legs created a magic circle in front of the wand as a large fist-sized ball of energy came bursting out of the Royal Spider Lotus shooting through the magic circle transforming into an illusionary serpentine SnapDragon whose back was covered in small purple and pink striped Dreamnisca flowers.

The SnapDragon opened its mouth in a silent roar as it streaked towards the Witch's back as she held her staff in her hand chanting in front of the gurgling cauldron. “Kavi!?!” One of the guards cried out in confusion as the spell flew past him. The other guards were simply too surprised and slow to react.

The SnapDragon slammed into the Witch's shoulder blade causing her upper body to bend and her feet to stumble forward. “Aieek!” The Witch screamed out as the pain and sudden surge of confusion interrupted her chant. Feeling the heat of the cauldron near her face she flung her body to the side, rolling on the ground just barely avoiding getting burned as a second SnapDragon slammed into the hot cauldron with a gong sound much to Michael's disappointment.

“Attack!” Michael shouted running out from his hiding place by the hut, rushing towards the fallen Witch. Princess Furbee and her entourage took to the air, buzzing around, looking for foes to attack that had plans on coming down on webs or serpenvines from above. Lunori rushed out, joining her battle group whose job it was to defeat the courtyard guards and free the caged spriggankin. And the Old Raven led the other 3 battle groups to the other side of the courtyard, forming a defensive line separating the courtyard and the village; They laid Earth Flora Pit traps on the ground, covering them with vines and foliage, waiting for the Kavi and spidoll reinforcements they were sure would soon arrive.

As for the Witch, she was Michael's opponent. After all, he wasn't sure he'd get credit for her defeat for the quest if the others helped him. Heck, one of them might even get in the finishing blow stealing his victory... better to not take such a chance.

Seeing his target so vulnerable and a bit confused on the ground he called out again, “Dreamnisca SnapDragon Bolt!” The flowery SnapDragon streaked towards the Witch's body as she was picking herself up off the ground. Sensing danger, she fell on her side facing Michael with her staff held out in front of her body.

Michael could see the surprise in her blood-red eyes as she spotted him, which quickly turned into burning hatred; Her hands tightly gripped her staff and she gnashed her teeth as another SnapDragon slammed into her leaving a large deep bruise behind on her thigh as the poison once again entered her body with minor effects due to her higher than normal poison resistance.

“KAVI! ATUK NOC SEMTRE ANOS! KAVI!” Shouts of alarm went off as the courtyard Kavi guards soon found themselves getting overwhelmed by Lunori and her team of spriggankin. Even the Furbees, bored of looking for targets to attack up above, came diving down, piercing them with stinging attacks.

The shock on these Kavi's faces was evident. The pathetically weak spriggankin that they easily trampled and captured in the past were now the fierce and strong adversaries they were facing; Adversaries that they were actually losing too, forcing them to call out for help... how could this be!?!

Michael took his eyes off the Witch on the ground for just a moment, looking around him. Everything seems to be going as planned... Good! Let's finish this.


The battle is underway with Michael's and the Spriggankin's surprise attack a success. With the Witch on the ground and Michael looking to finish it early all seems to be going as planned... but will it stay that way? Coming up next Chapter 47: Wylla, the Witch, and the Cauldron (part 2: The Witch's Cauldron)

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