Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 55: Something Fluffy This Way Comes

Book1, Volume 6

Chapter 55

“Mofu” roll “Mofu-mofu” roll roll “Mofu-mo..” roll


Splash splish “GUH!... cough-cough-cough...” splish splash splish


[Ahahaha Good Morning Wylla! That was very funny! :) ] Musical laughter rained down from above.

“Fufu... not funnnyy... itt's colddss... and I wa... achoo... wass hab'n suucch a guud dreem...” Wylla pouted as she sat on the ground shivering while hugging herself, water dripping down from her hair and dress. The Oryn Tree pool's water still rippling from her 'spontaneous' morning bath.

[ This might be a good time to use your life magic Wylla. ]

“Go..oood id..ea. Ta..nks A..nari...” Wylla said, rising to her feet as her oryn energy flowed out of her Trinity core, down to her feet, and into the ground. Two large flowers sprouted up from the ground, the one in front a bright golden Solfire flower and the one just behind it a Spinlyng Jade flower.

The Solfire flower heated up as the petals of the Spinlyng Jade flower began to spin like a fan blowing the warm air towards Wylla, drying the water dripping from her body and hair.

“Ah, much better! I'm so glad they taught me life magic.” The color returned to Wylla's cheeks as her brain kicked in reminding her of today's exciting 'Things to do” list. I hope my egg hatches into a cute fluffy mofu... and not some slime type beastie.

[ You look awfully happy right now for someone that just took a surprise bath. What's going on today Wylla? ]

“Today the egg I found in my... hmm... in my Trinity core will hatch! Today I get my Soulryn,” Wylla said with a great big Cheshire grin on her face as her eyes spied the top right corner of her vision. “In just 15 hours and 47 minutes!”

[ Ah, so that's why you were hugging yourself, rolling around on the ground, all the while saying “mofu-mofu” in your sleep. So cute! I'm sure it'll be another Livestream hit. Especially with you standing there in front of the flowery fan, the wind in your hair and your wet dress clinging tightly onto your body.

Just like your latest rising Livestream video simply titled: Sleeping Wylla. It's quite amazing how many vouy... er... viewers enjoy watching you sleep.]

“Aye! I know I do... so cute! Just like a little angel...” “Yup, yup. I added it to the top of my favorites list.” “Humph, I have you beat. I had the video framed and put up on my wall like a treasured painting...” “Ooh, that's a good idea... be right back...”

“So embarrassing!” Wylla yelped out, quickly sitting back down on the ground, wrapping her arms around her knees making herself small while looking down and hiding her reddening cheeks beneath a curtain of soft green hair. The Spinlyng Jade flower blowing warm wind at her as she did her best to ignore the voices from above. Ah, it's a good thing I'll be changing back soon so no one will ever know that it was me in all those embarrassing Livestream videos!

“Huh, what's that?” Wylla asked, just now noticing that there was something pressing against her bum. Shifting her thoughts from her morning mishaps, she turned and reached behind her with both hands; “Ah, so that's where you went,” She said, grabbing hold of the large offending item and dragging it in front of her.

She then shifted her legs into the lotus position and placed the big Bloodrose Grimoire onto her laps, her hand gently stroking the cover. She looked to her sides and smiled as she spotted the carrying bag nearby.

Leaning over, she grabbed the carrying bag's shoulder strap and pulled the bag to her side. She then peeked inside and was both relieved that the little serpris was still breathing but concerned because its breathing was still faint. Ugh, this isn't a good sign. It should be healthy and lively by now, shouldn't it? I mean, I've given it both Healing Nectar and Oryn Tree water... what else can I do?

Hmmm, maybe it was just born this way? Wylla thought with a sad sigh. After all, it looked to be the runt of the litter. I'll take'em to the Spriggankin village, they might know what to do.

Having made the decision Wylla closed the carrying bag and kept it close beside her. Then once again turned her attention to the grimoire sitting on her lap.

“Now then, let's see what I have to do to make you mine.” Pressing her palm firmly against the cover, she sent her oryn energy coursing into the large book.

The sounds of pages rustling filled the air as words and elaborate images streamed into her mind causing her eyes too close.

She quietly sat under the Oryn Tree near the pool of water, the morning sun caressing her body, as her pupils shifted about underneath her eyelids. A full hour went by before she finally opened her eyes, her lips gently upturned.

So that's what I have to do to make you mine. How wonderful! Wylla thought to herself, softly clapping her hands, as she went over the information she had just spent the past hour committing to memory.

“Isn't this just too perfect!” Wylla said, rising up to her feet once more, the book held firmly in hands.

[ What's too perfect Wylla? ]

“This!” Wylla said, holding the grimoire up in the air.

[ Umm... I think all of us here, and watching at home, are going to need a little bit more of a hint than that Wylla. ]

“Ah, the Grimoire's challenge Anari. It wants me to successfully perform the Familiar Binding Ritual using the instructions and familiar binding array that it just taught me!” Wylla replied while bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, hugging the book to her chest.

[ Oooh! So that means if you succeed (and I'm sure you will ;) you'll have a cute new partner to join you on your mis... er... adventures! Sounds fun and exciting, I'm sure it'll turn into a Livestream hit... but how is it too perfect? ]

“Because the Familiar Binding Ritual and my Soulryn Summoning Ritual share a lot of the same concepts and need me to gather materials so I can get what I need for both at the same time thereby killing two birds with one stone,” Wylla said with a nod.

She then tilted her head and furrowed her brows; “The main differences seem to be that the Familiar Binding Ritual requires some of my blood and a beastie to become my familiar.” Wylla said, her thoughts shifting to the beasties she had seen, focusing in on the cute fluffy ones.

[ Looks like you have a tough choice to make Wylla. But knowing you like I know I do you're probably thinking of binding cute fluffy ones like a certain little pillowy Princess... or will it be one of the other ones running around within the Makai Forest? ]

“Ah, she really is perfect... so cute and fluffy. Plus, she has an entourage so wouldn't that mean I'd have a little Furbee army under my command... and the Furbee honey that they make would be the icing on the cake...” Wylla's voice trailed off as thoughts of an army of fluffiness crushing her enemies as she sat on her flowery throne eating Furbee Honeycakes fluttered in her mind.

A wickedly cute smile sprouting on her face and soft maniacal giggles reaching her ears... waking her up from her sweet little delusional daydream. Shaking her head free of such warm fuzzy thoughts she continued speaking, “Still, I'm not sure that would be the right choice Anari.”

Wylla looked down on the ground around where she was standing and set about gathering her belongings.

[ How is Princess Furbee the wrong choice Wylla? ]

“It's precisely because she's a Princess that I can't... or rather, shouldn't choose her.” Wylla said, walking to the Royal Spider Lotus bushes and placing the grimoire next to her Traveler's bag (because she wasn't about to lug that big book around with her as she gathered the materials needed for her rituals.) “As a Princess, she has others that rely on her and a palace or hive, whatever the case may be, to build and run when she becomes a queen.”

Wylla next emptied the 3 pouches she had taken from the Witch next to the grimoire, taking note of the herbs and 'things' which had spilled out on the ground. Nope, nothing there that I'd like to use for my rituals. She thought as she hung the now empty pouches upon her body.

Alright, you're all that's left. She reached down, picked up the carrying bag by its shoulder strap, and hung it across her body as a thought crossed her mind.

“Hey Anari, if I were to use a baby beastie that may or may not have been born disabled or sickly for my familiar what would happen to that baby if... no not if but when the ritual succeeds?” Wylla asked, pushing all thoughts of failure from her mind.

[ As I thought, Wylla truly is a beautiful girl both inside and out. Any beastie that successfully becomes a familiar will become 'reborn' healthy and new, better than they were before! ]

“Ah, that makes me happy,” Wylla said, gently patting the carrying bag hanging by her right hip. Still, there was a slight frown on her face, “But I guess that means I'll have to break my promise of returning you to your family...”

[ That's not necessarily true Wylla. You can always let her visit her family before leaving this starting area right? ]

“That's right!... ah, so she's a girl...”

[ Yup, just let her go and spend time with her family while you prepare and perform your Soulryn ritual. ]

"Umm... wouldn't that be dangerous Anari? Just sending her off on her own... What if she gets attacked by beasties and gets hurt... or worse, dies?”

[ Seeing as how she'll be your familiar I'm sure she'll be more than strong enough to survive in this starting area. Also, when familiars die they simply shift into their spirit form and return into their summoner's core where they'll reform their body over the course of a day or less (depending on strength of the summoner). So as you can see, there's no need to worry. ]

“Yes! Then I choose you baby serpris to be my familiar so time to get gathering.” Wylla fed the baby serpris a little bit of Healing Nectar and Oryn Pool water before setting off on her gathering tour.

She spent the next 5 hours gathering herbs, mushrooms, branches, flowers, and foliage from Havenscent Meadow, Makai Forest, and the Desparu Swamp. Every time her pouches were full she'd rush back to the Oryn Tree and unload her findings in the Royal Spider Lotus bushes.

“There, that should do it. I think I found the perfect materials for your ritual little Starlyng Serpris," Wylla said, patting the carrying bag as she sat on the ground to rest. "Hmm... since you're going to be my familiar I think I should give you a name. One that's both cute and fitting."

"Let's see... you're a little Starlyng Serpris... so if we take Serpris and get rid of a few of the letters... we'll have little Serpi? Nope... it's kind of cute but definitely not fitting. So how about... Seri? Ooh, that I do like. And what if we change the S to a C... we'll get little Ceri?”

"Little Ceri, it's cute and sounds like the name of a constellation of stars which is very fitting for a Starlyng Serpris,” Wylla said, nodding her head as she gave the carrying bag another gentle pat. “Yup, I like that very much, from now on your name is Ceri."

[ I agree Wylla. That's a wonderful name. Good job. :) ]

"Thanks, Anari." Smiling, Wylla closed her eyes, going over the details of the ritual one last time, before taking action. She set aside all the materials needed on the ground within easy reach. Next, she used her Earth Flora magic to clear a circular area on the ground; Removing all of the flora and leaving a large empty ring of reddish-brown earth behind.

There, now I have a clean slate to draw my familiar binding array upon. Now to begin... Wylla placed her hands on the ground, palms down, and sent her energies into the prepared area as a pair of perfect circles began to take shape in the reddish-brown earth, one circle within the center of the other.

The shadow of the Oryn Tree inched across the grassy meadow marking the passage of time as Wylla stood a few meters away looking down at her creation.

There were two circles, one within the other; The inner-circle was over a yard in diameter while the outer circle was 2 yards in diameter. Within the inner circle were two triangles lying atop one another with one of them being drawn upside down, creating a six-sided star whose points were touching the curved line forming the inner circle.

At each point of the star between the area inside the two circles were 6 round discs made of earth, sitting there like offering plates. Throughout the array were various ornate sigils designed to direct, infuse, and give shape to the powerful energies required for the ritual.

“Yes! That looks right... all done. Now for the offerings.” Satisfied that her 'drawing' matched the familiar ritual array in the Grimoire Wylla began to place the materials she had gathered on each offering plate.

First, she picked the white Lunar SnapDragaon up off the ground and placed it in the round offering circle at the top of the array. Next, she placed the silvery Syldrake Tree scales in the second offering plate. This was followed by strands of her own spiln hair... which wasn't very fun to gather.

On the bottom offering plate, she placed an icy-blue ethereal Ghost Rose. Next was an icy cold Wynbella flower. And last was a bouquet of Dreamnisca Wildflowers.

“And now for the star of the show!” Smiling, Wylla reached into her carrying bag and gently pulled out the lethargic baby Starlyng Serpris. “Don't worry little Ceri... this will make you all better. I promise!” She gave Ceri a light kiss on her head and then placed her in the middle of the 6 sided star.

I hope this works the way I think it will. Wylla shifted, transforming into her beautiful Syldrake form. “Now to begin...”

A strange melody of oryn infused words flowed out of Wylla's soft lips. Her hands pressed palms down against the ritual circle as her tail swished behind her.

Louder and louder her voice rose as the oryn energies flowed out of her Trinity core, streaming through her body down her arms and out of her hands, filling all the lines and sigils of the array with her power as the offering plates glowed brightly; Their holdings crumbling into ash-like particles of colorful energy as the sweet scents of flowers and honey musk filled the air.

Directed by Wylla's will, the new streams of energy flowed out of the offering plates into all six points of the star containing baby Ceri.

Yes! Everything seems to be going smoothly. Just a little more to go. Wylla took a deep breath, held it for a count of 3, and then willed the energies to move all at once; The energies quickly rushed along the lines of the star like liquid serpents following the path circling the baby serpris.

Wylla's tail flicked towards her hands, her bladed tip piercing into her flesh, releasing her golden-green blood. Her blood flowed along the lines of the array, wending its way to the center, merging with energies there, awaiting her final command.

“Now!” Her tail flicked back as all 6 energies jumped towards the baby serpris like a python striking its prey.


The energies wrapped around, fully covering the body of little Ceri as a great flash of light blinded Wylla and pulses shook the ground.

Rubbing at her teary eyes and blinking, Wylla felt a strange but warm stream of emotions and thoughts flow into her consciousness as little Ceri reached out to her through their newly formed bond.

“Ah, does this mean the ritual succeeded!?!” Wylla asked as the joyous sounds of cooing and tootles rang out from all around her. Which confused Wylla since the musical sounds were also coming from above her from time to time; And last she checked, the baby serpris was much too small to be making such happy sounds from above her.

[ ding ]

After what felt like ages, but was in actuality just a few minutes, Wylla regained her vision. A smile brightened her face as she caught sight of her new amazing familiar. Ah, not only was she reborn, she evolved! Yes!

Flying in the air in front of her, doing loop da loops while cooing and tootling was little Ceri, her Starlyng SnapDragon Familiar!

Ceri spun about in the air, her silvery blue eyes shining like stars as the long whiskers hanging from the ends of the top of her cute draic snout left ribbony afterimages trailing in the sky.

She had a lionesque mane of chrysanthemums like petals of woven icy blues and silver. The top half of her long serpentine body was covered in long fluffy spiln fur hiding her draic scales beneath a field of midnight hues adorned with beautiful silvery Starlyng patterns.

Soft short velvety spiln fur shone like silvery moon along the bottom of her jaw past her chest, belly, and inner legs to almost the tip of her tail; A tail tipped with a pale moon hued Iris flower.

Yes! She's 100% mofumofu-able! Wylla's happy laughter bubbling in the air was music to Ceri's cute fennec fox-like ears as her two small antennae which looked like ethereal horns twitched about.

Now let's get a better look and see what you can do. Wylla's eyes glowed as she infused them with oryn energy, inspecting the joyful little Ceri.

“Ooh, it looks like you also know Spiln Serpris Camouflage... that's great! It'll be very helpful when scouting and hiding. And what's this? Dreamnisca Spore Breath! That's like the breath attack your father used that night before...” No, let's not think about that.

“This means I now have an AOE spell I can use... well, that you can use but since we're now together forever I'm kind of right,” Wylla said, nodding her head as a happy little Ceri flew right up to her face, rubbed her forehead against Wyllas, and then took off back into the air.

“So cute!” Wylla squealed, clapping her hands and rubbing them together in front of her chest as her eyes continued to inspect her little air dancing snapdragon familiar.

“Oh wow! You learned a Way of spell... Way of the Shadlyng Wytch. So sweet! It says you can shift into a shadowy ghost snapdragon form decreasing your presence while increasing your physical defenses and the power of your jinxes, hexes, and curses! Hmm, I wonder if this means you can also go through walls and other solid objects, that would be so awesome!”

“Looks like Anari was right, you are strong enough to run about in this starter area. Just look at those spells you have:”

[ Starlyng Dance Jinx – Distracts the target with the caster's beautiful movements causing the observer to trip and fall when moving or miss when attacking. ]

[ Lunar SnapDragon Hex – Causes a tattoo-like sigil of the Lunar SnapDragon to appear on the target's body lowering their gravity thereby greatly decreasing their weight for 30 seconds. ]

[ Wynbella Starthorns Curse – Inflicts the target with tattoo-like sigils of icy blue vines filled with star-shaped thorns causing cold piercing damage and slowing the target's movements by 15%. ]

Ah, this is so wonderful! Wylla couldn't take it any longer; She got to her feet, opened her arms out wide, and with a joyous smile on her lips called out, “Come to mama Ceri! Let mama mofumofu!”

Hearing the joy in her words and feeling the love through their bond, little Ceri happily flew straight into Wylla's welcoming arms causing her to fall back in delight as she hugged Ceri close to her body. “Ah, you're so soft and fluffy! And you smell like icy roses... such a good girl!”

Ceri wiggled happily in Wylla's arms, cooing and tootling as they continued playing until Anari sent Wylla a friendly reminder.

[ Congratulations Wylla! You have successfully completed the Briar Bloodrose Grimoire's challenge! Would you like to Soulbind with the Grimoire at this time? Y/N ]

“Ah, Yes Anari... I would,” Wylla said, releasing Ceri back into the air as she retrieved the grimoire from the ground.

[ Answer received and approved. Soulbinding will now begin... error detected... The recipient is already soulbound to another Grimoire. Sorry Wylla, soulbinding not available. Would you like to attempt merging your Druic Grimoire with the Briar Bloodrose Grimoire instead? Y/N ]

“Ah... Anari, what will happen to my Druic Grimoire if merging fails?” Wylla asked, biting her lower lip.

[ Nothing much Wylla... after the explosion, I'm fairly sure that your Druic Grimoire will only sustain some minor...ish damage. But on the other hand, just think of the rewards of success. Your Druic Grimoire may evolve into something new and unique! You will be the envy of others! ]

“Do it lassy! I believe in you...” “What's life without a little risk?...” “Don't let fear hold you back...” “The Wylla I know and love would do it...” A stream of unwanted advice flowed down from above.

Hmm... Well, even if it doesn't work out I'll be logging out soon and changing my character anyway so I don't really have much too lose... Plus, this'll be a good experience for when I start again. And I am curious about the whole 'may evolve' angle... “Okay Anari, let's do it!” Wylla said, firmly placing her hand on the grimoire and bracing herself.


Yosh! Looks like Wylla's Familiar Binding Ritual was a huge success adding a new lovable 'mofumofu' to the mix and opening the way for grimoire merging... coming up next Chapter 56: Enter Soulryn

Side Note: I made a couple of changes to the names of some of the flowers (i.e. Sunfire to Solfire) in this chapter. Also, I spent a lot of my off time last week writing the beginnings of another story that was in my mind... was able to get 17 pages done. That story will be a little bit darker but I haven't decided how dark I'll make it... either way, it'll still be tamed compared to the real dark stories out there.

Anyways, my plan is to continue to write it on the side whenever inspiration strikes while writing this one as my main story. I will be posting the other one as soon as I have the first story arc/volume done.

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